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Why should we reach out to others?

READING 3: The Phantom Tollboth


ALLEGORY: is a a story or tale with two or more levels of meaning.

NARRATIVE POEM: tells a story

IRONY: include a surprise ending or use words to suggest something quite different from the usual


ANALIZE: examine something in detail in order to understand it

CONCEPT: an idea or thought

CONCLUDE: reach a reason based on facts or logic

OCCUR : happen, take place

PRECISELY: exactly

SCHEDULE: plan, list of times and events


BIDE OUR TIME: wait until the right time to do something

DILLY DALLY : waste time by delaying

BROODING: thinking for a long time about something you are worried about

LAGGING: moving very slowly than other things or persons

PLODDING: doing something very slowly

CONCILIATORY: intented to make someone stop being angry

STRENUOUS: using a lot of effort, strength or determination .

KILLING TIME: doing something while waiting for something else to happen

SCOLDED: said angrily

WHIRLED: went around and around .

DETOURS: longer ways of getting to a place.

Grammar and Writing

{rammar Focus:


Ê  simpl sntnc can b usd to talk about routins or

t ings t at appn rgularly. You can us words lik
always, nr, ry day and onc, twic, t r tims a day
to tll ow oftn t y occur.

Ê  Lt argarians gt up al 8:00 ry day.
Ê y tak maps twic ry morning.
Writing Focus: describe an Event
You ar going to larnd ow to mak a paragrap to dscrib an nt in
c ronological ordr.

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