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Solar Cooker

The Science - Radiant energy from the sun can be reflected and concentrated on
an object. Much of the radiant energy absorbed by an object is converted into
thermal energy (heat). Radiant energy can pass through clear materials much more
easily than thermal energy.

• Pringles Can *Wooden Skewer
• Piece of transparency film *Tape
• Scissors or exacto knife * Hot Dog and condiments

The Method:
1. Cut the Pringles can as shown in Diagram 1. Bend the flaps back,
but do not cut them off! They are used to reflect the radiant
2. Cover the opening of the can with the transparency film and tape
it in place.
3. Make a small hole at each end of the can for a skewer to fit in.
4. Place a hot dog on a skewer and slide it into the can. It should be
suspended, as shown in Diagram 2.
5. Place the solar cooker in direct sunlight, reflecting the radiant
energy onto the hot dog.
6. Turn the hot dog occasionally, as it cooks.
7. Cooking time will vary, depending on the temperature.

Baggie Ice Cream

The Science: Ice cream freezes at -6 degrees Celsius (21 degrees F).
Ice cream can be made in bag, because the freezing point of water is
lowered when you add salt to the ice. Heat energy is transferred easily
from the milk through the plastic bag to the salty ice water, causing
the ice to melt. As it does so, the water in the milk freezes – and you
get Ice Cream!!!

*1/4 cup sugar * ½ tsp vanilla extract
* 1 cup milk * 1 cup whipping cream or half &
* crushed ice * 1 cup rock salt
* 1 quart and 1 gallon sized ziploc bag
* Duct tape * towel

1. Put the milk, whipping cream, sugar, and vanilla in a 1 quart bag
and seal. For security, put duct tape over the seal.
2. Place the bag with the ingredients inside a gallon freezer bag.
3. Pack the larger bag with crushed ice around the smaller bag.
Pour salt evenly over the ice.
4. Wrap in a towel and shake for 10 minutes. Open the outer bag
and remove the inner bag with the ingredients. Wipe off bag to
be sure salt water doesn’t get into the ice cream.
5. Cut of the top and eat!!!

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