Jobs in New York

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Date: 6/10/2010
By Tarandeep Kour
×   m 

Finding a job in the New York City seems to be
scary at first. Since, New York is s big city; it
would become difficult to focus on particular
¦ àhe first thing that you should do is to contact
various employment agencies in New York
City. àhey have information on almost all the
departments like arts, finance, domestic
placements and other areas.
¦ You can also call various temporary agencies if
you really want to do job immediately after
completing your degree. àhey also have a
variety of positions and provide both permanent
as well as temporary jobs.

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J  ë
¦ ake a list of all the contacts employment
agencies, temporary agencies and all the
companies and start searching explore on your
New York job search.
¦ aintain good contacts with your friends,
neighbors, cab drivers may be they have any
information of who¶s hiring. Even the stranger
sitting next to you might have some
information about your job.
¦ You have to explore the internet as well as
local newspapers for job openings. Keep
yourself updated with the employment
newspaper. Newspapers also a have a list of
placement services and it will definitely help

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¦ 2hile doing your current job, you can
gather information or you can work part
time for the career you have chosen. By
doing this you will get some idea of the
scope and nature of your target job.
¦ If you are planning on taking an online
assessment test then make sure that you
compare several tests, in order to find the
one that suits your requirements.
¦ Career counselors can also help you in the
assessment, through counseling sessions and
various related assessment tools. àhese
counseling sessions are meant to make you
aware of your natural flair and aptitude.
àhey help you to identify your interests and
match them with your strengths.

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„ m 

 Œnlike other medical
professionals like doctors and nurses, physical
therapists usually don't have to work
nights. àhey also generally have flexible

¦ J
 If you're crazed by tight
deadlines at work, this might be the job for
you. Civil engineers design and build
infrastructure like public roads and buildings.

¦ à
 º technical writer
include flexible hours, a quiet workplace and
the potential to work from home.

2 `oogle Top 10 

J  ë
 Not only are you working
wonders on your customer's stress levels, you'll be
working wonders on your own! ost massage
therapists have flexible hours.
¦ J  

computer software engineer designs and tests
everything from computer games to operating

2 `oogle Top 10 



: àhe pay is lower than
any other job in the manufacturing industry,
except apparel. It would be tough job and
workers has to work for long hour and in bad
weather condition.
¦ a 

àhey also
face a constant threat of unemployment.
Sewing areas are the noisiest parts of the
factory, and operators must sit for long periods
leaning over machines and work under intense
time pressure; repetitive stress injury is

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J  ë
¦ è

 Commercial laundries
are hot, steamy and noisy, and workers are on
their feet almost all day. Fumes -- and in
hospital laundries, blood and urine -- pose dire
health hazards.
àhis dirty, difficult job, which has a
higher turnover rate than most other
construction jobs, involves working outdoors
all year round. Cold weather is bad enough, but
roofs get scorching hot in summer, and burns
are common.

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J  ë

 ueople are
supposed to separate their garbage: recyclables
in one bin and the other, usually far more
gruesome, items in another. º lot of people
can't seem to grasp this, hence the need for the
aterials Recovery Facility, in which
salvageable items are retrieved from unsorted

: 2aking up early and
planting things but more often than not, it's a
nightmare. Farm workers are among the
poorest in the Œnited States; not only are their
wages low, they must also endure the instability
of seasonal work, and usually receive no

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