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Dir. Liwayway Memije-Cruz

Submitted by: Jessa Mae C. San Jose



The proof lies right in front of our eyes. Think about a world without technology. No
computers, no cars. No vaccines or cures for diseases. Life would be joyless and extremely

Science becomes a part of our daily life. Without the field of science, we wouldn't be able to
fully understand all living and non-living creatures in our environment. It is through
science that we were able to adapt and gain more knowledge all about this world. Without
science and technology life would be very difficult for it helps us and much more, we were
dependent on them in so many aspects.
One thing for sure is that science and technology gives us so much benefits than we expect
and through science we live life easier and better.

Science is fun that it is rewarding when it has something to do with the things going around
us. Studying science helps us understand the things in the world and appreciate its


With the increasing urgency of environmental issues-from climate change and energy
shortages to waste disposal and water conservation,the more we should be concern of our

This topic has always been disregard by most of the students. But unconsciously, we should
have give this more attention. Environmental consciousness can lead to a better world.

We really do not know when the end of the world will be but are we just gonna wait for
that time? There are so many little ways we can do. Let's not wait for the time we will
repent. Stand up and take the lead. There is always the saying, " Be the change you wish to
see in the world."

Take care of the Earth and she will take care of you. We've got so many benefits from the
nature. Why not let nature benefit from us?


We are all aware of the climate change and global warming, but seriously not all of us are
taking actions about this concern. I do believe that not only the adults should take care of
this problem but also us youths, because we are the one who will have more benefits if it
will be solve. We all know now that climate change is ruining the earth so we must take
action now. I think that in the past decades, we are underestimating what climate change
would do to the world and we are in our indifferent mode and where did it lead us? Surely,
we can still take actions for the problem but we need the help of everyone. Because if
everyone will take action, it will definitely be resolve.


As I have read this article, "Of course we can," appeared on my mind. Of course we can
make the Earth a better place. Everybody CAN but few of this everybody ACTS. What the
mind conceive, the body can achieve. Let us be the change we wish to see in the world.

It's time to stop complaining, and time to start doing.

It's time to stop blaming anyone else, and time to accept responsibility for the
improvement of our Mother Earth.

Climate change,pollution,ozone depletion,environmental degradation,global warming-

these are just few issues our Mother Earth is suffering. From time to time, this rises. Do not
be hopeless. There are so many little ways we can do. One very common but effective way,
the 3 R's. Reduce,Re-use,Recycle.
This will result not just for our own good but also for the survival of the next generations.


It is true that waste have always been an unwanted material. But have you ever thought
who causes this waste? Why don't we ask our self. It's just man who is responsible for this.
The gas from a vehicle, the package of the food we eat, the candy wrappers, the papers we
crumple and many more, these are just common wastes we see in our surroundings. It's not
yet late. There are such things a student like us can do for the betterment of our
environment. We know the proper waste disposal, the 3 Rs, Reduce, Reuse and Recycle,etc.,
we just don't apply the things we know. If proper waste disposal will be imposed, this will
lead to a better world. One very helpful effect of this is the decrease of diseases that
originate from trash.

Let's not wait for the time when the wastes will cover the Earth.
Let us be the change we wish to see in the world. It's impossible for a man not to produce
waste but it's possible to reduce waste.


In our country, there are many endemic animals, which means they exist here only in the
Philippines. But the thing is, some of them are now outnumbered. Some of them are really
close to extinction. And some of them are gone with the winds. The saddest part is their
homes are being modernized by humans. And the effect, no tree for the birds, no
pond for the fishes and frogs, no jungle for the wilds and so on.
Like us, animals and plants have also the privilege to live in this wonderful world. Like us,
they reproduce their own kind. God has given us the highest intellectual capacity to take
care of His great creations. We must be responsible enough. We are not the last persons
here on Earth. There are still more coming after us. Let us not be the barriers for them to
see how wonderful Earth is.

I agree with the Uzbek saying that if we run out of water, we run out of life. Water is
essential for all dimensions of life and no one can survive without water.
I believe that everyone knows how to conserve water. The bad thing is, people just know it.
We don't apply. Nowadays, water shortage, rises and rises. If we'll just keep on staring,
water will just keep on falling. Is there water shortage or brain shortage? Everyone can
help in their own little ways. It's not yet too late, conserve water. We are not only the
persons on Earth, there are still more and more generations.

Water has no taste, no color, no odor; it cannot be defined, art relished while ever
mysterious. Not necessary to life, but rather life itself. It fills us with a gratification that
exceeds the delight of the senses. - ANTOINE DE SAINT-EXUPERY


Amazing! Isn't it? I wonder how the real one looks like.
Imagine these microscopic creatures your body compose of, and billions and billions of
them are working rather functioning 24/7 from the moment that you were just an embryo
in your mother's womb until now that you're fully grown-up and reading this thing.
Humans are basically made of cells. Cells starts to form tissues, tissues starts to form
organs, and organs starts to form a System.

Imagine if cells doesn't exist, life won't exist too right?

A little fella who's role is very important in each and everyone of us. See how wonderful
God has created us.
There will be no breathing,digesting,thinking, and even reproducing Every day a cell dies,
and every day a new cell is born. So let's take care of ourselves because we are the Divine

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