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As social media continues to gain acceptance as a bona-fide communications platform, I

thought it might be fun to have a cool fact about it for every week of the year.

So, here are ten facts about the five most well-known social media outlets – Facebook,
Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube and blogging – with two more bonus facts thrown in just for fun.
(And to get to the figure of a fact a week for a year).


1. The average Facebook user has 130 friends.
2. More than 25 billion pieces of content (web links, news stories, blog posts, notes, photo
albums, etc.) is shared each month.
3. Over 300,000 users helped translate the site through the translations application.
4. More than 150 million people engage with Facebook on external websites every month.
5. Two-thirds of comScore’s U.S. Top 100 websites and half of comScore’s Global Top 100
websites have integrated with Facebook.
6. There are more than 100 million active users currently accessing Facebook through their
mobile devices.
7. People that access Facebook via mobile are twice as active than non-mobile users (think
about that when designing your Facebook page).
8. The average Facebook user is connected to 60 pages, groups and events.
9. People spend over 500 billion minutes per month on Facebook.
10. There are more than 1 million entrepreneurs and developers from 180 countries on

Statistics from Facebook press office.

11. Twitter’s web platform only accounts for a quarter of its users – 75% use third-party apps.
12. Twitter gets more than 300,000 new users every day.
13. There are currently 110 million users of Twitter’s services.
14. Twitter receives 180 million unique visits each month.
15. There are more than 600 million searches on Twitter every day.
16. Twitter started as a simple SMS-text service.
17. Over 60% of Twitter use is outside the U.S.
18. There are more than 50,000 third-party apps for Twitter.
19. Twitter has donated access to all of its tweets to the Library of Congress for research and
20. More than a third of users access Twitter via their mobile phone.

Statistics from Twitter and the Chirp Conference.

21. LinkedIn is the oldest of the four sites in this post, having been created on May 5 2003.
22. There are more than 70 million users worldwide.
23. Members of LinkedIn come from more than 200 countries from every continent.
24. LinkedIn is available in six native languages – English, French, German, Italian,
Portuguese and Spanish.
25. Oracle’s Chief Financial Officer, Jeff Epstein, was headhunted for the position via his
LinkedIn profile.
26. 80% of companies use LinkedIn as a recruitment tool.
27. A new member joins LinkedIn every second.
28. LinkedIn receives almost 12 million unique visitors per day.
29. Executives from all Fortune 500 companies are on LinkedIn.
30. Recruiters account for 1-in-20 LinkedIn profiles.

Statistics from LinkedIn press centre and SysComm International.

31. The very first video uploaded was called “Me at the Zoo”, on 23rd April 2005.
32. By June 2006, more than 65,000 videos were being uploaded every day.
33. YouTube receives more than 2 billion viewers per day.
34. Every minute, 24 hours of video is uploaded to YouTube.
35. The U.S. accounts for 70% of YouTube users.
36. Over half of YouTube’s users are under 20 years old.
37. You would need to live for around 1,000 years to watch all the videos currently on
38. YouTube is available in 19 countries and 12 languages.
39. Music videos account for 20% of uploads.
40. YouTube uses the same amount of bandwidth as the entire Internet used in 2000.

Statistics from YouTube press centre.

41. 77% of Internet users read blogs.
42. There are currently 133 million blogs listed on leading blog directory Technorati.
43. 60% of bloggers are between the ages 18-44.
44. One in five bloggers update their blogs daily.
45. Two thirds of bloggers are male.
46. Corporate blogging accounts for 14% of blogs.
47. 15% of bloggers spend 10 hours a week blogging.
48. More than half of all bloggers are married and/or parents.
49. More than 50% of bloggers have more than one blog.
50. Bloggers use an average of five different social sites to drive traffic to their blog.

Social Media Marketing :

Syndicating & promoting user-generated viral
content through social media.
It is a best form of internet marketing to achieve
branding and marketing goals through the
participation in various social media channels.

Social Media Contains…

•Social Media Networks
•Social Bookmarking

•Social Media Sharing


•Blogs Marketing
•Social Forums

•News Aggregators

•Virtual Networks

•Wiki Development

Social Media Marketing is…

• Inexpensive
• Fast
• Viral
• Results can't be measured


• Exchange of content
• Optional
• Hard
Right Message
To Right People
The Right
Social Media
By using Social Media Marketing
We can achieve conversation as
• Discovery
• Aggregation
• Escalation
• Participation
• Tracking

Finally Social Media Marketing is

• About People
• To create meaning and value
• To Enabling Conversations
Latest Innovative in the present Online

Advertising state
“ Build your online Brand with Social
Social Media sites are the fastest-growing category on the
web, doubling their traffic over the last year.
o73 % of active online users have read a blog

o45 % have started their own blog

o39 % subscribe to an RSS feed

o57 % have joined a social network

o55 % have uploaded photos

o 83 % have watched video clips


o40 % of Indians internet users have visited a community or social

networking site
o22 % of Indians over 60

o60 % of Social Media users under 25-30

o40% of Social Media users under 18-24

o25 % of users 25-29 do so daily

o63% of People get the New Product Information from Internet.


oMy Space










Learn what people are saying about you

oCreate buzz for events & campaigns

oIncrease brand exposure

oIdentify and recruit influencers to spread your message

oFind new opportunities and customers

oSupport your products and services

oImprove your search engine visibility

oGain competitive intelligence

oGet your

oRetain clients by establishing a personal relationship

2/3rds of consumers are likely to pass the information they receive from these representatives
on to others and over half are likely to take action on this information.

Attitudes towards information they receive from online brand representatives

 Likely to pass this information on to others – 67%

 Likely to share their opinions – 63%
 Value information more than ads – 62%
 Likely to take action – 57%

Forms of Social Network Advertising

There are three major classifications of Social Network Advertising:

 Direct Advertising that is based on your network of friends - This can be the most effective
format but also causes the most controversy. An example is the Facebook beacon project. [5]
Based on an action your friend has taken, you might see a message in your news feed saying
'Bob has just bought a 'RadioHead CD from MusicWorld'. This can be an extremely effective
mode as often people make decisions to purchase something or do something based on
their close group of friends. However, there is also a lot of controversy surrounding this as it
can be considered exploiting the personal relationships you have with your friends and also
raises privacy concerns.

 Direct Advertising placed on your social networking site - This is a more traditional form of
web advertising. Just like you see banner ads on many other sites, this is a similar concept,
except on a social networking site. You can see these - for example - as a brick in the top
right of MySpace pages, or as a banner on the left of Facebook profiles and so on. There are
two differences however - One is that these social networks can take advantage of
demographic data on your profile and hence target the ad directly to you. Secondly, these
types of ads can also be placed by individual developers on their application pages through
ad networks such as SponsorPay, AdParlor or Offerpal. They have access to the same data
and can generate income for application developers giving them further motivation to
create apps and giving advertisers a more engaging way to reach out to these social
networking users.

 Indirect Advertising by creating 'groups' or 'pages' - This is an innovative marketing

technique in which a company will create a 'page' or 'group' that users can choose to join.
They will use this to build up 'subscribers' or 'fans' and use this to market a contest, a new
product, or simply just to increase brand awareness. These groups can quickly grow in
numbers of subscribers which can become a very effective marketing tool.

 Mc Donald’s, the long time leader in fast-food

 wars faced a cross-roads in early 2000.
Domestically sales and revenues are flattering as
competitors encroached on its domain
 •So they have started their online business. It
 mainly consists of taking orders online and
 delivering the goods at their door step.
 •An influential factor in consumer attitude towards
 non store shopping is exposure to technology

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