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Focus Group Plan

Idea 1 – Knife Crime

People Involved: People within the school location, in a meeting room.

Area 1 – Appeal

Activity: 1 minute to write down what you think of when I say the word ‘Youths’ (1 word answers).
Then in discussion expand on the words you have used.

Area 2 – Content

Activity: For this activity I am focusing on the representation of knife crime, I will show the group a
newspaper headline of knife crime and young person’s view on knife crime. The group can then
discuss what they feel I should focus my documentary around either the media or young people and

Area 3 – Style

Activity: Show two very different documentaries and ask the focus group which one did you prefer
and why and what didn’t they like about the other documentary. The two different documentaries I
will be showing to my focus group will be Kidulthood and Hollyoaks.

Area 4 – Message

Activity: For this activity I will tell the group my overall key message of my documentary and ask for
their feedback about whether they think it will be good if so why? Also if they think it could be
improved or it might not be good enough what they think I could do to make it more interesting to
watch and appeal to my target audience.

Idea 2 – Fashion

People Involved: People within the school location, in a meeting room.

Area 1 – Appeal

Activity: Name a minimum of 5 items each that is in fashion for the winter season.

Area 2 – Content

Activity: I will think of 10 different questions about overall fashion and give all the 10 questions to
each person; they will also have numbers 1-10 on little cards. This allows them to rank each question
to give me a good angle on fashion for my documentary.

Area 3 – Style
Activity: For this activity I will show my focus group different pictures of different types of shops
where clothes are sold, they will then tell me which one they think I should shoot and do my filming
in and why?

Area 4 – Message

Activity: For the finishing of my documentary what do you think should be the key message that my
target audience go away with and think about?

Idea 3 – Obesity

People Involved: People within the school location, in a meeting room.

Area 1 – Appeal

Activity: When I say the word obesity what are the first things that come into your head. (1 worded
answers) with 2 minutes to complete this task.

Area 2 – Content

Activity: For this activity I will ask my group what kind of representation of obesity would you like to
see and why? For example using TV programmes some shows aims are for losing weight whereas
others are talking about obese being good such as ‘fat friends’

Area 3 – Style

Activity: For this I will show websites of different gyms and expand on what facilities they have, I will
then ask the group which one they think is better for filming in and why?

Area 4 – Appeal

Activity: For this activity I will show a few different pictures of people’s weight and ask them to
choose which ones they think are overweight/obese.

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