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Name: Robert Deutsch, M.D.

Age: 61

Occupation: Physician

Relevant experience: City of Alameda Health Care District Board

Member for 3 years. Past President of Alameda Medical Staff. Long term
member of Alameda Medical Staff Executive Committee. Past
Chairperson of multiple medical and health care committees. Private and
public medical practice for 30 years.

Why are you running for this office?: To add my expertise and hard work
to improve the quality of care and financial viability or Alameda Hospital
as a community asset

Why should we vote for you?: I have significant experience and

knowledge of health care issues as a practicing physician and medical
staff leader.

What do you feel are the roles and responsibilities of the office you’re
seeking?: To assure the hospital provides a high standard of medical
care, to assure the medical staff is capable and qualified, to assure that
the hospital meet all regulatory requirements, and to assure that the
hospital administrators make sound decisions.

What do you think is the most pressing issue you would face if elected and
what would you do to address it?: The most pressing issue is to continue to
generate adequate revenue streams to support operations and new
programs and equipment.

The hospital is facing two major challenges: The loss of its surgical contract
with Kaiser Permanent and earthquake fixes that will cost $10 million. If
elected, how would you seek to handle those challenges?: Emphasize
new program development and physician recruitment and

What services do you think the hospital should provide to residents?: 24

hour emergency services and acute medical and surgical services.

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