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*Different types of shots*

-Used in Different Scenes-

-By Nabeeha Salim.
Long shot.

Long shot shows what the character in the shot are doing, for
example in this shot we can tell that these characters are running
towards something or someone.
Close up

Close up, is used to show facial expressions of the character.

For example in this shot, we can see that this person is
happy as her mouth is wide open and she is smiling, also her
eyes are showing a way of expression to make us as an
audience see how she is reacting to something.
Establishing shot

This shot shows us where the setting of a programme is, telling us

where the actions happens. This denotes a café mainly on a street,
which connotes it starts of in the café, giving the audience an idea of
where we are.
Two shot

Two shot, allows us to see characters in one shot communicating

with each other in one way or another. This shot denotes that
two people are having a conversation. The characters' connote
that they are mother and son by their body language as they are
far apart, and the teenager is sloppy. Having a two shot shows
the relationship and communication between two people.
High angle shot

High angles make the characters in a shot look weak and we

are seeing the top of them making us look powerful. This
denotes the relationship between two people, this connotes a
lunch is going on between mother and son.
Shot reverse Shot, shows the reaction from one character to another.
This shot as we can see is showing the reaction from the son to the
mother, and then back to the son. This signifies him being grumpy,
and her being strict.
Over Head, Shoulder Shot

Over the shoulder shot you can tell who’s speaking and
what the reaction of the other person is. This shot denotes a
conversation between two people which connotes that they
are friends speaking.
180 degree
180 rule


180 degree rule, this rule shows a conversation between two

people, to connotes that they are communicating within each
other where the camera is kept on one side of the circle. This
tells the audience and denotes that they are friends and have
some sort of communication between each other.
Rule of thirds, is when the eye on the top line of the grid. This

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