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Illegal immigration is not a new problem, but a problem that has existed throughout
our nation’s history. Nevertheless, today our nation stands at a crossroads on illegal
immigration. The decisions that we make today will directly impact our families for
generations to come.

America is a nation of immigrants, but we are also a nation of laws. The question that
we must answer today is “Why do people choose to come to America and do we want
them here?” With increasing unrest about immigration policy in our country, it is more
important than ever that we fully understand the problem and the long-term
implications of the actions that we take today.

In this project, you will attempt to understand part one of the above question by
attending mini-lessons, reading Equiano’s Travels’, talking with your family, and
writing poems about America and immigration. In part two, we will attempt to make a
decision on today’s immigration policy. You will have choices on a final product
including creating a training video for new members of the border patrol, suggesting
changes to immigration policy and law to our elected officials, or participating in a
debate in front of the class with the rest of your group.

During this project you will meet and interact with players active in today’s
immigration debate including a Mexican immigrant, immigration attorney Jason
Reyome, the Mexican Consul to Indianapolis Juan A. Solana, and Border Patrol Agent
Matt Tucker.

Please remember that every assignment we do is for a purpose and will likely be
entered for a grade. You will be evaluated by your group members again. Please work
hard and strive to do your part. We look forward to helping guide the process. Good

Mr. Smith Mr. Clodfelter Mr. Kimbley

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