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Alliance system - a formal agreement establishing an association or

alliance between nations or other groups to achieve a particular aim

• The Triple Alliance was a military alliance between Germany, Austria-

Hungary, and Italy that lasted from 1882 until the start of World War I
in 1914. Each member promised mutual support in the event of an attack
by any two other great powers, or for Germany and Italy, an attack by
France alone.

• The Triple Entente was the alliance formed in 1907 among the UK,
France and Russia after the signing of the Anglo-Russian Entente. The
UK already had the Entente Cordiale with France since 1904, while
France had concluded the Franco-Russian Alliance in 1894.

• The Entente powers had always had a long history of rivalry. The effect
of this was that other powers didn’t’ think the Entente powers would
stick together in a crisis. This was eventually used against the other
powers and worked very well in favour of the Entente powers.

• The Treaty of London was a pact between Italy and Triple Entente,
signed by Italy, UK, France and Russia. Italy was to leave the Triple
Alliance and join Triple Entente. Furthermore, Italy was to declare war
against Germany and Austria-Hungary within a month. In exchange,
Italy was to obtain some territorial gains.

• The balance of power was a term generally used by politicians that

stated that the size and power of the alliance would prevent war from
ever starting.

• Germany greatly supported Austria’s takeover of Bosnia, causing Russia

to do nothing to support the Bosnians. Because of this Bosnia was
swallowed into Austro-Hungary and had lost it’s independence once
more! It was because of Russia’s recent defeat in Japan that they could
do nothing. Going to war at this stage would have been catastrophic.

• The Triple alliance was strengthened due to the aforementioned point –

Germany would not back down. This proved themselves as a power.

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