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Menu Item Costing


Name: Date:

(Primary Products)
Product Name Quantity Price (per Total Price
Units each unit)
Menu Item Costing
(Primary Products) Total: $0.00
(Secondary Products)
Product Name Quantity Price (per Total Price
(in grams) 1Kg)
(Secondary Products) Total: $0.00

Total Cost: $0.00

Selling Price:

Food Margin:

Generated Profit: $0.00

Food & Beverage Manager

General Manager

(Primary Products)

1. In the cell "Name" put the name of the mane product of the dish (Steak, Cod Fish, Pie)
2. In the cell "Quantity" put the number of units for 1 dish (one piece of Steak or two slices of fish)
3. In the cell "Price" put price of the product in "Name" per 1 unit of measure (1 steak - $2.00 Dollar)
4. Cell "Total Price" will calculate the price of the single unit multiplied by number of the units in
one portion

(Secondary Products)

1. In the cell "Name" put the name of the secondary product of the dish (pasta, chips, new potatoes)
2. In the cell "Quantity" put the amount of the secondary product in Grams (100 Gram, 200 Grams)
3. In the cell "Price" put price of the secondary product per 1 Kilo or Liter ($10.00 per Kilo or Liter)
4. Cell "Total Price" will calculate the price of the secondary product per amount of weight used for
preparation of the dish.

Total Cost

Cell "Total Cost" calculates total of Primary and Secondary Products

Selling Price

In the cell "Selling Price" put the price of the dish as per your menu or the price that this dish will
sell for.

Food Margin

Cell "Food Margin" calculates proportion between cost of the dish and generated revenue.
(30% of the costs involved in preparation of the dish should generate 70% of profit)

Generated Revenue

Cell "Generated Profit" calculates the Net Profit generated.

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