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The Happy Snail

By Alan Moreno & Beatriz Ruiz

Beatriz and Alan work together on a project about their symbols. Alan and Beatriz have to
different symbols that describe each other. Alan symbol is snail it represents that way that he
is. Beatriz symbol is a picture of a peace sign heart and a happy face it describe the personality
that she is and that she will always be.

Beatriz symbol represent her personality the way she is to herself and others. Her symbol
represent the way she thinks and acts before doing something. She always have that positive
mind doesn't like to be control by others and she independent. Each of that drawings in the
pictures describe her . Like the peace sign describe her life she just want to love in peace and
wants no drama and wants everything to come out right . The heart describe how lovable she
can be to herself and other people and others things and how she always their for other people.
the smiley face describe her happiness and how she always smiling and try to nothing bring her
down .

Alan symbol is a snail because of the way he is .From the inside he can be soft but from the
outside he might be hard. He may be hard when people get him mad. It can also represent him
because he can be very slow at stuff.

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