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Automated bone age assessment

• Analyses standard hand X-rays

• Completely eliminates the tedious and
error-prone human judgement
• Gives Greulich-Pyle, TW2 and TW3 bone ages1,2
• Applies to all ethnicities3
• Makes state-of-the-art adult height prediction4
• Assesses Bone Health by radiogrammetry5
• Takes 5 seconds

BoneXpert is provided in two variants:

Stand-alone Windows program Plug-in for PACS

• Installs on any PC • Integrates with any PACS
• Imports X-ray images (Dicom* files) • Operated by the radiologist
from CD-ROM • Produces a new Dicom image
• Retrieves X-ray images from PACS** with the bone age information
over the network added, viewable on any PACS client
• Produces a printed report
Please ask your radiology department to contact Visiana
Please register for a free trial on about how to integrate BoneXpert with PACS

BoneXpert is a CE-marked Medical Device, References

conforming to the EC Directive 1993/42 (1) Thodberg HH: Clinical review: An automated method for determination of bone
age, JCEM 94: 2239-44 (2009)
BoneXpert is an investigational device in USA (2) Martin DD, Deusch D, Schweizer R, Binder G, Thodberg HH, Ranke MB:
The license fee is adjusted to the use, Clinical application of automatic Greulich-Pyle bone age in children with
short stature, Pediatric Radiology 39: 598-607 (2009)
currently 5€ per analysis (3) Thodberg HH, Sävendahl L: Validation and Reference Values of Automated Bone
Age Determination for Four Ethnicities,
Academic Radiology Epub ahead of print Aug 4 2010
(4) Thodberg HH, Jenni OG, Caflisch J, Ranke MB, Martin DD: Prediction of Adult
Height Based on Automated Determination of Bone Age,
JCEM 94: 4868-74 (2009)
(*) Dicom: The universal image file format for X-ray images
(5) Thodberg HH, van Rijn R, Tanaka T, Martin DD, Kreiborg S:
used in radiology
A paediatric bone index derived by automated radiogrammetry,
(**) PACS (Picture Archiving and Communication System): Osteoporosis International 21: 1391-400 (2010)
The computer system used in modern radiology

The BoneXpert product is developed and marketed by Visiana, Søllerødvej 57C, DK-2480 Holte, Denmark

Visiana Contact: Hans Henrik Thodberg, PhD, CEO, Email:, Phone (+45) 2144 7087
See also BoneXpert is a registered trademark

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