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Mocking is term which describes programing technique mostly used in Test Driven
Development for writing tests of some entity with abstraction of its dependencies.

The best example is MVP design pattern where we are implementing presenter code
by using Dependency Injection pattern to inject in presenter view implementation and
maybe data source implementation during the run time.

In my last post I provide MVP & TDD Example source code where in
RateCardPresenter.cs there's next constructor:



In old days if I would like to mock data source in case when there's no *real* object, I
would have to create    type interface implementation which would be
something like:

  !  "

# $
   %   i 
#  $ 

Problem with that implementation is that in real world scenarios results with swarms
of dummy mock object which are useless once after the real implementation is been
done and causes very big maintenance problems. Static mocks are maybe main reason
why TDD didn't take the place which deserves in development methodology

That problem is been solved by couple of dynamic mocking frameworks such as:
NMock, EasyMock.Net and my personal champion: Rhino mocks. They all use Proxy
design pattern to create on the fly mock object which is implementing given interface.
Advantage of RhinoMock is that has a lot of features: different mocking creation
methods, enables usage of intellisense on mocked objects, explicit recording mode
         could (maybe) be: first we enlist ("record")
everything we expect it would happened and then, after recording, we just check if
our expectations were met.


So in our case, mock creation of IRateCardDataSource with Rhino mocks would be

i  %' i ! ' !



) *i+
i  , 

 ' !  %' i !
    ' !(! %'-

(For now, you can think about MockRepository as a kind of helper class which
exposes Rhino mocks methods)

By implementing that single line we have now _dataSource object which implements
IRateCardDataSource and which we can use in our unit tests.

But, this object is just a shell of the real object a kind of spy which imitates real object
and tell us: "Hey, someone set on me property X and then call method Y". There's no
data inside at all. I believe you would be asking by now what is the benefit of using
that kind of mock ("Data source without the data is useless").

" # 

In TDD, one of the main principles is writing the tests for certain part of the code,
before the code is been implemented. That it is been done because test in TDD world
is a kind of contract on  " # of the code tested. So, when I'm writing
tests for my presenter methods before they exist I care to define presenter behavior
and not data source behavior. I could say that I expect that inside of the presenter
certain method would call datasource object and get some results. I don't care how
datasource would get that data and (for now) what kind of data it would be returned. I
just care about contracting presenter behavior. Something like:


// 0i 1    22  

30i (
// 0i 22       
//    2   1  


As you can see, I used mocked data source object to put expectation that somewhere
inside of presenter presenter would call datasource method and expectation that those
results would be set then on view dynamic mock object property.

How this works: _dataSource and _view are "spays" which would tell to rhino mocks
framework if the expected action on their method happened or not. If not Rhino mock
would throw an exception which would be cached by NUnit and the test would fail.

In our previous example, if we would implement the presenter code on the way that
_view would be set before the datasource would be called, both test would pass
because both of the spays would report that their expectations were fulfilled.

That's why in RhinoMocks we can set Mockery to direct mocking spays to check if
the expectations happened in order given while we record our expectations.
Something like:

$ ' !(5 

// 0i 1    22  
30i (
// 0i 22       
//    2   1  

Which would cause our test failing if the expectations were not met in order they were

The default behavior of the recording mode is Unordered, but you can combine
"group" the expectations whatever you prefer. Something like:

// 1   $  (*$'  

$ ' !(* 

// 0i 22   $      
//2   $ 1   
 (6  % $ 


 $ ' !(5 

// 0i 1    22  
30i (
 ,!i (   
 // 0i 22       
//    2   1  

Which would mean: I don't know if the header message would be set before the
ratecard data source group of expectation or after, but I do expect that whenever
datasource group expectations would start, they would execute in expected order.

Well, for certain presenter action could depend on certain mock object values, so for
some test we would have to set the view to desired state ("set up the stage for

We can do that by setting expectations like:

30i (
  ,!i (  9

Which means: When presenter would check the view RateCardProductType property
of the mock he should get the value of 1 from the mocked object ("spy would report

By default all of the expectations are single expectations, so if presenter would try to
get that value for the second time somewhere in the code he would get null value.

But that breaks the concept of the black box presenter implementation in the moment
of writing tests, so in case when I don't expect   !one call, I'm usually using
multiply value setting retrieval expectations. Something like:

30i (
  ,!i (  9( 
 i (7: 5  

which offers much more customization over the preoperative expectations

or simple

  i  (;  (

  ,!i (  9

Both of them are the same: Whenever someone asks for RateCardProductType returns
him 1.

End of the recording mode is been signalized to MockeryType by simple call of
ReplyAll() method. Results of every line after that are been compared with the spy
expectations until the MockeryType.VerifyAll() method call when the successfulness
of the expectations fulfilling is been examined and the success/fail result is been
propagated to NUnit framework as a passed/failing test. Something like this

// 1   $  (

$ ' !(* 

// 0i 22   $     
//2   $ 1   
 (6  % $ 

 $ ' !(5 

// 0i 1    22  
30i (
 ,!i (   
// 0i 22       
//    2   1  

//i  $   1! 



//i i$ 8  1 2  0i 

That would be all for now - I hope you've got the big picture which was the point of
this intro article :)

Next parts of Rhino mock article series would cover in more details every aspect of
rhino mocks framework + some of my real world "gotcha type" experiences in using

$ % &    "     &


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