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APES: Key Ideas for Chapter 5 (Biogeochemical Cycles)

1. macro vs micronutrients: know difference and a some examples

2. What are the Big 6 macronutrients?

3. Understand how any of these can be limiting factors. Know how that would
impact growth or survival.

4. Elements with a gaseous phase vs. those with no gaseous phase: Compare
the speed of cycling *

5. What 4 groups of cycles make up the larger geologic cycle?

6. Remember how to calculate ART ( there will be a few problems)

7. Nitrogen cycle: Know all the steps of the nitrogen cycle, what anthropogenic
activities may bring them out of balance *

8. Carbon Cycle: Remember the formulas for photosynthesis and cellular

respiration, since they are very important to cycling of carbon *

What anthropogenic activities may bring the carbon cycle out of balance *

10. Water cycle, major energy source that drives it is the sun (evaporation) and
understand the power of water erosion to release other nutrients locked in

11. Rock cycle, major energy source is tectonic movement

12. carbon-sylicate cycle, relationship to CO2 and Calcium carbonate (marine

organisms shells), they die and sink, burial, high pressure subduction ,
volcanic re-release of CO2 from melted ocean sediments (see pg 93)

12. Eutrophication: what it is, examples, process *

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