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1. The revolt of 1847 and the rise of Indian Nationalism (1858-1905)

2. Indian Nationalist Movement

a) Rise of Extremism
b) Boycott and Swadeshi Movement
c) Morley-Minto Reforms
d) Revolutionay Movement
e) Formation of Muslim League
f) Nationalist Movement during First World WAR

3. Nationalist Movement Becoming a mass movement

a) Gandhiji’s Leadership
b) Consequences of War and Repressive Measures
c) The Massacre at Jallianwala Bagh
d) Khilafhat and Non-cooperation movement
e) Communalism and its Dangerous effects

4. Journey from Swaraj to Complete Independence

a) Simon Commission
b) Lahore Congress and the Civil Disobedience Movement
c) Influence of Socialist Ideas
d) The States People’s Movement
e) The nationalist movement and the world
f) Constitutional developments
g) The nationalist Movement, 1935-39
h) Indian Nationalist Movement during the Second World War

5. The demand for Pakistan

6. Nationalist Upsurge after the Second World War

7. Achieveent of Independence, 1947

8. Building of New India

9. Conclusion

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