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Earth – Fact file

 Total Surface area of Earth – 5.1x108 sq. km.

 Total Land Area – 1.4x108 sq. km.

 Average Relative Density ( when compared with that of water) – 5.52

 Equatorial diameter – 12755 km. (app.)

 Polar Diameter – 12712 km.

 Equatorial circumference – 40074 km.

 Polar circumference – 40003 km.

 Deepest Point – Marian’s Trench (Pacific Philippines) 11033 km.

 Minimum escape velocity – 11.2 km/s

 Width of inner core of earth – 1300 km (app.)

 Width of outer core – 2080 km.

 Mantle width varies from 45 km to 2900 km. deep from earth’s surface.

 Lithosphere extends from the Earth’s surface to 108 km. below it. It is mainly

made of Silicon and Aluminum.

 Pyrosphere is located from 100 km. to 2880 km. depth and is mainly

composed of Basalt.

 Barysphere is located from 2880 km. to the centre of the earth and is mainly

composed of Ferrous, Ferris, and Nickel.

 41% of the total land on earth is Plains , 33% is Plateau and 26% is mountains
 Major Equatorial Grasslands are Campos (Brazil), Lyons(Venezuela) and

savanna (Africa)

 Major Tropical grasslands are Steppes (Russia), Pampas (Argentina), Prairies

(USA, Canada), Downs (Australia), Velds (South Africa), Pustag (Hungary),

Patna (Sri Lanka) and Cantabion (New Zealand).

 The highest active volcano is the Catapixi in Ecuador.

 Deepest place in Atlantic ocean is Puerto Rico Trench

 Deepest place in Indian Ocean is the Sudan Trench.

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