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Taking the privilege to express my inner sense of gratitude to Mr. Vishal Khare (Asst.
Branch Manager, Industry Guide), Mr. Zair Khan (Asst Branch Manager), Networth
Direct Co. Ltd. Lucknow for providing me an opportunity to work under their super
vision in their professional managed organization.

It is their valuable efforts, inspirations and suggestions, which has helped me to acquire a
great deal of confidence and enrich this type of complicated knowledge. I would also
like to express my gratitude towards Mrs. Reshma Bhartiya (Faculty Guide) who time
to time provided me certain useful tips and valuable suggestions to complete this
project report, boosted my morals and make it more substantial.

My heart also feels to thanks to PROF. R.P.SINGH (Director, Amity Business School)
who gave me the opportunity to learn through this project.

Last but not the least, my heart also feels to thank and offer a grateful appreciation to
every one whom I could not mention here but have directly or indirectly supported
and helped me to face this challenge and complete this project right in time.

Prateek Baranwal






CHAPTER – I 6-15

1. Introduction 7
2. Insurance v/s Assurance 9
3. Types of Life Insurance 10
4. Need of Life Insurance 14
5. Major Players in Life Insurance 15

CHAPTER – II 16-54

1. Overview of NETWORTH DIRECT Co. Ltd. 17

2. Products & Services 18-24
• Equity 18
• Derivatives 18
• IPO 19
• Commodity 20
• Depository Services 20
• Portfolio Management Services 21
• Wealth Management Services 23
1. Products with Reference to Bajaj Allianz 25-53
• Individual’s Plans 25
• Group Plans 34
• Insurance for NRI’s 36
• Some Bajaj Allianz Products in Brief 37
1. SWOT Analysis 54


1. Research Methodology 56
2. Data Analysis 58

CHAPTER – IV 79-81

1. Summary & Findings 80

2. Conclusion 81


1. Questionnaire 83
2. Resume 86




The present report is prepared for the partial fulfillment of M.B.A. and as a part of
curriculum. This is an attempt to study ‘the customer preference level of Life Insurance policy
with specific reference to Bajaj Allianz.’

To pursue the research area are commercial areas like Hajratganj, Indira Nagar, and Gomti Nagar
in Lucknow City was chosen. Where the survey were conducted through QUESTIONNAIRE

The data collection is as analyzed and some practical tools were applied to get inferences from the
survey. The results are printed in forms of graphs and diagrams.

The research report has two sections, in its first section company and industry profile is given,
whereas in second section, research methodology is given which includes sample design, analysis
on sample and findings.

Suggestions with respect to the survey for future improvement is given to improve the survey
because there competitors have also taken up the survey.

At the end of the report limitations, SWOT analysis, Conclusion of the research. Last there
is Bibliography.



An objective is the most important part of a research .The objective is the bull’s eye, which a
researcher has to hit. The objective determines the path on which a researcher has to walk
on, and help him/her by not deviating from the path.
The objective of this research is to provide knowledge about the study of customer
preference level of Life Insurance policy with specific reference to Bajaj Allianz,
Satisfaction level of existing customer. Data has been collected and analyzed so as to know
the satisfaction level of existing customers of Bajaj Allianz and other Life Insurance
Companies and their comparative analysis.


In this project this is expected to find out the satisfaction level of Life Insurance
customer to know how much they are satisfied with their policy and their preferences
with specific reference to Bajaj Allianz.
In this regard it is also necessary to detect the various life insurance plans of
different companies which has been introduce to satisfaction and to retained the
customer, it is also necessary to know at what level the customers are satisfied. And for
prevent churn through retention and various tools of determining the customer’s
satisfaction level.
In this regard it is also know what are the opportunities and threats in front of
Life Insurance industry.


Life Insurance


Life insurance (Life Assurance in British English) is a type of Insurance. As in all

insurance, the insured transfers a risk to the insurer. The insured pays a premium and
receives a policy in exchange. The risk assumed by the insurer is the risk of death of the


There are three parties in a life insurance transaction; the insurer, the insured, and the
owner of the policy (policyholder), although the owner and the insured are often the
same person. For example, if John Smith buys a policy on his own life, he is both the
owner and the insured. But if Mary Smith, his wife, buys a policy on John's life, she is
the owner and he is the insured. The owner of the policy is called the grantee (he or she
will be the person who will pay for the policy).
Another important person involved is the beneficiary. The beneficiary is the person or
persons who will receive the policy proceeds upon the death of the insured. The
beneficiary is not a party to the policy, but is designated by the owner, who may change
the beneficiary unless the policy has an irrevocable beneficiary designation. With an
irrevocable beneficiary, that beneficiary must agree to changes in beneficiary, policy
assignment, or borrowing of cash value.
The policy, like all insurance policies, is a legal contract specifying the terms and
conditions of the risk assumed. Special provisions apply, including a suicide clause
wherein the policy becomes null if the insured commits suicide within a specified time
for the policy date (usually two years). Any misrepresentation by the owner or insured on
the application is also grounds for nullification. Most contracts have a contestability
period, also usually a two-year period; if the insured dies within this period, the insurer
has a legal right to contest the claim and request additional information before deciding
to pay or deny the claim.
The face amount of the policy is normally the amount paid when the policy matures,
although policies can provide for greater or lesser amounts. The policy matures when the
insured dies or reaches a specified age. The most common reason to buy a life insurance
policy is to protect the financial interests of the owner of the policy in the event of the
insured's demise. The insurance proceeds would pay for funeral and other death costs or
be invested to provide income replacing the deceased's wages. Other reasons include
estate planning and retirement. The owner (if not the insured) must have an insurable
interest in the insured, i.e. a legitimate reason for insuring another person’s life.
The insurer (the life insurance company) calculates the policy prices with an intent to
recover claims to be paid and administrative costs, and to make a profit. The cost of
insurance is determined using mortality tables calculated by actuaries. Actuaries are
professionals who use actuarial science which is based in mathematics (primarily
probability and statistics). Mortality tables are statistically based tables showing average
life expectancies. The three main variables in a mortality table are age, gender, and use
of tobacco. The mortality tables provide a baseline for the cost of insurance. In practice,
these mortality tables are used in conjunction with the health and family history of the
individual applying for a policy in order to determine premiums and insurability. The
current mortality table being used by life insurance companies in the United States and
their regulators was calculated during the 1980s. There is currently a measure being
pushed to update the mortality tables by 2006.
The current mortality table assumes that roughly 2 in 1,000 people aged 25 will die
during the term of coverage. This number rises roughly quadratically to about 25 in
1,000 people for those aged 65. So in a group of one thousand 25 year old males with a
$100,000 policy, a life insurance company would have to, at the minimum, collect $200
a year from each of the thousand people to cover the expected claims.
The insurance company receives the premiums from the policy owner and invests them
to create a pool of money from which to pay claims, and finance the insurance
company's operations. Contrary to popular belief, the majority of the money that
insurance companies make comes directly from premiums paid, as money gained
through investment of premiums will never, in even the most ideal market conditions,
vest enough money per year to pay out claims. Rates charged for life insurance increase
with the insured's age because, statistically, a people are more likely to die as they get
Since adverse selection can have a negative impact on the financial results of the insurer,
the insurer investigates each proposed insured (unless the policy is below a company-
established minimum amount) beginning with the application, which becomes part of the
policy. Group Insurance policies are an exception.
This investigation and resulting evaluation of the risk is called underwriting. Health and
lifestyle questions are asked, and the answers are dutifully recorded. Certain responses
by the insured will be given further investigation. Life insurance companies in the United
States support The Medical Information Bureau, which is a clearinghouse of medical
information on all persons who have ever applied for life insurance. As part of the
application, the insurer receives permission to obtain information from the proposed
insured's physicians.
Life insurance companies are never required by law to underwrite or to provide coverage
on anyone. They alone determine insurability, and some people, for their own health or
lifestyle reasons, are uninsurable. The policy can be declined (turned down) or rated.
Rating means increasing the premiums to provide for additional risks relative to that
particular insured.
Many companies use four general health categories for those evaluated for a life
insurance policy. These categories are Preferred Best, Preferred, Standard, and Tobacco.
Preferred Best means that the proposed insured has no adverse medical history, is not
under medication for any condition, and his family (immediate and extended) have no
history of early cancer, diabetes, or other conditions. Preferred is like Preferred Best, but
it allows that the proposed insured is currently under medication for the condition and
may have some family history. Most people are in the Standard category. Profession,
travel, and lifestyle also factor into not only which category the proposed insured falls,
but also whether the proposed insured will be denied a policy. For example, a person
who would otherwise be in the Preferred Best category will be denied a policy if he or
she travels to a high risk country.
Upon the death of the insured, the insurer will require acceptable proof of death before
paying the claim. The normal minimum proof is a death certificate and the insurer's
claim form completed, signed, and often notarized. If the insured's death was suspicious
and the policy amount warrants it, the insurer may investigate the circumstances
surrounding the death, before deciding whether there is a legal obligation to pay the
Proceeds from the policy may be paid in a lump sum or as an annuity paid over time in
regular recurring payments for either for the life of a specified person or a specified time


The specific uses of the term "insurance" and "assurance" are sometimes confused. In
general, the term insurance refers to providing cover for an event that might happen
while assurance is the provision of cover for an event that is certain to happen.
When a person insures the contents of their home they do so because of events that might
happen (fire, theft, flood, etc.) Insurance is a way of spending a little money to protect
against the risk of having to spend a lot of money. The point is, when a person insures
their home contents they do so to provide protection against something that might
happen. They hope their home will never be burgled, or burn down but they want to
ensure that they are financially protected if the worst happens.
When a person insures their life they do so knowing that one day they will die. Therefore
a policy that covers death is assured to make a payment. The policy offers assurance on
death; even if the policy has a prescribed termination date the policy is still assured to
pay on death and therefore is an assurance policy. Examples include Term Assurance
and Whole Life Assurance. An accidental death policy is not assured to pay on death as
the life insured may not die through an accident, therefore it is an insurance policy.
A policy might also be assured for other reasons. For example an endowment policy is
designed to provide a lump sum on maturity. Under certain types of policy the lump sum
is guaranteed. Therefore, this may also be called an assurance policy.
The test of whether a policy is assurance or insurance is that with an assurance policy
the insured event will definitely occur (at some point) whereas with an insurance policy
there is a risk the insured event might occur.
With regard to Whole Life policies, the question is not whether the insured event (in this
case death) will occur, but simply when. If the policy has nonforfeiture values (or cash
values) then the policy is assured to pay.


Life insurance may be divided into two basic classes – temporary and permanent.

This type of insurance is characterized by its defined time period that is named
when the contract is initially put into force. In the case of ART (Annual Renewable
Term), this is not the case. This is due to the fact that coverage is provided for one year.

• Term
Term life insurance (Term Assurance in British English) provides for life insurance
coverage for a specified term of years for a specified premium. The policy does not
accumulate cash value. Term is generally considered "pure" insurance, where the
premium buys protection in the event of death and nothing else. See Theory of
Decreasing responsibility and Buy term and invest the difference.
The three key factors to be considered in term insurance are: face amount (protection or
death benefit), premium to be paid (cost to the insured), and length of coverage (term).
Various (U.S.) insurance companies sell term insurance with many different
combinations of these three parameters. The face amount can remain constant or decline.
The term can be for one or more years. The premium can remain level or increase. A
common type of term is called annual renewable term. It is a one year policy but the
insurance company guarantees it will issue a policy of equal or lesser amount without
regard to the insurability of the insured and with a premium set for the insured's age at
that time. Another common type of term insurance is mortgage insurance, which is
usually a level premium, declining face value policy. The face amount is intended to
equal the amount of the mortgage on the policy owner’s residence so the mortgage will
be paid if the insured dies.
Guaranteed renewability is an important policy feature for any prospective owner or
insured to consider because it allows the insured to acquire life insurance even if they
become uninsurable.

Permanent life insurance is life insurance that remains in force until the policy
matures (pays out), unless the owner fails to pay the premium when due (the policy
expires). The policy cannot be cancelled by the insurer for any reason except fraud in the
application, and that cancellation must occur within a period of time defined by law
(usually two years). Permanent insurance builds a cash value that reduces the amount at
risk to the insurance company and thus the insurance expense over time. This means that
a policy with a million dollars face value can be relatively inexpensive to a 70 year old
because the actual amount of insurance purchased is much less than one million dollars.
The owner can access the money in the cash value by withdrawing money, borrowing the
cash value, or surrendering the policy and receiving the surrender value.
The three basic types of permanent insurance are whole life, universal life, and

• Whole
Whole life insurance provides for a level premium, and a cash value table included in the
policy guaranteed by the company. The primary advantages of whole life are guaranteed
death benefits, guaranteed cash values, fixed and known annual premiums, and mortality
and expense charges will not reduce the cash value shown in the policy. The primary
disadvantages of whole life are premium inflexibility, and the internal rate of return in
the policy may not be competitive with other savings alternatives. Riders are available
that can allow one to increase the death benefit by paying additional premium. The death
benefit can also be increased through the use of policy dividends. Premiums are much
higher than term insurance in the short-term, but cumulative premiums are roughly
equivalent if policies are kept in force until average life expectancy. Cash value can be
accessed at any time through policy "loans". Since these loans decrease the death benefit
if not paid back, payback is optional. Cash values are not paid to the beneficiary upon the
death of the insured; the beneficiary receives the death benefit only.

• Universal
Universal life insurance (UL) is a relatively new insurance product intended to provide
permanent insurance coverage with greater flexibility in premium payment and the
potential for a higher internal rate of return. A universal life policy includes a cash
account. Premiums increase the cash account. Interest is paid within the policy (credited)
on the account at a rate specified by the company. This rate has a guaranteed minimum
but usually is higher than that minimum. Mortality charges and administrative costs are
charged against (reduce) the cash account. The surrender value of the policy is the
amount remaining in the cash account less applicable surrender charges, if any.
With all life insurance, there are basically two functions that make it work. There's a
mortality function and a cash function. The mortality function would be the classical
notion of pooling risk where the premiums paid by everybody else would cover the death
benefit for the one or two who will die for a given period of time. The cash function
inherent in all life insurance says that if a person is to reach age 95 to 100 (the age varies
depending on state and company), then the policy matures and endows the face value of
the policy.
Naturally, it's easy to see that out of a group of 1000 people, if even 10 of them live to
age 95, then the mortality function alone will not be able to cover the cash function. So
in order to cover the cash function, a minimum rate of investment return on the
premiums will be required in the event that a policy matures.
Universal life policies basically guarantee you the death function, but not the cash
function - thus the flexible premiums and interest returns. If interest rates are high, then
the dividends help reduce premiums. If interest rates are low, then the customer would
have to pay additional premiums in order to keep the policy in force. When interest rates
are above the minimum required, then the customer has the flexibility to pay less as
investment returns cover the remainder to keep the policy in force.
Interestingly enough, UL's are closely linked to relatively stable markets, such as the 3
year treasury bill. What's interesting is not what UL's closely follow - but due to how
they're linked, you'll notice that when people are happy about how little they're paying
for life insurance with a UL, they're at the same time complaining about how expensive
their variable rate mortgages are getting.

The universal life policy addresses the perceived disadvantages of whole life. Premiums
are flexible. The internal rate of return is usually higher because it moves with the
financial markets. Mortality costs and administrative charges are known. And cash value
may be considered more easily attainable because the owner can discontinue premiums if
the cash value allows it. And universal life has a more flexible death benefit because the
owner can select one of two death benefit options, Option A and Option B.
Option A pays the face amount at death as it's designed to have the cash value equal the
death benefit at age 95. Option B pays the face amount plus the cash value, as it's
designed to increase the net death benefit as cash values accumulate. Option B does carry
with it a caveat. This caveat is that in order for the policy to keep its tax favored life
insurance status, it must stay within a corridor specified by state and federal laws that
prevent abuses such as attaching a million dollars in cash value to a two dollar insurance
policy. The interesting part about this corridor is that for those people who can make it to
age 95-100, this corridor requirement goes away and your cash value can equal exactly
the face amount of insurance. If this corridor is ever violated, then the UL will in be
treated and in effect turn into a Modified Endowment Contract (or more commonly
referred to as a MEC).
But universal life has its own disadvantages which stem primarily from this flexibility.
The policy lacks the fundamental guarantee that the policy will be in force unless
sufficient premiums have been paid and cash values are not guaranteed.
Variable universal life Insurance (VUL) is not the same as Universal Life, even though
they both have cash values attached to them. These differences are in how the cash
accounts are managed; thus having a great effect on how they are treated for taxation.

• Limited-pay
Another type of permanent insurance is Limited-pay life insurance, in which all the
premiums are paid over a specified period after which no additional premiums are due to
keep the policy in force. The most common kind of limited pay is twenty-year limited
pay. Another kind is paid-up when the insured is sixty-five.

That’s a common question. Why would you need Insurance? Simply put,
Life brings with it many surprises, some pleasant and some not so and a Life Insurance
Plan ensures that you are better prepared to face uncertainties. How? In a number of
• Protection
You need life insurance to be there and protect the people you love, making sure that
your family has a means to look after itself after you are gone. It is a thoughtful business
concept designed to protect the economic value of a human life for the benefit of those
financially dependent on him. That’s a good reason.
Supposing you suffer an injury that keeps you from earning? Would you like to be a
financial burden on your family, already losing out on your salary? With a life insurance
policy, you are protected. Your family is protected.
• Retirement
Life insurance makes sure that you have regular income after you retire and also helps
you maintain your standard of living. It can ensure that your post-retirement years are
spent in peace and comfort.
• Savings and Investments
Insurance is a means to Save and Invest. Your periodic premiums are like Savings and
you are assured of a lump sum amount on maturity. A policy can come in really handy at
the time of your child’s education or marriage! Besides, it can be used as supplemental
retirement income!
• Tax Benefits
Life insurance is one of the best tax saving options today. Your tax can be saved twice
on a life insurance policy-once when you pay your premiums and once when you receive
maturity benefits. Money saved is money earned!

Life Insurance
• Public
○ Life Insurance Corporation of India
• Private
○ HDFC Standard Life Insurance
○ Max New York Life Insurance
○ ICICI Prudential Life Insurance
○ Om Kotak Mahindra Life Insurance
○ Birla Sun-Life Insurance
○ TATA AIG Life Insurance
○ SBI Life Insurance
○ ING Vysya Life Insurance
○ Bajaj Allianz Life Insurance
○ MetLife Insurance
○ AMP Sanmar Life Inssurance
○ Aviva Life Insurance
○ Sahara India Insurance
○ Shriram Life Insurance
General Insurers
• Public
○ National Insurance
○ New India Assurance
○ Oriental Insurance
○ United India Insurance
• Private
○ Bajaj Allianz General Insurance
○ ICICI Lombard General Insurance
○ IFFCO-Tokio General Insurance
○ Royal Sundaram Alliance Insurance
○ TATA AIG General Insurance
○ Cholamandalam General Insurance
○ Export Credit Guarantee Corporation

○ HDFC Chubb General Insurance
○ Bajaj Allianz General Insurance




Since 1993, NETWORTH DIRECT provide premium financial
services and information so that the power of investment is vested with the client. They
equip those who invest with them to make intelligent investment decisions. Now
powered by top notch research team and a network of experts they provide an array of
financial products and service spanning entire India. One single minded objective is to
help the customers to grow their networth.


• Networth Wealth Solutions Ltd. [NWSL]

NWSL is into the business of delivery of Financial Planning and Advice. It’s vision is to
‘Advice and execute money related solutions to / for our customers in most convenient
and consolidated manner, while making sure that their experience with us is always
pleasant & memorable resulting in positive advocacy’. The product and services include
Financial Planning, Life Insurance, On-line trading account, Mutual Funds,
Debentures/Bonds, General Insurance, Loans and Depository Services.

• Networth Soft Tech Ltd. [NSL]

NSL is an ISO 9001: 2000 Certified Company.It is into Application Development &
maintenance. Building and Implementation of packaged software across various function
within the financial services industry is at its core. It also provides data center services
which include hosting of websites, applications and related services. It combines a
unique delivery model infused by a distinct culture of customer satisfaction.

• Networth Stock.Com Ltd. [NSCL]

NSCL is commodities arm of NSBL. It is a member of a Multi Commodity Exchange of
India (MCX) and National Commodity & Derivatives Exchange (NCDEX) and is backed
by solid research and analytics in Commodities.

• Ravisha Financial Services Pvt. Ltd. [RFSL]

RFSL, an RBI registered NFBC, is primarily into the business of lending and borrowing
against securities.


With greater choices comes greater value. Networth offers you more choices by
providing a wide array of products and personalized services, so you can take charge of
your financial future with confidence. So whether you are a new investor or a seasoned
one, we have the resources and advice you would need to make smart, well-researched
investments and help you grow your Networth.


Our experienced trading consultants and advanced trading tools will provide the
support you need to achieve your long-term goals via the stock markets. We trade on the
BSE, NSE and CN and our website has facilities such as live stock tickers, news updates,
and more, to help our clients stay in the know. We also provide NRI specific services to
meet the needs of our clients who live abroad.

The Indian Equity Market is also the other name for Indian share market or Indian stock
market. The forces of the market depend on monsoons, global fundings flowing into
equities in the market and the performance of various companies. The Indian market of
equities is transacted on the basis of two major stock indices, National Stock Exchange
of India Ltd. (NSE) and The Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE), the trading being carried
on in a dematerialized form. The physical stocks are in liquid form and cannot be sold by
the investors in any market. Two types of funds are there in the Indian Equity Market,
Venture Capital Funds and Private Equity Funds.


Derivatives are financial contracts whose value/price is dependent on the

behavior of the price of one or more basic underlying assets (simply known as
underlying). These contracts are legally binding agreements, made on the trading screen
of stock exchanges, to buy or sell an asset in future. The asset can be a share, index,
interest rate, bond, rupee/dollar exchange rate, sugar, crude oil, soyabean , cotton, coffee

The Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) allowed trading in equities-based
derivatives on stock exchanges in June 2000. Accordingly the National Stock Exchange
(NSE) and the Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE) introduced trading in futures on June 9,
2000 and June 12, 2000 respectively. Currently futures and options turnover on the NSE
is Rs7,000 -8,000 crore approximately. In India stock index options were introduced
from July 2, 2001.

Futures are exchange-traded contracts to buy or sell an asset in future at a price agreed
upon today. The asset can be a share, index, interest, bond, rupee-dollar exchange rate,
sugar, crude oil, soyabean, cotton, coffee etc.

Options are contracts that give the buyers the right (but not the obligation) to buy or sell
specified quantity of certain underlying assets at a specified price on or before a
specified date. On the other hand, the seller is under obligation to perform the contract
(buy or sell). The underlying asset can be a share, index, interest rate, bond, rupee-dollar
exchange rate, sugar, crude oil, soya bean, cotton, coffee etc

IPO Initial public offering (IPO), also referred to simply as a "public offering", is the
first sale of stock by a private company to the public. IPO is a way for a company to
raise money from investors for its future projects and get listed to Stock Exchange.

From an investor point of view, IPO gives a chance to buy stocks of a company, directly
from the company at the price of their choice (In book build IPO's). Although an IPO
offers more control over the price at which the investor is willing to buy the stock it is no
less risky than buying a stock in the market.
Initial public offering (IPO), also referred to simply as a "public offering", is the first sale
of stock by a private company to the public. IPO is a way for a company to raise money
From a company prospective, the single most important use of an IPO is the provision of
funds. IPO's provide capital for the company’s future growth or for paying its previous
borrowings and allows the company’s stock to be traded publicly in the Stock Market.


Companies need fund to finance their new projects, upgrading of infrastructure,

acquisition, future growth plans or to pay off previous borrowings. Borrowing the money
from a financial institution compels the company to pay interest on those borrowings. On
the other hand when a company issues an IPO or an Initial Public Offering, the company
offers a fixed numbers of its shares to be held by the public and to be traded publicly.

Types of IPO

Initial Public Offering can be made through the fixed price method, book building
method or a combination of both.

Book Building Issues:-

In a book building issue during the period for which the bid is open, bids are collected
from investors at various prices, which are above or equal to the floor price. The
offer/issue price is then determined after the bid closing date based on certain evaluation
criteria. Book Building process helps the company achieve appropriate price and
discover the demand for the issue.

Fixed Price Method:

Unlike the book building process in a fixed price process the price at which the stock has
been offered is known in advance to the investor


Commodity can be defined as any kind of movable property other than actionable
claims, money and securities. Futures’ trading has been organized in such goods or
commodities as were permitted by the Central Government. Presently, all the agricultural
products ( Cereals including wheat, rice pulses, Spices, plantation crops, Cash crops,
sugarcane ,Oilseed crops and even Potato), mineral and fossil origin are allowed for
futures trading under the auspices of the commodity exchanges recognized under the

Indian markets have recently thrown open a new avenue for investors and traders to
participate: COMMODITY DERIVATIVES. For those who want to diversify their
portfolios beyond shares, bonds and real estate, commodities are the best option.

Commodities actually offer immense potential to become a separate asset class for
market-savvy investors, arbitrageurs and speculators. They are also easy to understand as
far as fundamentals of demand and supply are concerned. Historically, pricing in
commodities futures has been less volatile compared with equity and bonds, thus
providing an efficient portfolio diversification option.

Networth now offers to investors a platform to trade in COMMODITY FUTURES. As a

member of the Multi Commodity Exchange of India Ltd. and of the National Commodity
and Derivative Exchange, we offer futures trading in 10 commodities (gold, silver,
castor, soya, canola/mustard oil, crude palm oil, RB palmolein and cotton) NCDEX and
in gold, silver and castor seed, rubber through MCX.


Dematerialization is the process by which physical share certificates are

converted into electronic form. While it is not yet compulsory that all the shares listed on
the stock exchanges are dematerialized, there is steady increase in the number of
companies trading in the dematerialized shares.
We offer depository facilities to facilitate a seamless transaction platform as part of our
value-added services for our clients. Networth is a depository participant with the Central
depository services (India) Ltd. (CDSL) and National securities Depository Ltd. (NSDL)
for trading and settlement of dematerialized shares.


Networth PMS will help you achieve your objective of preserving and growing
capital by conducting a through analysis, of your investment needs, returns expected and
risk taking ability. Our focus is to craft a basket of Stocks, Bond, and Mutual Funds
through strong research and corporate interface, keeping in mind your risk-profile in
specific relation with the ever- changing marketing dynamic.


We focus on the Bottom Up approach to stock picking. The stock selection process
starts with fundamental analysis of companies and includes management meeting and
plant visits to get a first hand feel of the company, rather than depending solely on
quantitative analysis. The investment process is fairly rigorous that includes qualitative
as well as quantitative criteria and builds upon the decade long experience of Networth
in Indian equity markets.
Who is it for?

Our offering is deal for high net-worth customers-

• Who are investing in Indian equities
• Who desire to create wealth over longer period
• Who appreciate a high level of personalized service

Benefits of being with Networth PMS

Portfolio management with a difference every investor, whether individual or corporate,

has unique needs based on their objectives and risk profiles. We recognize the difference
and designed tailored investment advice to achieve specific investment objectives.
• Professional Management:- We offer professional management of your
equity portfolio with an aim to deliver consistent returns while controlling

• Continuous Monitoring:- We recognize that portfolios need to be

constantly monitored and periodically churned to optimize the results.

• Risk Control:- The portfolios are managed through a strong research driven
investment process with complete transparency and highest standards of
• Transparency:- You will get regular account statements and performance
reports on a monthly basis/ That's not all; web-enabled access ensure that you
are just a click away from all information relating to your investment.

• Hassle Free Operation:- Our Portfolio Management Service relieves you

from all the administrative hassles of your investments We provide periodic
reporting on the performance and other aspects of your portfolio.

• Dedicated Relationship Manager:- Our Relationship Managers specialize

in providing personal investment management services to achieve your
investment objective.


Networth Wealth is into the business of delivery of Financial

Planning & Advice. Whatever may be your goal, without a Financial Plan in
place it's impossible to achieve. We help you achieve exactly that through our
proprietary Financial Planning Process - my plan it helps you achieve your life
goals. Every retail investor, in today's fast paced world, is searching for
convenience and expecting consolidation for his/her investments. Unfortunately,
even after so many years post India's financial independence & liberalization,
launch of multiple financial hubs, huge penetration of technology the gap still
exists. Networth Wealth endeavors to bridge this gap. We thrive to deliver
Convenience and Consolidation.

Convenience because through you will access to one stop solution for all your
money related needs. Be it Mutual Fund, Insurance, On-line trading account or
even loans. You name it and we provide it. ONE WINDOW ALL PRODUCTS.

Consolidation comes through the fact that all your investments will be mapped
into a single account statement. The entire portfolio is mark to market. Now in
one statement you can view your entire portfolio and also keep a tab on your
Networth. ONE STATEMENT ALL INVESTMENTS. All our processes and
systems are build around this – Convenience and Consolidation for our

We offer array of products and services:-

• Financial Planning
• Life Insurance
• Online Trading account
• Mutual Funds
• Debentures / Bonds
• General Insurance
• Loans
• Depository Services

Networt direct is not just a website, it is an online platform packed with products
and services that will provide a magnificent customer experience for our clients.

Networth direct provides client access to :

• e-transact:- This is a platform where our customers can trade online in
various financial instruments. It is conveniently integrated with multiple
payment gateways and our depository services to provide a seamless
transaction capability.

• My networth :- This provides access to your accounts and statements online
and with 24X7 availability. You can view your portfolio across all assets and
get a consolidated view. is based on 3 pillars – pace, web-based, and


Pace:- In todays fast paced world, the disposable time for everyone is getting squeezed .
In these kinds of stringent times, customer is looking for less time consuming avenues
without compromising on the service standards.

Web-based:- Internet penetration in India is rising at a very fast pace. More and more
people are getting net savvy. Web enables customers to gain flexibility, privacy &
security. Web is easy knowledge heavy, paperless, instant and private.

Shortest:- distance between us and our clients. This stems from the philosophy of the
customer care. We are in the service industry and thus the nearer we are to our clients
the stronger will be the differentiator.


Individual Plans

> Term Care > Invest Gain

Term Plan with Return-of-Premium An Endowment Plan
> Lifetime Care > Child Gain
Whole Life Plan Children's Policy
> Protector > Cash Gain
A Mortgage Reducing Term Insurance Plan Money Back Plan
> Key man Insurance > Swarna Vishranti
A Promising Business Opportunity Retirement Plan
> Additional Riders Benefit For Unit
> New Unit Gain Plus
Linked Product
Unit Link plan with higher allocation
While the basic life insurance
> Mahila Gain Rider > New Unit Gain Easy Pension Plus
The unique plan that takes care of you and A Plan that enables you retire with laughter
your loved ones. lines.... not worry lines
> Swarna Raksha I > Healthcare
A plan that provides you with regular This is a three-year health insurance plan,
income ... for life. with life insurance benefit.
> Bajaj Allianz Care First > Additional Benefits For Traditional
Guaranteed renewals up to age 65 without Product
medicals Redesign your life insurance coverage to
suit your needs, providing total protection.
> New Unit Gain Premier SP > New Unit Gain Super
Upfront Allocation of 105% of single High Allocation
premium on day 1 Guaranteed life cover
> New Family Gain > Save Care Economy-SP
The only Unit linked insurance plan with An investment that provides financial
ethical equity fund. security and liquidity.
> New Unit Gain Plus SP
> Samraksha
A single premium plan with max allocations
Bajaj Allianz Samraksha – a rural insurance
Choice of 4 investment funds and 3 free
switches allowed each year

> Capital Unit Gain > Unit Gain Guarantee SP

Capital Unit Gain is a unit linked High Allocation and Full or partial
endowment regular premium plan that is withdrawals are allowed anytime after 3 years.
designed to suit all your insurance &
investment needs.
> New Risk Care
"Insure your Today with us to Ensure your > Alp Nivesh Yojana
family Smiles Tomorrow. "
• A non-participating traditional Term "Savings and Security for your family"
Assurance plan.
> Bima Kavach Yojana > Jana Vikas Yojana

"Most economical term insurance policy" "Pay once for a long term security"

A Mortgage Reducing Term Insurance Plan
This is the perfect plan to protect the family from the repayment liability of
outstanding loans, in the unfortunate case of death of the loanee. There is
also an option to cover the co- applicant of the loan at a very nominal cost
under this plan...

Child Gain
Children's Policy
Right from providing for your child's education to securing a bright future,
this plan is tailor- made to suit your child's needs...

Cash Gain
Money Back Plan
This is the only money back plan that offers quadruple protection, going
upto 4 times the basic sum assured, and a family income benefit...

Swarna Vishranti
Retirement Plan
In addition to life insurance and attractive tax benefits, this plan enables you
to make adequate provisions for your years after retirement as well...

Invest Gain
An Endowment Plan
This savings plan combines high protection (up to quadruple cover) with a
unique family income benefit...

Term Plan with Return-of-Premium

An economic way of providing life cover, this plan also ensures the return of
all premiums at the time of maturity...



Available for Employer - Employee Groups
and Non Employer-Employee Groups
Available for Employer - Employee Groups and
Non Employer-Employee Groups
in lieu of EDLI (Employees Deposit Linked

Assure your Employees a financially secured,

stable and independent post retirement life
Giving your Employees and their families the
heartening reassurance of your care and
financial security

Assure your Employees a financially secured, stable and independent
post retirement life
Group Super annuation Scheme will be established under an irrevocable
trust, with trustees appointed by Company taking care of the administration.
e 28

You can now easily steer your savings from overseas to conveniently meet your
family's needs - now and in the future.
All Indians have an underlying need to feel secure, to care for the loved ones and to
provide for old age. The need is felt more when you are away from your Homeland. But
being away from India doesn't mean you have to compromise on the safety and security
of your loved ones.

In fact, you can now easily steer your savings from overseas to conveniently meet your
family's needs - now and in the future.

We, at Bajaj Allianz understand your need. The need to do something fruitful for your
loved ones.. The urge to let them know that you care. That's why we introduced the
NRI Insurance services. Now, you can invest your hard earned money in India and in
the bargain ensure your family's future.

Our Care Solutions For Nris: Bajaj Allianz offers a large suit of products to cater
every insurance need that you have. Our care solutions include:

1. Invest Gain - Our 'With Profits Endowment Plan'.

2. Cash Gain - Our 'With Profits Money Back Plan'.
3. Child Gain - Our 'With Profits Money Back Plan' for children.
4. Lifetime Care - Our 'With Profits Whole of Life Plan'.
5. Swarna Vishranti - Our 'With Profits Differed Annuity Plan'.
6. Unit Gain - Our 'Unit Linked Whole of Life Plan'.

Who Can Apply?

1. Foreign Nationals of Indian origin can propose for life insurance during their
stay in India only.
2. NRIs who are temporarily staying abroad can apply for insurance either
a. During their stay in India, or
b. Through mail order business.
Convenient Premium Payment and Receipt Options

You can pay premiums directly to us through Indian currency cheques, DD's etc. or
directly from your FCNR/NRE account. The benefits under the policy, as per current
laws can be directly credited to your FCNR/NRE account


The Bajaj Allianz New Unit Gain Super

The Bajaj Allianz New Unit Gain Super comes with a host of features to allow
you to have the best of all worlds - Protection and Investments . It enables every
participant to create a solid financial protection and savings plan for himself and
his family . In this way, as a participant in the Bajaj Allianz New Unit Gain Super
Plan, you can secure your well-being and accumulate savings towards financial
independence and a comfortable retirement.

The Key Features of the New Unit Gain Super Plan are:

• It is a unit linked plan with minimum term of 10 years and maximum maturity
age 70

• Guaranteed death benefit

• You have the option to choose a host of additional benefits:

UL Accidental Death Benefit, UL Accidental Total/Partial Permanent

Disability Benefit, UL Critical Illness Benefit and UL Hospital Cash Benefit

• It provides you with an easy , regular contribution mechanism to assist you in

accumulating funds. Four different options to choose from –Silver, Gold, Diamond&

Options Premium Range

Silver >=Rs 25,000 but < Rs 50,000

Gold >=Rs 50,000 but < Rs 100,000

Diamond >=Rs 100,000 but < Rs 500,000

Platinum >=Rs 500,000 & Above

• You can adopt your own investment strategy to grow the funds contributed.

• Choice of 4 investment funds today with flexible investment management:

you can change funds at any time and also invest in the newer funds that
would be introduced from time to time.

Fund Management Charge: 1.75% p.a. of the net assets value for Equity Growth Fund;
1.25% p.a. of the NAV for the Nifty Index Fund; and 0.95% p.a. of the NAV for
the Income Fund. Charge for the Balancer will be according to the proportion of
the underlying funds.

Switching Charges : After three free switches, subsequent switches would be

charged a fixed amount of Rs. 100 or 5 % of switch amount whichever is lower
on each such occasion.

Allocation : A portion of the premium paid will be charged towards the initial &
other expenses. The balance will be allocated to purchase units. The allocation
percentages are:


1 88% 90% 92% 93%
2 95% 95% 95% 95%
3 95% 95% 95% 95%
4 96% 96% 96% 96%
5 96% 96% 96% 96%
6 ONWARDS 98% 98% 98% 98%

All Top ups are allocated at 98%.

Charges for additional benefits : The charges for additional benefits selected will
be through cancellation of units on a monthly basis.

Mortality Charges : The mortality charge would vary according to the attained
age of the life assured at the time of deduction of the monthly cost of insurance
as per the table below. Sample standard rates are given in the table below.

Age 20 30 40 50
Mortality 1.57 1.74 2.82 6.53

Death Benefit:

• On death before the age of 7 years : The death benefit will be the NAV of
the units in the policyholder’s account (Fund Value) as on the date of receipt of
intimation of death at the office. The policy terminates on the death of the life

• On death after the age of 7 years and before the age of 60 years :
The death benefit will be the higher of the sum assured less the value of the units
withdrawn by partial withdrawals in the last 24 months prior to the date of death
or the NAV of the units in the policy holder’s account (Fund value) as on the
date of receipt of intimation of death at the office.

• On death of the life assured on or after attaining the age of 60 years:

In this case, the death benefit will be the higher of the NAV of the units in the
policy holder’s account (Fund Value), or the sum assured less all partial
withdrawals made within two years before attaining age years , and all the
withdrawals made after attaining age 60 years.

Maturity Benefit:
On maturity, the value of units in the fund will be paid out and the policy will

Additional Benefits Available with New Unit Gain Super

You have the option to add the following additional benefits, providing total
protection against uncertainties.

• UL Accidental Death Benefit

• UL Accidental Total & Partial Permanent Disability Benefit

• UL Critical Illness Benefit (UL CI)

• UL Hospital Cash Benefit (UL HC)

(Please refer to the brochure on additional benefits for more details.)

Investment Options: Bajaj Allianz New Unit Gain Super offers you a choice of 4
funds. You can choose to invest fully in any one fund or allocate your Premiums
into the various funds in a proportion that suits your Investment needs.

The four funds offered are as under:

1. Nifty Index Fund- Risk Profile – High : This fund provides capital
appreciation through investment in equities forming part of NSE NIFTY. This fund
will have an exposure of maximum 15% in Bank Deposits and money market
instruments and minimum 85% in Equities.

2. Equity Growth Fund- Risk Profile – Very High : This fund provides capital
appreciation through investment in selected equity stocks that have the potential
for capital appreciation. This fund will have an exposure of maximum 20% in
Bank Deposits and money market instruments and minimum 80% in Equities.

3. Income Fund – Risk Profile –Moderate : The objective of this fund is to provide
accumulation of income through investment in high quality fixed income securities.
This fund will have an exposure of maximum 20% in money market instruments
and minimum 80% in G-Secs, Bonds and Fixed Deposits.

4.Balancer Fund-Risk Profile – Moderate: The objective of this fund is to provide

a balanced investment between long – term capital appreciation and current income
through investment in the Units of our Nifty Index Fund and Income fund .
Indicative portfolio allocation : Units of Nifty Index Fund 30% to 50% , Units of
Income Fund 50% to 70% . These Funds are professionally managed by asset
managers of Bajaj Allianz, backed with the rich experience of Allianz AG, one of
the largest asset managers in the world today, managing assets worth more than Euro
996 billion ( Rs. 53,64,456 crores ).


The Bajaj Allianz New Family Gain comes with a host of features to allow you to have
the best of all worlds - Protection and Investments. It enables every participant to create
a solid financial protection and savings plan for himself and his family. In this way, as a
participant in the Bajaj Allianz New Family Gain Plan, you can secure your well-being
and accumulate savings towards financial independence and a comfortable retirement.

The Key Features of the New Family Gain Plan are:

• It is a unit linked Endowment type plan with a minimum term of 10 years and
maximum maturity age 70.

• Guaranteed death benefit: Sum Assured Plus Fund Value of Units.

• You have the option to choose a host of additional benefits: UL Accidental Death
Benefit, UL Accidental Total/Partial Permanent Disability Benefit, UL Critical Illness
Benefit and UL Hospital Cash Benefit.

• It provides you with an easy, regular contribution mechanism to assist you in

accumulating funds.

• You can select an investment strategy to grow the funds contributed.

• Choice of 4 investment funds today with flexible investment management: you can
change funds at any time and also invest in the newer funds that would be
introduced from time to time.


New Unit Gain Premier SP is a unique insurance cum investment plan that provides your
investment a zing from the start, by allocating 105% of the single premium paid from
day one, thereby ensuring that you get MORE. Bajaj Allianz New Unit Gain Premier SP
is exactly what the name suggests, with a wide range of high quality investment funds to
choose from coupled with flexible investment management. You really have the best of
all worlds – investment, insurance and tax benefits. With Bajaj Allianz New Unit
Gain Premier SP, you can invest in one life insurance plan that can take care of
all your changing requirements, be it your investment needs, children education

or peaceful golden years . This plan has been designed to provide your family
with higher financial assistance should anything unfortunate were to happen to
you as well as flexibility, so that you do not have to worry about your changing

The Key Features of the New Unit Gain Premier SP Plan are:

• It is a unit linked plan with minimum term of 10 years and maximum

Maturity age 70

• Convenient single premium payment.

• 105% of the single premium is allocated.

• Guaranteed death benefit.

• You can adopt your own investment strategy to grow the funds.

• Choice of 4 investment funds today with flexible investment management: you can
change funds at any time and also invest in the newer funds that may be introduced from
time to time.

• Partial or full withdrawal facility, after three years from commencement (subject to
surrender charge, if applicable).

How does the Bajaj Allianz New Unit Gain Premier SP plan work?

105% of the single premium paid is invested in fund/funds of your choice and units are
allocated depending on the price of units for the fund/funds. The value of your policy is
the total value of units that you hold in the fund/funds. The cost of insurance and expense
charges are deducted through cancellation of units. The Fund Management Charge is
priced in the unit value.

Death Benefit: You can choose a Sum Assured (Level of Protection) that you want in
the New Unit Gain Premier SP Plan. Minimum Sum Assured = 1.25 times the single
premium Maximum Sum Assured = y times the single premium where y will be as per
the following table:

Group 0-17 18-35 36-45 46-50 51-55 56-60

Y 10 10 7 5 3* 2*

* Multiplier may be increased to 5 in special cases on case-to-case basis.

Death Benefit:

• On death before the age of 7 years: The death benefit will be the NAV of the units in
the policyholder’s account (Fund Value) as on date of receipt of intimation of death at
the office. The policy terminates on the death of the life assured.

• On death after the age of 7 years and before the age of 60 years : The death benefit will
be the higher of the sum assured less the value of the units withdrawn by partial
withdrawals in the last 24 months prior to the date of death or the NAV of the units in the
policyholder’s account (Fund value) as on date of receipt of intimation of death at the

• On death of the life assured on or after attaining the age of 60 years: In this case,the
death benefit will be the higher of the NAV of the units in the policy holder’s account
(Fund Value), or the sum assured less all partial withdrawals made within two years
before attaining age 60 years, and all the withdrawals made after attaining age 60 years.

Maturity Benefit:
On maturity, the value of the units is payable to the life assured/ policyholder.

Settlement Option:
Plan your maturity proceeds by exercising the Settlement Option with us. This facilitates
you to receive the maturity proceeds in equal installments (payable yearly, half yearly,
quarterly or monthly, at your option) spread over a maximum period of 5 years .

Investment Options:
Bajaj Allianz New Unit Gain Premier SP offers you a choice of 4 funds. You can choose
to invest fully in any one fund or allocate your premiums into the various funds in a
proportion that suits your investment needs.

The four funds offered are as under:

1. Premier Nifty Index Fund – Risk Profile – High: The objective of this fund is to
provide capital appreciation through investment in equities forming part of NSE NIFTY.
This fund will have an exposure of maximum 15% in Bank Deposits and money market
instruments and minimum 85% in Equities

2. Premier Equity Growth Fund – Risk Profile – Very High : The objective of this
fund is to provide capital appreciation through investment in selected equity stocks that
have the potential for capital appreciation. This fund will have an exposure of maximum
20% in Bank Deposits and money market instruments and minimum 80% in Equities.

3. Premier Income Fund – Risk Profile – Moderate: The objective of this fund is to
provide accumulation of income through investment in high quality fixed income
securities. This fund will have an exposure of maximum 20% in money market
instruments and minimum 80% in G-Secs, Bonds and Fixed Deposits.

4. Premier Balancer Fund – Risk Profile – Moderate: The objective of this fund is to
provide a balanced investment between long-term capital appreciation and current
income through investment in the Units of our Nifty Index Fund and Income funds.
Indicative portfolio allocation is Units of Premier Nifty Index Fund 30% to 50%, Units
of Premier Income Fund 50% to 70%. These funds are professionally managed by asset
managers of Bajaj Allianz, backed with the rich experience of Allianz AG, one of the
largest asset managers in the world today, managing assets worth more than Euro 996
billion (Rs. 53,64,456 crores).

Value of Units: The unit Price of each fund will be the unit value calculated on a
daily basis. The Fund Value is equal to the number of units under this policy multiplied
by the unit price on the relevant valuation date.

Computation of NAV:

• When Appropriation Price is applied: The NAV of a Unit Linked Life

Insurance Product shall be computed as: Market value of investment held by the
fund plus the expenses incurred in the purchase of the assets plus the value of any
current assets plus any accrued income net of fund management charges less the
value of any current liabilities less provision, if any. This gives the net asset value
of the fund. Dividing by the number of units existing at the valuation date (before
any new units are allocated), gives the unit price of the fund under consideration.

• When Expropriation Price is applied: The NAV of a Unit Linked Life
Insurance Product shall be computed as: Market value of investment held by the
fund less the expenses incurred in the sale of the assets plus the value of any
current assets plus any accrued income net of fund management charges less the
value of any current liabilities less provision, if any. This gives the net asset value
of the fund. Dividing by the number of units existing at the valuation date (before
any units are redeemed), gives the unit price of the fund under consideration.

• Apportionment of Investment: You can apportion the investible premiums

among various funds available. The apportionment to any Fund must be at least
5% of the investible amount.

• Flexibility – to manage your investments: We offer you the flexibility to

manage your investments. Initially, you can allocate the premium into the 4 funds
that are available in a proportion of your choice. Depending on the performance
of funds, you can switch between funds with three free switches every policy
year, subject to a minimum switching amount of Rs. 5,000 or the fund value,
whichever is lower.

• Cash withdrawal option: You can withdraw (partially or fully) anytime after
three years from the date of commencement. In case of partial withdrawal, a
minimum balance of Rs. 20,000 across all funds must be maintained, and the
minimum withdrawal amount is Rs. 5,000. In case the policy is taken on the life
of a minor, the partial withdrawals shall not be allowed until the minor (life
insured) attains majority (i.e. on or after attainment of age 18).

Surrender: Full withdrawal of units by way of surrender of the policy is allowed after
three years from commencement. The surrender charge applicable for both partial or full
withdrawal would be 6% in the 4th year, 4% in the 5th year, 2% in the 6th year, & 0%
thereafter. Important Details of the ‘Bajaj Allianz New Unit Gain Premier SP’ Plan.

Minimum Age at Entry: 0 (Risk commences at age 7)

Maximum Age at Entry: 60

Minimum Age at Maturity: 18

Maximum Age at Maturity: 70

Minimum Term: 10

Minimum Single Premium: Rs 50,000

Termination of the Policy

The policy will terminate on occurrence of any of the following:

a) The units in the policy are fully surrendered

b) The account value becomes less than Rs 10,000

c) The account value is not sufficient to support the Cost of Insurance and other charges.

d) The death of the Life Assured

e) On maturity

On the occurrence of (a), (b) and (c) above the value of the units, if any, would be paid to
the life assured/policyholder upon such termination, subject to surrender charge, if
applicable. In case of (d), death benefit will be as mentioned separately herein. In case of
(e), the value of the units, if any is paid to the life assured/policyholder on maturity.

Fund Access – Loans

Loan facility is not available under this policy.

Free Look Period

Within 15 days from the date of receipt of the policy, you have the option to review the
terms and conditions and return the policy, if you disagree to any of the terms &
conditions, stating the reasons for your objections. You will be entitled to a refund of the
premium paid, subject only to a deduction of a proportionate risk premium for the period
on cover and the expenses incurred on medical examination and stamp duty charges.
“In this policy, the investment risk in investment portfolio is borne by the policy holder”


Bajaj Allianz New Unit Gain comes with a host of features that allows You to
have the best of both worlds – Protection and Investment, with flexibility like
never before.

Key features of this plan are:

• Guaranteed death benefit.

• Choice of 6 investment funds with flexible investment management: you can

change funds at any time.

• Attractive investment alternative to fixed - interest securities

• Provision for full / partial withdrawals any time after three years, provided three
full years’ premiums are paid.

• Unmatched flexibility – to match your changing needs.

• Maturity benefit equal to the Fund Value payable on the date of maturity.

How does the plan work?

The premiums allocated are invested in a fund / funds of your choice, ( depending
on the allocation rate ) and units are allocated depending on the price of units for
the fund / funds . The value of your policy is the total value of units you hold in the
fund/funds. The insurance cover charges and additional benefit charges are deducted
through monthly cancellation of units. The Fund Management Charge is priced in the
unit value.

Minimum and Maximum Sum Assured

• Minimum Sum Assured = 5 times Annualised premium or 0.5 *Term * Annualised

Premium, whichever is higher.

• Maximum Sum Assured = y times the Annual Premium where y will be as per
the following table:
Age 0–30 31–35 36–40 41–45 46–55 56–60
y for base 125 105 75 55 30 20
cover or

Cover with UL Accidental Death & UL TPD benefit Y for base cover with any
other benefit or with more MAX (5, 0.5* Policy Term ) than one benefit.

Benefits available under the plan

Death Benefit:

1. On death before the age of 7 years : The death benefit will be, the NAV of
the units in the policy holder’s account ( Fund Value ) as on the date of the
receipt of intimation of death at the office . The policy terminates on the death of the
life assured.

2. On death after the age of 7 years and before the age of 60 years : Death
benefit will be the Sum Assured less the Value of the Units withdrawn by partial
withdrawals in the last 24 months prior to the date of death , or the NAV of the
units in the policyholder’s account (Fund value ) as on the date of receipt of
intimation of death at the office ; whichever amount is higher.
3.On death of the life assured on or after attaining the age of 60 years: In this
case , the death benefit will be the higher of the NAV of the units in the policy
holder’s account (Fund Value), or the sum assured less all partial withdrawals
made within two years before attaining age 60 years , and all the withdrawals
made after attaining age 60 years.

Cash Withdrawal Option:

Anytime after the third policy anniversary , provided premiums for 3 full years
have been paid . You may withdraw money , depending on your requirements ,
through partial or complete surrender of units . In case of partial withdrawals ,
each top- up will have a 3 – year lock – in period . For the purpose of full
withdrawal by way of surrender , the lock – in period on the Top - up units does
not apply . Also , this condition will not apply to top – ups paid in the last 3 years
of the contract. In case of a partial withdrawal, a minimum balance of one annual
premium across all funds must be maintained , and the minimum withdrawal
amount is Rs. 1000. In case the policy is taken on the life of a minor , partial
withdrawals shall not be allowed until the minor (life insured) attains majority
(i.e. on or after attainment of age 18). All partial withdrawals made shall be
allowed from the top up account (fund built up on account of top – up premiums)
as long as the top –u p account supports the partial withdrawal . Partial withdrawals
with respect to the base plan (i.e. covered by regular premiums ) shall
only be counted for the purpose of adjusting the base sum assured to
be payable on death.

Fund Value :
The Fund Value is equal to the number of units under this policy multiplied by
the unit price on the relevant valuation date.

Computation of NAV :

When Appropriation Price is applied : The NAV of a Unit Linked Life Insurance
Product shall be computed as : Market value of investment held by the fund plus
the expenses incurred in the purchase of the assets , plus the value of any current
assets plus any accrued income net of fund management charges less the value of
any current liabilities less provision , if any. This gives the net asset value of the fund.
Dividing the number of units existing at the valuation date (before any new units
are allocated ), gives the unit price of the fund under consideration. When

Expropriation Price is applied : The NAV of a Unit Linked Life Insurance

Product shall be computed as : Market value of investment held by the fund

less the expenses incurred in the sale of the assets plus the value of any current
assets plus any accrued income net of fund management charges less the value of
any current liabilities less provision , if any . This gives the net asset value of the

fund. Dividing the number of units existing at the valuation date (before any units
are redeemed) , gives the unit price of the fund under consideration.

Investment Options:
Bajaj Allianz offers you a choice of 6 funds . You can choose to invest fully in
any one fund or allocate your premiums into the various funds in a proportion
that suits your investment needs. All the funds will be managed by asset
managers of Bajaj Allianz, backed with the rich experience of Allianz AG, one of
the largest asset managers in the world today , managing assets worth more than
Euro 989 billion (Rs. 49,84,560 crores ).

The six funds offered are as under:

1. Liquid Fund – Risk profile – Low : The objective of this fund is to have a
fund that guarantees invested capital through investments in liquid money market
and short – term instruments. This Fund will invest 100% in bank deposits and
money market instruments . Not more than 20% of the premium apportion can be
put in this fund.

2. Income Fund - Risk profile – Moderate : The objective of this fund is to

provide accumulation of income through investment in high quality fixed income
securities . This fund will have an exposure of maximum 20% in money market
instruments and minimum 80% in G-Secs, bonds and Fixed Deposits.

3. Equity Growth Fund - Risk profile – Very High : The objective of this fund
is to provide capital appreciation through investment in selected equity stocks that
have the potential for capital appreciation. This fund will have an exposure of
maximum 20% in bank deposits and money market instruments and minimum
80% in equities.

4. Nifty Index Fund - Risk profile – High : The objective of this fund is to
provide capital appreciation through investment in equities forming part of NSE
NIFTY. This fund will have an exposure of maximum 15% in bank deposits and
money market instruments and minimum 85% in equities.

5. Accelerator Mid – Cap Fund - Risk profile – Very High : The objective of
this fund is to achieve capital appreciation by investing in a diversified basket of
mid cap stocks and large cap stocks. This fund will have an exposure of maximum
20% in bank deposits and money market instruments and minimum 80% in
equities . Out of the equity investment at least 50% will be in mid cap stocks.

6. Balancer Fund - Risk profile – Moderate : The objective of this fund is to

provide a balanced investment between long – term capital appreciation and current
income through investment in the units of our Nifty Index Fund and Income Fund

Indicative portfolio allocation : Units of Nifty Index Fund 30% to 50% , Units
of Income Fund 50% to 70% .Flexibility – to manage your investments, we offer
you the flexibility to manage your investments . Initially, you can allocate the
premium into the 6 funds available , in the proportion you choose. Subsequently,
depending on the performance of funds, you can switch between funds and also
change the allocation of premium to various funds. We allow you three free
switches every policy year subject to a minimum switching amount of Rs . 5000
or the fund value , whichever is lower . You can also change the Proportion of
premium allocation to various funds at each policy anniversary.

Unmatched Flexibility– to suit your changing requirements. We offer unmatched

flexibility in the policy, to suit your requirements.

• Flexibility – In Premium payment : You have the flexibility to decide how long
you wish to pay the premiums and when you want to cash out the policy
benefits. You may choose to cash out the policy benefits at one time or do it as
and when you require cash through partial withdrawal of units.

• Flexibility - to Increase the Sum Assured : You have the option to increase the
Sum Assured without any medical tests every third year up to 4 times . The
quantum of increase would be 25% of the original sum assured or Rs. 1,00,000 /-
whichever is lower . If you do not exercise an option when it is due, it cannot
be carried forward. This benefit will be available after age 18 and up to age 45 .
If the age is less than 18 at the start of the policy, all 4 increments will be
available from age 18 . Apart from exercising the options to increase the Sum
Assured without medical tests, you can increase the Sum Assured any time,
subject to medical underwriting (available up to age 60 ). In either case, the sum
assured after increase must be equal to or less than the maximum sum assured
available for the premium level chosen.

• Flexibility - to choose policy terms : You have the option to choose any term
between 10 and 70 years.

• Flexibility – to pay top ups: You may have received a bonus or some lump
sum money . You can use that to increase your investments in your policy. At any
point of time total top premiums would not exceed 25% of the total regular
premiums paid till that time and therefore payment of top up premiums would not
result in increase in sum assured. Additional Protection for you and your family.
You have the option to add the following five additional benefits, providing total
protection against uncertainties. The charges on these additional benefits would be
adjusted by cancellation of units.

• UL Accidental Death Benefit

• UL Accidental Permanent Total / Partial Disability Benefit

• UL Critical Illness Benefit (UL CI)

• UL Hospital Cash Benefit (UL HC)

• UL Mahila Gain (UL MG)

Flexibility in Additional Benefits

At Bajaj Allianz , we believe in offering benefits and not just products. We

realize that you are unique and your needs for insurance vary with time . We
therefore offer you the flexibility of inclusion of coverage or exclusion of
coverage at each policy anniversary , subject to conditions relating to such
inclusions and exclusion. UL Accidental Death Benefit and UL Accidental
Permanent Total / Partial Disability Benefit can be included and excluded at any
policy anniversary . UL Critical Illness Benefit (UL CI), UL Mahila Gain (UL MG)
and UL Hospital Cash Benefit (UL HC) can be taken at inception only. UL CI,
UL MG & UL HC can be reduced or excluded subsequently at any policy
anniversary . Once reduced or excluded, they cannot be increased or included
subsequently .However, if the life assured is less than 18 at inception of the
policy , he / she can select UL CI , UL MG and UL HC on attaining age 18.

Important Details

• Minimum Age at Entry: 0 (Risk commences at age 7)

• Maximum Age at Entry: 60

• Minimum age at entry for all additional benefits : 18 years.

• Minimum Policy Term : 10 years.• Maximum age at entry for UL Mahila Gain I
& II : 40 & 45 years respectively
• The maximum age at entry for all other additional benefits : 50 years.
• Minimum age at maturity: 18 years
• The maximum age at maturity: 70 years.
• UL Mahila Gain I & II benefits are available till age 45 and 55 respectively.
• All other additional benefits are available till age 65.Premium Payment Mode

For your convenience, we have provided 3 regular premium payment modes that
can be Yearly, Half- Yearly , and Quarterly . We also offer a monthly premium
payment mode with salary deduction schemes and ECS . The minimum regular
premium is Rs. 10,000 for the Annual Mode, Rs . 5,000 for Half Yearly, Rs .
2,500 for Quarterly , and Rs. 1,000 for the Monthly Mode . In addition, you also
have the option to pay top ups to increase your investments . The minimum top
up premium will be Rs. 5,000 /-.Partial and Full Withdrawals. New Unit Gain
offers you the full flexibility of full as well as partial withdrawals by surrendering
units, anytime after 3 years from commencement of the policy provided three full
year premiums are paid. The surrenders are paid out at the NAV of units . There
is no surrender charge for withdrawals after three years. However, for Policy Year
four and above , the company may impose in future , a surrender Charge up to a
maximum of 10% of the NAV of units , subject to the approval of IRDA.

Settlement Option

Plan your maturity proceeds by exercising the Settlement Option with us . This
facilitates you to receive your maturity proceeds in equal installments (payable
yearly , half yearly , quarterly or Monthly , at your option ) spread over a
maximum period of 5 years .

Free Look Period

Within 15 days from the date of receipt of the policy, you have the option to
review the terms and conditions and return the policy, if you disagree to any of
the terms & conditions , stating the reasons for your objections . You will be
entitled to a refund of the premium paid , subject only to a deduction of a
proportionate risk premium for the period on cover and the expenses incurred on
medical examination and stamp duty charges.

Days of Grace

Before the payment of full 3 years premiums , premiums must be paid when due
to keep the policy in – force . Till such time the company receives 3 full years
premiums , 30 days of grace period will be allowed for the yearly , half yearly
and quarterly modes and 15 days of grace will be allowed for the monthly mode.



1) A strong brand name with a high degree of financial support

which is the back bone of the company.
2) Brand leaders in bringing latest financial services for the common man.
3) An innovator, pre problem seeker and risk taking capabilities.
4) Systematic, planned and quick actions taken up lead to quick
reactions by the company ultimately providing a competitive
edge to Bajaj Allianz Insurance.


1) The data collected cannot be considered as 100% accurate but it is only an

estimated figures gathered by the survey.
2) The analysis so done cannot be regarded as the final as change is the only
constant thing which happens.


1) A huge untapped market.

2) Emerging middle class, a good potential market.
3) Increasing employment rate and income.
4) Increasing financial investments in market.

1) Neck to Neck competition with ICICI Prudential and HDFC Standard with
respect to services and policies.
2) Threats from growing competitors like Reliance Life and Aviva in Insurance
3) New entrant in the market, Max New York Life, Bharti Axa etc, is an area of co




Type of data collection methods

The task of data collection begin after a research problem had been defined a
research design/plan and checked out while deciding about the method of data
collection to be used for study. The researcher should keep in mind two types of
data viz., primary and secondary. The primary data are those which collected fresh and
for first time, and thus happened to be original character. The secondary data, on the
other hand, are those which have already been collected by some one else and
which have already have been passed through the statistical process.


“Primary data may be describe as those data that have been observed and record
by the researcher for the first time for there knowledge.”


“Secondary data are statistics not gathered for immediate study at hand what
for some other purposes.”
They may be described as those data that have been compiled by some agency other
than the user.


Mainly in a research process both, Primary and Secondary types of data sources are used.
In this research also we have two kinds of data sources given below:

1) Primary Data: Questionnaire and Interview

2) Secondary Data: Web pages, Company Journal’s & Brochures

Since it’s a live project considering an intensive survey, questionnaires filled by through
an in-depth interview session with the bank cstomers are the key source of information.


The instruments used for data collection is a Questionnaire which is been filled by a
survey team through communication and interactive session with the customers of a
particular bank. Each questionnaire represents essence information about a customer. So,
a combination of Interview and Questionnaire as a data collection is employed.


Non Probability sampling is that sampling procedure which does not afford any basis for
estimating the probability that each item in the population has of being included in the
sample. It is also known as deliberate sampling, purposive sampling and judgment


Analysis of Data
“To study the customer preference level of Life Insurance policy with
specific reference to Bajaj Allianz”.

Respondents having Insurance on the basis of gender

Bar chart showing Number of peoples surveyed on the basis of Gender.


Above bar chart shows the number people having Insurance on the basis of gender. It
shows around 58 % of Males and 42 % of Females having a life insurance.

Respondents having insurance on the basis of Marital Status

Bar Chart showing people having insurance on the basis of Marital Status.


Above bar chart shows that 66 % of Married Peoples and around 34 % of Unmarried
holds a life insurance.

Literacy Level of the Respondents

Pie Chart shows the literacy level of the respondents


Above pie chart shows the literacy level of the respondents which shows 24 % are High
School, 36% are 10+2, 28% are Graduate and 12% are Post Graduate.

No. of respondents which are aware of Life Insurance

Bar Chart showing No. of peoples aware of Life Insurance

Above bar chart shows that 96 % of Peoples know about Life Insurance.

No. of respondents having a Life Insurance Policy

Bar Chart showing No. of peoples having Life Insurance

Above bar chart shows that 86 % of respondents having Life Insurance.

Respondents preference in Investment

Pie Chart shows the investment preference of the respondents


Above pie chart shows the 24% respondents of preferred in Govt. Security , 36%
Insurance, 28% Mutual Funds and 12% in Equity Share.

Source of Income of Respondents

Pie Chart showing the Source of Income of respondents


The majority of respondents are fall in the category of Salaried, approximately

38%, where as 36% are having Business and 36% are Self Employed.

Annual Income of Respondents

Bar Chart showing the Annual Income of the Respondents


It shows that Annual Income of majority of respondents falls in the category of 1-2.5 lac,
approximately 36%. Where as 19% in <1 lac, 30% in 2.5-5 lac, 15% in 5 lac or above.

Type of Plan respondents Prefer

Bar Chart showing the preference of respondents


Above bar chart shows that majority of respondents prefer Endowment 46%, 26%
Money Back, 16% Pure Risk and around 12% prefer Term Insurance Plan.

Investment range of Respondents

Bar Chart showing the Annual Income of the Respondents


It shows that 36% of respondents invest around 10,00-15000, Where as 19% <10,000,
30% 15000-20,000, 15% invest 20,000 or above.


Annual Income of Respondents

Bar Chart showing the Respondents preference for policy duration


It shows that the 37% of respondents prefer 5-10 Years policy duration, Where as 18% in
<5 years, 30% in 10-20 lac, 15% prefer 20 Years or above duration.

Respondents expectation from the Insurance Company

Bar Chart showing the preference of respondents


Above bar chart shows that majority of respondents prefer Security 48%, 26% Good
Return, 14% Service and around 12% prefer Flexibility from insurance company.

Additional Benefits respondents prefer from policy

Bar Chart showing the benefits prefer by respondents


Above bar chart shows that majority of respondents prefer Critical illness 46%, 26%
Accidental, 16% Start of Life and around 12% prefer Family Income.

Repondents logic behind taking an Insurance Plan

Bar Chart showing respondents logic behind taken an Insurance


Above bar chart shows that 26% of respondents prefer Risk Cover 30% prefer Tax
Planning, 16% prefer Investment, 12% prefer Retirement Planning & 16% prefer All of

Company preference of respondents

Pie Chart showing the company preference of respondents


It shows that majority of respondents prefer LIC about 28%, 20% Bajaj Allianz, 14%
HDFC Standard Life, 18% ICICI Prudential and 8% prefer other Life Insurance

Satisfaction Level of respondents with their L.I. Companies

Bar chart showing the satisfaction level of respondents.


Above bar chart shows the mostly number of people are satisfied with their Life
Insurance Company around 78%.
The Factors that motivated respondents to prefer Bajaj Allianz

Bar Chart showing the factors


Above bar chart shows that 38% of respondents prefer Bajaj Allianz for its good Will &
30% for Brand Name, 18% for service & 14% people prefer due to advertisements.

Respondents which again prefer to buy Bajaj Allianz products

Bar chart showing the preference of respondents.


Above bar chart shows the mostly number of people are again going to buy Bajaj Allianz
Life Insurance Company products around 72%.

Factor which most dissatisfy a respondent from Bajaj Allianz

Bar Chart showing the factors


Above bar chart shows that 28% of respondents dissatisfied with After Sale service of
Bajaj Allianz & 36% for product diversification, 20% for fund performance & 16%
people disatisfied due to advertisements.

Reasons behind not purchasing of a Bajaj Allianz Policy

Bar Chart showing the factors


Above bar chart shows that 22% of respondents are not purchasing Bajaj Allianz policy
due to trust & 38% due to service, 24% due to Advertisement & 16% people due to

Ranking of service offered by Bajaj Allianz Life Insurance

Bar Chart showing the ranking


Above bar chart shows that 16% of respondents feels services offered by Bajaj Allianz
are Excellent & 42% thinks Good, 28% feels Average & 14% people feels below





The summary of “Survey” conducted for Bajaj Allianz Life Insurance, Can be listed
down in conjunction with the data analysis presented. The survey has been
simultaneously taken up by the company’s competitor’s like- ICICI Prudential,
HDFC Standard but the impact on Bajaj Allianz was positive. The functioning
and responses from the respondents were authentic leading to a better view of the
market scenario. The findings are listed below:

○ The company is targeting on emerging financial market in India with great potential.
○ Majority of the respondents are from salaried class.
○ Literacy level of the respondents is high, majority of them are educated.
○ Mainly, male respondents having insurance then female.
○ Mostly, married respondents having a insurance.
○ Average annual income of respondents is between 1-2.5 lacs.
○ Majority of respondents are having a Life Insurance Policy.
○ Most of respondents are having a policy with LIC.
○ Majority of respondents are willing to avail all the extra benefits with their Life
Insurance by paying a nominal fee or charges with their policy premium.
○ Most of respondents are interested in Critical Illness benefit.


The practicality of being associated with a Live Project was revealed by this survey.
Bajaj Allianz Life has always been an innovator in the field of Insurance. The
company has a keen interest in the development and enhancement of its products
in India. The company focuses in providing quality products to all the areas of our

Bajaj Allianz Life products have tremendous amount of potential and demand in the
market. The name speaks for itself and the customer associate themselves with the
brand name. Bajaj Allianz Life products have tight competition with ICICI

Bajaj Allianz Life product quality is good but the technical aspects of its
functioning is average. Advertisement of its products is the main area of
improvement, which is deviating from the desired level. The various promotional
activities been conducted by Bajaj Allianz Life in regional languages is an effective
tool. The growing demand in the market for Bajaj Allianz Life products indicates
the prospect of new customers for the company.

Finally I conclude that Bajaj Allianz Life has built up a brand name, which needs to
be maintained through continuous feedback, improvement and proactive actions. The
company has already sensed the market potential and now it should focus on
coming with schemes and products plans to give the market what they want from
Bajaj Allianz Life Insurance Company.




General Information:-

1. Name: _________________________________________________________

2. Age: _________

3. Sex: Male [ ] Female [ ]

4. Marital Status: Single [ ] Married [ ]

5. Educational Background: High School [ ] 10+2 [ ] Graduate [ ] Post Graduate [ ]

6. Address: ___________________________________________________________________


1. Do you know about Life Insurance Policy?

Yes [ ] No [ ]

2. Do you have any Life Insurance Policy?

Yes [ ] No [ ]

3. Where would you prefer to invest??

Govt. Securities [ ] Mutual Funds [ ] Equity Shares [ ] Insurance [ ]

4. On which criteria do you invest?

Expert Advice [ ] Friendly Advice [ ] Own Analysis [ ]

5. What is your source of income?

Self Employed/Professional [ ] Business [ ] Salaried [ ]

6. To which income group you belong?

50,000 to 100,000 [ ] 100,000 to 250,000 [ ] 250,000 to 500,000 [ ] 500,000 & above [ ]

7. What type of plan would you prefer?

Endowment [ ] Pure Risk [ ] Money Back [ ] Term Insurance [ ]

8. How much can you invest per annum?

< 10,000 [ ] 10,000 – 15,000 [ ] 15,000 – 20,000 [ ] > 20,000 [ ]

9. For what duration would you like to hold the policy?

< 5 Years [ ] 5 – 10 Years [ ] 10 – 20 Years [ ] > 20 Years [ ]

10. What is your main expectation from the insurance company?

Security [ ] Good Return [ ] Service [ ] Flexibility [ ]

11. What additional benefit do you want from the policy?

Accidental [ ] Critical Illness [ ] Start of Life [ ] Family Income Benefit [ ]

12. What is your logic behind taking an insurance plan?

Tax Planning [ ] Risk Cover [ ] Retirement Planning [ ] Investment Planning [ ] .
All of these [ ]

13. Which company would you prefer to invest in?

L.I.C. [ ] Bajaj Allianz [ ] ICICI Prudential [ ] HDFC Standard Life [ ]
Others [ ]

14. are you satisfied with the services that is offered by your insurance company?

Yes [ ] No [ ]

15. What are the factors that have motivated you to prefer Bajaj Allianz over the other companies?

Brand Name[ ] Goodwill of Bajaj Allianz [ ] Service[ ] Advertisement [ ]

16. If Given a Chance do you again prefer to buy the Bajaj Allianz Life Insurance policy in future?
Yes [ ] No [ ]

17. What is the most dissatisfying factor do you feel about Bajaj Allianz?

After Sale Service [ ] Product Diversification [ ] Fund Performance [ ] Advertisement [ ]

18. What are the reason behind not purchasing/taking a Bajaj Allianz life insurance policy?

Trust [ ] Service [ ] Advertisement [ ] Market Reputation [ ]

19. What do you think can be done from the company side to increase the preference level of
Bajaj Allianz?

20. Rank the service of Bajaj Allianz Life Insurance?

Excellent [ ] Good [ ] Average [ ] Below Average [ ]


Name: Prateek Baranwal

Address: A-6, Gandhinagar colony,
Near Ring Road Crossing,
Khurramnagar, Lucknow.

71 Mobile: +91 9450236543

Working for a dynamic organization where I can apply my skills and acquire exposure to
standard Industry processes and work protocols and learn to deal with the challenges that
confront the devement teams thus, mutually enriching self and the organization.

Educational qualification:

• Master of Business Administration from Amity Business School, Lucknow

• Graduation (B.Com), Lucknow University, Lucknow.
• Intermediate from The Lucknow Public Collegiate, Lucknow.
• High School from The Lucknow Public Collegiate, Lucknow.

Intended specialization

• Marketing
• Finance
Computer Skills:
• Basics
• MS Excel, word

• Best Geography student in class 4.
• Individual championship in athletics in class 10 (2004)
• Sports captain for continuous 3 years.
• Gymnastic captain in class 12.
• Won marathon race twice in class 11 and 12.
• Winner of inter-school tournament many times.

Work Experience:
2 years experience as an accountant and audit assistant in Avanish K Rastogi and
Associates CA.
Working as an Insurance Advisor in ING Vysya Life Insurance Co. Ltd. since last

Personality traits:
• Open towards learning.
• Assertive & optimistic.
• Good team player.
• Comfortable in working in groups.
• Open towards changes.
• Good leadership quality

Personal details:
Date of birth: 11th of September, 1985.
Linguistic ability: Hindi, English, German (basic).
Blood group: A+
Ph No: 05222752186

Co-curricular activity:
• Attended Military Training Campaign (MTC) at Manesar, Gurgaon.
• Participated in debate and allocution competition during school time.
• Hosted many plays in college.
• Active participation in various sports at college level.

Workshop visited

• Parag milk union ltd, lucknow.

• Eveready company, lucknow.

Hobbies and interest:

Listening to music, watching movies, travelling,making friends, sports specially cricket,

Chatting on phone.


• Mr. Nidheesh Bhatnagar

Unit manager
ICICI Prudential,

• Mr. Shobhit Jaiswal

Asst. Manager
ICICI Mutual Funds





Company Journals & Product Brochures

➢ Bajaj Allianz Life Product Brochures

➢ Bajaj Allianz Life Company Journals
➢ Bajaj Allianz, Company Financial Reports


Endowment Plan: Life insurance for a specified amount which is payable to the insured
person at the expiration of a certain period of time or to a designated beneficiary
immediately upon the death of the insured.

Term Insurance: Low-cost insurance that is valid only for a stated period of time and
has no cash surrender value or loan value

Contract: A binding agreement between two or more persons that is enforceable by law

Insurance Policy: A written contract or certificate of insurance

Premium: Payment for insurance

Insurance Claim: Demand for payment in accordance with an insurance policy


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