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October 6th, 2010

Sender Information:
Prostyle Promotions
  Sent by: William Ryan
Houston, TX, 77019, USA
Recipient Information:
ATTN: @PartyPitAZ

Sent via: Twitter DM via my client

Notice to Cease and Desist Trademark & Copyright Infringement

Dear Madam or Sir:

I (William Ryan) represent Prostyle Promotions.
By this letter, we demand that you cease and desist from infringing upon the trademarks &
copyrights Prostyle Promotions in any way, the use of flyers & logos trademarked to Prostyle
Promotions on!/PartyPitAZ.

To resolve amicably the matter of your trademark infringement, we hereby demand that within
the next twenty-four (24) hours of the date of this letter you voluntarily cease and desist from the
use of the trademarks & copyrights Prostyle Promotions, and any combination of the same, in
any and all web sites, other media and manner. If you fail to cease using the trademarks Prostyle
Promotions within the next twenty-four (24) hours, we will take appropriate steps to enforce our
client's rights.

In addition, you must remove any and ALL material in your or your company's possession or
control bearing on our client's trademarks and anything substantially or confusingly similar
thereto, including, but not limited to, flyers, posters, business cards, & advertising and
promotional materials and/or articles used in connection with the reproduction or copying of
such work. Let us know what you believe to be a reasonable amount of time to collect remove all
such materials.
If you have any questions, please contact me (William Ryan).

Otherwise, we look forward to receiving from you evidence of your voluntary termination of the
infringement of the Prostyle Promotions trademarks.

William Ryan

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