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Letter Writing

Learning Objective: To be able to write

persuasively in a letter.
The Situation
Mrs Neave has decided to make the FULL school uniform of
Black Shoes, Black socks, Dark Grey/Black Trousers, White T-
shirt and Blue Jumper/Cardigan compulsory. This means no
trainers, no braclets, no skirts and no funky socks! If the rule is
broken, a £10 will have to be paid to Mrs Neave.
Here are her reasons why:-
• No uniform makes the children look ‘untidy’.
•She’s fed up with children complaining about tearing their new
clothes on the yard.
•It makes the children look identical and tidy.

What is your opinion? Let’s hear it!

The Situation
Mrs Neave has decided to ban play time in Old Road
school, the children will be given 20 minutes for
lunch then straight back to the classroom.
Here are her reasons why:-
• Too many fights occur on the yard
•Too many accidents on the yard
• No play time will give the children more time to
work and get better grades.

What is your opinion? Let’s hear it!

Write a persuasive letter using emotive
language, discussing your reasons
against Mrs Neave’s decision to ban
play time at Old Road School.

• An address
• A date
• Dear Mrs Neave

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