Chinchilla Ailments &amp Diseases

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r Hi.. KEN1imJII)Y 1Bl .. S.A_" D~V_M.~ IDl .. V _SC

H~J. - ~1lme.m I!. rut Fut!·~n..,~ &lilliirrnatIJ$ Ctntar rei)' eteoni Eil!ailIi CruliLege


.Puhlished hy


Col'n.IGHT L9:$L


PITa TR.A.DE JOmL">l" II. os Ct..NADA:.



j[Jb7nI(fn~~~ ~ •• ~ ..... """ r r-~~" r rr.·, "_ r ~~. __ ~~ '1l

Om;1!illiV1ll.TI~.s ~TlXE. ~@ m[m_~'EL ~ (C'rnut'1!::~i ]Jill

C~ 1l'h:I ~~, •• , r, .~ .. _ '-r--.----_ m;1i

~"..p,,-ffi:g. . ., 8...~ 'Cfr~. , , • .• • . . •. • ..••. r • _ • __ • :n6

SlmJib:r.tli:;m QlIlllnJe.lD1m:Ill •.•.•• , ". , .•.••• , • •• ..".,., •• , •••• " IDS:

I1rd'l:e:nlhlm:w.iti!!!ll D~o:r Ii'lmtJm. ,._._ .. _ ... _, _ .. ,. _ ,.~ ,., ~ ., .• ,. ,... ZGl-

'Elf_,tl\IDIi.I1illl ~ _'lDlIIIXffi1'l1ERll&G IDmu~ .• _ ••• ~ ~ ~ , .• ~ • • • 2Ji.

~tEa.~I',.,,_., .. ,. , •• , .•.• , ., .... , •...• _" .•. _._. --r-- 2:1

~ !rlmiirfu11r:d1fum mTThu:g;3<. ~. , .••• ~., ., •• , • ". , •. , , .• , • m. :2'5:

ililla:w nn SUB IllII'1I' 8:'lFEt'TI1TIElNEi ~t:I' ill ~:ID1!~1!lirJJ!: m.~Lnt>AlirrilIlZ't'" li"Uaffix...~nrNm'TI:my. .• ~ ~ ~ • ~ ~ ~ •••• ~ • • ••. • • • • 21

~~IiHl&l[;,(i)!!i'E Gct~xs: .v.~ C'Im~C~ .. ~ ~.utJ

rtrl'i.M::tIoml {f~' tl\.~ K::und. :BhllJlll!ll :m~t ~ri,i(.'U'Lrg; 1\I\!i'fiTh~a.a.0 ffi.infuW

Llm.Mlr~ of~i:rll! ~.Q~_._- .•. _ r, _._ .. ,._ .. _ .. __ •• _ r- _ :i®

C1J1'l'= Q~"[;_Q:ll:ia' •.•• , • _ .••• ,. r, ••••• ~_ •• __ • _ . ~ _ .. - r • ~'2:

~ EI~wt'IIoll.e_., ... , •..• , ...•. ,. r •• , •• , _.. '.Hi

~~ or (J;C.D:~ 1ll!00re~... "................ 30

Plll.kmm:Iry Uf=t]l. o.tE.(]'e= afr~Jie. Langs, . " . , , ., ., •• ,.," 3Ti

EJ:ol:lel'mIID~, ,. , •• , •• _, , .,. , .• , •• ,. , .• , , .,. , •• ,.... Sit

Pmmm-mriu Cill!:ditimts' .lff~~l'ing: IiI::1h.'t Cfl.lm:~... . .•••. . • 311

·C~ m!' ~1nts' Pn.e:llm.GIl'in... _ . _ .• _ . •• _ , ••.• , • • • • • • • 3'9

~rechank:o;TIG.r ID'lem:tifug Fl:u:mIlliIm .•• _ •.. , . , .. , . , _ •.•• " • <f(J

·PurulliD:f.l p[l-e~. _, .•. , •. , . ,., • , .. , .... , . , • , .... , .•..• _ _ 4]

'lIreat lPtmttrlWiQ[!l ••• , •• , ••• ,. , .• , .• , •• , •• , • ,. " , , ,., _ , " • , _ •• _ • ,. 42

Pulmorwzy Pigmen_t:J..tfuIll •• _ .... _. . _ " __ • _ , ~. ,._ . _ • , _ • __ ... 44±

PI ~_.~_ .. , _. __ .. . __ ._._ ._._. __ .. _" __ . . __ "._" . 45

I'AC'rn TrIi C@-!\i"SW'EM: W Il'E.."l i"EUlI1f'!<G •••• , , ••••• , • ~ • • 00i

Recommendadons fill Feeding" .. . _ •.. , . , .. ., .,. &li


AI'iTD Esop HAGUIS •• , ••• , • , •••••• , , ••••••• , • • • • • 613

Ma.I!lCdl;lat~!" CIt Slobbem. _ . _ . _ . __ . _ . , .... , . , , , , . , .. , . . . .. &2

DllOpJmgel!,~ U3<loc'Qge IIlf C"hQkE! •.•...• , _ • , • , •• , • , • , , • , •• , •• _ 15

Dna:E,,\S'ES AFFEc:FFNG T.RE GAmRo~Il'l''rE.S1'L'{ALTIl:ACT... 71

A~lde lDdige~do:t! ~r ]l~oot , , . , , . , .. , . , .. , . , . , , _ , . 78

'l')I.mpaoite8m Ni'I.I:rg~ng Fe:DIIfilc 'ChilDchilloB. , . _. " . _ .•. , " .. . .81


DThemtiiJrn oJ!"lI'lle 5]:(Jm:.!.I;lg~_ ,., , ..• ,. •. , ................• , az

CQ~_gi o!;l' fu~iLErra:ll OMi~~. ,., ., .•. , ,., . _ ... _.. 8.'t

Iil.,'eoiilijrru>~~ .. ," . , ,."., ., . . .... , .. ou • • Sal

Afrdl:m!Irr:JjJ A ,fFr".m",.&. _ . . , .••.• _ , ~ _ ...•.•.. __ . _ . __ u ou.. ou • _ S

~_ ~ _ • __ • _. .. _. __ . __ _ .. __ . . '91'l

EgiJ~IlIii;:':Elil.bllli'b. ~ • _ r" .• , •.• ". ,.. . •• "' ., ••• H "'" " , •••• ,.. M·

b~f.eJ:itfuJ~_.", •• , ...•.... , .• ,., ,. " L ••••••••••• _ ••• , •••• _ ••••• , ,. aa

VUfvuIuB.IOr 'Il'Wiii.1li'ng off ~ Bhwcll,. ,." _ _ _ . . .. . .. . .. .rorr

~ti.m;" off I1b:c.- [utRstJoo .. _ .u ou. _ _ , •• , ••• , •• mm

m..~.oo~Hret..'IlM..~. _ _ .. _ .. -r' _ ••••••••• _. ,._,. m

~m: t1!iFRre:l:nml_. __ . __ _ _ __ . _ .. _ , "., ta~

~~. ·~T{L.!» ." _ _ .. _~ , r o. !Cf,j,

lSt.lEpt:OC:QI~~~' ID:f.el.:;\![IlD~ __ .0 _ ,. _ _ .. _ ... _ .. __ _ . _ ,. _ .. _ .. ,.. . If$

$1j~p'l)D:cmlllii ]mI'~cooOS; of hlm ~_ .. __ . _ , ., ,. lrnil,

~qC:G'ii O.l'Q.Y.p' otT SlxE;pt~i:. n~rn!l'_.. . . . . .. I. m A. ~~~m::i Spec_~ t'fuJ.'It~'f s~ ~_,. .. lIO

~]1tfu: Sbptococcii lilfutli;;;am; , .. '" I Dr

E':LSt.em:e.ll:3. Wmt.IDnSlW'· iIlemQ~' S"P~' , , . ,., 1ll!2;

tloJan BaciIli •.. ~ , .•. , , . , .. , . , .•..•. 0 • , •• , ••• " •• , •• , ••• , , ••• , IDID4l

Salmol1elh Infections. .. "',.,."., .. , .... ,., .. , .•. , , ... , JIllll{l)

KIemi.eJl!l! In:leCl,tillllJll1, . , . , , . , . , , . , .•.. , . _, . , ... , . , . _ , . , .. , , , lllJlJ7

FaeU"ciomolla5 f)'ooyan~ rnfeclmDl .... , . _ •. , _ . , ...• , .•.. , . _ ill~Il M!lllooytogelI~ ro£ectirm. _ .. , ..•. r •• ~ •••••••••• _ • • r.2.5

'Cn.ryrr.eb:u::1lerium Infec&I1 .••.. ~ ...•...•.... _ ..•... _. . . . • . . 129 .>\.dmo:myor:~ N ecropwFIlS ro£ectin:n. . . . • . . .. . . . . . . • . . . . . . . 133

PSeu.djJtuberew~ ROOeuti'wn .. __ , ....•...... _. . .. . .. . 12;4]

Tubereulesis. , . , , .. , . , .. , , . , .. , . , .. , , , . , _ . IX6

lFAC'F()i~.An'F.<::'F~G ItEP.RDDU(!T'ION... .. , . , . • . . . ., . .U9

~g: Chl.nehi]~ (tlt lEI.~ Purposes •. , .. , , . .. . . 140

The, {J( Cb.mi;;:h:i!~ ... , ..... " ~, , . , , , . , . .• 14.L

'Jlihe Eli'ect ofMat~T,!g Olil Chlnchill:l!3 , •... , , . , , , , ,. . . 142:

M-gllIm®U;91 Z\.l\atIng .. , ,., __ '" .. , .. ,."., 14;3:

The Uae ®f H"=one~ in NQJJ.~B;rB~ing ·Chinehinas •..•.. , . . . [44

Sterility , , , . , , . , .. , . " , . , . , , ., . , .. , , , " . . ] 45

.NOIli-Pro<llUCtiOIl " • , • " " , • , •• , " , , •. , 1!47

The B~g Cy{!;Is .. ", .. , .. ,,',., .. , ,... 148

Chi.ocihillSl Li!,n~m. Ecnll.e:tt .•.. , _ .. . .. . . . . 148

ChiilichlJlI!l! Boo."i,ca:u.d1:!Lta ... " ..• " , , ••••....• , , • .. • • • • 148

Chlnehl!1l!!! Bre\l"ica'l.'lti:1:s ~.i!Sed. wl;tb tOh:inemUa Llm~ 148

PregIlfI.-I!LCY , •• , " .....•... " •••• , , , • , , 149

The iBiirt.ho.fthE! YOlllllg •.... '.'. + •.• "'" '" " ..• 151

AboctioIl. ,. " " . , , " , ., . , . , .. ' .. " ,.. . . . . 1.53

Aga]aoetia®r LoSll oJ ~\li:lk " .. " . "' , , , .. . .. . . . . 154




~ .. __ .. __ .. _ .. _ _ .. _._ .. ru5:7

Jln~.Il'@.QIIi _ _ .. _ _, _ , .. "., ,. lld

),'('.M.'"tful,._ _ .. ._. __ __ _ .. _. .. __ .. .. . , , lltl~

~~ M~:hcifu;, __ , __ .. _. _ .. _ .. __ .. _ _ . _ , .. _ ,. IlG~

G:a;UI~ E..1Ietim'f["S, OL·li"p)Ul!.~"llJ_ _ .. _ ._ .. _ .. __ . _ ,. _, , ltGW

]i';~D2-t!JJiJ.l ~;[ftioofllim- • - - .- - ... - .. - - - .. . .. - .. - ... - , -, " , ,., ID6q

'1li"IfrEl: ~HILI!..IiA ~_. __ .. __ .. __ • __ ,. , .•.• __ .'._ , , ,_ IDfiUl

It::rLlSf~fl'P-lJtr JITim.il1~ in ~e 3Um.1'Ieit" al!' j[~ m a: .EJ:Ii.rer, .• _ man

[d:rr.rJitJ.~ ~~ ~ Qf=nllfus· F'aIlh~1Llmfu IIiJltJi._._ iIl13:oJ

[!n,~ ttaytill.e w~ IllJhmdj~. ~ _ .... _ , ... _ .. _ . __ .. _ .. __ .. _ .__ iIl'ilill

IDIIfr==.djfu:rn mrOOe ~1r~ illhrrd .. _ .. __ .. _ .. _ _ .. _ ... _ ,. iIl.'in

S"crr..a.t.iI'I:e3: .wm.ll:Ja:n~" .AJIimtfu B':Lhy CI'l:fu:c.lliL,. _ .. , ,. __ .. iIln

So:reE.~. _ .. __ .. ._ .. _._ .. _ .. _ .. _._ _ ,_ . .. , __ _ .. " " .. ,. ll.n

(!k;n!j.1)to:LUii:"irrn- _ .. ,. - _ ...... ,. ,. - , .•. , , • , , " , " '"'' " , ., ". II ~

.IrUlJj[jI'r~ .• ~ ~ ~ •• r , ••• , • _ •• " • ,., , ,., ,.. ,.". , •• ",. "'" ]1]'[3)

'lli~ Jim'l:~'CJ~ (iIE nm~!1".J ... 1j[~ (lrnlir(.!;O;y- CI'!fu:OOiUb.:'91,. , .. , _ ,. _..

.El.1l:b$ C;r:&t_~> 'tili::Jec fu!;~El1W(lm~ Qfilkdl., • , • " , . , •..• ,_ • _. - 11 j)'~

.TIrl:cligBtlWl. . . . .. ,. _ ..•...• , •• , • _ •• " '''',."., •• ,.. 1'01

Th!jmrl'c"!I oE B'at;-lI.' Chlnclll1ra. ... ii3.\xorn ~!ft;er-~' lli"'!l1lfll. " , _ ••. _ • • l:jil'

m.ti&e-ll' ~t.iionSi 1l'B:ii~ l:[wy [}.,J..Th..'€'1i~n.;;3e!3". oll B':l!i:y,- [:.Jljim:lliillI31 Jl"E&

.mmd ] __ • _ .. _ • , ,., . , • , , • '" , , , • , .•• , _ • _ , .• _ • lIlT1!ll


F'1Jl'R 'CCil~.]JlI!NEi_. • _. _. __ -- ,._., _ .• , .,., __ •• _ •• _, _. ll~ill

[)"1m' ~~ , .• .. _ ..• _ . _ . _ ., _, ,. "., , ., ".".,' _ , i1J3.1l

T.h~ Il~:"'Il"~Jbll:t:J:lOO..t. o.f[ l(Cut~:0[1l1!'II.r, .. _, .. ""., ••• , "., ,.. t9l1

o[I:trum' JUIm. C(lm1i:tfu.~ .JtIf~~frrg: CFri:nc,l'tjIr:u;;, •• _ ,_ ",.,., •• , _ 11 ~e

i1:fm.nCil'1l.I.C!:, D[_i5lii~Sili. C[fxm'H@~. , .. _ ..• " • •..... __ .. _ .. .. .. [ g]j'

Vlbmfu J:.ID~ficiency~ .•• __ • _. _ ..•. .. _ .. _ .• _. _. ,., Jl'9"lf,

1'h.<f.Fe:edilJg: ofrQbci ]JJ.."'e1i" 00., ... __ .. __ .. _ .. __ • _ ,. '" lllHG

1'hemeetr.rurRe.n:cid Cad Mll@Oil .. .. _ _. ,. , "., lIJOO

'Im~Iklicif!!laj"_. .... _ •• , .. _ . . ,_. , , , , ., .,.,.,' ,. lllHIji

Elf1:rrul'bed!. 11llitmil Jl,Jj ... ~:!thliilml __ •. , "., ".""., .,' , .• _ • lime Yell"wF'at0r"'Yd]£lw Elu,r~~. , .•• ,., ,., ".,.".,. ,_,., ••• 2m

The·Sg..C'!IJfud: F!.lll.gru So_ FU~":,Jlip. ("%Inditi:Cn .. , • , .• , .. ,._.. 2UU:

A FIlr [)m1.ditfQn.Du:c~o J":l.flto1:.h~i(~ Add Deficiency _. , . , .. " 21]

EYE Cmml'I'IONs.,.,.", .. "."", ... """. __ _ ,217

The C"bir!clllih El'e ... __ . _ . _ .. _ . . . . . _ .... __ . _ 217

D~e~ JlJfootLf!g tllilE},eg ... _ . . . . . . _ . _ .. _ . _ , . , 218

Watery Eyes., - - . -"., , ., .. - - -. ", 218

I!lJlJri~(!Jthe, Eyelid!! _ " . _ . _ ., " .. _ . _ .. _ .. .,. 2.19

A.dI~~.Da~.l'the Ey!:ilids .... , .,' , ... _ ... __ .. ,' ,_ 21'[1

Foreign B!XI~rn tb.e Eye .. , , , , ., ., _.. . _ . _ . __ . .. . . . . 2;20

!C'ofl,fIll!liCtirltig ••• , ' " ., ..... , • , • , , • , , ., • _ .. _ ...... , • , , • • • • 2;21

fi:a.~ (iJ1)rril 1ctii!i:i:J:m............. .. " ~ ..

l'h.rnIi:!.m..l1 , Ogj)mCtttvi'tillL......................,.. , •

~p~~UI'I' fufIKhlnu ai" tl:'!e Ctilin;dliLl':ll:o; Eye ,. _ ,

hl!Jll):rnr.!DA3l ~ lnnIi.lf.'!iio!rn Ilf E\. E...~ _ , ..

&HI. CmsLITIlnl'i)'N.$ , . • . ~ ,. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. • • • . .." .

Wa.tmrlb • ThI~ oJi ~rll!' .It::ur.. .. . .

~rmJ..1IDm.a. ' . . . . . . . .. .. . .. .. . ..

UlCm;atili:m:. alI W.E.· U;',,"tl!rn'aL EruJ.... . . .

IDlistiI:UllIl:i.i:lu. off ttEl' llr.,-,,1l!H:n.irllllffiur .

In:fE!l1lfum offtTrlf' IImB! EoJt .

~~ lfuoC'D t'Jre, Li.u· .


L.ll\\ER (C1 ~l!lITlii~~ .....,... ,. . " • • ~ ,. • .

~::r;Jj[um.... .• . . •. .. _............... . .. .. .. ..

~ ·t;!~H)'fftlw ~ :'" . _.. . .. ..

. rutt.y liveJ1;·... •. . _ .. _ .

C"1r't.litiiiL". (]If til ~ .. __ , _ _ .

R.u.p U;~ of the'~. .. . . . . . . . .. ., ,. .

KII.lN~Y CQ-KDJJ!l'.ro.NS- .. _ .. , •. ' •••..• _ _. , " ..

Hyperemia, or' Co:a,gp."tiim of the· :ffi:hlne}:s. . .. .

Passive Hyperetriill.. Qf the Ki:dD.~. .. . .. . . . . ., .. .. ..

:<J ephritis or IJlila.m.rn::IJbrol] of he Iirdne-Y!I.. . . . .. . .•....•.••

Acute- Ncphr:itLa , ..

Chronic Nephritis.. . . . .

Purulent ~ ephritis , . . . .. . _ . . . . . . . . .. ..

POn.lQ~I1\G C01','TIIT10NS" •.•.........•.. " ..••....••••.

Inorganic Poisoning ,. ., .

1\r",~ i.e PQilloning: " . . .

A~en ie I!Jl d Lead Spray .Poi~tmi[lg .

8alXl.dill.a. Powder Poisoning- , . .

Other Call~ of PoiS{mh~!!, or Toxic Conditions .

Organic Pomllillg ~. . . . . .. . .

,l\lgae· Poisoning , . . .. . , .

Molllld or Plant l'oioonin.g.. . .

Toxin meet of Rim' Linseed on .

PAR..;'l.S~T](' CONrm::JONs •.••............. , " , ..... , . , . .. 2·ji,8

Taplll'w,onn Cysti.'l . , •.......... , , , , • , •. , ,."., .. " •.. ,.... 248

Gilrrdil)5i> .. , , . , •..• ,.. .." .. ,.,.,........ 2501

Tri.e1!IG:li:J'lmiwis. , , , . , , , , • , •• , ,." .. ,............ 252

&lantitl±O<5i~ , , , , , , , . , . , .. , ., " , ,., 253

TQJrop1a8I'nQ~is Infeetio» , , . , . , .. , , , , , . . . . . . . . . . .. . . .. . . . 253

PlQlsoJ.O'pt~r.iHi!!i.s , , , . , , • , • , , • , • , • , , " ........•• , •• , •• , • 255

~J['remakldifi,!i~~, . , . . . , . , . , , . , . , . , , " , , , . , . " . 255

Jl.i['ite3, , , ....•..• , ",., , ,.,... 259

~11 m 2231 22l4l

226 22m m .22lJ m 2I.Q' 23l

23~ 5'&1 2m 23'& 23:5 2'.'15

2~1 23'ii:' 2~7 2'NS 2K~ 73'9 2'41

243. 24.1 2'-U 2'43; 245 2.45 246 246- 246 247


I otrod U Eli 011

WHEN rfi!l!J.Tl.~fl' IrlUf NICFr.[p dr;K!J,"lr. (rf an.!li rwruU?11. fl.! !fJ,v'.!(13:m.-

. . iruJ~, tl."fI. tunuw:H O',r.'t ~fuol- r lit[ U,"ffrl/r oj r. ~ UTei'.'l' JfJti!rvro a.nd liis-

pn1.'LrtIl'IJ, rrT:irria.m (1)ait fmr u:;ijrb Wlmt Y1; flwr tv 1lu:i~ folX~ i~ f'-'!1t{f&iilrufj,; ,four U~· lliltl?&ti wm:I.l11n:Im:IJ 1ilt(1~ (1£(j [)-m:NI.'(I'".1l;~ Qj filii" faJJ~ .'}'!W'(J,fifJ! jn(f'.llf! ~fM' &1J;(£(~SL-1u1!' r.rzii8'ing af f~Ir.flS'.··

lntlW. m'-Ilk- a'pre "flaiwJ. ill Ci11JllirJ.7.R. il.i.l..~ t/1;/f fiUi,ll imiuf>Ortf. Ulff ft]:l,md.a.tfo~ oj O~e' mink rn1.I;lJ1J:ilfrF mJrJ;Nf"ry[; "W.ll.'f, fa:idl Ill/. 1lrfl!l Wl'1l'~ l~n'}iJI~f; mrrJ tJf,·,;-£o {.J... n~ 'ill.i"rrk irm~CmJJ ~ tv. (.rj1)'{:I2iirMl~'t· th.1!" fww il"I~aP~~ &f l'IIie' tlJf}ffIl!fi!. ~ 1Jil1'Y!Y j&1J!r!J!l lI..wi d':O"1I.e:.

TIr:ll;m i;i;ms1"rl'elin.fjj ~fu, ra~~~itr.fl of (}hill£,1.i.i.rri1.~· i1l. ~~·l.'i~~ LL'l!' li:tu:1! W i!'tup a.ru1/ {frin.k af .'l'Il"1l'lf: lIDUIi lliil: tint fule- J,ff_l?_ lti?n.apm..un" td'J:(}1l~ ['~iMli Qrd' fe t1(JJNJ.tJ.1 [a.JJ' UU::. it) [~fwf"(t~rol!J jiJ.r (ltd eI!Lrllit'i8fi:R:d Oil! c.&~ndt.i:Ufl: intfJ1J8tq}.

B.w.,:ji, o! i1t~l'!(t imfuN/riiJ.-;f· 1'1l.f1cB aJr"e" rWilli e~fu1:i~~I.iIl.Ji wndi t:k~'elfJp.ed lor t}l~ n..r:111inq af f u.T-b~J1. ri't"t:rJ a-.n imalB· nllii eome t1!:raugA some l'em pm-pi'ninq and hammium·limes. Ill, ihe eawt'y rf(ijfJ> uj JaT; anri mink nmr.itinq. t'"a?"1:m~8' 1)woM.(!ms. (lIlJ diS:ea:,~(;]· ,r.nm'itiow; /1!,[Je:lll'ing; thCftfl Wfrt[Ittfi'Es u,'l2;re. n'rui!~~imxt_ l!JjQ.~ fu; !1tli1'U1&: 1I1..luM· e'omlirunNl" '!.!,'Gl8t1 di.f/fIfttflt dVl(d.i!,ian Itli make ,. Tb« p;1I" rtrt1.(jri~iIJ Qlld" feeding of UWM: animals was a problem. U t!.'Cl3 n£INISSlJT'lP fhaf die animal" fie k"pI hmUhy so t/rat r/7f'Y' 'l. .. auZ-a! j1rOdure llwmal'. Ike lrhU li~lftt"S,

Disease Wd:a ,a~wa-ys u serioee p.nJl!:tcem. 'l'he juri breghr /i_~. to cl}'ntend with such condition» as ihos~ CtllMn:i ay jeJ"IJ.lty l'tuiri-tiO'll, those lJ.!Jectinq rfpl"rxillr.iion, a.rut. IrnU!.e (JJJJ~ding lk~ qu.alily Qf ~he pelt. fl QWe:ieF, i~ tl.'U:': .won e:illabli3hrd l1w~ OW' wl"Limats could be kept alive: uttd w.ould reproduce in BuJ taoofuing the:m so iha.l they wO'uid ptoduc.e a qua1i~y oj fMr acaeptable to 11l4rkd d~rrwndsj andUwse oj furriers, was a seriQus lJr(lblem {hm .had ta be J eeed. F'1¥'llUn2ily o:n fu.r nmmes an i.mals WC1'e ti!1.ioWd whose pijlJ s were oJ such Pj)()l' qualify and gi"-tUk lI~a~ .tJ~WIJ were not aceei,~ed btJ the j1~(, market

Btl .£\.~ fJi11rJ.~ ita.w· l1W,'1.l!!J,r p1YIT/1&l1t:'i'. rlr;a/i al!. .ftl;'flIE.Rlim illllJ) M.1.'»llo;.llll .tllf;¢ ~'l:alm~[~ 'Ii~ "til QjI ft'IJl.r~iJ:J{]J I1il1Jiim·allf. Ell..! ttfl'p-mity ....... , #JflJlMf ~n: (J..t,.'"lUl11UJ:HdI' (;!InElJ. iJIt.'n iru:r~fi(C fo~W! ffhw. iwfu.l8"hry. Siw:,:,et!..$1{r./il lI'aNjz& .. ltJ QJ Jo~ W"l,l l?xJtp1itdiliy; l~~ &i1c;:~n~ m. ,(f<!taflGl8illed1~ NtlJfmi;.-. vwltaJl mmil wai.~ Qlil1;ev rJ}i](/i{Ir.l.'flf ',ll?1ri1l1fm'& t!ftiJ.,~ [iIJ'e~1J.:tH.!~lril rm,~r;r.f}ll1TJedi l:![",t .<}n:~"$$ 1fJTj' (Jl£M i~trlh~flJ:'f.I! Jii'}j1t(f &~ {J,"jj(dJlili.dfJiJJj mnIW/WU.

a,mli Ilrmmrilll."1Jlfurr/!" l..I"':Il:e iIll;(l'!~IJnTJJ ~. 'Inmr:li!I.di ar pflum, fvli:el'f: tJiP

qUf};JJiliJp a fJhl: i'1J.w ll$(JcCai!.e;(Jl·~· 11.1i1.lE"]li ,'ilYJipllriNr t@ Wall wllii!ll (llillll ~

llfariirr.e:d! Jlfffi'lll ,wiTH! fo::rrg; ,.r;;[}~,.. .M!. Cl'rE' mtflIl/;' iiflfifT~. (;II'!JI i.iJr:rJ pwu"b-&m'8i !iJJ..tlfr Ilgfltil a7l'e"lfftUflJJ:1{ ~

C frrft"[;(!]ltrM mis;iilJ.!JI. (11 1"1lif11!rJ mr~r1'mlI huJust~f!lI. half, 1l'IJYJ:,flJl'i . d!

'I"(Fp:iiiJ~'y1 m llt!! ff1I&t fow Y;fT~ oIJirrd! is ffM~ fJlle:ooMfl:1.j md!lJ estaLl Wsli.;~rF. 11 he' tltl'..l"lOOBI pl'o1UhrllS': mnd d'ise"l'se 6U.l,trd\l!frioo& Oitillll ~ .flU(t.(;ltt~l"(j'cl? '~n .tr~~. l'm~:n1:I;IJ aj' me8'e:t1lfllim:{!l~~> ~ (JWJlI2fuftfj,1 Q:O"ti' oo~ wJJik:/i'; YUJlfti:

Uttl~ Jiat'e. been e~pm~needl in ~he ~'(l1U:n. 1fai.&~ afi th.e. athn. speciee of j'IJ.ibeurdtl{;ltmiim:ilZ~... 'lfl!.eeliindt111w ~r.;red'e'l13 hat/'/! fj}'I£ bt!neffl oJ.the reeulte (If fJw jO')l a~~dmin It lft"l!:erieltSF (~xllt1l1.1mlYtJ· i I!, O'.l/el"'~ cO'rlliing fllml fliirmrinuling d-tseaSfl pIo'Ootenrti8.' j!f'o.m. (Jtei"v (l:nd awo th.eir experirm.ce.8 relaH'ut: to p:rodul;tian. an.£lJ maricelingr .aj ft~,1'.

There tire m(nty problems yet to be salved; bejOfJe $(1 f.'aisi:nl] oj en inchiUas in OO1Jfi~'ily is enti?'ely 8U.IX€I1-8fhl. .4. m~e- ,ea;'_· ~ensive knmvledge and toukrsta;n~in.l'1· .oj the j'eed'in(J tiM lliI'Ulri .. ti(m oj these animal:S is neeesoUITY in order to keep them 'lMaWI,Y and ihuskad to the, pl'odtJ.clion 0/ fwr thai is desirable it) iJw !Jar'iou~ brunche s oj ike [w' trade. To daw t'e'ry li.f.tU injormaaofl, has been (wailable relative w tke various disease oonaifio1l-s tba: ajJec.t these animal.s.

Probably no mte 1)!!r.~01~ in the indu.~trv is as well fUted. as Dodo« Kennedy foOl' writing a lr,eastu1r such as this on ckineMllas, not (miy becau8'8 .0J .his Tmactiool and aco.d.cmt~ool trainin(l but als,Q beca,uM of h~ long study and "'oS'~oci(1Uon wi-tit l..h.e .fur .farm .• i1tg i1UbJ,~lry. HOW8oor true Oi is ~nay' bilj .ffI,e; di.ffiJ;uUy .iLas b.een ~(). ~ea,r th.e (J(jod DQcror away b"rJm, his p,,' 'W-.Ork ~ong' endmgh to get him to put his id(~a$on 'Pa'P~ rather fhan on Mt:ual tl"eteTinary work.

lJ)r, _ l!i:JH1lf d !J wfuattliI1 jfr VI Me.' fD;t tlwia ,t£(f.Ziu;lJilJitiIlra11

fl~l}lle:~~ ~ q} ~dl i.1 fl(JJl'O'fmmw I1lIXti M!d 1 I;;'.!a I/: rlr[j!., Aj;r.~irn·!l'rG..d'ri,(:dill!21 M e'll&li~ITJ fIllet. O.t1:1~b We€(lcrillm'1}; Co1~q(,~ wa~ )lIe: (l~tB.~nfJfil lJ.rifl W.R ,tl'lMiI: J!)~ Y jllB~ d~~:&. La~r 'War!: a~ tiTe rJIroWJI'1'"!1Iilfrp ,aj Tumt\lt~ IJlJJ!e ,5,.ri.m~ lliisi D_ Y J.~' _ dl-r~lf"

[iJli.'$ jiilrl;B (!Lpe'JJi; t e; in" fnifIlJ~(JllrinrJ) ~ (. aks.l1acl~ t. wi itJ (.1 ['(fa! imwsqwl1Sl ftc! lfrl~1j, al lht.lllVrtlioot1nJ] tYro P1rifn;. w I11tiJ w;. lJ:jffMrJ, &1.d: d&rar;.g)taY1tl! ffirr 1i(J"'(!?'l'd:.. l);rr: . .If. R:. ,tm1I.irlia[~~m; (JlJer~ (~ted (lI :r'il'iu~ ll:diarowvy (Dlfl£l ffNJ, 1fl1l;1~tiI am F7ri~ lit'rIy.t,(l;wrli lJslUm.iJj~, ~IIf1/ imJ(KJt dl&J.erl'S(f.!~ /knJ! 6~, t't!&"I.Itfr W(lli' n'ilndlhi hy liJ'1I:' KfiWJ1,'~ Eli 'Ui~ li.f!'C fJi;aJj 00 me.11 al1f1il ~dl 'i1:'l.l[iJ llbr~ E_ ~ .. E'OU'J,l~S:. w/iQ) ff1Je;r.i(illiz.~ itlJ tlltd&iJ::fan oj jumrJ Cl!ii'ita;g; amlint(Uil' a nl1 i'Bl 'IJI.eI:l;f.rroo'tUll i1j.) tlt,is, l!in>!t i'm BaMc (['tI!\"liaY!(lJ' armi! @J.g fIhJtille{Jj StafJ ;Ii ~'nl !fur e'o;m;tttt'ftlcl,i,,~' jf€1JdJ ..

l!1i~17'" Dr". Kmrteff'1Jj ,f~P:('.'IIIrJ Iii:'! p1'iilJaiB: 'fp7U(:J;i(fe i~ tfT, , P)ravin(!(~ oj N(fu: B'ln,{crn8>wi'di;" wl~M! lk~ aIslJsp·iallll>Z.edJ m t/1isr:(I,'{#lf. of {if1tril1ewnT6.(1 w1lima-l~. i?mrt1J lVem1 .BWu:1.12l}W."CA' ttl! ~p,(e.rF ~h pasUiiO'n, es 1T ~~(i:il'1l' PY};rifjol'611!1;~~ ~J.lJ:tJ,~fJn€'d ,a,'iJ ,rJ~~ O)nt.:a1"tlI t1h/J~1f1ll7J'I&lIiC H~tlf!lf'IL111€t~faiI1 F'am1/l a.~ H:if':ftfii1h~. l1Jq1.tllriJ). rJ..<I.sT(!,' l~fl U,'.(lB 'IlS'5(]iNafu:~' wi1JirJ ]j)J'; B.utf.a1dr G. ~. Iff e; rg'l1l.tti1~lfdl ae. o}(.II lurr j'G.l'1TIi until it waill e;[asetJ ~atIl.J y~a1~ a;ljJa. I ~~.lIa1IJ tlje1f€ ill.~ d4lseo.soo 1]1 f''iu]r (lnim:altf' l'rtlial1G! in. (lililtlti:vi£rJI U;nrB a1i8a w'~lH onfhrrais 'WW,g e\!l'eauntI!T~' aa,d ai'IJu:l'ieot.

W~htm, @wE;r;p£.rrimentuI ll"a.WfIk wr:O/fd.o;se{'~ ]f»)'. K,exl:tlJ!.dY'ioineli the faculty; at t'fie tJu~at,relelll1t(i;1I'l.J Culltt(pt 0.1 dJ lhlw laaJ.~ O1H}) ~he bra.nch oi Illw wr;:rk !Ypm·a[~ing. icl'l. _f.wtb(J()lfIingi (f1l;cimab.


Posmibly nG mall' ttl.! {he industFr}! hew hwl (,1 'I,i.~1l1t1r' ~preti~n,c(' than Dr. Kennedy in. dealing 'wifh, di.'5I1-llse problmn.s oJ Ju.r-b upi'nf] animals from the earliest d.ays 0/ some bro;/lch s oj tlie iniiuslr,Y. Hi$ work on mink [er many yeaTS has been weUand javotl.rabli1J krw:uff~ in Canada, aIUl this r'('.8Uik..d in his writi1t{) the book,

.. The. Mink in H (jatu~ and Dilloose"; 'i!"hid 'U.'8 pUfjli6hed in 195.1. This book ~~a8 Nl<el with a very kindly l'ecepti()1'j, ~:n the • i~ulu-8lry, being r.he only one deali1~(1 'U.tith 1nink ailment.~ (1,n,d diseases, and if> bdng sold 'Wheretl~· min" an: raised.

iWBKRT' 'G. nODGS()l\' Editor

Fur T1W.e Journo; of Canada

lfru. werJe1tJil '!l~tlIJm;~; [J}lmll (!. :tt~ oj1)..'fQl'ft !'riaflJ fuzrll dh:M in, iI1l1lli1j1.fU-1"CfJ,' (J,Nl,.rI) :rJ,W:Cg,~r aU lliR' ,(j}fJ.tWl ll""t'U@infm1IW 1[,"(frJl!g;J~. varia:tlX' rilirrea,IW (I,,(JniJ.itJi;{;J_wl~;'Jifi!r,biio:rtJ ld~m,Wi;1mr.u!£. 'j[/lff (j_;'(JJI1fJ:rWillR/ ~liWmti.lIi!l'aJ &rr<~tiiw,'\lr fl1!IXil &r!i.1f NfJ:tir}JoJIJlll rt"I'~,d.i~lCll E1if1trJe7l~~ Als~Mia'/.ll of ("(l{XI,6',~ (1! 1~1lf lh:.'!rffi]i~t ~'~~'1f; iwte1TfIif:£dl iljj ~ !l'J(lII'7lr. am:fi lim."e· t1iol: fJ:lJ.trp ~la:001jgdl ffWl,~b;, 1:& €lT!1li fWIJiIJ. I]jIlilJ Wi.lfu~l) iII~ bnJJ ~1lM (J"OOl1i.all&: ( Jy}l(!~fi fMHf:f.J.ill.7f1;Ni.~n _ 11 tie' niimgJ,iiJJn,. iwfn'f>,~ h'(!)f(l in' «: WJli(ulr i~( r,'~w.Jii1Xm t{Jt 1'IIarrIL tlle!/lQ aJjJ'foLij,nxff (}w IilfAt1Tr _i:'M7Iliecuril1;f[,' eLI j[11li(~ <;0' m RlrmnC :I[I.I!.'li'F~.,. antli ill Wrl&, J ~d' aiJi r,l'lifSl' .'fIiwJf! aj ti.' ( !J(Jl'a:p!1Il nIl lfiall .~ /J1I'I11JJifr!e·' (tl),Jlmrrtl'JrG ant:.· U,' . WWIJ:aJ] dJiisrm/fftIJ3, f}t1Jl r!.oJi.JijJttCl'l:M< L (~Uip) lb.j ~l.i.!l&l: d!i/.tri(~ .. re~.,. QII' 'll'lJrIVlrnofi'1l:p t'll:el'& dJi"Je~ .r~ 'Iii.'UthlH: ~'I?' (J1 ~evrejfjn ilJ' !I.~·«lJtI ~ '!1..T(J:JJft-. [f),!. Ji(fflil'l.~fi}y; [l,aa; £ud/ a l)}WN!ril 00 f}f{l(tu up OJ nm1.t ~v1i!!tIl' ~} ~:!7~ mMiit:~ !!J} €li~liil\lj(.Ih;r, m tlrK h~~i (fIf ~{J.7J~~~-71ifJJ anuli di1n~fl,(]Jth:UfJl Da'l"iW.81 di&srMliS ffl ~".:bi(f"~ pa"l.-lirm.f(1r71lfJi {#-o S€ affectYn,(J: Ole &Ma' and jUlY @M faJl 'in_dll/J(J IJiffm_

he fa ~8in.g of e:hhufiill'OiS li"J;s' aavanmiJ f Cl." .rpy]n~ tli dwriS of high p,"Qmotion and; hfwe in ('(HI.ada, is mpiifly: lJec(J)ni'.g eslabli8n.ed D'll.> a sm-rna titlf!.~tQ{,* '&481.·8_ 'l''i, Vie jil'!f5t. Dno1r oJ itfJ kind to' be publishe.d il lh inrt!.tillrY,comttt!l' u.t thi.v;, (!(1ff'l{J ~1kJ;g of dR~lelopmentl ll1i.o'UL(l dQ m,'.I,rJ~ if} impp,(J1J'e the lIteSflfl.t Tn oj rai.~ing and to establish the i-rulu~try OIL

N o~'emhe.t 1 s, 195£

fI- - m

w~ ~ Q~ amrul!,g; dri~~iTIfus, ~ 1l~ 1n IL~~

~ CWG rdim.t1IV:!: m ~ ~ t!ii1i1~IT~ aif«l!:Em1 * ~

_n: IItiJSt 1:rc: ~d a.rnll~Jum 1I=lkt:- (ijjf ~:aru: tT:ll:Jl~ ·m::~rllll\(~~Ih:}!' ~frmsc wlIcr aL"C ml-tt ru;:ailinctrill im Q~IIg; Judi mmlIlgprasirrg clLiS~ CUl~5: ~1liirng dl-eID: a:mii.mruIs,. W&~ ~:l~ m~ ~~:m; ~ c_mw nt i very iimp.atta:n:1t nEu:1! dIlJ lfa~TJlJ~ fur. ~ tilbri..:::lI--wdl ~nd miriIr signili,~ .~ ~cll" 11:$ !ilill= il'rlf ttEt¢11ll ;n::e a:w tml Il!=-c: ii, ,Ctltl' &£iIrii~ h~n:g (!f1l dr clJis;:e:= W1i: il;; Imtl g e!JOOUll-nm:riL

IDru ornlltr M cl:i<E~ 3i[L-.:i rurc: - nJln dW:s:e ,~~~ affc:mnh)!,g;" a ll::~owfroV of th Vil1"m= df:s:cas~s that mal)'" m!tC.1l: nI'ttilli is ~,ary. A kmiiw ed~ d tm: ~1lturdqr tt!iL~ fur me s: ces:4im1l !l3li'sim of W~ ;!)luirnWk ls; .airs:Q) !IiI i llli£OOl:rrttm:ric:,. beeaese mmr IIIfrdlt~ di~ wmflitomrns; w;hiclin arfi«'C ehenn are o:6tictrll rdl.lttd 00 dlrlt~@1 in& ~dlimg,,!hrro:iiiJj[g :m.,J1~iiI!§e;mea r @! the. .a.miim:aJs. These:lre v!:q cnitem ~uim: d~rly (rolIliIc,ot~dl and n:Eradore must nut k: ln~t siigfuc; o~ (J1" ovc:do~dl wnclt d(t.allimg widn ,~.c:;rsc oTl'Df!l[~ in 3! l'rerdL

S~ I!hlm:hi.~b:s; rcqro:Ll'1: iIL@r.~ vitalmlm a:nd. n:UITCC'llIJ3: than de;» others, Some~fbe.~,l.ISC ofth~t eonsri rruti m~ anJi poo~:cr abiJiity TIl;! consume and digc:st fuoo~ ;u:e mere prene t(D) ~~.&dcttt!:}.,.. cOIiI<ililtlCUIS-Trm. renders t:Et~ mOire S'll~C to ~iJJ diseases such as fTIff dlc:wirrg, slobbers and SJriIill andl.fur COl!ldiU0fis... Body ,wonform.utoill' iIil'ld conseieuciou has mucb m, d~ with .ttb:e: di SCilIJCS tha.t develop or appear orr a. raDtil- Them in, ImIg bodied long headed, narrow chested animals seem 1~1l hardy, mO[1t:' SIlScepeible to disease and. produce weakerj thmner olfsprillg rlh.t an: mare diffi.cult to raise and with greater losses occurring amoil.g them.

An undlcnta.lnding of the feedi ng of chinchillas is of great imporeeace as improper nueririon and unbalanced nt:iOI1S are fre'l.uend}' the cause .of disease. The condition of the: chincbdlss,



~m: amClllmn- an:dl. .~ olf rhc hi[: hcing: fb!, t.ij!l ~ a.rrd: ·dmUr J:l:O:iJS:ID;;i: .dI ~~ = .to.£ru~ d B_ea:rirr.g:: ~i'l1 Ilfu:tu nc:-odhlil a:n;cl; ~

~f~ i[s mrnifu!1~ irnld':aag;n1i)~ taaitlIrg: a:.IJ.1iIl Oil:tl~ ~~,- Jkw.~~~ P'~.n ~ .1IDllfit!: ~FK!]._,c:m mmm ~n:g'; !Ip lm~ mtm~ mr'~ aE ttfrc d.fs~ :rllb::rrmg rurc am mJs; an:dl 1m f~emlin:.m rrlk lTI01ftt ~frcfljQrl' an.-i (;f&Eri~ ~.ltti:rClIrr..

~ ~ :t.~m,mE @).llIdi:ttf.~ 'c!r.a:C:m:alY g;tvens~ tQ)~iillSl:: wdl M~m.cwIJt~~in.a!l m.c:rid."~:em... ~·~.Ihl!:ariQ:[]] m'dl C'ill!;J.S'~:m:r.fL'ti"'0rn (ill m(t hu~ 'is umltiiaill f~l1"m.:;~m::'Ql'll (!lIT Jmmy" dlise~ ~.~ m We many il!Idl ~ ~@n:s; rr::Lttiive m wha~ CiiltIS'riwm a:. S".1JL:rm~~ mv.iiq~1i: w whfu!Et eo .ais"1t ditlJrlIi.m~ <1i~ !!ine ~ ~flleing:rmS"cdl tmdu a;£rC"!l.lI1SClU1.CCS rhec a«:: qui~ v,llrioi. sma: mInli&i'EIiI;S .ue" n.a.c:t~ :ani.m.als .u:rd an::- more i!:ctill"t at: migftco. S'om~ tpe.of[e ~ to; bit under the im~sil1:llJl tb~tiliq shauIcll ~ i.:!el1e mmtttl![' d.l:nlc~ sed:uJedqurta'S where they- L1"e J:es;s;lihly t@ b:: diSmlibN. in the! me. It.Is pcthap!f Eor' this re:aso.[)) nil drio:chfiLl as a~ laften found notlScd. In huH.dings andmoms whc:tc: I::hcr~ lS v~ly Ih:clc Hgh.l:. In f:iK1:, ca~hlt'VC" 1:ttfi known wT:Lc:[~w:irrdows .1I3i.~ b~!;:1JJ covered. in orcicI' to ex:dude die: light f:rom wb:fie dIe c.biL'lchill aswere being kept. ~bu:; making it noo:ss,ary to. put Oil me Hgnl'S when working with dle :ani.miJs-

Dark. damp buildings or quarters are not sO¥t[sfacttlry- Many people fed that chiflchiHas jlW! bereee raised JoweU .Hgh(ed. aQd wdl venti hued buildings or rooms rlll; in places ~uc~ as cdlar5 or basements where, asa general rule, [Ill. turn:! lighting is fiO~ good! at ;my ti me. Chi(u;::billlas, Ii ~I: othe.r anim.:Us, do t:lCucr In houses and places w heft! the:!rC is pie.Dty ()if Hgh t omd:. af~. Direee sWilHgh t, bowe"o"er'. that wil] ralsc~he tem.peral:lIll"t: in the house or ql:lartersto a point where It d'C,~ts the oomfon of dIe aD1 mels, should 'be avoid!ed ..

[)~¢S~ snd f.l\codom {J)om d["3,ugp[-s are aoso1uteeS!fO dab.

These animals. with d:u,Jr diens;;j' close, dmndailit fw:r can wit:h~ s rand ¥~1l'y severe oo~dI. w,ea':hC'f j previdedebeir quartersare dry a,mJ! free from dr.u]gl:lfs.

The temperature ] imics .reaornmcod.ed ill w~nller is between


5~\$.;IIDill ~Jl1 dc:g;liee_~ IF;;nhrllC:tidrdtr.. HliIl =m:c·iin ~ !i1(!l,1I: flo: aill[b:,weill 'Iret 1f::lO.(t"H:.ill ~@I._@ &~s ~ 1H!ii~ ~~r::m!:li iIl.tlS;1! clJelIfuilldJ' 1h(l'!~mbiIL ']"~~ ,:nro>m: ~JJ..OJ) d'~ Funmh~tt w~ITI (;;;im~ tmrJ:I:lifu:k ..

~ l:i ~mffii:dDlt!: ~mOll! I!'WC),;1I;':IOCO: a;,w&Umlbk w~ wiillIl 5-~" thaJt =1r:\trl1llia1&ml ~1t:mlJOllil~ _V<;:: :!ll S'''gm:iific::m:.t: mElI(:m:~ trn 1fi!ll:cl;flf)irJ;g: u~l!'lliLt~ 1:(;1: ~riQll$ ruse'iId= oK 1il1lL-cc'1imf fJ)Jil1g1irl!.

~~ dr~ hill $Ill m td" (!:WIll. cfum.~k

';'I<<::a:JlnD" "...iitfi ~~r VilJri~trj~ii[1j) !!ltm~iTI~ fnom 1lIm:dil!~Tro a~ ~::i~~ die d'Iii.tIJIbi:llf;rs; Ili1a Jlr~~

n.~ s:.'U:>llim ~rt: fLO e.~Ill'Il:1ill.~ L!lf ciir~lIIa!" 1lrL'}li: (iIlr co dl tem- 1JI¢WlCUin6 may irn:.oil=s:e t:Utci:tr ~!H!L~u:iliiiIitry tm) iim;&:ctr.GmJI$Slg~jjlts; :l!l<M mil 'F .'IJ:s~ )Ulml!i: ilill Dill. .im:m:aliii!:: @:ff nfu.~ ~~l1y of ~I!lrrs;..

IDilli'l:~ ~w=~ r~rrtp-c:n~mrn. oiI1~es.:J an~ d r<1lug..Er.t~ mnsr ~ alV!p~,. Itt- is; l11Jftm ful!D:l:d. c:IiJ:3!(I; t:elII1fer~es are ifillll' 0001 Im!,gl1n iiml tlIe: hrnrt£~ er 1l{\iI,<lIJl~ w1K1t~ me <U~ hc:hJg: Itqln:.. Th~c.liJ::truccCllRdi timm" Ra!mei , cllrJi. g, t dlamw~ all1Td: TI:nl]]jIlrr:iI1Clltres d !Ill ant' mmsc:ly teo warrm :3lt1C: riLe GIlm.= un aJ IiI!!lttIl:lrI:;T u£' dI~a:sc W!il)&iiciams, d"~g dl€: .u=aills;.

CIDnsjd~liaciiOlli shc:J:l.l:IJ. be .,;,iven: I([):' rlr.e C:(lm~~i:0n a.mdl eo the' ~O:(i;a;~imn IDE 'tIlle' b1lilllLLillirgs artJ~ Oll nE,i!: rnmBFlIUctW_[l a:[1UlIID'o-ciutlfl of the cages, .lW fl!Ot rru£s, III ,d .rnJtilJ1bes aceentiem s1fi.1lt!lJ!Idl b~ given. t:Q, ~h-e ~~o:ry req!!li:re::nt:elll!~ illtr dh.-e diindb.lDllla: &{U[5e. TILl!: rooms, T1] wl!ridt tlh.~ f~ci is. kept and! seored sJ!l:OtcM be desiig,ll1ed Sill' th:n: thy- lIlay b~ c:a.siDy and ~ffec;.[,"eIy Kept; (l;bm'_ All Emma containers should be: me amJJ mice resisraae as rliese 1'{h.{~Rt5 may carry infecnous diseases,

Radical changt::5 in liec, or the frequent ,changing or juggling of diets by adding or removing certain fcruds in the: ration will also have a significant lllflm:n(X in modifying resistance to irsIectioas diseases. It has been shown rh at sudden changes in rh e diet not only lowers 'the animals' resistance, hut also !nay be. h armf ul eo the: extent of being beyondrepa i r ,

Some of the errors whi ch lUay all ow a disease condi non ro gain entrance to a herd and spread among them may also be

ca~~. VJl'fu<:DI Rll!l!ttn~ -it&fudJiiilfu;so:~ ~ sJm.u:Thlillic: ra&:cm ITI!ll cl~ Iilfic psffi:llffity ®f fulifu:I:~ J~ iQ:trJl .!ifte:

Ii~!irul. ]ttNm,]![full &~ ~..rr.sC 1Wl imirI~.~ ~B ~ ~ "6Y~ll.'g &m;:UllgllJJli:lm[r@ OIl md.~ flilV Sl. p~. ,(i[( ~@ ®::Jr ~~r; ~ &m~te W!wim;g; Ilfrern 3lm:mog ather: iff[l~~ CIllll ·ttIk nmdllu :Il:brnmg'; t~

l 'one ~ ffiouiMl lIe ,(t1lF~ a:mdu- dl{i(~ ~~V;'Llri~£Il tmJ ~ mtF' sigKs; crJif ~~ wfrUdll IIllll}f d~'ref~ ~ ~u ].Ii: IS; ~~ nW»J7 M~ ~6lt CCilmiUt'tiroo;s; rma;. The fmood'.u:a:dl .i:r:r.t:J:oo Ed'~ ~ sm;En~tf.m1Il& iiliIm: mitt ~ &'!l!l;U'cin ~:a\m$ tiUIW fialpicl1llw ~ li!El:nll:ug1l dIe!:: ,.,m(]l"~ P1:mll c~ ~Ii.l . - r.lic:otEYlc: finl3liil:~ll less .rd!rc wi~cnrn m:fi 1!lI!lli.Q n:Jj~ ~r; n:rcnttloD11:dl ~ ~llil!Lllrorn:5 wlm :llepd t@ rrewlr lf~d ltcitm!ill.5,~ ko (tv:iallern!r_

\'l.rhern mew ~h£nc...hll1hs> attre firjf4jJllg]llIl: CiillM a:. mm:.c:ht ~liey s-Ill!lu.1dl nee ·fhe £e4 W&Jllle'li"U'keQ El!i,F Tbea.c: haUl wi m'iiltllt (i;\!lmiid:em\l])g;mc:

Iced~ t@wITrd: 't" ha1V~ hem a:cOllS'tt!med~ IMiI.\!J,uiri\t£ s:Ib::.QuJill bv.t: bcen ttJ::r.dc as m wie]]; wh1a1! ,<l1Ili1J bmw the )!.lIlLl1m;;!!ls; lia>v:-e heefllpmviously f,cd.. Tfwis; inEolrrmndou shamilld ~VClIt the malting; 'CilF sudd~o: radical ch.ang~ lil1 dliet and. fc.~ ruu:Di[[c:., as; &'lIclD changes are of~ the cause of serious; di~ve: upset.s: tD't dis-ouro-ances. II;! fac"t. mllH<y chinchillas have been lose dlJtQ.ugm cLlv~.lClooking this simplepI'Cca:ution.. When cbanges In. routine' ordiet arc necc:ssary these should lX g~a:dum!.lybmllgbt ~boll!.li:. allowing the chinchillas to become gra!duaUy secas t:om:edto: their newconditions, if troub1c:' 15"0 be avoided.

Care should be taken whe:nintroduclllg chinchillas to fi£;?l sur:roundil' sad conditions. is strange and new to rhem and Inany may become upset and. dun. frequently going off thdr food. until they become accustomed to their flew sarrouadings, However, thdr appetites win improve as they become acclimatized, although this ftIa\y take from foul." days to a week's rime. During this period. otherwise healthy chinchfllas have been harmed hy an ovei'~anxjol1.s OWner believingrhs this arumah are sick and dosing them promiscuously.

it has also been observed that 00. Dla~yoccasio.os w hen fttd. supph~me!JJts or preparations have been recommended ,the breeder fr,oquend y over-feeds these, alJid. SOmetIil1CS adrainisrers them. in an uDsadslaccl'illJ' manaer. This efren leads to disappointing

te:sW!t9! iirn dre l~~:Il:~ff m~ lIeCili m m>loohLllilm~clb:.1t Eta.~ fr~ g.rl~_ ~s.~'llimnlJ.r~ IlIlk 1hC'~}V tc~llc:M:1t m m:_a:!IlII!It~'aiIl pr-eI?~Dl J:lras; ~Dl tlSdl~E; crD:lt ~'IIl"dlt cl.~~immW ro; Irrs; anil~~ w:ftm Lo. [i!:".dI[Qy .~ ~cm:m_1: miIF C~tll)rw ~cll}l' ''''i.MD: hl~ dlindnil~l1ecd~- ll: wmill:ll &c W-TR fOIi Me '&wec&r t.® b~m:~ ·Eu:lJy fu£:m:mo] mrn 1I:aw .~ .f«l"i: OT a:~mitLi'£~ ~ ~~ .;mJl nm:: [(]I: &liIl mtlil' clkcm1cll &Uilql' of ~rr~'<Iing; db.1: c if-c:wm~ dlrot'S" G~· ·~~mnin It. p~amnwi'm:rn lSi pd'.f@["l{l c:I':rtfur~"1 :ill, IililhlkS;~.w~ full t~ Th!€:lt~j{".

({,DJ~ .ma; il:ld'i~ ,d:iilli'W",--a;:WTi'mrF:t 0[1:1']) mCin:d.dl .~ hFt!: unJiC!:tttd'@Sl:: ®mr,en;';I.!Illrun. 1l~t:mci".cm. ~ lIe .Fm. WJ mos;c: mta.iC: 3.]jl~. ro,bc: Ibsmg &:ill! fit" 'mnd_~m:n; :iLik'<IDtl1l dl.®~ 'wIl:~ mr-1.~ d'oy. d:uI1l amllnifu~.m fu.s; ikl:!>-~ me: m'l!;:::ac,d ~ of ~ nm:llIm!!D. h:m.[ my cn::inr.driJL rHdt.--e ctJ_US!!:: [C!m" ~h~ loss mE flem afid! mnditiull.\- md!rne.gmfi1a~ @iF:.wIOW".~~ C1m!I.CI!.t: bct:il«C!llImedi ['o£~ al. ~m-ug~ ~ffij~tll-.J)ti.'gnl at cite- animal ~li(!!.UJ1cll tiler; m_ in ruJl aJEltempo: ·~o cl.1[~)ll"e~ s:~nIIe ~~ill for 1lJ1lt~ oon'Ciii!;i'(ll!. The csn lrS'w.Uy ~ ~~irrcll,,,"lld~tIl'iQ1l.1r $ ~ immoli1:JJtdy fn:ittLga~ Severn[ chirrd!.ifu m :!Ii. herd! ID'lliy be 5'lrnib:rty ;d[ti:!sl,. im wnidll ,~ P~.~ O!i~mr_ci.CilIl :thocld be giveutoQ thclIll.

'"E'lk ~~Ea,I:~ ~ cE impGrc:a:rrJ:cC: wft.utexllillriag; {Ot dli~C!:"a~ ~ofiJi~icm:i" TI1~ (em.~mt~ @nme· nQrmflll dil!~n:mil[iil maF ta!!rge ~ foom 9-1 J:I to 100, (J. Jeg~~ Fab:rreu:rneont: w:h'ell t~l:,:crufiromlm'¢: ti:.(l'tll!lm" Ii ~c:mpem~ure ll1:t.:at:ri::giisters Q".-:eg 100-0 &:g1ces FillhIcen1ici"1l: '011 .. :1. merrmoIDeC!e:1l m;t;y be: CIDIffilJued 1~li)1 iod..kaCle dt.u .:1: disea!>C (OJ!1.WtlOIl is ;:Uf'ccting 'm';::: cbiIldllUa~ Amn:f'!lillcJ!JTIe ~£ 1:03.0 dCcgoes nl'tre:oheit is;veryserio!J:s ands~pl!sbmrld'!rJc' t:ikell~o Iower it as :soon as pos~ib[e. rm~l,tUiVc:mrol: is: ind.i(;4~~ by the ~empenuure retUl'nin.i!'I 'to dre l'Iort.nd :r=g~ and 1"Of.!,l;ioing there,

Atemp;:ratutt that: is low or subacemal is also s~.flol.IS.

In our work with dh-cases ae the OntaClo Veterinary oCoUegc, we often .have ch~nchl]b.~ braughctu Ull for aamJnadon ao.d tfIC~tme.f.I~" arriving at onr labor-awry .in a very ll!fC:aik: and a:.u[] eeadid~. 100u.klng t:bdr eemperstuees ~ t is nor unwmmon.fQ Mil a low 0:1: ~U!lJllo.rmal .empcr:I.~llrc inthc:sc: .:tll!~mah. Temp:::r.atuFCS

<lSo hw 1):.£ SWl.ii1llliJ1Ili ~.Q).) ~~~ JFD~Irb:citr mue: (!lftrern £ilr.lJ!lId1, :iL1_dl dtc (~M.~ :t.r.~ ~uirt~ dfu-{]ULy;m ~'i!'F:t= Ilfr.<tW .~ in£(1)lfm~ m-.w - tr [~ iJm;;t: m 1IrI!ill~ (!l'oi ~ tb:~' ~((!be~.,Jl. .&.. dirilJ>dnilllm wih_lie ·llitNIJ~lIl!C ~ W:::lrT lroJ'iJ @lr ~lDrm:raill ~ :sddbl1ll ![m:'i.l'J.~ ..

rCtll:r~III' .:m; @fOtlJ. tpla't1!AlJ in a? "1:l!}r (]ur 1JIlICCH!crr1.llli, st;Jl.~t(OO wLl.crl. ~~ ~ilIllh v:ary. llo;w. ill liWfI.l{J-ma~a,ltoo~.s:. ~ ~'(;~tm: 0;]) .O:kLE furr C'~.uim.n:n a:rn:clI Omrnttm:a:mm:-.. 'lIj]~.c: ~ ~tiitiOOlllI-i=i,. r.W'1Il ~,wfug rEtlllli:lili:~ amlmruIwri]J ~@Iilldi\t:~ 1$ wnf\;Jl!1: qJlt= rdllJ1l1C;iI[lC IOOl Enmdll:- D1l: @;J! ~rer _ m iII when ira WI[ (tID. - niQiD-

Clli:riinldilllIB ditoJ[ 3.I1l: ~id ac~u· InII~ they a:i~-e: untttm tdl[![J~trarlill1i: tro [[(1(}'in:: a11i:I@uJi! o:ke: ~;lgc 3imJj rhein eyes, w:~111 lese I:l':uarcr: d=lf ~lhrri:g~" Ibcadly a]llDeara!il:cLC ;is s.e:eclilJ ~iIll tl!re-'IillJ!]~ !lLca:I[~l)~ d:ciirrJIb.i1lI:n. The' espressi on :!lud P(Jst:S "11m .• are M&Umrred ;ZFJ: qnTItt" dliiff1:'.Il1:'.ll1n: ftr(nrn those of t1.orr=1:. hc:allthy cl:linclril~l.ag_ ']lrQs:~ t:han: Ji[e:: ~i,l'"clIdJy affected. V!<ith a clis~s-e c:ollIJ~t:i(!ln. m ;r aFpt::~ imli]Fttet1t iCO' th~ilT surroundings or co any attendant, or to'- the mo·dl and water- elrae j s gi 'fen to them. Chinchillas ehae d ispla "f SUC]J:, pco:£oll..o:d symwtoms are in a vcry serious wadi t ion and! req uire irnmdiatc and. effective treatmenr if they ace to survive,

On ranches where disease exists ebserv .. c10US should be made as to the condition of the feces. The)' may be found bard and scanty, indicating a coestipation, or they may be sofe and. watery, indicaei ng a diarrheal condi tion. Diarrheal eon di clODS are often. associated with a number of diseases. This is particularly true of the intestinal infections. The colour of the feces may be of sjgn.ifics.nce. they may be: black, ]i'eUow. green o,r ,gray in colour: ehey ms.y be bubbly or blood-stained in some of the debilitaeing or toxic disease coudi tions,

EJlMmil1in;, the .r.itk Chi'tl,hij/~- To detect symptoms or disease conditions it is necessary to know the characeeristic appear,antes of the body structures and fur of norma]. healthy chinchillas, 50 that anychanges or deviation from the normal appca\:I:'<Lflces can be readily and quickly detected. Acornp]ere history of the herd in which the disease h occurring, parricularly that of the .feeding and Cart of the animals, should be obtained if at all

!JI!!lli.S-lhlk.. '[[\rcurUlTIllmru-1Dif ~s; than:: I'r~ ~ Olin: ;;L'uriJra. cl'nr ljIali!t f= .IiIW~" • m:n:tn:lJ:cm- af[ :l!DIliirmill;; ttlYJlCi: ~ sid!:: a:mfl ~7!iI.riog s;iinri:lb;rr Ci:);D[tcfiitimm ~ud_\Jl Ilre: ~tmlm::~. Tb -inh1il:im__E lis; \<-;::'JiT im1Plit1ci1ltt~ .. llrcrltm.iJllb'l!: ill [fi_~ ·crrf ~~ tramJiiw s,~=liaurllp ~b~ 1l:fu11.~ ~ ~m~illJ.IIS om fu:rk<t:I1iieru£~ -illlil"Y rnilmt' ~ ~:Hl1!llIliiiM~ Eirrrr TIIThSl:ict$ lD£fn@1tlJ ml!tlt ~@ m fu:w afiiLlITl' . CIr~OT I:Drrg': in ~ ltmlliJI ....ami!OIIIi rimes Jll.~ 1!lffi'C!:' r~ Jk. nrondrs. ]1r~ lhliSi @1f lil f1t:Wl rni":rrdnilmlllS; in a:. ll.~ lM ~OtiYi&; Gl~tr at ~m:clI. mil ciiml!:: tpn:ii!ll1i" lUi)) It!lk cr~ IllI!'~(£l!:: Q1Jf ;l1, soudqfun (il~ll:: d'~ lis; incJi~I:i~ (t * l~ I:rC!C!:1I! QIj() ulli.~ I!a1I.dt Eli)' Q:m~ c:itmt p.'wi.clW$ 1hlIJ m(t al1:~ '1iJW:. ~:i at ~J:CJtrf:l!crtklmiiml[l!y (Jl amn.e .Qf·~ ~ i.~lllr'IJa.tnJl! (ill:! ~&llilke,JIr~n:hna:.lrlm~ a&fKcW clrciirrdDiUhts; @i1Il~ ~ wme ~~ ~u:tbrcr:aJb h,",~ ,crltW!1i!fclL

hqJUiiEfl!$ ~iliL([[m::Icll hi!: lJ:I;[.iI1:!: aJSj 1ln ~ ~::P:w:iIllIg¢:$ l1r~yi:mg lriem ma1J.~ 10. tIll: i~dJ. S;C!nlllI1l'l!: ®f kt:d" or iin: th ftt~ CilF dIe ~a:~ {Hill .,Jtt rr.atillr. al&11IJ as. 11li'll " m:mer- ili«e h~ tmm an" recent m~ai C:I\1lliliirm~1l Q w,' e fuIJU£ing, oj dK anim or if tllttc: ma.l~ 1l!:L",;e beeo .my lrelLl!fIC i'f1l!:OO1.iucc:E(I)Q 0 i! 0])" E:!It~ ~Ild. These Jia'e .ill ~ml!j'Oft'arl]tt f:urtlIlb"'S timalI sf! IJ~ !be C:~:lIiI~id1::u.:Ni whem olils:.:r"i!illg': S:11:Q S'tmd:y.itlillg coodiniolilB.

W ~r: ([mIdliiITiCITrn;, mr:Jl}i.. arr timzs, b.T. = iiru1lu.cncc:: .0(1] diseas~ coo:Ullnams. TIt~s m;3!f be lrttllic~ly se in: rhe &U or s pti!ID.:g QI diI.ol! y-ea.r. ",rfuen l::olJ,. ci31lll P. dm,ct1:geab'e Wi!'arlt-er ~$ rnene p.l!:t'w!e.l!! t - C(i) ~d, €:fuuge'Jlble w,zil!mer "f~:e.n altFe~;ts; rlre ~mby cmnchalas.. pl!fticllr;lrdy t the: c:illil:e ·of .h~iJr bidrch erseora aftt'l!, if sufficient !lttel'1d01l! .ns. om giveru tOl(l'Otcctuhcm ;:ulcqlmllir.ld}i during these pr,eari.ons: rime _ Marry Iirrers of EJiby cmnrllWil3!5 arc frcqn=dy lost through. draughcs and dampness in roC' ':lges and I1Cst boxes, Or throughnLlatiolls oft(:mpetatil1ie occurring in their nest: boxes and cages while they are being bow, or soon afc,c[ bireh.

Chinehillas may be affected with disease conditions during certain seasons 0.£ the yc:a-r. Heat exhausuon or hear prostration is more CCimmon~ in Ontario, durillig the hot, humid months of JUDe, July and Auguse than ar any other time of the year. Pneumoni c condi nons are more apt to be found prevalent i 0 the late

~llll ,a;!Iil:dl ~' ~ Ju1iiim:S; cmiJi,. J1mIF~ dt~~b e ~""c:;:(~, Iflll[tmi'cMrmrl1~ ,[mr ,Md]w.rr'efJ!fmlJlg: !O!!m£[nii@rr$ mr~ iIli:lJl1t mo.:i!ii:mill ffiili amw ~lC.Ufunr tiM!!: (';IE ~mt__£«I1!Il-'~'fu~ mmy CIll::.mttr arll; llnlF ll'iitm: of n:IJ:.c: ~ ..

, , 1I~ ~-.JlIiI1'g; _<taSte ~l!lI:l:diic;.ii®Jlli; ar- tpnmfu-~~ :fill: ~ ~1lrk n Qb.IJairu d tEre; _QUIDm®n. p~1hr~ ~_: no r:l!c: Cli!l~ ,am Milil:~ mil: lin ~k. 1Ifuili ~m ~41i1mltJl'trlJly ~~dl £imr a ~s-sillrlc d~ mr &m:llU! 'mn t.@ufu~ ~t:; J?llmOfum.. SUlD:!l:m.~ ;me Q!nm.1h1ll e c]na.TD; g:IlYO\: iil!I&-nmill~ h·~'1\ IIB1lF .fei!:Jill 1lO r:m.~ ~(1ID=F '!!If me: ~ct.' of dr.1t '~00lil.h~.£'a!W1e: s;rruU}l' aim1!ll .iim~JCS·~rin~ W'@'lIilil: rr.::rmams mill me:

Jome'. LiH1m:~iIory f.r.t!::lll::iiciC5 a[C tpmrJ!tl'!CaJly ,:iI ~S'$~IlW m, ~J!I~g with ~h:eK dliS~a~ ,:115 iIl!;l!iIli:1 ~fthcc: ooodi:Il~@m; llfIDl;tt~re £mu'lllCl ,;[flfe~dng; (l;nfi!Idluhlnall~ liOll'l![1iii;;- billrm:3i.t®lty ~itliS:ciiol'[J. TOilS i, e.s:~h.Il}" trn:c: of cwmilicicliD:S. alfeccil11g: ~rn: :!rmtestinaJj~li'att and other bO'd,y rugam.s. ~n wlticlI bJ;C~edal Ofg:il!tmiSm:s m'3Y be t:liJ:c causauve a;~ts.

Prepat'atio[[~ of aurogcnmrs bacrerins are, ae eimes, of value in ,combating diseases. For their prepanuioll, labo:rator,Y- fa:ciIieies are also necessary.

Sanitation-S.uticadon is impcu·tant in the r'alsfo:g of hc:aJ.hy chinchilla~. For '~hj s reasea, on'C must h~v'C p:nos ChiL~ c:on, be dam;dl and disinfected without tOO much djfficul~y:. Theproblem of sanitation is greatly simplified by the natural cleanliness of the: animals and the absence of body odors; The feces and urine have no offensive odor, unless, of eourse.ebey arc allowed to accumulate and decay.

The general sanitation of 11, ranch rua.y be considered sarisfa.ccOfy if it is successful In keeping the feed~ng equipment, cages and buildings In a comfotta:b1e, saoitary conditien. In general care one should :dwll,ysbear in mi ad th.a~ there is a bsolutdy no medicinal trea tment ehse can be substi um::d for cleaaliaess and sani ta tion, H ygeQic measures cannot DC stressed too' .mnch iathe management and the following points should be adhered to as closely OIlS possible ..

I •. U\l:: 'll.l.ill~ 'iW1::l!!tJ!tt" S'Ih..'(1[aillll£ID~ pm:c~i!l!. &om ~~ fuy .~ mr~wl:cll.ffiLt!l:ml .~ mUm-ruIS" rmim:: ij!E ~~ mliJJltUL.

1.. ~ &~ dfu:lte:s:: SMQ.1llilli!!. lk s:m; plli:~ dl:aiu:1ik ,G:fufu:.i~ ~~t ~~t: drdrr&:«:C!:s, (DE DIElI1:.1r.~ i!lIll drem~ "Wil1Will t~]m.~ .~ ci'mt;: c:Etq sInmcl'i!ll k (~ .uuill clli~ &yBJJldiling dr;e;m:,~£lI. W~~ • . J~ 'Ilir:~ ll:i::Jk::-«INd!.' .f~ b@lIll uk pn:.ti®..t!t"5; dlll]! !l'fu~o1l!1l. ~ :I1emQ..-mnrr@'.I!illmm aglt'ln-~an.}:; ffi;:m~ rcSi ywm.

41~ C::Ilg£'., wllim. ~~ :lIlw .... O:(!l~~~ sli::.atrr.I..\ill ~S;:::~a1:I,tc-ill W¥' s;~e cllo:!:::mlb.TeIlt!:~liiaillD lI:~~~F :gr11m~c;tt: ~.1!lS1!l pcwm1t ~h~W~ ~Iil..-cll am.e!i'ma!ltell'iiilillsJ £OOm WIlfumg ~I!!tti~rHmgli (i1I) (illJ""!I-

ralrrlifuI.-ame rrllie: age: fu:el\!)l!bl'. ~

S:\. C~&1llV.Ulf~· filE" tnf~~ a-n:nrnah In. ~ sl!;_C!.UtNi fue tfu.ID~~~II]'.M1 d.t:ID~~ ~"ttmllfuJfu;:td'ililErilln S{ml~ '!l~Cl" ;In:..::i!!.dlf6:i!l!f'.c.elU.UlW:~ 11:&= .ri~ t"1'r®Ml~fullW a:ru! pll~ IllUltt: • s,u:l:ISlli"Il!t:_

,6:. lrre [(mrs !llJ~-u1!cR be s-,w~wt &illy-wasJll:.e.riUma ~sim'ct:~.t.c~. we-eIldl:f<.

, '

ilhc: f~drng, lIlt:"dc:altl:.,d>'i:oot"a.lllll!iilil!ai.t.m ,Wl)[lcL is mEll~i'1LI!UrJ' 11lllP0:imn~ in. (ill~o:liling mu,tfu,~~ or df"S=~:.

TQs1[J1l!le C!:cx~.I1~ wm."Il:hf.RiacS; h3l'll! ;,l! lle"S'i$'!1~.tjLo:i:~ ~Q lJillcr,c.l1.b. foumll In. rJitl!'iir- ()'i.I'iltliL ~iiv~ ~&:tIs" 'hum: v."lrm d'Iey ~ £l.I!bi ecr~ OIl ,a, t-are.i_gpt l:nl©Cel!'l.l" "-0 ..... :hi'l:fulIEL~ b;;w,~~'m@) l'laJ.rn:r~:af lim,. md1]~¥>, £ev:e!l',e lesses 'lilill he apli:Jt.ted. 'Ih.e.s·e- fU~111 bli.©t~~Ia 'OJO gflilil eliLt~~~e tome f«J!. til:OlJII Is li:;e,~tI!g fed hy iIiIlmgS;tl; ::liEll] oonceiu:lb:I'e m~.tilEl'cr;h';!"I!l~ it IS we-Ill! W()."1~W wfillitIe: tQl ~d: tl!~~~ suCh COiIIIlt:a!tnlf!llarriolill.

To. sum ]:IP; dI.ere"l~ ~ few tb~m:gs di'.it· shoclJ !he kef~ in. mind whldl VIr.HI be of bdph~ oo:mtn;Jlrng d.i;sease-s,:

1. S~uJ.y and become £am~ U a. wi ~ht.he everyd.ay habits oJ the: chinchilla.

1. H(J!~sing and cage W1iIS may be OO(lS eructed so as tOO minim.ize the occurrence of disease.

)" AhiJe~ as dot;d_y as possible. eothe sirn.p]e, everyday rules of sanitatien 'llDd h Y gie:ne.

4. Remember that the chinchma is ftmdaim"entaUy a vege-

~. lin: 1$ aThitJ ~ItWDl1:lln-nl~ tJll:llllt cll_0!: lil:m:Jhlf I'clnairn tlrlii1n t:lll_O!: fIm~ci(!l:: ill:IT @wmcliy &:dJlrr& dlhi::ms; ruID ~fu.tii.rr- ~a!l.'sr

!nJ:ru.~ ~Jt t:iI Jb~~ foll'$il"-~tfu:r- V.cI;r 1'npt=!l: &mi1r~Jii D.fu:~ «ru!~;nro.TI IDf wU>>£ n,,~~fll r&G: ~ W~." tIl;1l a~ bw.i!d!liJg:

S't~ ~n: [:'Ii kc itr([lrtIl my d,attiim~Wlal.I [!m!J~ri1JaiErJk :f.rJ:m:lljS' tm.~ rnmy llre ~d(!!1ll tro) dTe aiillip-iim g... 'ii&.c 5ful!::,. ~~~ITLe:rrtt;l"lT~ bmredli!il!g( :r~ a!(1J'lf; mill iio:.ll-uiimLlM~ :lb:cnn~s;" mo.n ;It ~ S'IT~ ~I:iw-,.f; .teo> fu~ .fo~"ITh~ btr ;lIIIT ailll nfu:o:~.. .!If:II. ~ &W~" a: pm ·CJf S1fim[1\~ 'OVIl!::aIik.,IlIl!!I:"'i<"mJIG; =fmJaJl\;; 11~ cmm.trttr ~.~ WO) ~~ a: vtty mS=~D:.aii501:':IlI:t'U ~~ iIIIt is: malr .~ Mdlyrum;i!l! ~~ ol!i&frrlrng wiDJ s;l1lrtumbi nliD llEt:~J.:]g,Etne:s!l' ~rn;lha .mm q1~:i~ Gti any llllDlil€lrnIaJi;'1il:viirc(lilIlll:"n~Wr]O!lU:Ytt." Lee 16llfiIl~ tfua.u llil1 OIf:soprilllg: has: iu:Jt i es mMu,p. bo.1tft d::e good and cht(b:gd [illil.~[l C5. &:am burfllp!1U'lIit£.. .1f.ii1. cen:i1iGc.jja~~ ~is. recess m~! .ma,- i'tU :sJito"v up in dille pan! cular €!1fspti ng~ and even if it is Jami.lI;).;m: .. i~ ill!l.yfile. mas-ked bya scroager dominacr. Icis nee Imt~ J.lOwevcll"~ ;u, :iJ~ will .ilIppi::ar if! future: gc:m::~aEi01"IS. Tli!:isc means. thmt it is V"~f)1' .imporu.n:t that 'i.'ii'"e know, ITa t Gn:l.r the: cheracreristics of the two animals tharwe are going to maee •. bue also the characeeriseics ofeheir parents, grandparents, an d. .• if possible, genera,ion3 furrhee hack.

Selece rhe btcc::ding stock: frum 3 proven line of ltncc::stry,. piaclllg .::'mph1tsi s .on size ,rempetamenc. breeding ab LJi ty md lQll!geviry .




• ..



~cm_:rr.ill..AS; :lii!e very C'"..;[~y 1:0' n'iUlclJll:~ <lim vay ~@ ,.~c

-' ~:i.]I!lI!ans; t'~ 1I~ pal'!l~O: me ha:nth mCil'i:lI! 1irell'l'g( rn ttelll,. ~0l:lli1UJy cdliirrdtil willllll{~li: i Herr prlil oo:um1ll i lfrey ~m: bdn:g' ~ ft.amlJt:erlI huru ~li' :i~. Wl'ra 1l!I.(fY'd hu1t" ulJril!'" t:mt~ ~ pain:liull :mdl ,lIm 'lharom: q;cia: ScWlMlJ$ "!JIm; a1tt~

is; truMi: gjv~ ~Dfu:mt_ .

W~ o'rindIiill[a:s; aiI!iIl! 1lIID k ~ ~ d'rc; mI!~ 1C!l1i m:s:E Thlilm die]' He: ~F cmmgfut: S, r gmmS]ri:rug- thmJl BIy Iihtr ttarill at:" ,aJMUlN! dre s-h~. ~1r= hlhllirng; ttIIr=n,. trlL"Y m~ Ikailo....-ttdlro sic: lim dre;: Wrl&:t ([IiI Jjl'allm of me: Pdt- Et~wr~lll'~ irnliTI hdlJJ 1D:enwuQ. [ITc ~p0J:,)rn1l =m Iill:imd: fi:rng~ f'11Itl iLW ~Jllliltn"n{Jlli d!:q ~ MId; wfili thi:: cllurrrI!il:mGt ind~_][. ~ o:li 'me fue: .BU.1T~C[lciJ.llIhng; dll:~ body ~U£t Th-~ a:fF Ih tl;Ol1lt lIe:gs; ;mdl;.. 'In~tiiW11l: ham! may, ~ used [ Etm{clJ d'1e birrdI legs-» erllr it: mary-1Dc: Ulit:d Oil! ex:amiru: p:ns; O'J the bod r,

\VT:um c;3!miIIing !the: £im on ehe 0' the a!i!lirn_~ for- .I1l:S'ltIiC'nn=~ ~ chiilitrllirilb .. m~.r be alll(D,,;v;dIro S't.;rn-dl ([llill :Il ~.ilhk:. ,],b:~ 1~f-c hand may b:ct ~sed1 to Froid. 'tfu~ animat I]y rlir~ tariIl~ l;lfbilc: dL-t fur is b.eing brushed or- S'tliOJl::~J fJy .rlrc: dgJl!t; lillo'lL

If j,t .hi d~irous, W' e'Xltmine dire ~kio Q~ the: uncia: 1l111it of dli:~ fur, the fur maly be pa:rredr,7 blo'i\l,~ing: im:tiQ lit., sen: (hillt~ll:e und'O:.:!r partS m.a.y he: observed.

At rimes it may be desirous to l"CStratl!il' chinchillas SCi) thar their limbs will nat interfere with handlingar oramiming them. To do this the}· may be rolled in a wwd Or a wide: bandage. The chinchilla may be wrapped in a rowd in order [0 keep th:cfeet from lIlterfc6ng wich instruments, or when a:dtninisrc-,rlog medicines to them. aile CCU"IlC-f of eherowel rna,. be pl aced a t .\1,0 angle a hove the sheulders of the 3.0 i mal, so that when it is \'II'rappodamulld ,e:lIA:b time it wiJl overlap thar of the prcv:ious wrapping, Care: should, be taken in seeing rhan rhe firSt and second WTa pping bind s the comer of the towel so that j twill be held, securely around the neck, Each succeeding wraparound

si'I\1l1dd] ~ &r.r;l..'it11l ciig;fuJdf-.1 mlll'1Ig S;CI) cll:nm ie ~~I[.(~ 0: :Jriil(' &!@ll!) H W(ll:[i'IJium" Ft IKI<:: :iC~ I11igh1TILy a:s: m [!l[~!l: mdn tfu: &jJ'C:"~IilIg uK "m:~. 'i.: lIm dm:~wffigh~ &em ~~ dk:c:rnJ]~ ~ fn-wr;t& wid!..;ll. S'.~ F~

'I.\:'&m ~.tlI:ing me m:a:!.l;'!';h" (iJ!;f ~i'ngi!:L mrn:I1iI:.m !lube; ®It f.!l~iilrg; d~ml)r WlilJIk" iiruw: I7IWIFL~ ~nM Ir@ ~It£-unmi:n m.tlIll b:-l'~g ~['rn&s aff ~i2.oUS!wi\hm; :aLmi! ~.. .IF"Gtt mlS, PUlJF~ ~tr ~i::-e:u, alf ~l'am .rr",~ct- be.crr i:~~~dJ. Th: i's, pm:fi'.m~ ~mlidie ~~ (rl~ 'WI ~ ~ ~ .~·rrnmdJ~ m-i ~ Gm; fulU iru:oo ,.,.~ a:o:.dl~m.'y-£Ill;U.IL·l'nd!:t!::s; r~ lr'l'ns; dorn. ill; Im~ tilJ.w~m~ m:lIJ]C; £:~Il' d..@wDl ~1IlllIT!;'c;·~ hmY';l,,~rn tfr.lli, fuaB b:rn~m¥~. ~llt~~ (1":1illill samllihl b~ 5];:~ w~t1.1 :Jl sJEo/ ~[]]].. INl"ol;2:f.Ir .. C;ll.Ih:.~ lll, d@:w .• ~ fuy ttr.';r~c:,.-fffil:L i:n.dlI:d:s m-J. w~' ilt Wig.&IlillW'lll:Lml1l ~ m~ p:llfil' @f .~ &o:dll'~ ~ r~,", r~ m~ hri.o.Jill [«t nmm~lli,f, &liIut:l)~m~Dl'ludy- .~ Fr:mdi:: jmm.. ~te't:Il t'm£ dm:m wim. tw@ s,iJi\t.~y ('lim., atI:c::::tc; cite: E.~IfI' and! ~m: 3!;C; dtt:' ~al~m.. ilia: c~I"O:'~4': ~~he ~mru.IllC:, . . :t WN cl~m" ~ mdi @M-ifi!I:1 i:rrc::hes wrJ:e !by ~1l!(1":1t k~ l~f!g ma,F '!be: WlL®I?!p~aJro Wid! ".be crb..~Iil.d: ~l~~ Br-y fi1eg;ilN..m.l ~ ,1!n: ~h:e !iI.~~1l;: !tOO !i:!ilm~ntLitng JBWOC].Jlc.fu>: .haill:; 1m [I[ es, TIn: V!l'l11!:.Hlpi!.ifl !~ulY be d~ne as a_[urtrkly as~aJ!!e. SQ) ~h;u ~F:!e chi ndmil.b. [~ not he [do my loog!:!C" dltJin fifq:c::en;!:"s" in this m1:l!1I~. Thi~ wiJl btl: sufficient rime for- arry tr.~ 1;)£ ~'inil.~k:. diat: may h'3JVC' eli)! 'bIe dDIIJ:: mil ·rlrc .1lJ"irn~Il.

Alles,diLe ci~![tl;ll}f he used. w!ltelt .~t [~ II~S5"lljfy ttl! Imllllkt::: a ~, minute exa.mrnadQTII of t:!Ieilwmd~ .and! n:arV(;o::.!Ill fUdJ] \<<!:IY sa~isfactorr as ~ means of ~s[.aiITtwh~!I mak:ing X';~ll.y C:~w :ml!]liltUm.S.

It of~en happcm. that. when fceding OJ' han;dli1l'lg.. ~her In3!Y c:sca:pe iam places where i e is, difficult to caiICh tb"(:tn. Tfu~Y;itt very quick j e thei r movem,ent5. and j ~ sometimes l'cq;uitts cansidcfli1lble agHi ty and ah:rm.essto c~pture ~hem. Fo[' ehis pill~'; j 3, sma]] .min:tlOW or dip [let will be !oundlvery useful.

When. weighing Oil:' when traasJcn1[1g dllillcb.iUas from. 0111:' pliI.Ce to another, small wu re cages have kc'fil found ideal ffo'r the purpose.

SpeciaUy designed inst:rlilmea~s a:re avaiJab.le fQl"e:l;;:amini!l!g the mouth;pas:si~g a s.!:omach. tube, or doi~ dll;pta] work~ and

IilIDq .b:mlilill: 11= .~JI!lIillI!IlV=1" iSi;icttiili'fu.JS.:rnmij· au.J:di c:£fciCIJIII ,ll{l)".Il' (!:fri;i;,w;rn;:Ik.. ThctjV ~ea&1" I1(!l) ~~~.m4 d~ IiI.Uf!1 ~ m!Il tl:.~ X.lIJ:r umlhre: mu~5l M m~ :llt!Iiimaill~(illl~g ~ em Ill'nmn..

Att.u.!!ii • ..t-~"!!it:S m:~}\" b: ~ wlnrn ~ wl'r~~.Ir 1ifu:.tJ' ~ mdiatM .. n:e-iilr ~ '"~ [(ill blf alOOu.II .1lIiJJt- SlWl.{t a~ ill: is; @mi ~ Jcrng" o'!iI!~ @::u' U!Il}1:" tilt'Jh.~" ~]- 'Ge:tT~[ amtSi~ ;lly;e: 11.RJ. £\ID1" :S;~ml)( ([l:~C"iiiln£_

ilFitlO:rr.~ ·futtrnfuudl ~m£~F" ~ a.. &~JJ m~.~.1jicc",_ l~ trf:Os;tt UJIDmm)l" U&i:.d f.or Ci:"~1llilll Gl~~r@C£,., .~ 'O'".!'rren Ill:alk~oog; N-(~:F or f1\:tQlI@K.mpj~ ·t~mjn!liLli@jj],"s">-

~~um! .bas ~~llIi w~ ,,~ &cri.~ ~ll mm:llri.~ :i1tlJ~~a1~ic{lt1l.~y>. Ul;jug ~m(j;Hmrrs; oomJ?ll!~nl!: ~'@ dIe diose mImllDy re~@mnu~lll.r:edl Em!' a:~miilillis;t~!I:'.c!Igm d:cg~. Wnm miDlgl!i:~ht!l.rarl. cIl~· o,;Ther gelil';irill' atle-sthw(!;s .iitr ma.y ~ ]jmc:l'i:~mllilk: i:lIJ) d!~ dII!'Ifiwrm sterile warer •. e:s.pcd.aIly when lIru::y a!iJji:: bdmg WN no a:u:;lestb~nizt: small or yaun:g: ,him:n.r.lbs.. It IS also aJ. .." to' =i.glb.,rnc anImal and from tfic:wdght c~efu.Uy cai"culaIcw· itIDGunt or :lil!C:Sdll:tlC the animal requires _r.V1l:en nemb'l;!;rrai haso~n: adm:it1~ isrered as a general anesehetic care must: be taken ito. sce rhsr drere are [I{) dishes {;!O[ltaining warer In the cmg!: wn.iF1.:: tbu:: a!llmmi. isrecovering fmm the: dfects of the- nembutal, . Iest' it be lost from: the inhalarion of w;;t;ter into tbe lungs, Afeer su:ffi.c.tendy reco .. ering from. the effects of the nembu ral unesthetic to be able ro crawl aboueehe cage, the animals. are apparendy ex~remdr thimY;3.f1d wi 11 try to findwater. Ln aerempti fig co drink from a[l open dish while ill ehis weakened condition they may colhp~c with their heads falling into the drinking water, the [lose b':>co.ming submerged, and, as a result. water- .ls mhaled into the l llngs w hich causes dea rh,

A seven per Cent solacion of chloral .hyd:ra:te. injected intraperitone:aUy hesalso been found very sads.factory as a g~ner:al anesehesia, Some people prefer it rather man [Il,;mbl.]Fal as it lI. rpears to. have IlL much wider m,argin ofsaf!;~y when usedas a generel anesthesia in weak atrd debHitatcd chinchillas.

Serne peepl« prefer (lorn bi Ding chloral hydrate and demerel h ydn;l;t;:hloride il-Si a. general anesthes i a. The demercl h yd ro-

d:t ~. &lmj'o;::to;il rmnramU!KlIThu1ly .1 O!tl ~ dLliD l'rydn~ l'ral!!'IDafli M~ i:rrtrr.lIj;t~m:~y.-,. WI'r= d'nllotmllIll1d'llitte

tiillJJJrlwIT a:oo Jlcm<1Imill b:~diIlD:l!-i4: a=: .~ :rimrcllt~ as, .;iJ. gen~ ~£T~_nm~ dIe: armmlIlJJ!: of iDil:tilnill Prryd'r.!l:tt::rolu:ciw.m i~ voou:cedl·!i:Q mm: b.a:JlIf (jI:ff the ~ ~un1t ~~ ... PtaJl!.li~ .~ arrd ~ Jliffi:h of a1 I::JitirRI!: ~ flf ~~ fuplnodtr01i'i&:: F ]jlQ.1mlll:dl r';:If t:I:tt: ~"s; ~IDxi:r ~li: ~ lu.llminfu-n=J.

F(!)r- ~g arm] ~ Wlll!un~ am.!l f~!T mirro- ~'al

([I~m~ ihrru ~1l:I'lctii1\:S S'um ..ali .~ ~ IIIll;v::J..CVrr:~ :mdi


JEfuhyn mUJt:ooE.t: .~ pIDll. m ~@ &~ ~ gli[i~aam:ny fa!!" tEI~"":cll ilif]Ji~s m Mt:' .~patr a:nd, irltiiUti1i~ ,~rn 11'= ~'I!ltSi mill] w~t!I1ID:!k. TIlt lS, iiih~ iIeO!lmm~<!Il K(Jl1f C-~Iil:1i Si11I.m :6 cl1~ u~ ~. Q i3)~es.!n m:me:v :m.U):~ ~ ur=Mnr;;,. Whm s'!Wll!YOO mnl s;klitID ~ea:s; tl'M:.t :fJlC !>CO-!!I!:md fni[.1rr~IilJ ~c' rU f:llrilllig. ~el'rd 10 rrIre a!1L~.

Pllrora.I mi'mit!im.uian M~~ mJ) dregs ID3.}"lilc a:dmini:s,.. tcrcd. by ar.trlWlly Fcou:rriIIIg cll~ m:edli!l:i'ne tTrom aJli['rufJp (!If 5y[~n,ge: mIlD m'l!: tlil.llHclIt_ The S .. II!¢ ~rlicm! dtouldl h~ ~ El1lu fa:o.ltimg baJny chi11tc.llilla~ and w=k:,. dcihwCllrn:di artilimaJ~~ 10 cases where me chill c:hI~Ib is wla:- to ~~11, tk rn;'u:t~ [I nle:cl'rod of ora] ~dmiITi$t.I'.1!ciQIil' is to ntJx:t.b~ dnlg imc:o d'le Jlfl~rna:l':~ fr;mdl qJ1i drililking watCf,

ChinchiUas; wil] ta.kc foods or medicines quite !1CaJiil y from an eye:dropper. This is pa:rc:iClIllarly so' "virh babies, Mmf people, ~vhen administering food or drug prC:pa!n~iom.s. make: the miseake of placing [he dropper roo hI:' inro the: mourh, where i cs content is suddenly released to choke or ssrangulaee. Some of the li qui d or food part.i.dcs ina y be forced or dr:LliVIl in co the trachea or windpipe, which frequeotly results in a pne:lImcmjc eonditmn developing if! the: anim a L

There i~ also the d!l11_gc:r, if the dropper ~ s pl aced j om the mouth. of the animal biring .111(1 brcaking rhe end oJfinm the mouth,

When feeding Or administering mcdic]ncs,pardcularly to.

y,mun:g km" 1'C: ~ 1X: E~~'C:'~ 'I'l.ti1l! tli.~~ ~£'~ rwm o:~. m~&iClml.imo: ec]'cdro£lF WITm. i~: B n:ddl ·tt~ "h~ :DIq[u:cl1J_

5'C!Ii:IC~JlILC F~Wib :wDmfm'is~.g; ~. o~ :m:di~ .. tIID me .ill ~ o:rlJi=C~~ .~ 5>l".tiggp:~ '[ij!; wfcidt rms lban aJ.Ij~:&~ ill ~~, 1Lf1~af!i~ RDW1!ldmn!Cc !I~ '~k1l;rr<l3 W ili'e: ~in:.t: :i~lltill!ltmdi mr±l:~.:,.;c mc::~m ..wll .ttfre: ecill ~lllIfmdl w~ ;J1. ffm;:~ mol[ .~~~II1IIi smITe. 'lIT.ti$ m<I~ m irfm lltUrl!mI:ro.1t fir[rr a>lminis~~ fllim.u mill dro:gc !jIM'~ci.~ E'W mr~ nm::tt~ tErct'~ is'> .IJ:@ alb.II~ptclImli::mc ~]lliil!l:drfill.[Q1. wllilR m~ ~~l'£!h:1 png fu~~ gla;;"$ fmD 'da:~ iID!1rrttfu .al>; wf~fu ~1IJe; e;}r~ ~N.~J:l'U. n~:IIfiJ.llI1Il1C flit l_ ordE.rgSi t~~.fI;; Rri:o:,W gil¥4rol !!&is; way (i;;mI adsn!l;c:: .::i,",U1ill;c.d,.m~~_

lllere m.t!1'· be timc:s:wfr,"1ilI .aJ. S'~~IDa.,(:&rt.qjhtr rn_\iEF 'H:!e ~ed: m re1uID: g.a:s h'.m dre~t:o:rna:ch~ (I~ :fQ~ ~nf1W mr.t: 'me S.EII!1IJ:\!1l:h~ m f(i)r' ~he admi .. fstiOL d(!:lu ~H Ed Ol' dmgll. ..>t sclI!'rlll.! ru[lb~ cllitch~ [(Or will m:lb: <11. ~sb.cht.O my' stoto:lld:l t1I&tt f(!J'.Ir this WUF]jI\'D:::e. 1l'@ bdUrnt.c: pasting di:c; sro1D:a;cIT tube;. rJ!.:: :5JpebW'umma:1i: is: u:s.tdl fordoing dm tilil work or ex:amining die mouth i~ also ver~il' s:atisfa(;tory for boldiog the mourn (lp¢n and to prevc;n e dIe :anl nu.l {emIl biting or injuring d!!e tube ..

ru.a dental speculum. lS not a.Lways aya:iralb.~¢., (I rher muse be used fo[' pa~s]ng the s~omach" FCit ~hlspur-fl!OSe a small, WUll1d. hardwood stick. two Or three Inches loog Wid no more ih.~I:l!. ·(JIl\':: quarter inch fink:k be plaood Oclru!leeo dl,L;: eeerh, .a:tthe SlJe or the mOildl. so as nO~ W Q bsu(lct the or1l1 cavity. 'I'he: fingers should. be pl acod 11tldcr~h,e i awand OVC! the: nose in order eo hold!. ehe iawllfirmly on the stick: A small sromacn tube may be passed easilywfien the stick is held carefuUy andfi.rm]y .i [I the moath.

S~t.aJ~q!u aJmitds.t\!'dJ.:IQn----&.um.s, ;ul'ci~seril,l:ms, vOllCdfies. hacllC:rIn$~and bk~tks aad vhamjn prepaJ:rat:i (ms atrc IlsmJI}' .tllw [eceed S1I1bCuF.anC:;C!l.Ls,[y ill! the region of duo inner I:hlgh. Do not gh t e penidJ Un lli! 01] &0 cb:i:ll,hiUaSa~ it Is act .[\ea.dHy absorbed. It w.m cause sw,eUiog,. paili! :aod oftC!1i stiffness. or laraeness when in jec:El:d. into them.

Intr~f£dtqn:eal ~wf!ljl.Jiltl!:af.i,m-An ti"Seil'llIll;S,bIOQd plasma, some steeilc ~O:I udollis sm:;n as physiologicaJ saU~c:~ anes.llilet]cs

mih~~~U mdl>dd~~~m:acF~adJn:in~~ pmtrnl~. ~:di~ ~ ~hrn ill d~ cikLl.IDlIi gl'tI.~m!!tc (i):!i g',l~liI~ ~£d1a 5.III~Llr ~ D~~lLljlI![C111.mW" Tlle:ie1f11l!pad'(jJ'['[!f· ml1C lilJiil~ ~,J£Ily mBlmrurfhedi wIIm a'dmi~o:lJ. [.ili m~ OF,OI~tr~ >(jlif~ '~mring!.l:!L;I~CW ne;Il!'rn~ sii~ mE :clI~ m:rrU.Jll"g).. IDf ~:iI:n mli; Jm[:!IIII!r~ dIq s'fmmM[ ~ Wil!LU au:t.~ amll IDm a&f.oI~~ W "'!lay ~ am@.I.b!r.i.. 'JT.b.q are o.m::ar if)~ .ii.o:nhd. wheo: imi~ r:o:.l1lf .. m.~nny.

P'kjJ' ~.l@~ .dhd::li~~illl:a1-·~_ fu;~t1E1J1' EJe um:ll t@ a:~ IIillci"rri~~ pttcpll.ilIa~1l¥ rucln U gi.~ "'i.l'~ Litis. no.~ ml1;OU;rn11!1I:11: 1lOJ a~ ti~p:Il'~rlID1lIl.

~u:IT2I, dm§" =tilmri.1Ji~ in. ~ WIffil!Si .!be :tlmIni&~ tmmc 1Jfu~ ~1IUmw~cl!t :;l;J. biIT l~~ @[ :mclt:~5S.'- nm~ ~(!l:cl.l em !I:dll'Iilli:r"lM"ing clJ:rrtrgs 3Irn::..ill ~~lt!ULnmm;· Is> uscd.~ OCCI"l.:5ii:oruUy in d'C\l)[fug: wWl cerma: f~~ Q{ m~ci5,~ Su.IJ& dro~ IW,ji be ~ :ti1Jl ilrQtn:mrc t{] 'ID;;o. :~:!l' (Lm!): SalTIu~crn$~ m!i:~.ratc::d! £0,\ Oil. s:uf:rrahlk: mdi:lmll :~ a~tC1'io.d ms. .1Ui! r!!:i[JewaJ.

l11r..ftil.ti"tN.N:d~'If dm£'}'C: dirr"Utg;>',> ~ as ,":iJlcLl wn g,t1J.oose m-d! tlb!i!aJrniitI.e ~yd1'lIl~foride; !be ::rdnrlciS'C"lI:~ iiflmram~'OIh~fI~T. 11J:ey :l!r,eirnio!lndl i'JI~~Ere WlI6:c.b m ~fte ~I!:!!l: of th~ thlgb ..

DOJP;:h~ng awl f)t.iiJrg Effa.mDJ:-A d~nu1 chiW~yri:crg~ is alll ~lISI!:rum"'!1I.~~l3Jll: .iJs,vcty nwiJI £fill: do u:clJin.g tlIe vagfilllill .. gi\7i:n\&· c-nem:as. .ami for: atJm:imstc:riug drugs and faoo, p["t:;ra,~om> perrt:Ctum. Th~cy m-a:1 be ohtmm:d dmGS't. my Qfm..~: dmtatl supply cornpani-.:s. Tlb.,ey can be stcriii:wI >qune easily. Tn~ ~"Il1'VC:·oJ the:: sp0 JJ.t is s,u.;h as will pas:!> ia tn th:e vagi.E!<ll anxL recrum widl0ll1c any diJ3i~uh:y.

f:m~ti(Jn8 .i" 'S.rmg. St~ptfM)'t:in dna A~~m.1&"in----'Can: should be t.aken wh..:o m>iog streptomycin, It is a gag([ prepa,mtioi:l to ase f:rom aprotecrive stal![!lQ ]?Oint, but ie .IDay causc:n:n.earum a>ls ttl be- s~"Crilc for a p;:riGc"l of rime.

Altt""("O.mycin 00 be vt:ry WX:lc when ad!:!1!li niseered in rep;:a~ed doses,

llO'w If) ,ty/rmit Spwit!l6n_J.t at times is desiraMe 1)0 .!>elldl. dead ,aoim.a1s m :a djagnolidc ].aoofS!tlOfyfor examilladoo. llITl o'mer

IruD d~~ d~ ~~ Q;)ff Jlema MlaIlIi' ·lfitf·tfr= au:r.iim;flllk,&~ !lJU: lim: &b11lml1lJ1lltJr ~ Th_mditl:w ~~-nIlofir";1l: uky- .a'll~ 1lI~ lim ~uiirnm" n~{IU'~ aJ .~ ~~1ii@n ~m fun"". ~~) ~-gct &~ffiCtll 3:" rugoo_l.llE ~.fuml1;Jl1\llllF ~ ~ ~ff Ilrd~

frn @~tt ICliIl d.~ ~'diniD.dlW .rtb£: ~~.~ cl,'(!"amh IltUIm _ 1iImIIl" ~1l: is; mfnm n~T 00 .mruh :lIl£i'mi~~ :r~ uriams~lPEG:" .:l'& ",d .:l.1i ;ill nMI~«tpl'C (il[;" g;!flDSS> c'~l~n ~ Mf.l: amiimimlL ItIl llJh.:~ffiIl~lt~m.t:·~ @if th~ .:l.ill"1:mill a~il::"~mf~:u n1lr~ ~jffi@: {Il:ir,.~ @lr iliii~M:-P'lLtd:u:rirrmg fuu.trtti.i:it" .:Iim ~e tt<[:JIDsilllJ¥1_!l: cr.:m:U!li:.!.mmm tift ~0IlL6 ~ ~~e~ ~~. ~lJ:aJtrrftq ccW'll ~ @[]I'[ i'mllll ftllJ'mi'm :5'e'C:Wml and ·1t:EmI1incrJ.~1r m nnE:\t!:Ql:S'lIo'F 00 ~"li::e wItr~"t ~~~ @r-m]tlI1lY Os It~ fIla'tt .iil!ll llnl'!:." mlliJllm: ttd!I1s; tnlli~ g.~ tlilmm u:r .~ >llI!It~@J.1S rur~m; ([)f mc:'oodJ'y. :fum ~ Lr~1Jrt. IIhe ¥'llllliiQ.1J.tS,fu_y >OIig'.li1I![£' llllHt u~d \fi~,I![~llr_w wiuml1lu.t tb:c aim of rn.e m.iir.:t@~ r~. I!'e' pmu(tdilill_gs" d'te €11LUS"\t' of tifu~ ~m'iVr s d'elll~b. is. IJISLullI r del~~mi"lIit~L

TO' ensure th;l,t d1 e bese pos6.~bi~ resul ~s i1ire 0b.tIDilIledi &om these ex arrtinati OOS, it is ffccess,uy ~r). k~¢p ffi'e' EISBl.IC:S 100m J\t~. compmlrrg or spoiHng, Thc.I:-d~.,. wm=. a. C;mn::a.~, is s ern: IT. t@ ~ di.agnostic Ia bQ.raro~]r, i t~houid 'b.:;. packed, as seen alert d!C:alib as POI;:s.i h~e, in dry ice" if ava:illl;hfe, or in ice mi Xied wi m: ~1l;W-dIilSt, placed in a suitable container and expressed imrned~arelyro I(h~ nea:f·t:St diagnes ri c ! aooratory - Oc: me ou~s[Je Q£ ehe >Cglil • .lm:eE should be marked "Perishable' and '<Keep Cool" - 11]¢- express> com pili1lY should be lltlOl".meJ as to the nature oftbeshiptnenr. and it should be requested that the container be: kept in rdrig~ eration Juring rraeisit, jf possible.,

Do not wra P carcasses or specimens in doth or several la yers of p.apcr---ll11J. c:xpect them to arrive at the laboratory in a COOdldon suitable for ~hill(mgb. ezaminatiou.

B>y 110 means should the specimen or carcass be placed in a pl'~se"vi[lg solueion such as formald!ehyde or alcoho]. ]J so, slItisf:act01"Y exarn] Dadon f.ou~d! nQ~ be ma\de: oftbem, The preserving fluid hardens and! dhco]Qu,S the tissues so that the CiO]Ol]f of til·e les i onsca used by the elj ~eilS~ is destroyed. and the:y therefo:rcc annot be deady oh~~rved and s.wJ i ed. The: prC'-~eryil!lg

I .

£rum. wCllmcll al~@ kU1lll clh~ 1!r~~-cia:JJ. (j) ~ =4 rceml'¢it 3l 1ha:(W~ rnr&rg~d ~ trWrn 'LLll~.

3;~; s-u:Iln:l.1fmrod1 111l mmi:f mmn.~ ~mor m;H]l cl'lllt~~ .0")...

W W~'il'e: W(]lwkrll h~ i~"CrriicailllF u£eWs; fmr~or~ci'@IL Dm JIl dmOllg;t.umic lbl~('Cill!'j"_ "IThc ~a:nd ~£: in: S'm~ng cl1:~ 1lJlliCa:D 'i: w:rldl be m ilml a.'W31il 15 ~1X'pultnurirolI$ a;Jl:e~1h:m it;!) m.e: P'WU.llJt1'Olll arrdl ra.-dttmg Gll t;;Er.~ '"il~ @l:' ~ IhcK~z ~i:mrg.. ~ s\IElli:m:lilnmrng C'~&::s; Cll!ir ~ 1.1.0) ~ ~"tiil: fuclMrn:tlIDT &nt =mia.ttli~lll £Rrdrll mmrri" the!!llis:.F~ln:.1lttI~t CI!l &~firg cfurllt Il!lJ:c~s «Ill 5~ amli'wcdl fum ai, !!.lillt.~ m ... l[-u: fu iiU~ ~ui.Di~

P.m::~ rnn~g ~'Pui~ d~,'ci.n~ fuJI" d:ii;ll]£iO:l1I~oic: kfuo - LWEii' aam~~(iJd. S::&ill:u.l'm! b.c .:i:btlly· iiJeftii.lioi mtill. 11k ~,Wfl:e:1<·S: a=e i1Jll@l~rS:i wm~UIl OI:iIl drc (j),wai". 11 ~ti:;-c;c.~ sb:!!iuiBdl als:o be ~IIJ:Iosltcli S:U:tl:Dirrtg: 'dr,t ~ ii!iti!li lO:~o:b:e semiio-" ;tjw.i:Il'g; fum! dkm'1,s; @.ro11re case IIDOst@1I}if (iJff uk ,ammd," I'tll'gtft mi.' ~lilJn::~, wn:l!lr m1l::diEcirrn:cs; Ol:" ~~g)i~ if :IJITj.lF~ w·ettc 8i ~lDl,. aiITd daD! aJlilJD:miog ked.iiITg. 1!'.h.~[!L1!l!mIb €l[~ID:rls; du;c; lUve did! _r shlilXv]ng sirn ~lari»!nlll1'~nms:.. attd, tfuc IiIIllIIllbCDllI.Jt arlie ilil s:.n)j),ulJi a.lisll)) 1Je men.t:i'mtil~d. = D~~,wri mf nfu~, dlllSZii!Sl: 31,11: tne f~ bcilliut\;di by dlis; i'nEomD_aiirool 'COmr::amililg tfrc- case' ~

A te'po:n: of the:: dilllgn sette llaibcn:lIaItoty find~gs; whli~ b~ SlOne: ~odlLe OiW.Iiler' 0:1 dI~ d.elt.d .wrna1L It, mary- uaIl;c: s~Yena]cla }"S;' tQ comp.lete me exam.i!utimll if ba:.cteriflrmgiia1l: Olt. mi~mlS;ClQ.p] c:uminario!1 of die tissees bavew be 1' J]]f ~ c,QndinciOfli is; SlI\:h. tnate any ,great fength oj time m,ay elapse befmM-' the: dlnOligeosric bl:JOi':atOl-Y is, able teo nuke a ciJm.p.lete £,el?or~. a pmdftn,inary report: win he: senrm the: owner, cxphcinhlg' the work tn3ili:' has been done to dace. This is, c:specially important when ie is. £ehthat immediil~,e treaeraea t oJ me remaining animals is QC~e&sary in order to check the disease,

D~SIE OOl1l'di.iWlma:ffie~r.Iit-= ~iriJvm::w ~ ~ tiC.. :S:p!lL~Ibi~ 111 oomhU' (ilK ft1ic:llcr;:. 1!'Iitq ~~ ~ IiiF ¢:iidi::tr

m ~~m g ,~ ~ 3:llIiim:.ptitW!iin.F !i1fdufucl1xiiiI'G u.o;. tfroc ~garni:sm£ i's; mClIaSi!!! b.p~!!ili:.llm1ifrrg fu.cnc!I;s; w:m .:m FcQ.o:

ErIUIlS"][])g'";, ~d~~t1! £~d)iirr.w.. ~ttii:i.lllF!t~ rranrpall1iimer~, ~D. 0: l~w llr.I!iIiIIMiiiIj' m-cll .~Glll' FI1fgWIlt.. 1L1it~ lir.l~11Y ;madiinCilffill a~ ~D3:SE'iilllicdi aJS,l io:&:a:.:u.mD. m ~ ~m:riim:t.s~ ~ Jl[U-WUS; m_~ IDtm:rIiI¢ IilmtliJ),Ii; dIe:JJi:r, ~~ !Ii! diD':: 1lr@~~ ~ Cil1l'~.Mls i1ffa::tiag ~hlndWllali. lIDyFJIemlU mr ~ng5n~ of me 1l1l'l:~ .. , prnim.mlU1tJ ~dc:m3! Olr cdlon31 of JIit:e ~Emmod:0fi[em:!nmrrill.; .~ ~~ mr.iia '" meli:f1;1!rnt,..r::all 01" dl~eJilcb~og: ~iim., 1?UJll!lJllm:t pmcmIl~a1iit., bea.[t fJ:!lOStnilli~H[. putIIDililazy Figm~marUi(j)'fll ad! ~knri\SOy" Tnew arc d:assiriai Ecord.irug I::Q thlOnr armd dit-t'lIljl.J( re ef ~ that ha:ve been pr-od=c:d.

Illfi!Ctir;Jl of th~ N~.I~1 Simuu ami MUCOU.f Momh~aNl1 lsltmg, tho Air of tk Nose-Th[s isa faidr common co.o:d~tio.lll:.. r~ may OCCur alone .Q]:' associated with other dise:ilJSC: Go~dli!dO'l!ls._ Ir is Irequenely found in chinclrillas affected with. siabkL'S.

CmiJ,j'--The development of bacterial orgauisl1J.s in the nasa] sinuses Dr all" passages of the nOS!:':. Infections involving the nasal sinuses and ail" pass ages of the D.OSe are often asseciared widIi other di...easc: co~ditlO[~S or are the result or aftcrmath of some previous disease cnnditjou that may have been the chinchilla,

S'.yJnfitlHri.s-On examination the nose may appear red and inflamed: ~ occasionally a ~Hgh~ discharf!;C from the nostrils may be present, bur in m ost cases a di ~charge .is not observed. Many of the affc:ctcd chinchillas may die suddenly andare often foucd dead in the: cage or nest-box without having shown allY indicarions of bei ng Ill, The cause of their death j S usuall Y fcml:J(!. 00 POSElriOrtcm. exemi nation. Occasionall y a chinchi lla wi th an infecrion of the nasal sinuses !nay appear somewhae duUand be off feed for a day or so before death. This is pardcu1ar1y so if there: is a discharge from the nose. Occasionally some with nasal

tnf~~ t:lEl.:f h~ o~ ~ dr~ ~ wi.:cllt mm p-~" amn rom:~~ a:t :illgJl_u b:t~ fig; :ii!u,mdl nnqrfue; :&~ " rf ~ WiaBb :n 1j'%Jl~ Gs:1lml:,;ti.I<il0: '(]II!' lh1Q~ tm ~ fi~p~

flfll ]lf1i!J'!'"<f;I;I1) Fitd:rngr- ~!'Ialncll S"~t[1ISa: andl dIe ~us m:mt~ .~ tnl;l,mg' I~ ail[ ~gc:s ~~nJ:bimd P~:]:rilDns; ~f~e oo_i,n;" S:([!ill~:n. ff~p S"~ and llcmF S;~ of ilieEl~ ~ a!t:eJll f®-umfi reKtt ami !HilJ:IlltWOO J.WnroKd~ 'E1re ris~ in: 'Um:

P~~l1' 1'lUitS! '(If die &"S:e" mi!llmrer:i\:inr 'Wl dt.:tb~JJ ue oLttDl SllUb!.~Fmtt ~~J1~urdilw~~~ Pm;; IILq' &tt: £huI;!J.rR Q dIe ~iu.:~ .tl:Ill! ~l': IJK'Lm'om; (DR" ~ ru:¥IJll ~ys;. ~,_ lmLtt(;my ~~ m.!l!}'h\t :&rm:ml ~g OJ: Fhe: ll=fu.. 'Ill:e merrfu:~ tUr IJ~ mvmrr@i IIEI,¥" Dc mn~ =:cll (rrumm. (!trn :!!>C'mOcvlrr:~'~ funl!m~ 'twll m:lklI~ l~nfnarn1lJatlIDIF p~~ ImIi;:W fu-c:£iaurrilll itiIf61C.ung.e l~ ~ 1cl1e: ~atI; ft.u1Jt.. iIIrn'~ '~5~ ~ roomy ~ be~ II!ITd': ~i:or fami: of 'men~ 1I1ld CIllIolllJ. vaolt ~ ~ d'~u:mdl~ S"ofl!";u!''1Ii ue'UosoiL

lJm;widIJ FiM~IIIiCPt~illC£~ .P,~01l.i::~1lS AttUjinqt~., (;fu'€lrine::ll" Ela.!1:ITJl:mfCfifi lUI.JCcrilIlUli hl!;{i;"-m~ IDng,ams.tII& IJwn &o::n ismJmd nrnm cliJ:~ ciS'Slles, a.nd! d.d:l1ri;s; crf 'o.k aff.¢CD .~ frumd m£o(!:' ~ l'lS~i1gCS, il.Qd sIiUllScs ID'fdie llllls:elDlV-J)[lalIS, ,clJ.ill:t~ chill ilSiE.M1!" .If.rve died: f~om i:hesemf~ci(u:r£~

P'aJl}oiQ:~iC'~t F~n.r-I ~ _ts, possi fi,le!ili~ the nnreeus memhr~~. or lining of thenos:c~ lillily b~'mne~lirfbc.d wfuch. b;i:o:;:'t"e-riicl mr_g;misiflls- l'he in6:.ctiorn: m~f sp=n&o ttb::~ Daicd sfm]!J~Sp ~,~ecior pan of rhe na~., and lata I:.lItcndOCl·dl.~ ~es, ana tissues of thebr,a1ll. may resale m sudden d'el11c&-

:r~a~t- As dlt" nature £If the oonJ:i cial'lis not l!JSuiltH, decer:mined unci:! at pm! more . ern examina!!Oion llas beennrsde of ~he d~ted animal, rreauneae is lUually ofvc:ry Iirtlevalue,

If j, issuspeceed cha~ ;I!.fi iflfecriOll of the m.uOJusmcmburu;s liQl:Il!g the nasal p~sage5 and na:;.a.J sinuses is afectiog a chinchilla, crcearmt:ll t with sui ta b'Je &oti biotio; WQu]d be Indicated. Iojcl(;tLog tbe anti biotic into the nasal p<l!Jl~lIg'cs may also boof value ~n overcoming and. eli minadng tfuc inkction.

Satdt~ rnellJ:5U.f'eS are also of imp.:nta.Dce In the preveoti on. ;l!![ul ccnuel of :I']Ia.s,al .lI]JC'ctlQn s.

I ~

>(ftr!;t~.Q~,[it_~;fW~ OJ;l!:'!i~d ~~b}!l.UmkL.~~ lK~ 1:'lL@le: m:1!Il1lllJL~~'y ~ I!IiJl ((bx: ~ ~ wau~ ~lm\t ~JII!tImJli' \!J,I:,~ ~filll.~ clb:1.l1]F" t~~ wJt"~ f~liJ.,UiI!lll!IIll:f lP~- ~W ~.ltI;t aJlli@ ~'~ ~~mIil:rJllli!l in. 1Jft~ s'Ft"In3 _ .Wll ®:ff n::fue y~ wFl':ctin dIll: "Jil'e!lirlfKlr Is cuftorn (C(p111ll~ ~ m& ~hle.. '~~ QJt ~ fuWIf ~(]ll I:l~fl) ~~~ ilIff~:tiIll~ (;:l:lIr.iiJmE:1ilJ.b& iUll;iifl)g ru~~~"

1Il'@JJ!t'§: ~r!llSl mt!li:" aJl[ dID)s>.,. C![m~ sIl5.~i.ilMe M ~ .I!mm~ ;ll.m~~ lJl;url!ls: 11= h~ !>]lD~a;di_1t: =cd! aHb:~ ,@I!illzr ~ 01(" I:W@~ @[" .1111 off tfre ]'ilt'Wil:'g'; in 3l Ifm:uetr nm1·~:!l~n~:dL CJl)'f&, m:il.lj:T 111Pf1elliE m~gp.®1!I!,l" .;1m!! !iC'i!iC!:W frn ~" 1iI:~nd, mmJ" ~@tfiot' IlITf«1!erill. TIm. @um1ieill~of (clTI~,:!illl (jJ;lj ~l1l1d5, * yrurm~rr., (!lIT \~~JI DIQah .~U' U£_Ul'"~Ji!c: ~t: teO ~OM; mf«d. EiIlnen- ~be Cll'Uc;lt :I.!I[!i'Im;I!fu willi J!e.v1;;I~ tTIe~dtii!!)mJ" Jf ,ooryz~ @f." crnlld~s me lUt1T (!;fied.t~. i!ll. their ~<1!rrkr s;Ea:gp"~l!Jronchopll:eUlnUlIIl']a; war illc"\i'atimMy £crHliJ_w.

In some g'tltibt(!::::I!KS: ~B mry"Z:i. or ~(!lld-s; mill 3L I!.:!ln.c.fu ii1r n~ I):c-e[i!,l suspected ~ha~ the ;mj:maI& h:l"'~- a:arliilM:d iitn.~fQI[] f.irCIm 3,:JiII a ttendanr who 1~ .nllindlillg; at' c~dng fGrthe:t!:llml1!ls. 'L'fu;~ltIl:!lm.mission oE coryzl1: oreolds fram msn W ch:I~~h~[[-a:ii has n:e\l~,r,been proven,. but I e ma~y be .iu~t as ""l01 fof'" persons !clf~~~dt. especially- wi~h severe head colds~ to avoid. fu.~o.d:.Hn:~. c~ri!Ig' fo!. and woe kIng around I;ldnch:illas. 'Ull:t:ij,.h.ey ha vc: teCQI'\fc:~€rom ehe cold,

~gqs--Chilh!llg. cold, d.ampaess, d.augfuts ami d usc ar,e

predisposing causes of coryzal 0'. colds. '"'

S:Jmpl0m.s- The young,er (b:i:nchillas are usually the first to show the i [If':cti(IIJ1. The sneesing of an anima] m.a y be oee ofthe fintindicadQElS of due Infection in the herd. Th.e iIJiec;ti on has us=l1 y ad vao.ccd. Inca the mere severe stages before ,his observed by the ,Ii t,t~! or eareeaker.

One of the Y01)l[lj£}t,c-ts in :h .Htr.u ma.y berne irStro show .th.c infeeeion. Soon l!;her, others win begin to show the ~mccti on uod] 80]1 of the animals in me litter are infected, They will appear as if coM. and wiHtry to huddle closeto their mQ:tbc::r. lls the imection bCC,Qm.£s mcre pmnoucced ~fu.;y wm ... tyw bllrymeJ1;l. selves in the mother's [Ilr, Q:r wiJI t[y to keep warm by crawling u.Ildethet.


Ilm ~ Jill~S;~ ~r~~ ~_ll!:J:it d1Scc:fuIm~ j)irCiUDl 'me om"&tti& Dllty .~ rratNc::dl" :m:dl wlIi:cfIt mar o'Q~cltt~eIl wndl fu~h. n~ll' ~F ~ rn:@tf~ .amlhfuiug: ~ ~ Wiiitl& tf:J::e'jjJl' f1lJWS'" '!!)Jr rlinqr ma;.y ~a: as iff UIkrJc ~mii-~~Cil im~.c:rrcm~

\:-·lIrtEm. Irlk:w ~ ~o:g tttilJ ~~ A ~lliig,lItt ~ll3)tilmJ of tfL'C

na:5".JiJr.~:I!,¥ rn~ rr(!l1Illll O!!li\ll_. m~ lilitllS'!llriilS; _ell t~l:ll.c@1ll1~

cibrem!.. Tht: ffirtr iii[Jlmn'llll • Iim!a~ Im:l¥ ~.fjlpr ~ ~'ijf~ wiidt a;m!tl:y~~ottdfu~Jg,e- 1ih; _~ 1mI1j1!r~ver' ~ nJi1s~~Th;; .. m ., 3" full::aJ~ ,cl1:ffi~1t"

n~<It:~ :J1ttfi~~ a.,pUll'W;l)Olt:ttJf .. i1Lmt~~a1s!illd1ttt" ,~-w-~ mI(flI.r~ nrw;; rrrill}f:Wnrn \."CIi:Ii,ch is ~~1Illlly ~it Ii_ ecll im dl~ i:nru ,tmiiOfil!if'~ ,e:y.-d:fik- Il.altrC'E nk 3ilUQlJmt (1)- illS> fu~~s; .urd. WUIDlmt:;; ydltiliw in ~:].(in1ill'. ']'fu!:: (!;:ydli& m.:lL}l" ml1lme g:1lu:~ tlilgecllre;rr w'~~& d1::lt: c!llEscolIlltlg,e Q e~dlt!lor-

In.l S:([[fiI1!: (ta5CS of ~liltryz:t crm 00 ds; 1Jfu_~ m(ilCIie;rr r jlLy &~ lifu·c ,fi:trst t'Ql me: :tHK,t:ofl~ l:J_nt:o·h;eQill[ rnny" (h.c: 00 sJIng,tc: ss '~ ~1Jl) unno bice;dllil"y tbe ca:tc:t3I1:a. ]t l:u:elt Spml.'Cl:s ttl) :~ llfu:,ta'., wTh.~~h dh:case u&wI~ becDnrc:s IliLUlie protiim:~. I'm (!lrrfuar C4£!:S' 1lIir:1t: ililfo::"th~1ill my sptteruli ,fli'Qlin the y(j)1lim'gs;~ ECil: nnC!: ID(Drr.fu1!4;. 5I1re ImII1 he- seen S'ne¢2l1ng~dtem: IItla[F he: ;1! sJ~g;h e W<l1U'.ilY alliis:a:&:J1Ifg,e: iliUm: tne: eycs> alm:cll per&:l3:-PS; a. SGtn.c:wha:1t iliick: eclmd'>l!te may ~iIIC. ener -!it~d: a1Ul1IlLtd. rue' oQs.ritL<;.- Jin a; few d ys it: mily" dlisa;ppe;llllr~ ehe ~01Idi r]QD[l1g gCiIIl~ llIiIIlotrul,l:ed by th.>t:6atotallr:.or,

In some ourbreaka of c.oryra or colds rh:_~ cotIcl:iiUQ1I1i mGlY a,ppc.!]1 suddenly, wiih several o£ the :IU'limmls T::«omirugil'lfecrro ,l;11tbio a short FI'iad: of time. orie nliaY graJU1ll.Uy9:prad thro!.tg.IiE a. herd: if nor checked,

The: affe:ctedchll:lchiUas will appear dull and, off ked to a. certain cxte.1l t. The a.mouD r of feed tha e .0 s eaten will depend much upon the severity of rhcinfe:cdon. The more severe: the infection, the less food will be: eatic:Jl. III the: more severe cases the ai"elCtedi chinchillas will sit bumped up iii the cage. If mO'E(" than one animal is in a c:Jlge they wlU sit closely huddled togc'lbet;wirhonl: moving [0,[ long periods of time.

bit MfJfUm Ft.ruJw,g,:r-On post mortem examination. the nasal passages ate llsuaJlr fouod acnt'ely inflamed. Thick mucous


,~IDli:CS'-~ '(Wi ~~ ~ a::L'fl: lILrrm'-:llrtH[lll])Oltr,. III [fllIIl1J:i1em::' .. Imli~ he Em -' - ~~1lJr rrncftc: ~lTn!Ur ~ mff orr ~ P~~" lin ~'(!):m"¢: ;;n rl' ( ~is; rnr nk ~ wilill ~ fl!J:w:J1llIli "IT: 1iEm: p,tltmv:l!I: p~ (!)l~fr(t :l~ml!1l.lS~-m~ ,],.Ll::~~i\ll:rn fun t:Enc t!L>a:S:..m. Ji!~',g,Q ttliJ'1'7~ .Utm &,@'~ ~~ 1lrrt tl"~ =tmfumg; im,]jJ' ~ Iirn;:aUr~es .or 1lilre mThvm.tmg:;;; 4lf '~ilI ;lli;rnJ" 111l"llll dEe [Jliiiii: wu~, 'Ella:: ~(;)TIl flJ;alF ~ elk iim.n:tt ~r"" ~iadaili.iy".i: cl're y~ 011 bmby [~4£"tln:' 1ID~ rnt~ ~ u:np limll:r btN(III11~ ~t~ whl'r.lii!: pnn:m~~Iiij: ~~; (1I.fClf.{J d~d~ :us; !II lremill!!: Cilff b lrrn:fiMuim'

Jj:{l4fe~riJ Fimfji'rf}l,~·' ill! ~~ httuila:] @1i'g;mism& hr;refir~erm £i ut1d: a&(JJ;L~tt.d. wim <i:lIllry:taJ 011" ,"([1 ds, StJre:jtClil'OOo.;;-us" Sm:li~ilwC~i&~ ,ClIl'nrni a:mIl P.1ucollcum ba:n~.IIi:lllllW'grom~:;:rm hii.>W': futxm i'S-ola; c\td .fli'mn. tine lUsal d'.isc;mgJt: :lmdt ftl'om: the ~'lli:!It,;hai£e-s; ~;un1ill in tJlien~ttJ pa:&f."3gcs, hili .l]t~o:b~.hiJlitty trIIGI,l: ID~t~~il)E Cill1g~:smS; al'e seC(l"rn.-dlaty!'S' of the inlieC:l:"1ot1l.

Troatmmr-In sporadic GEsell. or where m:dy a few duiim:.clltitlJJas On the ranch are affected. antibiorics sud] as neomycin. S[[oe']Jtc:;rill. ycin and p:::niciIHn have been found. df.-;x;t:[:ye ; n treating .col'}"'Za: or colds.

Exudates and dischargee from the nose and eyelids lOhould. be removed whenever necessary. A warm boracic acid soluzion 111ay be used for bathing the eyelids Md. nose. After the ex: 00 a ee and dis charges h a VC' bcea carefull r removed, a s mal I araoun t of baciteacin ointment may be placed in the eye:s and around the nostrils.

10 those herds where several arc affected mass treatment of the: am imals maybe ncccssa:l!'y. This may be: successfully carri ed OIJ.t by placing III disi lllfc:ct:aIl t in water and causing the wa\t,cr to vaporize and penerraee through the bouse. The disinfectant is carried to all parts of the house and it win also penetrate and beneficially affect ,the rnirn.ted and inflamed tissues Iiniug rhe nasal air pa~~aL~S' of the a,ffectc:d aeimals, Relief from the ]rritation and recovery from. the coryza or .cold- ma y be Obtilii:'lcct

A sug_g,ecsted In::atmell~ which has proved sa,dsfa(t~Jiry for coryaa Or colds is as follows;-

1 quart of boiHng water

:n '!!JJfl' mr lLy.:tm:n..

PJhJ~ @ ai ~ ,and] aiIlL:il... III '''~1r tIDl IJiIJ: B 1I11<IUS'I: lID W, lit w-rulR ~ iJ:I11.dedl ~y ttEr~~1S. 1rh 'Il1l¥allT fM:s .ru ~~:M'aill ~ .1'mcil $~Iiil~ 1l'm= @[jJl m~ IDtIllalUS; mc:iJ1]I~~ un: m(: nO[£<lill ~'Wg~ l:lJis Lj:.t:D~ m.'Itl' ~ m.."Fdld scvCl!llif ci.ilMs :II. daly urrtiill dr ,~- @ ftm ~ u;w-

$mnl: [!l(f([pl~ p:Ei::tr 1F® If[f'j""Mm~ iim:m:~ m:Jt L~ rn:r~ illiI o-fu:.::: WlItOllE- ,nn: '~"IllillIl bcr: !lwmrd!. ~ ~[iJlg., _ Illm!It SJ:;"~ :Iililill Lm!hai' g cJ.lilLi!Ii ~ ~ lLFJIl _

())iiI Cilti 1Ffu:O];ijp'[1II:!i ImIlF _0 be ~ iinsttd Ql 1rliX li..¥~o:11 J:ii:lt" _ mass ttrr.:tluag ,(!)_£" ~iiEI~_ . rulf'(tCildl ~:idJ:. =ry~.aJ. mr OOlcill '

'Jl'Enis,; ~ .. niIlu[[ :ihm:ll] Ih~ £"nlll~~ IPlIl b £om:iir~ ~-':;:-lL-U nabfb.. !ji,tpmIDIilS-:ifmill (!Ji lfrfuJr'" s ~~ m <'R qrumm: aiJfWXC':!L ]]ntis; Rnil!Si ~ :so&l111iJ:1I:.. iag mKtt en drc mlll1:01!l"S mern~[':arl[C~:S llilmf.rrg trITe nasa] [i4SScil:gl:':s.

Orr nllil.mes ~ ~al er '0;;)]4 are kioJg; ~J:C!iIm t:'l1o:rll lI!ttJ:IilI~~ rnwt b: paid ro d:k: hy£\tC!D.i&' 1.r(fj~d.~ril@u.s;. 'Quall~ tlirl3lt are fircc litl"orn ooldir d.rnl~1iS, rurr& damplil:otSS> wat gw m rOlilJg w:t:}; i,J[lrJ1c;\fl:lilldrng ~~ITfZ",J). or col~ d1C',.d~irng.

It'! r;m[cile wf'l.~ o;i;RtiacJmjjr~asi~&eiug; lD:&t (jJclta~aLUJ]r firm IJl) cUIr~.;ItQr oalds; iii: w'(!}uldi (be well tliJ' eaanuioe ehe cilige'S a.!l'd Ol!stboxes, to S~~ if they are d:Cllilol,g:hCy ~nd coleE. Theie Ioca~~ol1i ilil! rcJa ti oml;rup[{J m dCJQ~ or "vlrn:,dlom 1ll>1'y nJlvc:; ~Cil[[l~tJhiIillg. t(l. &0. W D:~h di.c::ir b~im:g ,c.olJ and dnughty. Oil: findr(l'g' tbe cause oft:I:I-e trouble. dile necessaey ch:3!llgcs. :ilhqatiollS and alli'jm>tm.c.IlI;Dll should be mad.: in order' to prcvCliU: the reoccarreece of tk coryz:a. or colds.

HJP~mia 01' CMZgeJ'liM t).f the LU11g:.r-I-lypetemiac or C(llilgcsti.on is caused by excessive or abnormal accumuleuon of the blood. If) me lungs. This coadirion ] s faid Y common.

Calms-An active congestion of the lungs is found iu the cady stagcs of all Inflammatory conditions of the lungs Or lining of the lung caviey, Violent exercise, exdt'cm!~[jt and. :fighting are frequent causes of hyperemia of the lungs. Ie mily abo be caused from inhaling irritating gases or smoke, uric may be the: resu] t of a cold,

, ,

.f.:1.~@~~i·o:~ '(1IJ± W L~ ~d'c'-I;~; ~lr~ ~,.. uaffiW nD:c .ffr,S'I! Si¥JllJjl1'!liIfiI r& !l1 ,dtill~ wliful:'D @lc:Jm;witlil'Q!U.1t .~ .Q~ 'lD11eaffc-c~~ dt:imdl:iilllal. ~ dnll ot:D:di wi1!Il sill:

I1n:m:pol ~~ ~~ IUmrlillr wfuh hi . fJJl:~ .~ wdJl 1liP.-a1rt:., Vl!i'r'l!';!;;!l clJz =i'l!:l:l.lrn.TI ii. (l;_1[l~'y (!~~ 3, ~~ ~FidJ riJ~-:nFri'ng~ wii1tfu :JIl sltg',Ruf FllIIDdJ;[tm~,~ ~!'re ~e:bOJ ID'.iJi' &-r= mil Ii_ F.JI.::: a:nfunrli ;:i.~" ~ ~ ~lrm~n:Illle ~ &e e'1!w"4te&l. ~:o :J.OO.~@ Or: T£l:41JID d~ ~rr_ Iff rrh!'f: dUrrdl.:iiIJ.IJl1s. haat :S:"l1Ilttr;iil: ;c1l_~ ear: lml}V ~~o1l ~11: rlr"e 1fI0000:cfi .~~ ~ ~fina~m.ny SQlIiI&', ~ 1!¢ fuunrllm ~~"dl.; ~ ~ttlfu:g IilE~IDttziag;SQ"~~ ~mndL

IF(!ln(])~h.~~m IDE !1~rii!l1ill ~'.~ ]ku[~l1Lmml1l.~ ·ed'em;3! C[" Ihoondimpammtll!!rl!a: ~.lI.mclly cl!; !1!1Idl ~WieSime:

Dim iii's; dbtt.b..

Post Mo~ F:ituimp-'1'Ilc:' l~ ace d3:l!Ilc .~. in ooIO'IJ.F~ and.. when :i lobe is incised~ Mood w:Hl esa:p=. from. tIle: !i:.ut .S'!J:lIiue:.

Trtalmwf-- Wb.trn c'flim::bililllS; ~ a.ifec~ett with ai. OOll~'ii@ll of the lungs :atttef'ldcm 1l1US~ be given to nygimi~ me-<isml!:SJ. Tile animals must be kcp~ as quiet as possibLe, in W.1!rm.:, wdl- .. et!~b!icd quafiCttS.

It .isa.dvisable to have a vc:'t«inilriall! supervisethe ~tm.c:nt. of this ~omii ~i Of]. The doses of me drogst!o be admin.lSiercd. bltvc ro be- detcrmi:!]ed a,{;oordingro ~he weight and ,oon.jj dOll! of die ;affc:c:tcd! dJj[iJchiIl a.

Pulmol'1tlry EtkrJu ~, Etitma of di! lung.r-PIlil:m.oo;l!.:!:,Y edema is .aha, .a mro.mor.l c.ondidon. In I:his cl!.isease there is ~ :poll:rilJ!gOl1t of serous fluid ilu:Qthe- alveoli or air sacs and Intersti ti al ds:sll(;s of the ]lIllgs.

(6U.fll'.F-- PlllmQ!]Jary ,ed.ema o:l'tl;O foUow~ a. .h )'PI:T.:'mb (:i'Ji oo.o~sdon of the h.ltilgs. lI:l:m.aya1so d~dop as .a .result of drugs Or dmg prepararicus king ~Elh;illod icm the ]uogs dl!l;ring their aclministfation. In olderchinehillas it may {oHow oo!ld!.i~ions affecting the' heart and kidneys.

Sympt"t11B.r-SympWJ!lls dc-vdop VellY 1'.apidJy.B:!:' cat hi!] g bOL.Qme.s rapid, severe and difficuk The body extl1cm.idcs,. as d!J.c cam, feee and l, are cold, '[he eemperacure is subnormal

:m:dl of~ ~ :es. ~ :flro:d!i~ dis;~g:4 ~ dIe ITm-:ie...W'.Erem Me ~r::: &, plia:~ a~ tlbe w:crwc~'a:gtWl!" grre em II.~ .Ii. s.cir~&a!):

C!J.c~ oJ.:I11lhlfu;g'S<I:il=-~ nm clJ_~1~ ~anirmDl firn:L,.a:~ ~'Iie cMJhl"nWi'"W 1T,i~ hacll f~&dci cl,_n~li~ ,;I.] l~ m!a:W ffillllf"[1!1 tm ID'Ik nmat::. 111m·11k-: E~ s~ crur .~ ~-=~m::allllflr~ ['j~(1}JruS q;n:irlii;: ~ slJ:a1l[1!L'W •. & :!f1lI~hu',"~~~~ n~aE ~ Il:ID:::!tnrn m:a::r &e.1kmidl. ~ ~~ mmy UMlile &I1.1!1: W£~mru ~h I1mUI!:Si antr:C ~ ,!!}llS'rf1!'.

b.r~'&1!{fflum Frt~ ']TIJl!i~ ~ OIiX ne:d:clJi£npF i\rn ~a.f.~Illr~ ~pe- They a:re~i:~ md :i1l'~~ m wtIWillI'rrrrg,s: arr.cll ~~ :ii~ w£1] wttl; wfrm ~ Wfrm ~ Ilifuc ~ lo:ci~~ :;It W:tD" ~ll,j~wkitumil~ Krol;!:i. fluirll ,~ ft14l:frI!: I~ run: s~ 'ID:~ ~&li !li~ ~tmfII![:a!: _-ili fmll:mw flriA.

l'nj:;!~'Ii'hea:Ccm:ent ,of ~ ~ltiCim. is: [[~ Vet}!' S:Ui:~~W_ It :isc £'ed mat!: qurd actllil.g S"fulrl'mtlUii be g£t>l~Olm, dI~ aftOl:tto! =f.t:rmil's. Dm~ whkIlt ~g::cfutt dm: Matt a~{lm IIr!1Y abo b:: 1lIi!.!:dL

.mr~M{!1tJw-16'riQIildro.~!U:~umlIlniill iso W E!i!B!;:a:mrnaJ(or-y 'cgfld£;ltli~fIl a:.tfL;:(!;TIog libl!:. ath· sa~lS; and :ai~' pa":l!gC!::Sl lllJll .~. Ilua:g~. Odnr:hID& ~ nstWIIy ttlJ:'l! m m1S Ofil:l:mru:l: as ~~. 1n is o:ftc:n: £Dune: :t; with ath:.eLdi~ cofId~ITmls.

'a~JY!':!'-I1[t()ndrGpneu:lIIOm:l:'c Itlay fu;. ClI.'lJ.sodJ full im.a,.! an'S ~f the: m~m]brane lI!i@ng: the leagtl'I ID£ tae il)g. pa;sS'.igits;ticr thefT .\\::r:rJ1i:n&tS'O; ehe br'Oudtioles;, and ~tmd:iib!gm~~ the. air saes ]oc~fCd :!I.e me end of the b.rolIdIi~;d~;. Thfs I'f'rita:_up.o:mod'iliu or influeitlces 'me a.m.OllIil.[: of ~c:ctctfD:1J! ofehese organS! and LllIl~ gives rise to' co:o,dfcioDS ravcmrabkro the development of ittiecdoo.

'Co]d.~ d.amp or d:l:,augnty ,agt::s and nest-boxes arc very i01- POrlCa:D!t predisposing fa.cwr$ of bronchopnearaonia. In sum quam:Fs .here is 'kining of dlC body surface of ehe chiachilla • • hc drculation and! secrerlons of the muceasraerabraee of the broIlcnio1es and alveoli are infl1].cficcd~ lowering [lot only tbdr resistance but alsorhe generOll resistance of me: body. This is: favOUfabk te infection or cothe grOWdli of b~cteri.;JJ orga.nls;ms. w! .may be already preseot in 'the body.


b~\ilp:e:r::' :&e11llmg ~ lile w.cru:_use; ·~tt llJ~ID¥W1lttlm:~ IlLy :um~iim;:§: m~1itr ~S;~ ~l!ll iJm~I!l_i!W),.

];ifim:r~1i~t!IR!:Jir.a1!~aJi tTl];P1K!l dI~ tll!J~jm.ttIm .=~ (Cl[$ll.Il pa!!1SJill~ m~a;w-s, rrklb:ttrgfi~l ulllDx!:;S; an"llll :Jlliv.:mllii~ S'~;m:miIl:J!r;Sl ~rn:da'"I?~(!:~ is;~~ ..

n.i'!:mt" is, ~iiHrll:w:rnL©l (!nilirtt[t" 9"S'~;l1l\;~ 1ll!l:@lI: l1lJJlliy:lffi"~« !1ft:i'norm [llb'';l) !!iIl ~.~ lka~ wm~ @K ~~@:"h mfund~flliWrn wJmll~W1r OIJ.~t;, tpI1.I!}7 f>:wrlln lIJjiJl. ~m£p1l; lIrtiJG~mrg_ ~i~B" ~ ufu:~ dlill in Th1l'!'m!!m.~.@nm_ ..

jl}mrt~-1:h.e &jn:.liW.t\i!1liJ.lSi ~:ff Ib.lilV~,~m@m:BS). ~@~ liU!widlily. 'TIre ~.Fitodidlm!ll wEIll 3iP:fi!!?~i' Jdl i!JJ1dl Iln£,"r~~ ft_-o:; tlmIi~(mllt~re ,@f~e;!']( tcai!h:.::ll, ]&tOtto lill) . .VJ d~l>:e::o lFifu1ti!lIIfu~:Ut..IJ!:t'"';J)t:&[U1J.'g' i'S, dl~:ffi'(!:mlI: .;liliD;iI] bID@.I!l~. nc l!C5Jpiil!a.m~:f m:@'ll~IE.~~il~ ~.dij, srn.€m<t 3J!ild ~naJ!Iow, A j'tilt!l]:IDlif [>g' a~ tck dh,~d,':;s; ~S> tilfUll;\W not~d. Tfu:c: q~ may 3ippr- 'i,i'ir.n::.l1y. n1CllliDillliD:~.fis, aJf~ ~:tf kccru ,amd: :~ttEdll~~a.ttII,~ tcQllirJ.DV\!: aJD$lii"cJt~ Fll, 'T~ 1l:I![il}f be ii:.Qt1ltl!"d! sitting bumped, l'lP in the cag\:!:: or nesa-boses, A d'i"sdt1!ttg~ from tbe nasal c;);vi~y m~y be present. A wh.-:e2Jmg sound milT be heard: oyer the area CQveringeh.: luags. 'file EeC<!sare soft Ol?W Ioose.

Bronchopneumorri« rna y be: dla:gom;'i:'d. by Its sud:dC:EI. aw~a\t .. anee, difficult or laboured breaming .anJ high ~~mpernto,re,

P:QJt Mortem finamg$-Bronchopneomooia may be found affectlllg both. Ill1lgs,. or ooly one lung, a single Iobc:~ Qr an .aJDca. 01[ pOi~OD. of a Iebe, The aflcJi;:tc& IUll!g,s or pmciofi5an: heavier dIan normal hrngs and. sink when placed 10. water, whereas norms] JUl.'Igtissl'lC: wi1l floar. The .affec~od portions are congested and reddish gray or grayish yellow in colour, CGotrasting with

Eh,c normal lungriss lle - .0#'

If apiece of lung tissue is squeezed, the expressed fl uids ma.y show small fl"kes of a pus-Iike fluted al. The bronchi and bron,hio]es are inflamed and fined with exnd a tic.

T~'eatmmf- The chances that affeC'l;ed chinchillas willrecover from bronchopneumenia arc not very fa voura ble, Much depell ds upon ehe inflammatory processes tn;t(t take place ![I the ]ung~, In most cases the coedieion has prog.r-:s~e{l, to such all extent .in


[:'[!II[N\DffillU,.!!il lJ]J[;'it~ ~t~) ~~1fS. 3@

db.:,~ ~ IlmlUr mJnii.mi~d[:» ,~e. Irlk:~~ ~~~J:ml1l)It J.Im.i}i' 1k: 1ILi:i&ill ~ ~ m sp~dl @f !lih iimf~~. ~J:' 1lTh::li£ ]p:~ '~ @f Sctli~'C:Q:IllDJ1I!irn ,~" '!be a:dImllirri's;~d billly jfu§ JliJl_~ll' mlt ~~ rJwy$. ll'h!l)'Ji!Bnyi ... ~ and. ~ ¥"awt'W<t: ~'l'~ ~ llidj(f>l"~!lig giw(: ~ ~~ ~ Cilf ,~Jj~IITOf]l :ilPJIa.'t ci'l:tt ~~I!ljf &nmllL.dr~~lI.$ ..

,~ImPmm~PIlli!IT"(j)uUi:: ~IDilJld:iic.iID.m) lilr,g,i'~ mMaEi.~ ue= @ 1ll.~1t ifillJlMilmtatLTtt... ~ il1lirii.rmaJ1'$ s:fuill.~oill '~ ~pt! inn 'b~ will ,..e~ q~ttili}> f~ fi,-WI!1l' ~gJfuc.!.- Jl\]te.OO0:1m :iootmId: a1Ikc(j ~ pm m 'rrIL'C ~~tt !Iill ~trclb:- trml Imlam:~ill W:e illmm~d\sr stmc'mg,JIifu ~ l1tU!dlll ~ ,iG; pm;'$iiID:i'a;.

Pn.~n.ri£ C'~~iaw" ~jJW$£'B;g ~&i~lI!!llii!!iIillC w.t1I:cllicimrn:s:; IDtT~ ,tI~ 1"@)~dlii~",~'llnilla5; cim-.J::t ;~rt.e1l 'rrlrq 1n1!C:: k~:ml" 6.pemllllyij'" dire}" illI: SJlBli~t'" 'C)tj} ~:iilWl!:'. lit 1'5; ~ttftwc: rrRnmtr. Ene nsolZoo~s; fIe: 1)u.;i)1\t ucl! ~mppe.cll m S:~m It ,m:a1t:tillt:t" a>Si t~tlJ~~Iy ptlU~~~ the= yo,I!ttl!g bml '~Ill __ ~iialli) @l:ru1tKUv~ w !b:OOg:~ri@:!iIl @f Ii:!b:!:: DtlIl[1.g.s,. ;In" e'iJle:!l>twHF~ ~~m]:i!-

'I'.Ilt.~ ~;~.~~ 1!lliC::& I!l~ tlII(~fS;([ lC;m~~:lli~ ~=; !he ,"ll'u~~edl ~ m ~m:t[;." s.tnu:ccicrml nit is 1.iiS;I[millTIy; Si.lIDl:U dImt:.fIT ;;J!; cll.all!lg-;IIDl!$ .Il"@ come \il p~lirro~]nc.fte ~ ~CiOm. mf dl~ hm," ,[lJ:J:~ MiJlU!g&t!< :li~C reS'PQmib~e forme r@£5" crf OO~ .moof l~~tefs; $I~[t1ti"«"uil1llI1ly" WFfn;g dIe 3Iu.tll!1iOlIT .9:00 Spl"mwg, wliren~h we~dmi .~~ i'lWt ~Ol ~ emld a;ad. €h :lilirg~;jJhk. l'fuC::liIeS:II-,-:Er{}lli~S; ,Sbtl'U11I!.d br C:lD:tTSt~m::ll~ S(J d'l:_il){E the bOic:mm is a;iir ~i,gl1tt, :Ii: llil1!IW i.fu:.c!:s:C!:: I'ccomtnj!;titOIai.ttQElLti will!lmctt w.iid'J: tlit:: di:54lFpruyd mE m~adll all1:;~.e.rrs;," "[n~y wi;:JJt d1ciimdlam: sudl chltrngeS:~'ll'.~1~ im:c:crftre' wi eh di~ dll:'.Jrilimes.1i flE dl.e n:e:£~-bo.xo. and. conseqtlemui y. widl the li!;e>lhb of the c:fuiilid.l;W!!h It ffi a matter of choice, whemer or not mgt:e"au,ent[{)i!t is ~h:l. tjJ d'l:e: dean:ing out of the nest-boa whenever ncoc~{;amy:, Or I,D' con,dnliC ~OSillg so marlY litters rl'om pl'lC:Il:m.onfa. ss the result of ha.ving draughty nest-boxes, Newspapers placed. :~n me boteom of the o~sro-IJQXC"~ will facili rate ehe deafl,1ng of them., I t is suggested rha t the changes recommended be mane in a fi:w of the aese-bnses for ili season or ewe, W see how m,aoy baby chinchillss can be: saved by preveotingthem from developing pneumonic condieioas.

C,mtag)otu or Vim.!' Pm1tm~wia-Anothertype of pn.;um()n.~a. [.hat has bt:>l;itl feund ;lff,~ti[lg chincbillas Is in iii. contagicas Or

will3llm fmm.. r~ ;JJFlf~ ·",~~ud'_d'm_lW ~ aJ ~~ !ilf uilmd's> #~ .a£Fmecl wi~!l.\ ~ 11l~ ~ftr:!ltr~ ~.aldJ gf c;~~ . !el'iFij~ is kuown about): ~ ~ off rune ~ ~.~ .~ '~a~. Ii!&~~ma~u: h;g(l'ij!!):~ aJl.>]V~~

.M'rrcb'''l'1iUo:l£ Qlf D'ad~ ~mil:~W&m. p:i!8'~ m.Ul1t!:m .~ ilumu]$ .~.~t:Ci1 &itmrri:m: ~ ~ !lIfd'ei!iMl" ~is; ~ atC:11&e numMli ttfuI~ .hll)l,1"~ Jim f'lrm:rrn ill. .mednmim 'GilT d'ntrn,IH!J-g ~D~~IWl. 'I~ ~andlD.tUm ffi, h.~}li :&ll!.lrrd! im .~~ .~JIddnrulilii:trt ~ hing; hllmlLfcdL ~I\:dlin[~ Or ~g; ~,_ m:CilII!.b i~i :m:m rTIfl':ltiftJrmlT~ID.tT' ~~ cimo. ,mE ~ [lm.~ (![~ ~ .~ [ll1- .l:Wiaitillllll of ~~ml s,ums:c~.wmm. ru.1Dl1ty I!¢SimMi i'[w!W1lWS'i~; of ~: ~ oftilIc: ¢nti~ tmg:..

~II\I'~~I:lF drugs., [~CIl],: Ir~~ i1X'impmperLy~s.ted~ such. SWlS:illMeS mileY ,~t1!.ter mec;rilC'i~.a,@1i wim:llIlfiF .m :g~um .ne:

A Ufi:!lll fru;l:ield1 ~f p:ISSfrlig do...w ehe esophagus to .me: s,[o:J:lmclL This, .ma::y be caus:ed by lIoldllrg me drincdtilla iillm~dy~ by h~ldmg the m:o.u:m ol'e:!l, ~i;)~ wi de, hoMing: dll:: Jr.ea:JJ tlrla mg'1i!J or in any poscitioo w.hich [o.c:rferes with swdl(j),wmg:.

ll".rr:iI::lIti(;lllIB.a.y ;lIri~ in iCn~ sm:liI1 o.f'om:::M or .:li]' iC'II~wb:f(Il convey 01.11' ~a dl~ luogs ami carbon dioxid-tfrom the: lung:;", 01" iOI the air sacs Ieested ae the ends of the very sm:~n 0:1" liel"mina1 bnu:tc.hes of the air pass.agcs. Serum pmm OUt from mt:: brood. scream. :liBing these delicate areas. A[ong with. ·the cOIl.di~100S en.urn.c:nued above, io£'ecci on rnase be pre:sen t: to oomlPletem.e prooess" b.a.dditjontio ~he ordinary infb::!t:ioll. which is DO:l:[I]Jll[y present ill the lugs, putrdactive: are prcsent and a gaogrene is produced.

Symt!om..r-Breathill!g is ([,lite pwomm.ced" dljffi,CldtaM b,m boured, The temperature may be elevated t4) 1.04.0 to 106.0 d~g!.'«s Fahrenheit. [1'Ji the early stages the 8y:mpl!om~ arc (hatao~erJsd(: of broIlcno1ptlieumoru::a. but they .rap]dly increase in s¢vef~ it," [0 dlc b.te stages. me nat.ure of dl.e pe~mGJITJ.lC CQIl,:lidoo. may be surmlsed, The chi[lcnilla Occomes du]l~ brt:::l.'fbio.g becomes Vl;;q fastaod wc;abess develops rap~JJy. the eyes sre duH and become ~Qmewha~ sqalnted, In some ';II11C$~smaU babbles or foam may collect around duo no~~:rib.

- - --

-- -

([jmt~ lJ:l;mj~ &~t\~s tlt

l"E!E mSllXj' miIw:~ ,~ wi:ilill ~o:rn;; l1§.iS'£ im ttrn:i'liiO!!gjCi~ o1!" ~~ 'Illlrd'mw~gl ps;I.U;!looia1.. HEglli t:em~ g cll:~ npfr£~rqw.m~ ~ t&. ~llliliufur1ll DaF ~ 't:I:!I.lcll m;i'n.rl.fua~ mz.d!:ini~ '~lT ~ndlIITg; ~wrla.

~.MiilJ:'iSiIm!1nMt\!1~]!m~a;niondl@1rdJmr~l¥nm~a!~ "I.ui~wd1l nrrurll.:~ g;:rn::~s1lt fum:~"'Dl mr Ilill::l.d ~ :lite muraTIly falll::t!! hi: IJiI:~ro:&!:s: cnfl m~ fun;fS'iI. "[&~ ~ am" sJIIl!l1Jmwhrll by iii. Oll~tt& :t@:I~ amiIl dJ:.;:rnorrj:tii'td, mm; .rn; s~ut!:hd!. 'Ew ;i.e:! ,eVm::<!l.!J~1Ul ~liI'mIC- ~ilt • .frrd:.lnil!:t!lia:; ~N, lIlmy fu;: fmWl.rll m. ,~ r=~~ ~1t .fu~tt ~ mirtmilJ[D ial! ~h'!!"~~n:g; CJm_~ fOl\" .g;m~ (!lID db~dq_

1"rnlo!t1.1= i\'1)e'!iliri'mtl[~immJt Gl Mis ,,""m1~timn is; oo;1l: S'&~ f:u"~~". Thm~," (ill!' 'c:&e ,~~.~i(!ml ,(111 dlrags, ,(lnr foodl P~[i!I;rnL:d(!lDS mnm~ ~ &one wim~- .in! mmy im~,[!t WQ.Il]_d:_ b::: &i:~.cll [toc;~o ;t~t!mp; gill,l"ing medicines: @£ .Llq.ui& .fcra& pttpmttii~TI5 w~mIDU_1i: m-ca.vErrg w. h'llWfed~ Cilff ~fr~ pHilp p!I~"" ure, A sm.-dTI ruhft!«EUlbe is' s(!m~:Omlrs WJ3!.>e-dl ,iin~ 'me s'tti);!Mm" ,JJ:nTIugh \lI; hfdl. Jlrugs,~ medi_~illC'S" iUl'd" lr.q;ui'1! fCiw.'clS IUjI'lbe' ad,. miIliIist:~r dl1J;S;pe~ wg t;1'l:erg gpiDglgtD ,tile: [wrgs mJl p~ll:a:rllg; 1lWi:Th:m~'iI!] IDli' ~1'rdiJiti!g pn~utt!~n-~;Il. (!ill ~h~a:cim:il!j"

Pfg;#l~'nr:PMli:moN~fupwui:eD.'-~pnewnJ!lmapU'i [turns .ifitb;¢ I.~ 101: lung C:i..v'iny Gf the' affecb:d mi~.

11\:e o.r.igitll' o£tbiiS' For:m, of Fllafil'Cmm [s .infOcci:cnl1. llJ ~!b:e IilJilllg c:avhy~ usnalty cau:wi by IO.i ury of thethomcic 'I!!f~lJs,. 'I~~h puccures, inlliC'b:d :W: .;!;6gb~ bc:Wll::eD aninmls., ~f"err mm1'li: fl1ili'e deveblpmellit of pumlmt pru:ll1Ilo:rlla. Ii: often !o11IDws ~11.: in,.· halation of food pllrtidCS' Qf m:odicines during, adm:inis:tna:cl.orn. P1urol!eiDt pueumonb: may slse follow an atuck of p~eUl'i:5f. [D. which .flui ds are '[lO~ Out from the ilJ~~d pIcu:r~ or lwruog of ehe ,hmg cav~ty" 'Thc:nuidis,OO:;om.!; i[Jf~br(:d with bO!ct, organisms and a""umul;1.~e as pw Iorhe cavity ..

S:,mp\l'~ There: is usuaL~y 2 hightcmp;Ianue. The aHec:~ed dlru,chlUlllbeco:mesvety diu.u, the ears droop a:JL!dI. breathillg oocomesiom,cwhat labcured, The trot; nature o.fthe coooh:ion is !uu.d~y ~Ot suspected ;I!l'n:d omly on post morr,c;m, , it. dj'iOOVt;~d1.

•• .

.FiLII" Nllirt!im;l 1fmd~ rrl:ru:W:W .~c1m:. .~ed5. .~ L~ wlri~T t:@ 'fue fiIlm wilm dJ;~~1k: tl'ui.!L

·]'hoi'<::~n-;f-~irr..r~ Il:fufu; .OO..lllllJ. mf]jltttlllttwi!ll ffi, u&1llilllir .&mll" u~~m.oat i~ @jf mID mvm

lllhli: FlWlt~~«1Z '~C!!mi:J cMtlJ ~:1t' >flf'a;;t; cl'l:i.a.driUa ::t:.c =y ~ d.~e3[~ny h.-Cil'lI"" 1.'LWJlJJi.d ~m6'" iW:dl fiU'ui~.l:LF @Jo:mi'n~ Ii~ ~~ rr~t. W.i>Vi6IC:N.cill:c.:uC ~~.nIIlll:$ ~m~ed1 in OIl.mi.1iI@ in m~ mGCl'W£ ~~ ~ .~¥ ~. lll,~prr.

H~," pm>m1in€l1l. ~ il1lI~ d'linm.iilllas .~ tll'Iey are wr~ ~l1cis:ed Cilli' e_~Kd. WF1TIIe fu~ Cl!lIIgJ]lJt; and n;andllNl~ e'£~\aJIiEy f£ tilt: \,ye;Ijm~is: b~: aJ.m.'dl mlUmidl IDlil S_liY w~d~~ i.r.ll!I [jll'w~1l>tiClIII!. m'l1l¥ ~ut" ±TranI!) >e:~.rii~~!]; cliEIring m:E~ITg. I~~:r:b:tt dtiru:'hiU$ :Ire qui:!:);: ~qu.i1ble- f~h~t!: pw&I!FOI!ltion'.. (.hitndI.iHu some times d re- mom tlit~ ~:lfOC8 of a'l;:;l!,t ",vfuiik: fu:in:g':f[nU~GIt1'd~ because the crates lOW lrich t.rr~y a:.~ sllipp.!d .ill:Coot suHihtfl!ilildy ventila.ted.

On hot. h umid d,a ys. heat proseranon has. been o'bS!:Ncd alfecting chinchiUu whose: pens are Iocared io pUts of ehe hCl"USe wbere there is ins I1fliclcn;t CIt' [10 cir~clillt~Oll ·of all". This oCJ;:ll!'&ili!) cages Iccared w here air currents are ·0 bs trncted by patti tMm.~ o:r by mvc:ti.ll_;S over inc: cages.

If rhe cagte is so si mated dultme animal is not: pro ~cCted from the lays of ehe sun> after some d me heatprGs.IT~tioo mll!}' developio the animal due to ~he in tense heac of tbe qOa:.lteES" This OCI;m'S mO\"l r bcq_uclld y in ~:ag~s Iocared in. ccUa!T\'l and in. tbosiI:wMch are c:m:loSl:G. c:1ltg_n (Clf the fEi)[It SOO::lc,!:.

Heal: pr-omadon ca!.1il~d by the SUIl! shio1.fig through a window of their cage!. has been knOWIl! to occur in dlC Wlruer rime in modC:fa:rel y bta::tc:d cb~F!Lchma houses. U su,aTIy the owner or :lcceod ant is unaware ehae the oolldj~iQi:I exists uaeil he find s some diead inebeir cages. Even ~hei'l: .• the cause of the condition rna y go J!ll:lheed.ed. ueless exam.lfUl.tjolls are made of the animals co dct~~mjl1C: the csuse of thelr d.e.uhs.

la-ck of prm:octio]]! f:!'om the hot ~1.1fI. i!l$lli':Ett:cjecut: or no water during hot, - humid days ,bd:; ,of adcqL!li'i.lliC veaeilaeion of chin~ china houses, cagesand nest~ hoIX'es. especiall y during nanspo(""

- - -

---- --- - -- - - ----


_Cil(t t& '~ :Ilmciiuir*", ~ fanm wifulittfu aillll :~~'£Fc~-&,(!;: ~l)) _II ~i@;;~Ilffim"

~mgtWnw---Wl.lm. tire: t'ClilliWH<Jl~ ~ a ~ m ~ 8(F,£E &:~I!«S, F".lln:Ulfuctiil: ~<r: cJhiamtnl;Jl$ wiUl mtil-w ~rn:6'iirJ11l:" TIrey Wolin k s:m11 lljiog ~~ (lI!L_1J: Qt!lI ci'rei11' :>i~ nrd ... iimI ~ l1;m;p ~ m <ti~ cl'l:e :miJruJJl~ sfY.(!lJcidl am: d'!" ~glir1l'; m: fu.a:iil.11lll~ ude:S>Si TIe illimlUmrl:r ll'e:o!s.s:'lllIF i:'~ q ~ TI:lis'Wltr~ a:o:J ~1'JWil:i: :m: me '~willI t:Th:citr ~~ wwFn i:I:IrnjV 1I~millt;: m l'mlt: [mID>:'1!I1aIIli(ilu. "iDJliis fis; puitrrJml1y S\1l in. ~~ ~ b!r.. W11m the ~ tt!JIc m:ad!:o: ~1..lID ~ If:aillt;nmfulcitr Jim li'J.~e5 wn~ cllniiIiL:driiUu ,am: kilIDg ~Jilr •• ~ :imuJJ1~ Ere ~ iilE a~ W ndt~ t! e rnn_~. '~ofre ~ol1lS\ rn:::iyk SOC1lm.1l$...

Cfu oliDmilll;tc$ a[fi~1J!:cl\ID'F b~o: ,~I.n rus:11 :;li.'!t'iM dli's.t~(intc: mdll

rcsdc'S'sn~ amil willl::x:: IlGltiindl s:~:kiit]g diLcii. wa:l1tt d;i;s·h,u. TIle;y ,",,-ill S'CI)'(jL1]l baC!lm:e duilll aohrugTIJidl amI &: :iiI1l .rre Cl!g~. s:oretdrcd CIlUJi ID11l thcir sidl:s;,- 'IIlle~ bGUC:!> , b_?rne: l~ ilig~t: g~s~~ S,@Um:ci.&I[Ul}l' !he heiilN,; dl>t:lrii.tS{J1I:1lt:GQ:IirS; bcccrme s,fi:t:OJ:i~, lilli & and s:hadl'(ii;\W. 1'lirdli eyes; ar.lle duJIl- ~ mo.w[i\n wiilll acpellt il!t: c:-a:cfu ims;pimtiiCilTIl. Ih'i:: ma,}!" e.mifrI;:Q!i!'vullsivd::-lh gJ.SoPS. tenli!m:uin~ Jim dc:a,th" 011' rrIil>e:y m;l).¥ lapse ~moo al (i:Umaif!rcrrmL WQL(!:h they do it01i ll«Ov,.eJ["

If £hercl: i~ no cir:t~a.tit0o of ~,li" a:oo dint: neat ttc,c4!lm~ i!lil~emJ.t' in the Ctll,ge, a!Ildi.thls; has Eeen knuwo COl O(NUr e:o:en fn, wi[1J.o-er dme.d!:te cru.nchiJ:lia:. mar die-from tbe etrelIts ofthl~ (i;'(!)n<liti@tILarnd mll y be flIluod at f:ecdimg time !>~uing' iu a !illil:Il'm:a], til.ltwllli posin:i on, ;3.5 though asleep ill tbe cage .

.Post MfJ1'tem FinJingJ- The lungs show madre!l congC!>ci.on. and when incised. fredlY Mood-s rained exudate oozes from the cut surface, The: blood, vessels are distended: the Mood lS dark, rae-like in colour :icJ'1d fails to clot, Pale, straw-coloured fluid is often found, in the pericardial sac surrounding the heart. The other body organs are usually nOJ'i:I'Hd in appearance.

Tre,oUtm?nf-UIl(ortunarely. there is very Iitrle thac can be done inthe way of sU!ccessfully treating chinchillas affected with heat prostration. Attempts should be made: to keep them as c(l'Jn{orta

a:~ u UCilW1)!:e- 'llirq Mnul:d.! be Fcrc:di m cmi 1\rtuID;rflS; ~ ~~ is; .giIDdl ~.uicrm. ~ mur ·a:rn!ims'Wntru':J" s:ti:tmulhm tIs}" sudJl.~ ~Nl ij[1f a:~ iiFiiE:lt' Ciili' a;m:nwmi'il.l~ Irul.}V .~ U1i01L

IT .~ ~ '~lim~ itt .~ 'fuc. pilSsibfu: till! ~e .[~ '0, .~cill!irng~[~ ~ firm- jI[~.~ 1m [~~[u:.. The ~ ~ Wl';!s; m clJ1il'al~ (iilk-l:!r_~1. ~5iX~ :mdl £i~iilli',!t;I;telil!b»dl ~ulEarn" wrnrm ~ltiDili.:: .~-m~tfur.rn o!I'~.~ ~ imm:~imI: m t~id: ~t_~ nmw sa,.~ s.(lJnI'::~'i"hlcrflt w;ouibt Q~&~e: dlie:~

FI!JUI&l:rtm-m-TIlr [$ c:ss.c:ood' di!1lJt :Ii'~rn. ~~l ~i!i!.g W~OI:iL be pm,.i~ ~,md ciim~ Q)\ai1y dlwti.- heir" I1urmrf_d_ W~;[!!ri<t'll'CIlincl!WJa. cages s-j"w, in ·ruKC~ s-wilig,b£ S>l!tfiuIlI! kplmJ;~jMbJ with shede. Soode s:l1rurlkE .~ pm~Md.. C'irCl: in. mc~'limtt,","ilIl:~' s:!l,ould the :IHID be Q~d s:I1.min$ dmc:d':r mm .~ (,dIgl:: :lIt: ce.rtU([l: timu of the d~ y •

Durifig bot. fum:mid w.c;iib:~!' enJ: C;i.~5 ~ rn:s:&-b~ mil}!" be cooled hyooveringmem: wi tIl: some m.ll.~a15uch. :as canvas sa·dting and sprayiog them severaltimes a day with. mId. w.artc:!':. These measures will go a l00,g~ Y1;[l tne prevention of .bC:iE pt@BttadoD.

Folmtmary P:i&_iW4t:itm'-Pulm.~;n:lary pigm.cfltarijJg is 'the aecumularien of black coloured, C'-Xtnm.~ou:s,. fordg!J!ma:t«i~l forming a well defined eireumserrbed blotch or area iii dH: tjss!a'C~ of me ]llWgS .•

TllIis WJfic!~riOIl. Is ~om.c:rim.cs observed inthc 111[lg,s whm makimg lhl5t mortem l';XaID].I!1a.cio!ls of ehiocbi UaStharE hsve dkd from some disease condi t:I:oll..Pulmonat"y pigrn.entacion is IlsuaUy found! ~llI.m.e]lli!lgs of chinchillas rhae .I:ltav·ebecn. kcpt in. cellars or quaners wh.ettchey have been. sub)ec~ed ee the I:n:eadung of dust~ Hke pa,n.idesthat wm arise, sucfu as dust from coal when it is belog h.aDd~ed. In the lung tissue there is an ~ccl.]mllJa rion olpjg~ meobed pan.iculalie .material tbatprohably is c~gc::f.lOlli> ilITL oIEi,gilli. sud, ssaaehreccsis. Thetissue ofth,e I W!lgs usual! y .appt;;a!l"SDOlm&l., .other than Ear thcSic; S,lItilLU ,UUI'!, aiwl!ittbesjze ofehe ~ea.d of II pin. dott.i.ogthe 10 bes,

YCIl wb(l;~' ~ !lJipelttdllili=i maw ~ I11l ~ Ibmg ~w:: rs. 1I.'Il!1I: ~.

Smth ,m! (!liIj:w.ii~tt t£ aIptt nil) 11~ iil nw= 5I!'!:iuUS! dl'ie.a UJjr(!JIll j!"llIJIlf]i\' ~ll.ufiI!ll:lS; ll".!l.ti'En:r ttJ.lroliJ m:lliktr ,an:in:raJli ..

'TII:~ 'fimiIlilIDJ ,[!Jip.t![ll!lru}.m:L!lif ~[~ n:iS:(J>~ ~ IiXJ) m_1!I!kaIt~ u'(h;'t: ~K 1)1k~.nm:d.Il Um wmm nli::,w P1ll1klbtm kplt. Sudt =viImu1Im'JiIffii at:~ filll1t fiill'l,\Il1Ulil!lllr.&: .~ d~ :c:i'!I.~i~ mE (~ miilll~

Pckmill.r-]lI1It~:r is; ~~l y, m.1.mdI ~'n . ciM.rrmiJIlli.s", Ie: Ls; 1lilill j'tl:Hmmm4i~illny CllH'![I - nm Cil (lIe ~~.Im), em- rmini ~ ,* Il:llKura:ri.r: crur ll!lfi,i C'.Ji filly., w;r- m cl.te d~ mr al mrCilU$~ &1haMl W:1fP.~~ £!Ir:i:niE. c:~o:furug; im m~ llu:trrtg awiicy.

~~lI:B'Jt-:FIIeOO.S;il' m_~F h; ~, :tf~attm fu~s; tall ~ tfrm1'J!oc wa1lI!. m:r. .&arn WCilumi!S, s.:u:cl'll itS IJ:l1.t'03'~ f!t;r.c:t1lI1loifl 1t~1lI~~ (Ill:' f.oom; solialip' aibJ~~'cs Fn!:w:tti]['lJ)g" ~hc dn:um:di.Q;; ~ill... TIlr'O'1.llSIw ~hsc: rmd1["Jltlmg; ~Ul\l:J.6~ b1tcte':Lri.i ~rrgall[~ muD :Q; So!cpllmct::o~lIS), uarph¥,IIDW«U'5'a:n~ ]pC'OIC'tJlOWl (!l[jg,=ism;s, m~ c::n.m:t:ii cl.1hl-oC:iti1y "I1LlID tht: pielllu

E')ll~ t(jJ) ccldl"dampncss aruIl ru:~.cgl1 US; !my' pl1'eJilisplZls:e co ptan:isy Ib.y du:din~ dt~ ciwnrllilla' s gma--d. 1!e'S'l:S mL~ tlil inf;!i!. Pkul1f,s,y may £o:ll"w f.l'relil.111illLY 3!nlii sQ11le:oi.mes; m",}" foLlow cx:t~ !!:'X_~ttiQi!I£_ ]t mar d.~vi.lbp' dUllliIillg' nhc: course cof al'lL iimfitll:li:l QUi, d.!-sease- .

.fympUi:i:t.r--llllL: dYlifJi:bfHas aff.6::ted. w~lth I'lLe,l1(t:"~s,y due. fWll! ~ tJart. cfthe body ~s bdd, s:om;cwha.~ :rigid ."ad PI1l'.eclL TIJ:i'& is;!IW'fe nouceable wheal the animal a rrempes till. inQvc, The gah: Is usually s~i£f, and €:~;msidei1'a.ble psin is sh:OWl!WhC:lil m(Civing, Considerable rhiest is usually in evidence. The: animal mar move over to the. wa,tC'riog bottle' and frequently a.tte:mpt to driak, Pain and stiffness is evidenced when attempting 'to reach the drin:ldng tube, The: haodlins of the animal or pr,cs:5u.t:e applied over the reg~on of the 1 ungs frequen dy evokes a somewhat plaintive or suppressed cry,

Chinchlllss affec'ted with pleurisy a (old and may be noeicedteying to huddle closein the Th~y S] t humped up. with the back arched and often with the head helddown be tween


~u~ fft;x;rKLlt 1~ ~fu~.fu_~ ~ ~Slt llnu_~ ~11e: ~£1 r-.. V.::lIy lim m:- .nUll :fin.m.dl lSi _~B1~cri(illm;mtrillly dJi:rrdr.!JJ1I5 m~-a.._-d, wiim ~r ~ krra~ mll!~~D:oo =~ a~Illi!'In ~g .m! ~w.I!;: mf ful.J:~ or n;r .1mliW ~ :M1l1l'::: ridl--fu~tt ff of[~tro. dkm"IJk 1fiIJ..mus; ~~ ·mE *qrc:s; ,.dD ~w a: JIcr!.ill.s lJJ or '~rIr fP:rrrnlla.~~h m~ dlmOO1""iDIWo 1l.~td! .w:fu:b. ?lc~" 1l1:11l!:.iIlm~ 1:» Em~ m@l diiElfu:1l!I.1l;.. .I&.~Ii.Il!f'~ il! ID.(iJ3\.G' m-J ][[.5.@ ~ nliG:mll~~ m 1!5'a.icl.n,. EI1!.IIl:lIIi..

[[1[. ~:IT!: lID:~tfZdc:~rn ~lfr:caf[J:"~ ar:ciiw;rll is', hdl£ tlIDme ~., £ri'~Qo:tnl:";ILk s~m.~ ~ IJc nn;dl. ~.tor 'll"!ll i"lJ) rrrlIa; 'l:(]lune '(liB" WZ di(l~~dt~~ S1111lIllh!. rJm ciIli's<l]jl]lt:Ui'_

p(!JJ~ ~Mh~1 Fi~.w-ne' R'l~.m o.!l"n~wOmg illl ilie hmg ~11}f .lriU b,l'e !l;. Id~:o some:wlhrulE midlEsb, browliI!I coi0lJ!]' ~16'.mi";S"~, conwscfo[Is",. w~m:IdS", ~lD."QI:b il!"<I!li'b !ill!' r~(J:s: ~h~ b~:v;e b«m: br;:mmdi and h.;lv\; p:I1~tr~tcd! Or'" imi o-rtd the pklll'.fl ace of~ d&sened wile!:! C:XrnIining chh:r~:hHbs> that died!. f:rom plbl:C'i51. A su:aw .. coloured ,ytUowisbL bm;wIl.. turlJuIcrtlt ~1' doody CQh~lJjf>e\d1 fluid Is found in the di.Qt:.tClc ruld. lung ,

Trc.<1'mi?;n·.-Hy:gi.::ruc m.c:asutt:-S· aI!i:. ]".m:p-OITliD,r. (bi:o;ci:!;lm!¥S

.~£[c:clled with pleurisy shcruId. be k.opl: Inqu:iLttets d:lat ar-c warm .• wdlvencilatlodand free f.rom dnug'h.tS and dampness. Qui~tnJ::ss. warmth and comFort are necess ary to tbeanimal.

Crys~:amllC: penkilli.n Ot m:ornydn may k .ijl1liOC,~ su]» CU"C':lJ::lC:01':UJ y Of Inrra pc:riwne.aJ:ly" W ouIlds such as modI PlMlctJ:[E\CS oe biees should. 'kmo.rougW,y de-ailed and. a suitable disil:lu,ctlo.g and! healing omtmelu .appiied :to the ai«:ted areas-

In ,BdnchlIlas! a-ll wlc!il other )'l,[limllls, recovery wJll ckpcd b.rgd y u!JOn the ,i:'..xtel:l~ and secV'f'.rity of ·m.e· wadi cion. In 10caI lUIJd. mad cases rcwV'ery is tlsua]Jy favou:nble. Good nursing and b ygie[l;u( measares will .have much to do wid], ehe recovery fWJD pleuri sy. In severe cases. w.he:re an irnoecdo!!! wru rh pU:Il,de:DIt exudates h as developed" recoveryrsrel y ~ali~ ptaa.

l...ary'nge~'l J3!Qtug,eor Choke-f oreign bodies will ~omet:ifiles become lodgod. in the pna.ryn:l:: at the eo trance W tbett<JJ(nea\j (w:in.d~ pipe), or inthe esophagll~" Fine dust {!Jom the peUetsmalY be


~ !II:' r.c1L_~illfu:r(il) ~ i~ _ ~ mt&mi':~bm ,a:m!l ~ @jTtt&g b:tty-:tlm~ t¢~nimt Im Illb6 [tQtW ~:p:hpia

~~'1ilI:.:: ~p.:iI'm5 m(i);WIll wi\[], ~ m:.w:dI:. npn ~ [@nci:gll1 ~ai1rSin:g me~emdl u:p(jJ:m'dJ:eirn3u:cimt.m&~ pnrr~adL

li.'frc~t;loo1iom mal' 2JIil~ Sc~J> o:fn:trn w'fr:ik ~'" n im,.,l1 is; e;[aEI§:- 1I~ cl]fu:elinliIal wrn: smM.:nTW S:~ canfu;~, am1l. aljIFJ:tt" ~~Ib.:Ik s~;jI].. A~! of mol:: ~l a:n:cll.,1J. ~:&.mm", 1h:dfu,og; w:usi~'¢: ~ ~Jnlfjj :lIL1.1 k prro:C£ua:,di~ as; iti 1lI1~ aI:l:!fun.cll'~ ~ pj)) d1~dI!F arr .mal:: sm.lfil!ffrirr# bnnlit~ ~Jr-Ir~,i ~ ~.mdJ~~ed!_ ~~~:II!§~~_ 'i.ILfu::.~ DDt}.sit.&W1clredi np.rn dlc;"F wim~Jl1t.~Edn:" &dkIl ill a; :5:C!llm!'!<VMt s_~ttfmt!] >~.ron.. Utelime miimd f!l:e:mtms; l)1lli1JSmt1tc m-dl mlt!JI" die~®IIllmff~cicm mfium. Cim'!"ll:lI1d h®-w:;s ~e.

J!1JIrf> J:1!ail'amo Fi:m:im.;§'ll7___:r~~,;e: m me: Fm:yruE m:1\F tl:ie; pracri.oit[}· @:~cclud~ m til!) tII:e: ed_¢m!l! ~"me ~~ 'IIle IIll1CmI-a or: ]'imrrs~ tbe.[~ ®l1'UtLlNOea!1mj'" &einfkmedi.. 'ne~nmJ' 3]jp:;u: >edmlllltG-us iUld.dl:e lluwu b:r~!lchi ;ma! b~d!ioI~; k frMed\v;i1ib :l:b.irl!. .4 {linfil:-I11lr~ aru.d'iLl£ maylbc £illllD:~ Irnlthl;: iQwa: .~ 'ClIf 'IDe' na:ilit;l! and.ln:~ll~m.

l'n!<#mn:t-TKltUIDmtrI'l:as n~t ~'sil)ciS£;u;toq;. 'ih: a,tI!irn;ds> usa)y dlie&oID' iliS'pyxb,:t;lon due::' tr(I dIe!:' S~VCttr¢ ei:d~ma. of tn(t [~. arlild dIe I~;W[ h~OQmifi:g fill~.wr.Ebilluidi.

1~_.'lfr~t[Q-- mnd irs '. ~ ~ I~ ~ A"

.IUll _ ~ B QIJ[UndJ ~15E1s:e


THffi mi~d IMJlF~ ~@1l1p@[~il$,~~Qfl!m~"mf~ ~Er~JL11i~~ .l. .6~ ~ilLlJs;.1mlill 'I;W]~.,~~tb»ll115;.liIl!amtm=-Im;~.~w£& =~~·~~!ji!$b~in.:l:d~~atJ:.:1!J~W~~ OI'IILU.nrm;:" in lik 01~~'crj:]).. 1J:1l.'e ifuoomll ~t._fO.willridn ~ zs:s.'igl'a;t~ 1l}V ,"w.L}I~ m.ff Iil!l:.(t' a!fim:cw1c;aJ[1I' UJf;ll] m a'])wJ!fu~ trhmiJmgij'm .drc: rllI~'e~~ rnl!.l:m~ ~j" m~ ~'&i «rf ~~g~cm" d.ill~ ~~ lTk mJxr:wg,l;;O'wrn];rn l~ a.kiliillllih(tdlliJ,y tih.e: 11wm~ !l::w&1)1 m~~ .w; :tit.umnl1Jl'ID:1l1l Qjf _amm:wI:

IDa~1" ~ ~~'j!1'Nl1~ Ci'J]" !met1W1rtI~ (!liT mlililltJj7 M~5.'CS. Ilk l!ill ~he In!\' reS'IiS'*Il:Xl)E~ cl tk wnil:ITJ!l bNdy"fumt18Frc: :!JEi@JJl.I!:~ .firu tfiO!I¥ cases, by mad~m:Ol)~ mlU~.lii~alill.

W _I!Ilan:~\!TI!l'l?Es; ate: mm!1!: ~l;)j ~l;:L;1!te !Ill!l!~~ci(;uiII ~W! d1i:re~~ fi@Jt only ml[st tfre liI!lltmc; uK d1c:'dil!:F k CIilJl~r.:r!~!i\ciIll[n~:tITIls: o£ prmciru,., fat, ca[bC)hyd:~ eec .•. bl1l1i: aJro ~1J!l dl!:. rn:1!l!:n;1!E!li~m crIT IIllOt.i.~i@n:~ by which each indEvid:ul ~r~c.ies, fif llc.rUmaill! .~~ moLe:. li:r)'. a~itl!!aa!te 3, sui table ration for opl!:ima:l met:aoo!iS'IDI- S!ilch m.«rr>llll!i:ms:ms WQtlM include the typc- of aLimen~ary rracr, ~he type of b-a.cteri;a~ orgli!1il:isms, normally found io. the i.!It!:sr:i:u;e, the chemicaru needs; of 1l:h.e: body during each stage: of Iife, the type of J:!l:d.oC['ioe sy:n:em. .iIl.d .be nacure of the exc-..retoty system,

Bod y fuecti ons coariune whethertbe animal body is priLlpcdy or :poorlyl'1on.rhhedL When a[l wlmai is poorly nouri shed, m.el::a~ boAis.m. proceeds at the expense of body rissues, L:ife Is very sh.on In absol ure s rarvatjon, because wa tcr is ncc:cssa.:ry for the IUOctj GIl~ iog of lJodytisSllcs. Twu thirds, Oll' .Illorc of the weight of the body consists of water, a]thcmgh ilL sta~ug animal may ].gSC forty per cent of its bod y weight, and live. A loss of ~en per cenc of i ts waeer content causes serious upsets OInd! a loss of twenty per cern is sufficient to cause' death,

The (JIf the animal should be: taken Into consideration when oneartem p~:s,~:o t"(:latc nutri cion to disease. The digesdvc !ran is sterile at birth, and rhe bacccrial ±lo.ra which is present soon: after birth chauges from infruu toa.dult.

Differcn}c(ls in the a!ha:tomlcal :F.mla. phys:i()~Oglc:J,l cna:ra.crerisdcs

<l!'f Ilh:: ~~UJl::r ruI~a; ~fam:i~ of ~ Gfml:dldi be: ~~ in'W ~.mlJjl'1l1rill.. <C.lllIT1~~ ~i'mll.f:i) elllli: 1l.l Ml"'frwfoicill rs, !iriig;ll imnr~te:fum ami[ r~a_<:fiillw C!IT~~ aUlllilwt. fiim,M.,. F-t![~€mi.vcllJ:ln: ~~IiIi~ _(t1t.~ ~!):~~, fu:; wdJJ) il.iiE~ m; £IDrln::ll ~~. ~ !i~\1:1li l-S; srun:rlk =-dl Irh~ TIlil:~im:c: is:. [~l1aJ.tiJl,JrdF m!:ilmi: m UDlrmm'W~_sl. EThnfui'll'QmlUIS; -~:o; S:U.W as ~lll~, w_e M~~1rin.:$ :II. r'fiDJ~' p~:cll @f ci'm.:-e (~. clliipikrnl'" .Ii~~'l![~ ~.ImL'(l1>5:" ;1\ n~ ~nm an.:iIll~fttLt~~UuJl ~~

Mi~ .~llq:-w. "leIIll' Em:pilM:mli:: IjIMC .iit:n atmi1ma1TI. nrnWnii~ml.. .£.1t r\!;ll:i:1t fi:iuU!~ mi~lS) ~ ess:~rn.JL fum IT©'lllI!la1l ffi,::CJJhlliIDlllll. in liIl_1llSC!!; ~e;d~IDfaW~ ]]r~ mi£.~ills; nun~tll a"$ ·~l!rm1i:llm.1l$ IDE 00ml!': ~dl~~cllt.~ ss e:s_!S:m.ti'~i1 ec11.emml1S; @J± {I!~Ji!mct: OQ_mpJl1~ .crrll' wru~:& WF ~dlfs; <limit ~ij}mpmli~~ m& iliSj :S:l!l']u.Etl'e s:3'.l1t£ Dm lhcrdJy fll!Wf£ .. M~s!t oE ~~ mlll&mliOlil:;; ~ S;lL~ im &uiiri'mt 'ZipL~tf ml a\ Msl'C taJltfoo·" Hf,l.WC\rClf" if Ft1~.wer; Otllui:wClln £:i tm: h'l::. ~.liIlIla:i:rred~ s"@m:e miio:ercllJ!1S; ttL1!l!W k [[C:~';Sca1l'}l' ~~"11 s;u~fPkmen:t:;, c1'q!l-enclJii~ Q:!I!l t:Jie:so}i!e:cl:es, !ill iI!.rrima.TI m. its; g~l1~~:d.~~m;l'~tn:ents;. WmJ:' iin:stai[[il!(:':~ ~M@.1'iilIe~ itml .~ lMlllIIlof dJlaridc: ($!1l!nJ ml!JlSjt k ~rl(!::li[Wnkd in dlFas EiIlrr fu-e.:tfu_iv@~,,~\Jhc.[r,t:ll!s; 31. Jf~u: ([[.II Il:llLW Me-at S'UFfl{J~ suJ]r1i:itnr ~:lT ltfui'£ d~mmL1" for ~:!im!iiVI!n:C!::s:. 1:1te .mi"nrna1I~l'I@s;-· p.II!Elf1[5. is; IJ['i!ci'wrl rllU) ~n iu®;;(:imllS'. J1rn:cl. f~ fca:wrd !I£ :fulJ:o~<l:. phmpnnttllSi in: {me;: llliod.y <rnd bllg.m.di aoo ,.~ rurgp:rr~!4: p1l:Qs@"l~w1i'u<l TIm. d'l~ b@dJ (c:n~~

1'ih:¢m.~lilc~I ''JJI.~i:um is ne~~a.ry fOIl' m:.m]l" of tfu~: es~el~dal mncctr€llits; Q.f: I~fc.j l;rrdmfirrg the d.(jlrrrilIlg Qf blood.. F([I1J" P!Vpc:r' nUn'itiQo. catldcum .~n plit@5plirUUi!lli m!!ls:ir bl:!:: ptt~:C:IiI;tl· fn:(\IIt.~fuG:d In. adeqn1are· and 1:0 a ~c.rta1p. ta:tio~ i,e. •.. a Ca.jP, rxcio' hetween 1 :1 and .2.:1, The .meta,ooli5ffi. of calcium a~d.[ihosph.on:ts is dOl.!eJy related to that of viramm [),\l;.rhenthc;~e ehree subs tances are I:IO~ p:[\o~dy balanced', :II. softening ofrhe bone .• ( osreo.ma1~d.a) may rc:sl1]titt adults,or- .rkhts ][1 rhe yCl'llll:g. The calci urn. a~d. phosphorus requiremeats of a pre.gnant Or R;3.crating OOllm:al are gr.ea:ter because of their use til the developmenc of the: foeti. or due to their excrenoa io the milk. Milk. ]t.:i ves ,,:rid legumes are sourc,cs of calcium, milk j),nd grains are good sources of ph(Mph Oms.

[ ,

~m,is'.iI'.~~~[:WI~ llifur~4~:$ ~.Gclra~,,- < cw:.~ ao;: ~ 5!llJirPEJI of f~ ~ ~ omrll v~ r.a::&k ~~B-'Eij!_~ 31;!im:rl$ ~ ~~.fuoa:![&,am:IT[~

1lfu:::ptrifl$ ~ &m:1I:m:J dmW;tt irnm~ at diS"pma fum :5:ub~ .m-m::-Wtl.' lIS ~ aci~." whim ~ ,!lTI!Sl!'lU:iW ~c&' 'cir:a::1Ifmrrm ,crili .~ m~aTI§~

[Dl €;IElk!l;"-~fii.': .~ Sc_~ ~ Er~b dOWUJ '~ut> silmpk a.~), whim = k:i:m!&dky- ·Ift", dn~'re '~ M"~w&'Gfi" h~w:o.:r.m. a:ff'0ltt (kmrh~~)m;!li:W(!:!4Injll'~ ~ ~(t <1. f~llmm;:d.b;s; as ,m: ~~,md,r:&'l:: Wa:JiM p~~ (j!f ~ 1!r;tcrmal ,ayttlCSi nnII:J' nerrd'iU: llIl:e: tirmdllb:mrilid. 1l:f) .£ik anirn-aJill oodly~




r:a.t is 0!1l!. ~d.d ~[it • .of w ,WiTs. m ,~ &cl-ty anrl! iii: isibD ns~ ;:s; al eeserve ~[Qr ... ~ t1'~r: ~gy. \Vh~.~ a:W'n!:.d is SI!:~~ t:h:ea'ljlai.Ll!hk slIgar in the farm of g[nw~e is ntHli;,;:e!finna:ad.·dim the <'i' 'TIle: fi:11 ,~~D:l'rn.!t aITr'lJ:~ holly- IDlaY"-ail!j!" ,a~G.gM!i"ng to ihlt sQurce: ffi.~!lJre leed. In, fa.ulty flll~ Jll-::nboIIs.m" {::lit is d\:;fO:s1;t_cdi ilill [;arge qU:llD:ticies in rn::gans such iI:Se the liver ~.nd ~i:dneys: .• impairing' t!b.dr fUnction.

UImSa;tlIDl,~d.f.a tty !; have also been frumd. fii:)~;S:lII1'y in. t:lm: .o.ucricitm: of cT!!l:inchiUas" T~cy are ntoCl:s&lI-Iy for marm;aioio:g, tbe: heahh of the Sk~B. for grmvd:1 and for.fW" q uali t}'. Most c!llin:clliU:iI: breeders are not providing drds essential E:llCwr iothe dlincbiUas.+ d!:i>eIJ~ •

MallY chificlldla.s ;iJI'Cllllablcm couverc carote.o,e, w.lrich.~s 1io precmsm~ of ",1 [amiD!. A., inre vita~ A on ao:.oUIU of :a cboline deilicie:l:lcy ~n the liver. Consoq[u.endy the OIOteJletS5tored in the body lac ani!. causes it eo become a yeHow or' golden colour. This ~o:adition i s ofeen referred was" yellow eaes".

Eveo. d~e[:S pr:cQvidin:g an adogJ;ute amooo.t of proteins. carbo.hydlr'aw:. lacs and!. minern~s." .may 'be inedeq ua~e f'Ol' ~W' growth ad! m:ain~eoao,ce, due to a lack of v!lumins. Vh;,Ul!lL[~ lIr-,e orgarucfood su bsraaces which are essenrial, iIl! small am@lm&s, for adequaee nutritIon. At: ehe Uoiversity of Mis;solJri Ag.l'icweural Ex~imen tal Stadon. em) it walSptove:CI rhae dleo.1il:tritioJllJal

~ '[


ll~~ 1idT~b&ifIli~ !I<Lts' 1IIfdl g~ ~g$ J}:fiDImly- ~ m vi:hm:in~" C!:'iTCiIl: IJ:D:o:rrgfu aITl 0£" cl.l'CS1!: ~ kl'cmg ~CiIl ~ ~ ,m:nd.=----R:~nim.. .rn 5:1l.lIfr ,:n~-ty'" ill vL~ te-~tri~'ffi) ai~ffi.unl1ntg: liD ~mrus: ,o1 m~ S3irn.l:: OO(!T~ LlJ fol1'~ ~ha:t tt·rimurnim qtriir~m1l:i. ofcfu::: ''i"~ d:1lS5ll:S mE a:~ =1t "'~ gttr.rn..tID}!7r

~"L1Ilmr.i'm A d(i;lici\tII~ ~~. rfIe ao.:iiJIUJilIJ:C1l:ly- to; napi':b.Il~ d'r~~ ~ c~ ~Ur~ri"m:ilI :m:dllidhq ~._ IDts1p~o![." ,~~~ .fu; fumn;! in: ,~ Jpl'=ts" anrll .rno ~mL'y des:tim'je!, ll.yimJlllIQRJ'IM ~ocgQffrawa::oill~Ics...Vi'IJlHqjri & is; OflrraittC:d1 Jl~rn, aorlllli=-Qiill ,iltt.:i!i qI rr.Erorfu:fu ~S:" Rmcdlrfudlifu;!> d(j))Ir~rr:=m,'~~~~~nili:Mnmctt-mm::rJlfuEl1Il~~~!l:c fiEi::l;: .~ mg- ~ usWtU}J".~ w.l1rn fud. .: t!Ol ~_mI!.. TItttd"Q~." dt~Vimmi'1l. .A p1iCPamU®1lS wim a;vq~ ,®~ arnty &co mdie;a:t:ed fullr mm..clii!EI..s, dwii.rrg me winter' m.on."Cfui, nwh.m dIe:' feml'!ii~,.a:K" p~~.;m;t." !l'.II im'~~&:e fui~ of &¢:;dldIJl' ymmg:.

TIle D 'if~tlUIl~(lS; .<rn'£~"Ur,nill 'i!:li-11eli!"gic~1y m nitl~ 11lg,c:om £'CilOO.'Ibeya:re krr.@lVU a:s: 'lili:.e- gmwdJlrQ:<I!min5 'fue~m:i!: mer pmm@C"( nutrition. A k1Irimq- of thll;; vi.t:am.fu sQm:ecim"O>; o:cml'S' 1!JII Chin;chm~. IDi de.Ii£im.S't- lads: tn' a loss o.f 3fIFtl tt., ~m" 31lllil gradILllll emawt:fc)fi ;md anemi a, arrd oft.en: c.e.rminat"CS) in. dbicllll. The ·lit a:O.rnpi\:M :ti!1a:i heeq; broken Ul_i! ig~\l ~l! [e~t:~l!n !lln'd! each wEi W is ch:l!~a,[trtiz;m bJ sf!::ttific Ilnl:llh:E~lilifl!n~Iigms. FiD:tr exiilJIlp.[e. ~:bi.amfn~ promon:;s: gruVl<-d!l: .:md: :s:tilnul::i.:~ th~ apf'C:rit~ ei boflav:frr pUlmm:cC'i grn wth ,and preveOIS Some Q:(1:w>lIir- diroDkfi. BC.Qmpk.l'{vit.:a:m:i.1l1> .m;Ji}-" IJe ohuined in me mgeSctiblc: {OmI. fot d:1e:ra:pcmic US.C. Brewer's yuu- is commomy used ill arri:m:a:l feedilllg as a source' of vitamin B, but it i~ not recommended fot: chi!'!chillaabeca use it causes bloat.

Viiamin D. c:o.m.m,onlytermcd the sunshine vitamin. ]SDeCCS~ s ary fortbe aJcifi",don (1f normal MOe. The: varies with the spedes ·of lIIElimaL Vi~a.mio D has hem. to D;,!;taJin ~ooJ~ by irrad[a~lo.n with ultraviolet light. Th~ skin of animals containsthe provitamiJ].~ which i~ .a,dvated by sl]![!.Hgh~, Fish. ailsare rich illJ vitamin D, bu .• vi r::i.mi:ml D ~'para.dons in a ve,gembJe oil base are['iocomm:~del(] for chi Ilichm~.



Eam}:r~tlI viT.a:nrinJE:1!lrSW~ i' ~IJin:;g:~Fz" '\!l arrri'.m m~ mJm.SJ1~ w11m:r:rlr.t ~ it Sl:~ tel &e ~mrwll fa .1mI:'imdl rqru:to:d.'rr:c'lii@ID. fOirilirc: mutt. Fwrtfr~ ~~ 1iJ.w~m~ WCi[ttJlr~ C'iiIlIao.1l dm'~ oK a:im:i~ am this; cllm:!ZW. ~ la'llC3> an ill mttrm ,~ ~ gwcll s.~ @f ~iTIl .E- ~ ~ oce m:'ilLna:f=:ll Emdn:: ]ildIf~ns; IJirr:nt: aJlC f~ tQJ dllIT1I_~ 'WiitMnim ~ is ct:ffK~ fm I!h_~ lP==nWili ,ami ~(jlIIITlfaill ,~ l;e_llUil,w ffillt '([i@ cimtti, .iim dMirt:~ a:rrd im clk ~-mticUl) armt 0J'l~ . - g @ ~al~ Ii: ~1l DK:a~ fuuving Iit:D cillo> wm~tD cl'_~ 1Illill[~llJ ,td ar-~ and. ~ JpmmoIll orr" C1llI:d:lIi.~ p in; dIe mD.l'tdIi1t1l:5>" din.

Vi1i:arllJirn K i.s; ~'(jlcill)ted w~dl: M([~ ~a.1ir_crm. .A. dlc:fiaicttqr 01 nIll1i.s; rita:!IJ:Iig 1':1tS;m]~ in herIKm':!IiiJges. A. &liIliit'ililill~ 1t:ll.1lfOD.1 rnn~~M am:. ad~Cl"illl~amlIlllll1t ofwtamm i: as itIsfG.'Lrnd, in. g;uo:oleal~~ 1ti'Idl veg~li]l[b.k ~ils.

I!..tthe On ta:riol V~relim.M)r corJ.!e~~ ~ haLVe at number of cil:inchirJa diees in: ord'~r ito. d.~tttrll!!iin.;:: Eb,= t)~ of fe,ods used by eanchers and what. elle-ct the amouncs and COiIlbinaeicns of the various foods llSe:@ luve upon. the he:u1!!h of the animsls. From our studies it was found thar, in, nli!ny ln~anc.C'Si~ the rations that were being fcd we're iJ:ladcqnate'w meeeehe gc:nc:r-aI requirerneues for maintenance, gt'owth and reprOl:I:uctlon. A DUrn ber of ra ti ODS coneainedton IDIIii;;".b 50.£t and concemrared food and teoIittle bulk toO mee e the rcqu.hreme'flts for' the; normal funcdo[JJin,g of the diges ti ve tract- In . man y of the I'atlo~ OC:'_ amjnedi, viramins, pal"ticubdy the various vitamin E factors, were Iaekmg; O:r WCTC snppllcd in illsuffidem quancit'icstQ sup:pl.y the needs of normal , healthyechiachillas, When some of these rations were used .~I: was impossible to maintain a sufficiently norma] balance of the bacterid f1o]!'a inthe digestivetrace W ensure proper digestion. There were instances OIli.hc use or i:IliJdc:wod, or mouldy .hay and fermented and decomposed feed. These soft and coucenerared feeds and poorly cured, dun! (i'E mouMy grasses and! ha ys are capable of producing serious diseases, such ss intestinal stasis,'cioo and eneeri ds. and eherefore are dangerous.

Mooy chinchilla breeders find that the feeding of 00 adequate

ru~lt is; ~ ~~ pttmlIi.r:m.. :F1mOOl '~1JJlID .~Iifu:¥ ;lime tfa_d_fu 111 clli~~ ~~II~1ti!mghJitnramc;Y' ~ri@m. ~ Qtlii:~rr @! 4~1!: m]l~$ :r:tIla;:r k Sc1l)) ~ ~ fin~D$_,,!!: * (]L~ ~Oi!!$ fit1tu: fu~1l:l.t: mw:altt: ol.~ ~mEmtt~ fudirllIrZ'~ ~w.!]-;tIl';Illl [jmMmC!:s;d:~J];!i~ iJL

MlW.t d1iTI:mtb~lIi!.wg'; fliifWo cllC~e ~ Th¥ HimillLy mrtmmlilo; ~«lW OIL if~l1' ~1ilI ~ s.yrn~t~. All lrr.t~~ ((IbllIiiF_1ill ~J!'~(£1!i'l)1iIl m.~!U!m!>" fiiInmII ~ m.~ ~ lire uml\.. pd ,mtr :fdlltt iD. Irk <l1_.m=." wamVillllamlly liLiIl cll!;c r~!ll (jl:iT trk ~aum:m.. liJsm:i:'IIiilly tlll;c 1liK~iIrC;]l~w~IriiIh. ~ ~lIBmll1ldt~ ,[!IE t@Dmy.»" ~. WiJrlJri'm 21. ~nTollll (():ff_~ 1j)1l':f\\D=~1lIl1rl:I!i" ~'i.i;~lI3Ill m<1!J O~ lalSill en 111 IIIDfidlt .~E~imIDT=S;:ii£\Im!> ~iiMrn:~.~ ~~~"

fms(i: n:r.~_m. ~Iil.u~i@tll :l!Ui!:iIfs tr~(t the ~mJ]; r~fuocottre J?lIlclb:J! 'i.vrt.n Fra:rrrlttrJ!~sC's; of ~S'J:'mi:-f!!r~s;~ fa~tI:I.~rwd. tl..s: 11] tts:mt. mt:m-1l:CIlmaJ.6[i!lY.aJ. of tae: ~:~·tI~ tt;;I;tt~.rnto::;s; un .. in~~ed., as; l!1'ldfKatm Ib;r cl,bhln:l!S:§; :lioolrnl!: ~~W Il:lWerioe:. As a g~~nIi.~ nrrl~.fuuD\tt:iiati .rnrID::~ru!:€m,'!;li!£ill .f~l:Ita.Y' rurd ~~~m..-em 1'6: u:su~.n}VE[fit y'(1:1!}f Sl3ltis]itcm~;r imt;;t: q~oiC!lm:..

1l':[IJ JiKVeJ!!J~ :Ii. rr¢;E::JJ:ffc:m.:ctc: '01 thllS oi:J!lrndI ~.crrn~ .l'miIliltd dlall&~S' lim the cliH m[ty-fut: me:~',;lmf.· AJ~:funmgIill fi« km.1!l'm;rl\t"l!g.t:Ed~ .ttiJ:e e&selIlitilil1 fu:eJS, and me m:e~fi~Js Q£ {e.ediing c:l!lilird'l~~ t3S, [S' s oill]'>lery ~fl.1deqpate:" it: is, fu~~d dooa:[[ pt'«Igl1e~ will!l (!:mfl.timl,~: to' hz rna:~~ tl)w,uilf the £ioilililg oJ lJ<::u~:tr =d;mQtt a,d!~qp.t:c d.f:.-:ru, foit: their Pto;F~[r £~~[Ig alildl [l'l]!Ert.tIOt:ll.

Digestive dis.mrbafJCes~ frequ<eariy :~ul'rrilIlg. r11l; lQG:scs;Dr dearth, ~ also caused by the fccd'ilIlg of un ruhn:.~c:d df~ts,; dlc;,ts that a\[~ too so.h: and. CQflCCnefa ted, and diets cha~ lacksU;flici.i:1i[ ])1]] k. Much IS to be Icarned beforewe know what consti rutes :ilJ suitable 3Jfld !;a1tJsfacmry diet for rheseanimals. There is considcrable information available on the various feeds that can be utilized quite s.a6shlcoorily. Certain types of feeds ,and. fcodstuB's are no t s,"" ~is.fannry ,aDd. should be a voided as they are deernneneal t:o the gefleral h-::ah;h. A parti al Iist of these includes sunflower seeds, flax seed, s.oya bellcnm.eal and Due mears which. contain oil and fats dJJa~ have a tcnd.~tlcy W become rancid,

Tlre ~JItU'l1!-tim:rn d me ~m13&IYJl lias; h:rn a;JW alt-"Dltmptt ~lil) ~lE;IifuD:tt ~1ID~ ~Jlller ~J)) SaID'e: CiIiT il!l1:~ itS'xmciWl C;UII~:q)mt:lll1)S, m n-Iirll: d'i'.tt J:d dlw 'il'1Il1rWUS:: df~ em mfudl!!iilh&.. 'In~ Ha:d!: Q - all!l)F GiIIJl (iIi Iilb.-es:e: IIIa.1I' be diimmly ndiilllIDil 00l *- ~_VA;: :[iJ:C!:ln:1i mf ~i'~ 'lITe :~(l1;~ of mmmmmru ,~ mmJ¥b~ fu:trrt i:r.IllIdn h~~l'F _ fIygime Wlk ru ;rUF iimprrnam 111lI:e fm .~ ttdmtli~1lD(Jp! !!If IllDtritrim tel' clJisas-e. If._~ymil:w 1lmillam::~ d!fe:1t tmli.F I!t~ 1ll>d~ ii im~:Wy a:clJmiri~~l!~dL


It. lli=-n:;l11 1'r<l1i~ :l11'1'. ~i'<:mlwEl_ .1:i:·J!];!=~I S'llatil!;.n., (Ihj),lH~iJt¥" all J'i;m."fil.~

C"'l~ (If t'lltdwltm:e" • U,~,l

C~M !UllC .Ptei:fui>;:~" filt]fIlaml .a~ ;]JmiiFrlJJi:l'&. '. r 1'J1e g;Il~iJ.mill P.l![l[S) .Dh.n ~ a.-w1l1.iilla11l'~ rillll. !lTh:ellr rrm-we Im:rU'll.~(Wl];o_e:.!] .1, ~p!t:.~~ crf tifuo:.. Iili: tl[~tm:re:ffurMC b(!;;l!.~mm drl1!t': d:'ni!in~ i!:!lre !01)jfJ!lMk®i ~Cl1ID'!::~I'lmlli~ fclfQtiJl ill dii<'~ ·mi 6IJm~~.. ]jl~ i011.illI~ Ilr.a:,'i!~ .~ filrumnilllllmt s':llci~[a.'c;;:·~ fkm fiel<ill~g dinf.l']((lliillls fun C~~e, _ cl11i.': U~ 5~~; ;Il!!C ~'f.1I)~ ~iTIl@ruiDy~ ,uultrlm~.l.ill ~~olir~ hJ1ue g,c~ .=di dI(> ~_tnmlIDl pi'rie gI'~~.. ~ ~ ~mi[ ~ l!CI:illy fu~ @'.D,ltli;ill[i!',f E[iJ] .~ ,gm'~ S;~" m.1r llJSl II:..1::r" w~lrl'ID ~m:lllf.!m~F ~1iitd~ ~\ll1JllIlI~ ..

'[;Bnri-d.mfuJl~ in:fID:ll):t:n:ruttiIDll[~ m.~h~t!d'all!i"i'C: 1T.CID ~ [~-illn:g 'i'"oi'fllll!: m:ff ¥"ariID:lm(Tllll1liIIffi. =111] gtrm;~,. 'W2II11oa:lll-mffil iirn .~ (rn.ti1If©li @JmpTlls:MMrll @f t11:~ smEi mW]]&l1'llum~~rI ~.IID~ ~ g,I1~wrr W'O~V I)lli(]:l;U~~ wide: var~;ill!t~.(jlnCS; in ~iIl:..'i:' imQrill wlt!e 00 rlleiPbtill1J~- l'h_i;,,~ eoe .• IIl!lI!$!I ~t'a!kem ~, cams:ida'<1l,Uilln wllen pn;;lOO~gg :a:J[[ OI!cl:ct:cIfIaJIJ~ dlk~'_ d'rrs, i:~ J[l]:J;:Y !he dedb~ tiiJ;I![' t!b.~g]ll!O!~ty m~[r1h:1!: f~fumJ.1lS; ;;rmill g,.a~iS1;S fcl [5 ptz1!ti1 11.£,&;'" iiIlilp:n:~=C\!:ro m~ rnmcliIlm;;rs:" :ntll~rid£lrn.. full' tfure rn:affltrnatHr~ 01 nc:-dth arr~t gI!itl¢1'iil1l wdEilI.f~~,ltnm :I!f~~:Et~qjuantili.y and. ~¥Fof .me ,1J)@l!S"> dlaJ!:;I!~ redl ..

rt h<I~ h",eo f~Uin:d[Iin;ll.t a!l:nrnptID;~tti!~nt Ii!> m~ in E@():& v1ijt!ile of ~blIl[ll; nd ctr0"Fl5whcn rn.e 5""0.H on wbfo:i:fl d1ey see grow~ ha~~tJ: proFtryfc::t"H.~Zl::<IlI. They aho) become J'lI'lXtlC!l11t:aJblh and. r.lierefuL'C are ea:Mn wtrhgtJ:JiJte!i :re1.i'!Jh_

Crops 0:1"' herhage on ¥,o"l:U manured land grow ata g.l!ea~:t' rate tna:[]I do: crops on: poorly manu:red Iend. AsaIb~t::Jin:Gl;: (al[cd I igf! in accutnulareswhen growth Is slow" This Is the compki!c:;ly indigcstibk portion of the fibre ofpiantsw hich decreases greatly dle value of .[lOY food when sHgh:dy more ehan rhe normal amount is present. Theecfcre, the more' rapjd the 1".1 te of growth, the higher the digestibJ..: nuerient of the plan!:.

Gr:.illSSW hie .. h is SlX inches high after six or seven wocb of growth is undoubeedly one of libe bes t foods a Y:!.Ha ble, The Ji bre Mil Hgnill cuntctlt is low, the pr{}t(:i n is high, andchin-

,rrl'ri.i[J.'6 wiiDl.EDndI itt r.nttl}l' ~c:aThfe_ 'lll'le- ~c ~ c:w.liJ) @E IrlI= tnlDm:ils- I~orr ['lO o1i ntiiL-m ~ a lu_ \Jl!1'w:r, ~c has Thru:m~c: mn:ik mdl !i1mllIDIl!f iit lis; ~«idI)jI w:aitlHtl'ess, ill!1l.rlI .Lttdb; :s,uffi:ci~lItt liIiW1litWII: altr_n_~ fam ~a"~mcU1F f~_ lHlilF :rn;u11:: ffmlrrm Farur~ ~~, guli'S'$ tlm furnb-Jlgr.:: hm~ nIL ~ Th;:gm!ll ~ &;W~ !is; (jJjfm~m DIO.U v~ tfrm &liy m:.ajj[~ Ernrun (ll{&t; ~~. Ii. gw:o:d m:st @i C!lle vUm:!:: (lY_ff :rllly ]ieJly is * tllliri@) (!} l~ t~!!.liiml- lIt!: Is; ~ tnkd.:rc:ha:.c: me: dJij~lJ:~e ~ ll11j'mzls, h twill! rr:..mclJ=; wfiI1idl 1lIpp::m m 1.l3ltt :Wnil!a1i mm~ aiM feediing pr.mti:~IJltlIi.}' he: pl!dly~ .if mire: ~IDlfI1::-udF,. iitm die hct WtI: ene ~dJV. is ailhr~ 1!@ obi'; nm;l!ge wEnkb. l'!r:J:ro !hem] ~\'l-"~ (!l[] ~.<i!d grommd1. &rnre dte (!:nher is: u;,hJeo-liJ' do 00_

V iIllfUltlon :c[] foodl 'l'aJlue of &1L¥ d!!IC m ~.IItI.liztilri.€IIID o-f 'c:mz: $"!ll-~n mil) w hr,h tt is plQ.oImcnl ar.toufid nnt E:n::: col!llfi[5;'~ wiicJ!DibSlI]: 'caml~ by climatic conditions. Tncre arc ma.rittd cIi.aDge; inrhe f~r![Jg: value of gurss and krbmgc at di1f~.r~Jl.t seasons oE the year. The: food vahie is obtained. J uring spring growch _ Thr(I]"ugnon;u the summer seasonthe food value gradlUHy decreases, During the autumn there is an increase in food value nearly equal EO the value found in the spring gr-o ... rn material.

The storing and curing of grasse:s is a very important mattaand precautions should be taken to ensure maximum nutritional value.

Since roughage fL'om grasses and legumes is necessary for the wdl being of the heed, .it becomes a, matter of first importance co obtain properly cured mateI;~a1 and to store this rou,g:hage, d uriugrhe winrer months, iII a dry, well veaeilaeed place.

Dr. Florence A. Farmer (1), in her work, fouod that when. hay was added as the roughage poreion of basal diets the diets were improved as a feed for pregn ant ani mals and .11.11 i mpro,vcrnem in ehe wc:ights of the uursing }fouog was obtained. A supplemene of green feed to the diet further jmprov'~ these gains. Dr, Fanner's wor k also shows that kafy ma tcrial > hay allic::! prdefah~y gn:cn Feed, if at all available, must be: included, When 'the diets of the pregnane female chinchillas lack them, their YOUl1g, in many cases, clio no. sUTVi ve ,and those that d 0 survive are: weak and do .DOt satisfactorily gain in weight.

'TI[W a1Iti1lilli1t m . ~ pt!O Ilc:iru ~ nan £El!JJIIl I. 0' tal I6 . .Ql

:1Jlli!1f ~t.. .~ ~[ ~;!Mll aillliil OF bela ~= a:n:r:ounus; [3; ITUI! ~1l:fujja'l.IIlo:rr:r ~ tII!:.g~ a ~ dlfd: ~ _ 1]_~ [(etr ~1t wiillll a;lliU'i!: uauh~. 'iIr:cnIC!lWy ~ OOliLt~ :rrp.W£:Q~rurrdy G£I tw 8\X1l !PO' ~1t pmttm. t~ my wif ~!1I:dl ~ ~ !IlllFfjlutr 14JJ:

Fet' Qmt: ~ AJf'alh._) 0illl.~;It ~[dhsn:aml:l:: tblt fu;dlb;:tiv-e; m dre ~ of ~ Iii~ d~ 111:: cam, tEl\:na:fim:~ Ihi= 1101.:cfiLr ~m ~hlch n;l),Y is; tCiIl k ~ HID.y IIl1i:x£wtr:m:;s; s:trcln :m; tfmr~ WJIt:a:I:o:fn:.,g ill1tli:fmrdl g;~~ fum gn~tcimat:fu:w mill d.aM3J" rmil:::xr .it s:a:ruf~ hd.- .& me If.lIOi!::ll.1t I!:iittt: ri3XllmOJ m1hv,~" ,cirlr.:E ~l1(iJn:e (Cl[" 1m nrn Cllll~S'.,. fu; rn:(D;c lIttummcn!!lbi as iilt Jruli:T ~ ft~ll!i. ~ra:miog.. Ms: -liz ;;If''..d w~ dlJm:fr db:",::E' U dlM>:rum m1:cmt.meadi• TIrq Wt!C lliiIIfmIma:hl.~ and! dr.tirr d!.~ (((!1mpmooam: i& 'Eid:£t:vol UCI' fl:Ic 1JlilSiu:iitmM~ Emtr dltinmill!t$_

G,,~.., ~mes and nay that: rla= bc:J:1I' m1Powrn to be..:t: or fi:tm.e.nt MlilIr~ bring: fed. ;1r1lC d!lll!llg~ as;d.~Ad11y roxiru m31y nave ~ ~da~ irr dmn.

If gr.ts:~ :mcE lJ:gum~ i!!re miil t p.tI'Opcrl:r driml tD:q':m.a;y beoame mm.ddy. W!irJ:1iIl mow:dy feed. 1 , fcd ~~'"C!:~ ~&@Ildeilli C'allISm.g, deaJth maryf1lliJlo". Jill gtl'SSSD !lind l~gumcs; s.hould be eatie£W!I~ ,checked. ito.; liih:llt dIe:ya= fmc::ttom moulds :tID;{ Eungi:.

Feed fat"[cl1iH as S'houlcl ru;u, he f!IUCUi:l:d from .ll'CilS, where' it may b..a ~ 1iJe-e.i1l c::ol]llIarn.i:r.r:u[icd hy csmivorous ::JNGah whi~fi are' host tcdli:ecJlit,.'fworto: ill csher P:ll.rasiJtes. Tlirc: flfl\!licsrion of conta:mJllat~d feed may '(]Ll1SC parasieism.

The bark of m.any plants and trees •. such as willow:. fICilw~rmg maple and raspberry. have ken made It part of the dUm;h:iU:UI' diet on many ranches _ This is .not essen ci al, hcwever, and tn1LY be Earmful, as bark is frequently contaminated wlm. plant diseases, parasiees 0.1" aI'scilI.icals from spray maeerial.

In ca:pti vi ty, alfllmals thrive when til ey arc given a properlj' balanced diet of concen trates and :roughage" A diee (oosisttog main]), of concentrate is um,atis{actcu,y, Diets whichinclude precooked foods such. as rolled oats. psbl UIIIl"shreJd.ed whea t, rice crispies or Jrulfed whearare 1!lli!sadsfactory. Likewise .• the £ocdin,g of peanuts or raisins is to. be avoided. The occasional of

fc::" . D~~, 35 tti.cll-friit!$ ill llQl llmn:~,. Wtll!: w;u_:a.DJlyttm mmy~ g,ivcru. ~ ttD:~ I4fumrlIiIlfu ;rr~ g;-e:t~F ~ f'.®.rn 0 ufuo:: =lUu;[llia~ ~dful:md:.;:," UIJ: lir~ b~m {(]r[];n'lIli tfuilt tfu &td'fu;g; m:f dte;m w.i:111 ~ 1lXil ~~C IlW~~~ ~s-nl_g; iru funpa~11'&; tik aJL'!imailli;; m nmrr ~~ :mdl a1 g;m~y u:nErcaJWJ cQ_ml_im:ru:n [tr.~

(ilf.m;[ pmWJl'S) a::tle' tmLe:s£~ m" nmap lfu:rr~~~a:. at iiJ:tmIlr ril~ ~1iD Ell l1e $'~ ntdl '1I.tmnl'iity of me fulT'

~mh upn tie; Fre;s:m~ CIf ,mm1l1jim1rim; fm ITrr(t dJi~ &. r

]f1f1.11~.w ~ ~n~s; drri r --a:11l~ arriimrofs' ~ is

Lllltelil iI!~:tIe'd fuw ~Jiy, ~edJJ We'l:I m-dl ~~flilI:r: whlcfu Ill'!Cks, nts:iJraTdZ'~ ~aillii:r.o: by fUI[ CMalIl'ftDg i':rn s:ome @1 me M€lR ,c:lttIi~1ile CTIlSCS_ K:iinky~ W.1!\fy and ·'~~tmo·· fiar may als:a IDIt' Ci:auS'cdioF dj~,t~:ry- defici,ar,(IOS>' fU:F~C'iluJ' iali!'el:jjt~~ m~,¥ ~S,@1 &aIi<"If" scme influcrrce On tIlte ca.rnscs 06 stnnx ~6rrhes:e fur ~cllido_rr&.

Rrr:o=rIaarit11:tt fu.F Fied;n~l, Tkre are three fut.CtoliS meetiog the value: of pLant:!; and ilrSlyS. for ,Il~nchina fotilJi-

1, The quality of the Isnd onwhich the pLa:!.l~ and 113.. re grnwn-the properly fertilized or manured. soils :l!£C besr,

2, The: season of the ycar-sp:ring growth is- eo be preferred, 3. The speed of growth oftbc plants and gra~ses~r~piJ: growth yidds higher food vat lIC.

A careful considera rica of these points should. help in the choosing of green food of goad quality andl pro~:dy cl.IJ:'ed hay, This roughage, . ..;wirJt a g·ood .qnall~y ,cmc·eouate should help in avoiding some of the digestive disturbanc'Cs which are sQmC'times caused -by faulty nutrition.

2, Feed a standard commercial chinchilhi peller.

3. Commercial pdIets arc: the best .;!lv.a.ibb]e, but alone are not snfficient.

4- Pellets should nor courain fish oils unless eholene arid ".hamlD K arc added to the diet co asSlst the li ver in 111etabolizillig rhe fISh fll~_

S. Penets should not ,aonuin yeast.

6. UsuaUythe pellets coaeain sufficient vhamins for the nor-

mall :ani I'ft!ij(, mUl: lrn ronm: im.!iaIiI:ms: vil'i:lIDllJi ~~Lsi :m:-


f~ 1Ll mn: iId'dl.~ s~remmii >CIUi gmim '"lID .~ t@ ~ tfie fil:d0!4I~.

8';. Gi:tIl:oml!f.s cib ~ ~m: f!IDf gmrn m.D~ dllnd!:i1.b.s; wiiEn J#dk ~n_"t: .rm.: ~ ~~

:9t Pbml!pm~ .1Imn: a:o:im:a..ll P:Cl!l:~ ~nfcli k Ud.-

00_ illiea\ I® F@~ dl_~ mE ~ tW.a:l:I!:t 11~ pet!' ~[L 'lli'nwmw fuly is 100 illl ptci:m. ~aiI:&t ~n:mm., pr~! m~ ~~J.le-

u. 'Gi"i"C m fumd]iiI:p daw t{ilJ a. ill iim'mH;iI-- 1lE..Gm=..~ If al~ at1l ~~iIroID •. I _ Ed lD.J.. IiliJ 11M (cedi l~m~~ .~~c.a&tlI~&:'~ ~c.

lD.4l.. \V!:ml~ mlTI.k :slldd IlQtl:!be fdL. Skim millilr~ Q~ prWll~ !'wimmilk is:~tW'a:~MI~.

lLj. P~I~l:l:d!~" smtb. as:pah~ ~, .~ .c;it:C.:~ ;:m:: trot sa,~C&o:r.y.

]6. Sl'rfplementin ci'dl~bjts. 3iJ:e: ruJ~ rem~~dl.

17. Cwn;C"j, £:lihwus. crI:i~ts OIntalll!ll ~11Cj] mrr.cb ~llhl':o~ :u:!dl ~ll:' lnftating m die di:g~:ci:'I01: tta.c:&s:, DaidlOO.lILTI:ttgj!:'~ fum;[ .~. In .~ in~~"" in'EUS:rosc:eptiOll 0'[" tdesc.€:Ipilltg; of dle bml .. rel, profapsl: of the rouum, O~ rtlP'~ of the bowcl miI!¥temkf.i:om coo .mud]: eearse food. n~ Is 110 sarisFattQry t~jti!lleJiJ~ :for these: com!i!;iom..

1. Fa:r:mH', Dr. Fki.rcng:. A-. M~IJo:l~ (A,1l¢ .• ChkG.ill UoIvoo!:I')-A StJut!iy or tl!!., DleWyR~Ilir>£m1lfD1s of Cfl.inchilL'D. T!ic l'f!lle",IW Cb'IO.clilllil ErMil .... (If'G:o=~'!. VoL.. ~; .No_ ~. Si!D~.em:iJ@'. 1951,. ~ ': U 00. ~S.

C~W!IillJLlllS .u:e ~ S!llSC~lftibk u11B m1I!D.~111'Qlil'5,a±r«1ling

dll; tt:~ uOO'gue :!lint firoi[p:cn'lIl'.:r., * .lBJ,urCl1l$ ~~ne err' nmOt:rg clr m mm .. 1i1lke tIDillltlh. :rrmt ~O:Tin :liIMd\d! IE,~ t1ir.eq;mtnrly t:@ :iei:e if ~:l![~ ~ ps.~1t iitmju.n~~ .mtb:tmrr~t(j)'r;y 1OO:rndlEtmms:." :m.IDp'CiulSlltiF~ lm})l' im;:~:lmill1l:$ @1l' ifum:.©'l1nli1ilic-i¢s m them;:c1Jlfu.. ~h(il1l.M;i~ ini~ ooc:F:t ~ mr W@iHill1'.maJIitii'es; (ili dle~ ,~ he (ilhs~!i'Va4 d.q ~0I:l!t~ be g$vet'll mmt:IOOl irnmre:d'ia:liclr, Mmy, 1t11l00di]O!i).[[!;; mt· arff'ect: me ImRiLm lI!!!ldl ~. ~cf!. b:liv;e- Ibeel!!l a'Wl tided if nft.1 Pt1tlill beeo olll!;e-"~ fQ ~. and me:prilTpelf s:d'miimttis.~~~

Theteetll grolliV vt'.fj!' rapidly .lod W1[s:cr~u::m:l1f ~U!l~ ~-. st:Ellt care ifthq are to be ,Ii;;ept: ilill 1'l$ma:i rondici!iln.. .A:t nne Oncario V ctr.dnary Co llie:g:e,. a £UITSid~a,ble' amcmnt iilf dme has been gi ven to the s tully of thi: rate of groiwth 0:£ the i'l'l:ciS:~;HrceetJJ:. It was found that the a.vJ:' rate of g,t'uri~ Q£th:e ufpa fn:cis~.I! teeth in a yeae's time tor 1t group of p.o!!'inaJ chinr1il::ilhs. \;'if$S 2.34 inches: and the: average rate of grovrl:h fur the Io,we:i!' incisors, 3,16 inches. ItiIlllY be observed that the race or growth of" the lower incisors was O$:~, iuchcs gBCater thail the ner:age rare of growth of the upper incisors" .in nermal chinchillas. Tflte a.veragcmtc o£wear o:f the upper inciscrree rh was found. to be 2.33 inches per yesr, which was pr:acl:icaHy the same as the average rare of growth for these teeth. The average ra te of wear ofehe lower incisor teeth for: the same group ,va~ 3,)0 inches per yem:. This is 0.14 inches more chan was me average rate of growth for the same teeth.

From this experiment 'it might be seen that the rare of wear of the incisor ttethwils approxima tdythe same as the raee of growth of these Same teeth. In other words, the ra te of wear of the inci sor teeth varies directly as the rate of growth., Therefore, the incisor teeth should remain the same: length d urieg the ]ifc: of ehe animal.


CT~]JIlLll...."l.ID"~"ffi!t~ ~ &II!.~I$ ~1l

~1"~ _It 1rrtt:tt~1! wi[ll ~'eFm:~ Un!!:: ,~ ~ iltt:"

I.iI:'M:: ll:t!ll.~ @1 ~ (Of k m:-:;:I:smll' ~'lJJ1n~ ~~ffi 1i:I:m: 1:I£I:~'l1ll!l~ haillmm:~ 'I,%~ D.liIl P''il;';;rln.. lITtrnp\1l'jpU :tIL1l!ru:rtoicmn; fuiJUIrF' nQj ~fr_(l; m:ft~~fu ancl: Itttdm. 5ID:= :t:tt1i)JJiJ!h;;fu~g;nlhMia; Ern m~ ~ ~ m,afi _~a IlIiI~ ~.rrh. W1li[[Il mrn [l-m,,"; = [a~il~ @El!il!t.:;ltEIl~ 01:" W1l:aE, IF. Srr:.Gruma:(!l!itrromH, ®WJ:t" :lfr.di. = mLL~ 'ID:Jl ~e tOll' all!li]l' r~l ([[ff '~~ ~ dl:tt ~ ~i!:I!1Jw llDl~s; ~,; ~ 'llR:K _ ,~~ 'C'ttmn mE HNll~JiI(brllI.!tsfum! de-wd.

Thi: .Ilrl~ mft= lfum!n ffm=dl n~lI'eS~~.IDl diitia '~ Em:llii!!tlr rrmrllii .. ~~ k,1L"(b"l! fuw~"aJ,£1OI!li~ ~~m~fliir_.:t:,ami ~:f gw~.J!l: dl:tll1im:C!:: siclh =di~:~ ~hfirom mr,~ W1'S:«Ft1$ ~.~ m'e pfuJ.;re .. ~fu~'cM:w:llIT~ 11® M(Cll!tJj1~ ,Mrrornt~ ~~ ~'~ m"3! ~ rnIl.>y 'fire diiw.-"d !ilI:'iillrn ,:II ~:tmlll..lllP;J.llilrQfh=",.ii=n~i. :w ani!' :Jii@1!Ilgfu rur :d'ro:J'p J:lfOO~:m&a::re fu.iCi '~s;Bi"0:ticl1l k ,tt-tnd)7!l7~~ a:u, ~ ta:Jd'l; I'[[a:k kwe.U 0llI1dl SJn1Jlm.m wi4ifu ttlimg..

En~i.[@r~e:c:Iin 1l!l!l)¥ 31lfiO 11e gmld'lll tl);j)W11J mrJ:li!:.:; d::;:;:M~ l=g;ti.b Q~ illmi:rf'C:Iil;j~ii:rri@1l5. 'ru:- :ti~~S 1'!!IIl;1i)flled ... 'Witb: g,ri:nding ~G It&mt .. !!: ~ cl~s;~glil~dJ am .l~~ ,1J=~n.rIh~e i~C' dID_i';s; ~m'ci-s'~i' teem m~}I' M: bNIMn. I'eo1lJtling :sJ:':m,ttf, l1IiM:,ltba:fulns \~fu,~chilrntI:F~'ili'iirrfitl ~Jti'f]lga:lld w.TI1~h rn:q ,~@~uecli!e n,ws-, @E c:ne 3!lilliltt:lla:~ if alJl,g,wi!d teo' &, l'hls; 8:)gJ!itrruili tD:lIlY,lI!.C'" ~ f.k ,~._s,WlIt fiIT' ,~ fill. tfue c.lmi;n.dIiillla! stJtii1rfn:& rn1:> :fun:«~ [', gIll ~nc:

Roor. ca,ucs.1rng ~h\t:m, ~Q·biea.k !!Ii" s,IlL~Jt:re£. SII!;«umlJJ bro1Th.emlfirnri:w_t1' teeth 'De, ftrund JJ~ anytime. diey &nauldBe fa1\uJ or g;:\ill.lITd, IQ~ in d'aie ~me ma.liIlIet" t'eC{lll'lmmded. foiUoWf!ITg me: d~~illg; @:I± te.etn1..

Dtoolrng: or s[ is somedm~s c-nooll!Elit"em;l En. i.RdilillCbi1l3S. 'ffie ani.mal is unable to eat and ~h.e o .. l!!'"uet: SU:;P:~]::5; chj];~ a millormad on of dIe teeth has d.cvdo~d. On aamilIOlJtiom it wilJ be fouad rha ~ hay o.r gr:, has become: lodged and 1l.Cc1J11Iubted,[Q the cheeks 01" under the tongue o.f the animals. Thetissues of me a:ffb;:tcd! atJ::I!;S arc reddened, swollen, sometimes necro de. which, pr'I:VCtlts the animal from c:adng, In some of these chinchillas CVC..l1, may resul t if the condi don is noe detected and treated m time.

When such particles of ha y are found, ehey should he- rernnved

Vii:im ~ a;n_\li .mc- aH'ec:Wll ~~~ m rd:L= tt siWdJlffigmd.~&..

0illt.-&U[1.u tfr'illt <l'~ fo! ~TIE,llibmdI~ [iJn~IlIJ[~ ~f :ro:Ei~Frtr:rill sm:l] ~ ~pr.rn 31r:rJIPibinrru :mD~. afrr=&:vir"Jill ~lllIcli:l1i.tll1U. t:fut!t: mg~ willh !Lam ;1lwl"ricy tQ) ~ ~"frm mIc~. rs:;~. ;lll) ~~m-a: of roft fuodI m:~y .~ fourr.drar.brll orrouc::dl * t~:Fn,. OE ~ ~ mat~ and! Eb.liib~ UI!'" :rd.l:nmog"~ m.c~@ ID:E'" dlt! m~11im. The ~rrs; ~=J;: '~.lfri([irn1g: C[f ~~ m.OO:C1l:J is: mtm SJI!iroilm~Ii~&m:ri orn-:dl W"ll'C- oXEm;:'.tWCS; 1!!~...f!lltiJI ;J.£t:a£ ~WUhd . ,"dl.foorl] p~iilb .~:fu=:I" lrn ili~~.m-o ~ling, ;md; do.bul'tg' is in O;:id.OICC_

'I";o.biea:~ mese ,"omLinO"ns,. me moo:m ca,:VlC:y' ~fu:Q.wl be clbJr~ of :my ioo~ fMcic.les, Oli· toxign .m.Jl!!e£~a] iP~:i'"'..nI)::md cli:1!lJ i!.!t:olLoug.b1y s""rjtbhe-d 'ltYIII:n some ~wliOle mill m~isepcili:" ~tinrn.

Pcrindic!la.t10n. oJ lm: mou:m. Fomptcll:~rrm:nt: Q"f =y wrrdi tion round, will hdfl'oo di.l:DinaCi: f.aacrr;s,(:il.rourablc:: m ITII>!: develepmene of malo'C'dusI01m Q£ dIe teeth. Or" SO-QlUed. '·:51100- bers" .

. Nfgla«lTuiQ~ Qj' S!<l6h..."s-M,dacdus1of1, 'Or" ·s]obbe-rs.. is 1l.. condJtioo rhar .may alfeu several ~pccicsof animals bdonglng ItO she order Roden ria, [~h as been observed rIg rab bi es, guineapi~> wooddu':If;k:s, gopher.; and. chirrchillas. The cnnd i t:iOD in these animals IS i ndica ted by a .ma.lfar-.ln.aricm or abnormal dcvdop men r of the Ii~~h. Drooling is[lC:1]~ ma[l.:iJe-S[atlOmL ofthe condi t:i OD.. .]kcail5~ ofthis {jj.n,. ehename "Slohbers" is. cQrn.monlya,ppUc:d ce It. Ie is~ perhaps, nne ofthe most sedous d!.i.s!:as.e cOlJI(li dons aifecting chinchillas at elie ptc:sc:1lt tlrae, A.hnol>t all of the breeders have: experienced ie in some: of thc~r animals .a. sorae time: or umher ,. as. ie is w ide! y spread. ill. all (Jam of the (oumry. Not all cases of sJo~b.e:rs are caused (fom .!i maloeclusion of teedl. ~t mlly abo be cawed by fo~cig:t]. materla~ in rhemouth, or by food! materials becoming impacted between. the molar reerh and chee k, or by small. sharp objects, S uch as pb.fl[ fjbres [FOm. [he hOlY ~hat is h~ing :fed: to the animals becora~l:Ig lodged between ~he eeeeh or penetraril'lgrhie mucous rn.:m·

~ •.



~ (illi" linIing:- Cirli* 11IfiJ.lI.:'I!l @][" gp:rtmL. CIW ~ rng frliiit::mcrUll mcll !leI e:t!l._~ wHnirlli illDlmm$ m Jhrarorlli'rrg arr ~~ mE" ~i~ ..

~~1iwI!ll (jff 1lIll~'m:~W!l!lI of ~ [~cD. CiL-wffi~ S'&wllr~'5", ii5. \."Cl1'1 ~t.r:Mrul'Il. ID'llis'U'.~dl1il]rllill m~ouiIlr.I:lTwill S'c:01@5 :lire ~~, "ITbi':;;; i¥,.paiIT~ am:: t:@ trIte.1ta. :c: d:'aJt: the S¥IlIIJ'.ooms ;])~~ mm:t ~ ~L~ .m rn.mI:FliP!T tn~ alii: an:-d =iim;rlli:, urrnii 1lire- CCillI~ nmsim~ ~~s~ri(l).lJNi .. IB, trk 1riJ~ nlm: <:r'II!'m:r N'~ dre:rr~ lli; s.o~g = wirln me: ~ i:I:Ia:Ilh.iil. tl::fDarrg:es; (ill:' de"iP dQ~ £ironm dt~ mll~ nll{JJtt us,~ ~ kymn ~lPilli:c' 0: K~ ~c:; m<e:tIl pThiIk Em srmmmres = lIfus'tlCi Im nfu::Era:d'il!' !1!rr dr= 5l:«I;1hIher,a;~ ~

lMIdaG;~ilmt@l!! !ilK tfte ~c;fu ~g .~Th!!%S' Imny ~ aOl1I~ soufh... ,~ mE cr:nl'wnia::.,

~([a.i- 'Il1ere Pruoi; ~ t"::@nS'id.Itl]!lM~ m_rn:orx=:r ~"g; cue ~lilmaiFil1~(;;a.~ and naeure of dre (i;oodici~" Smm:e,. clilim:dlillat f:l[.w:i,U$ ~ of me (ilj1mioa dim!): til'ri!; Ji~'lC Cl,'lilnlillD:ECI! B ([lif .'l.~dIi1T.ll!F lI';;rttlI~~ whiik ([!nJir~tr ful1~U arrdl acu1i.D:o:tri:n~ hgM tk ~ClD t:baL~th.'(t ail:m:iilu@1i! b Mil 0' vrinh 1tl1'1t: Ilcuttiitimm uf du:: ,melt~.l a::rumlJllls:. Ai me pli!i:Scmr rime dtel! is. ne ~~ i:t:l.furrm~ri'Cim itlvaihdilfeas. tQ eire ~!t a'U£e.. Ie; is '1!l0S'S'tbIe dmit' d!le11e ma:y file i"ndimdluals" cyp:s, Olr s:tl".iI:lITSi tih<tlt ]llUS'SC'S:li> Cicr1:!llinl in mcrc.[J![ ~;i':me:l,ls"Cs- Oir tr:&-t:tt fil1'oi,jr ptOtlrf~p(j)$'C Itfu.:tm t(ll nhe d,~vd'crrp:mmt: mf maJiID:e-d!!tsioll wf ~lI.e ~cfn ~1" t!K :icr-w.lilll~q[_ ~[(!lh~]";5"

Lmve:s:n:igaticm 1l:!!ld s ~udie:s:· onc.:hl:i dli :J<e'1!SC lr~@&krn (CUll's, m indfu~ dh.ttt illll:1itiriQrI ma:y rr.l,,"c ir.dIm:c=c: ern nli~ m'ltvd.ojfm:cat: of th.e ·oorul:i.iGiIlJ. AlsO'. dutriflg im~riga:tiOTI and S:tuallic:s mf n~' J is.easeco1[.£jtiol[. in a liLUlTI10<!::r of the chln:chIhlas CI:. '3mi.llled ,. me: presence of nnideliltified gram-poshi v e diphthemid. b;J:c(:l:'r~d rods. tbat grow J:1JJ.acrobka,lly. were found in the- Em= marrowand 1a rbe exudatesta ken f.rom the pm; teriorpaets of the turbiil ate bones.

N u tririon and a lcwered resistance of ehe animals, combined with all! indigenous infecrion, may serve as possible bnors in causing the development of the so-called slobcces. The effects or influences of these fanors are m~f1]fbttd in the animal's body, pareicular! yin [he: bones of the limbs, jaws, tee rh :'111 d si nus es of the head.

w ,~~ ~ :ruillJl mmsuviirng:: 1'll);i!lmrti].:~i·Qi] co. &11il'lJfil6S' on.~ 1iI:I~ &crIDD~ iOfTresaJ w,noful dK: td't.;m~ trfl'mtlJJmj> nub: !irli:l.([(: Elm ~ ht.rr1illF £J1Ii:liPrD,lll!Irof$ a.t1LQl ~ OIT mil:: ,,;ufuwns; ~ aJl~ WInil'<t::.ma1ciiag truUlIC-D.!N;: ~1Il'Ji:1l\:u:iiornJ ,~,;d' dinm:dIiDllllii£ tITaJ.t L'rruwcr: ~ fun. 'til1.i!OOWSl JJ~C~[iL:~lmti:OIID!1 .• in: Bna& llmm. s;mrpdisim£i ~D El1Jott: ek Ili.unI'M mT ~~ rr.kal! b;m.~ ~.FM:W'Ill TIrnill.inn:L'Oru;; ®Jt ~ rlfMtte.:Jl W'ilIlfu sl0bh.\.."'1l'!O.. 1iTMS:l!:: .iirnclli~liI$ iIEi:iy ~ {~ in; ~ qJ_~g,JXtt$ ~1l.. on.-cr i.1J~ lIDatwirJ:g ha.ill im.JlldlicIg;IIItr kn(},wl'e4ll~ CJi m'$d.iisc.a~ OIlilcllirurIlill ~ mcir ~k

StaID lh.~ m.~y mIif~U" miirtcbilll:!:s. _ YU1L~g: as s j'. _ mill [ • s Q~ aJFSlkIlhbuS"> .iis> liIfttlili .rnm:-dl :ll1f«c.Wg: :r~-mg krmwLes; al[ ab(!llIt dIe rriimc t:o.q am~ =s.IDg lhcit fi.r$~ m~ik.»S>_ li,t rnms time: ~.rr. winI be fmm:d.rr.fu!llll.! 1Il I1!tn:tiJ:.h~ ef drm::. !IDa ve l1N1!:~ll!ny c:iflillIil'llrtlMmw growth. and ,fro::: ir OOJ ies, in [[· rron t"(p grn"With. J.iD.a= D«U L]illf~d uEJcm W pJroJl,lce yOtlng an,l pE('J~ldc ITomis:1Im=:!Jli! fuIlr t:Ptcrn!J, thus ,.coo much of a dr'alm [5, heing. pllaced Uipum,cPtem, ai .;j)S,!lJ result, [hene" body resources and! vic.ality \; in oend to l~lIlme exhausted. The- mineral supply to dle hod,., it;[ parl1ti1!:u!a!!!? 1J:cr:~ comes depleted. Their resistance is loW=&r atIiId under sud] conditions an ideal siruarirm 15 Formed fur' the dc:vdopme:mo flf

slobbers. .,-


- ..

Slobbers in female chinchillas is d.ought to: hatve occurred as; the result of the animals i10[ b:il'lg adequately or properly {edo while nursing large Ii trers. The corrrinuous procet>s oC reproduc[ion without allowing sufficient rest periods between matin~ has also been suggested as a predisposing factor to the develop~nt of slobbers.

The failure co provide sufficient protein and mineral matter in the diet, insufficient foods, feeds of poor quality andthe feeding of ton m uch soft food, particularl y eh at of psblum, csPCC] all y during prcgnancy and the nursing period, all have been thought to 11 ave an infl UC'n(~ on the develo pmenc of do bbees,

QUOrttl.]p, (1) states in determining the cause of dental dcformit ies, particularly if the roots are involved, one: would natnr.alJycol'Isider che rpossibiliey ofa bu.lty calcium, phosphorus ratio. Moore. (2) alsostates that an abnormal ratio of

I "

Am!# J~m(1W d~ii"lchilla., a/wwill,fJ lar~rt-~~(UJ d~n!l ta~~ (JJ H~~~!I~i!It~' r, f'1iii~~r(lrj~ r<"~<rrl' ~ight da!.l~ bef(J'~ at~ de~,th oj O!.e anima',.



,;;;atl:riinrn !lw !Pllli@til!lfr_ij[jl;Q fum !rlffi~ d:h'ell IlmlF ~:ii.d'a .Uu .~ ~ mL1J. @j ~'Mlin e-km:~liltS;.,. a:~ ~mU'rotlr.]llDz:.r~~ CIIi ~:lli:.1Z Emna.. ~t:mJl>, (n} aiJ};m :tn~~dl!tllf!: iilm ~lI.~ azrr.i.~l~fu:~ :;;;~llll" the ~ii:e sckJ..e-"1l.@:fi'O.';I";lllii ~~ =cli .rnK[!)~n~1r ddiIr..l!il:!!lll= ~f die l_'il..-O; 'O'I!"~ ~~" E~~:~ ~mr~p 1J:Iitt:mt:iJrntlt.wlilJ:dill F"(ll:~m:1t 'Im! .~ ~Ilii~ funm-: [lli,~.w .~.t'.

TIIm QUlf S'tImJ!iy~i! .~ (iJrroor@ W~"",oifM!!iF C@'l~ "'~ .tt«l'll1ltd 11l!r~11t dm:: ~= w§~Ilr~,,~_[w~e;of [kI~ wn::dJlll:.eavJl ~ aJlS'c!]I)mi!:~ .atJ::J. fl!O.!J:,=t:Ry s~~:rnrL.y;dff"a::cr:t~_

§)'mljp!1miJi- fn dlfud.ti:J.lIas; ~ wiclin ~!lJ:tltS; :n ~~~Jl iLhumg;t: rn 'W: S:!lnU.~~.I1~ of dlte ~ ac.t .rum. 1l11~ !1lt.e.cl1:. Il~ .~ !,'J'fure. Tlte kdh g.r(lJ\~ «mu~iY'; ~ £(llQ:C]i we-t:m!Jc.e !b:,:;ylr!lird! dl'e" m.(]l"r.lIlllill I\:!l~~£(m; ~. '[b[UlInls: ~ Itbe _ "

In. :s;l,@M:re-.ll4~~ ~:IlnimrlItDIIlM~ tr.fu:.e t:e~h. CI1=:m Jr:l,:rCl& IiI! ~ime- e·xrem.:ciJim.J8i i1'"fim .aL ~w mo.iillllhs, tflJ pcmh!alJlS' ~ yltIi.Jr 0Jl rnl1r~. hWjjmegre~tly JdwJiIM'd l1l.m;Ua.b:t'l:aflII-i!:Jl. M:iU£e o.f m..~ ~ml[matl Jevd:opII1N:11t: J:di!J die a:[~L"lIm~@a tl'1JJ,t 1!).C"ClI!1Si to ~fie Ui(!m!s dliUt sm:roU:!J.l"l them, their: oUItting airnrl,mas;dcmting: s,UiI!'K".\oJI;~ beconre'oyed. A.s the coll:<J.i.ciollrn ,.o.rn..t.i.tlAlle~ tnde:w:f1npc,£ mused'cation of fooJ is, in te:rfered: wicll!. 'JlbJiLs· ~i!Ii;erf~ren0t:' ~rutilIllUe.!>, until it reaches a poi.nt: where the Hu:trition of tile a.ffec.~ ailmaJ becomes (t.~ ttcall y serious,

The earlier stages of slobbers. :uf:!..I:!:itlarIy o'ifedooled. an~ dl~ condirion goes uaaoeiced un~H ,CfUaltl: s,ymJilromc~ may de .. dop, which draw the. owner's atreerica to the ccndieron of dle lllL'limitl arrec~d,

Because .. oftfue irreguhdcy of the teeth that has dc:yd.ol~d <lind the con.s.oqUCfI! r irri ration eo the mucous membraae or 1ining of the mouth, a drooling or slob bering commences, from which dIe disease. ccndirion gets its name, By eheeime drooling or slobbering Is evidenced the condition has usually reached ad.. anced stage:li., The {flanges ths t n:l!vc alread y ta,kc:o.pbc.e ill the teeth and inthe boru:s of the hod y aIC fa.r beyond. sa.dsfacmry repair, and. very liule, if" can be done in the way ()1f treating affecred animals,

The s kin 9.1"QUl'Ic'I the- mouth, ell lb. and lower }a:wCx;cQ:!ItC!;

iilnri~m .ii~ndl1llrn.!l ~<'!!! mf.b:,. ~~ 1'1Ql'ck m~[[ ,~~~ ~ cdll1uct!iimg mE s:aill~."

~ jjtl:-ri~~1r ~ ~ WJ t~,. Thrn c.linllmdicii1Jraad&l:~ ~Illb.!

S"wr2IJb-~s; rrrn:y cl!o no.1I m:.:e'[[ ~~DF.; ,(i!t',oom.e;lhlt~ ill m IT~~ .m:lrnim:.!:lf~ .EI=!>I:: @f liJiI:iis t!rq ~ ~1: S'Glhiz~rredl ~ me: ~ 'tV~iIl:

MIl 'WN-hld:ll .~ iirrrci~Jr 1lm1jJID ~Sil]lb:f:emta & II). 11if~ .~~[i'.Si-:n----'~ !);[Jin:Ili .dcrrr_ th fuv"W4I7~-~F ~ilI!m: ~.ho.!.lEltmil1llJ:F dID~" l!IIiII.~~ .DiEd d.~:dl~ ID"lJl SW1l!:.C &'lkiliIDell'~ ~ dni~ M ~rntfFm-:;:i;ll!:fi, m~mm(!: fu~ fuql:~ a:"l~ru~ @[" ~" pwmlln ®,~-.:'.rrwr~ ~d~ rrM}I' !l:I!a;:F ~ m ii.mtb. ~.Il' m:tIlllit lmI bigch iinl ~ .ffi'[ ~~~ 1ill:rrt'"_ TIm .m'l:W ~ are (ilff~ wwm~~ g;t.f1lw~ ,O~~ ~ll.T1l'O.=I1':JlI~~lha"lwJ!~ ~ml' u~~ iiIm 1l1. I;,TIiillllill ~ ~mm:I~ rrlirl!: S"£l~ ~[ t:D:ClliIlQJ[![mL

fn S;Qm~ ilt'PriintdIDrnlas;, du.~ ~ £rn::n~%)J:' ~n Iilla('w~ lJ:o:~ f"li)~ CiO kve gm."i"itm .J.:OJ.:m~ .... rut&; ;ilJfi:d! ~.lil1 .~, Ia.lm:)l ItnJ:: ority ~J.f m're rrro(,[.~r'l;M w.ii~n~fu_~w e.E[dk. Fm:e.mratl~ tne: n:r~\lreN. @[ nJJ:,~ ttil~f .of!irt'Ot!U[Iill. ca:ruitfrlJ_g; ,U11rc..r:lTI."! .iIliSim:.miihn .aU pllJitlll m mrurrf~l's;.

bl SiB(1bh::rr--a:l{uto:Lct1Iim.~UI.,~n;1;S", me I~wetr iincml:rr lean, wltHI~ as; 31 Jjl;[lI::. ~.m g,II{!)?lf'll:: Olr=t!:l!::lli! l:DlIIO" ~iIle ~"·Iir.t'.l!r 0.;1.- I!!ITdla' Sll.iil:\';i'e mE ~tl.llFTI ilrtL.I!::i;ro~,; at a! E'rri'.rJt V\<~ t1ky mJ:.ct:. ][00 db.~ ~ill;;S",. the U1?~:ll' im"i'S'Of" teetPt wi"M1. re nalJJJldl @~f1l'1. .... El!i.g; 1iTh~ IhO:O;;~lr i"n~~s.@rn, fu3.>fDW;g ~:mm:c:d an J!.b~'Of1llil.l1 gilGlWcli!J iEtwdJ &.~a:.WlIlL f~Qm: dl;~~ m.rrrnc Iil:o;diI:ll2:TI incEsOr' ~dI!."

n~ .itIilCL1S£lF" t~tTI .."cd 'O. .. -Tth rnatlQ:CIlIlut;;iwIT;, ([[1!1" slh!)1Ocru;,; awe fi::mgHb:,. btit.tJl~ 1liOQL (i::[;ISl ly bt:oli::~:rnl. Oml :Illl:tl.t1i!lp:~ng, 111\"1 dtiifp' rrh.rtnl bhq :.liLt:: Uiillrnl1y £1) llLnd 'cuDe 1~{::" ilfru ttb.6r sel~e:fSianJ "all. he: tJ,;ni~e.ea;sn,y remo'V~!,

When the' tip of the tinge:r is run along 'i;W! 'OlCl'Il!r.a1 of the lower Jawbone. it wi1[ be fo:=J quite; i.ETegm;l[j; and will be rough "0 th.c touch. II the bones or the upper f;J.wSC are similady .::::xam~ned, small bulging and roughened areas win alsQ be': found.

On manipu] arion 01' ,,-ppli ca tion of pressure eo ehe upper ja w region, j us e postc::dor to and below rhe eyes> the il:rea. will appear eo be; quite: sensiove and painful,

ClJ;n ~m,z- .lJNr.::m ttft'ciID. cr! dlnnd~ ~~ wim :s!l@iIMl~ m lias :l~ ~~,. ~liIey wi;U[ '~fuIl!llLilM ~~ am Q1il~ :st. @:f m~ Ulil~m m ~r w~rm EII.J<~ l!I."@illEJlIriimg !£:alriillrg ~ hot. ']'k n:mlJw kCiIfu 01:- mot: ~1fa'; wiilll w;mn1lliy!li. am 'c:b;(!t~u ~'i&; ~_A w~1l1 s;fu!!!ll[[ ~'Ol tt~ ,it!L1liIiI!i Q1iD oR Dnm:tt sici~ .. n:1!: rrrmiW' t'W!itJ. at 'IlM ~~:rr i~ vd. ms~:r fucr:: l.hwJ:- tlJill Ibt:: ,tltUOOl 3icl'e wi~t~ n1. (!:~!iVWIill~ g:~g upw~ an_d.ID"~ nJ:]~ Il:©n~" iiI. s:m~ ~_rltDiillla;;; aftli!t.t~ wlnJID. d®:fulbrn~ 1J:llnI!: fi.o.W!:i::li m®furr~o:IID. @J, ~i;@l~ ~ uk IIIJtl'l!l'C!D. .b!1ll~ ~ o.Jh~~ W .!:l;llll;lj!t gI1@YIl':I:E ®¥~'!f "~ nmlillga~ = malJi: D(t ~ .tl'lWllt!hr_~~~nm.a:_t!lin me 1t[~'!l'lIS (jIB the Lm:wttma:rll:n:s; _ 1l:~ ~necll iUIILm* W~ lJID'lilll'lle::L1;U Im:lw~:~.ii[ttElI!'{Te~wilL~1 Wirtlliiirl!g @~ et~

FB®1lll tna.ll.fuJ£ heu1~d}i d:evwlJ m;1!¥ ~ .ib.ud in t~~tm:ml o.f t.m:c fttdl diiS"Ill~$. As ;1m;-:; ~$@mi. W~ S)i'J.ilIDW rrum_;s; h~mltrn:{IID::. proncunced. The aanrrals gn1Judl'y 1:OS.,flc-s-rr." ¥tty thin aoo ~i g.Eu ,~11 Wcil~rr.. Th_~ir fillr mUID~, ciIlrry alJd. dlmuil~pl!:ing. The c:y.l::-& w.m be bu1pm.;g: C!IIT[PtlllliIH!ld.:iim.Jg .ll[m:dl~Tlltef:1 i:mi ~p:peatance. The ill[ aooQ;m[ dIe: l~r- e ycli-d~" pil!.li~mul!l)!ily :~ the inner corners of theeyelids, .lnd iL~ng dire S<L& oiIcme f!I.OSJ:::. beco mes moist. P!lS' £[I:qucntl}f d=do(ilS .iII dl'C[n=~ CQ:tn~s; (Df the cydi.ds,. and, in. the Iater s tag:~ of the; condJ:trorn.. t(ne cryrJt::li.dls, mmy become glu.:d ecgeeh . erwith the gmtlmy sabseaace tID;dried-up pus.

A sligh t m,UCOl1S dis,ch:argc from til;:: 1l06cw.!b&cn. ][HIIY lJc;com~' encrusted around the nos trrls, is, in: evidcrrce 10. some imim~ISi.

The forelegs 3J!ld. feet become: somewhat denuded of fur.

Their skin becomes reddened. sealy or chafed inapp;ar-In:c;;c. lJ1e I Ill' on the ehroat and breas e becomes msttedaad we::t due to die diE;oolillg mat occurs" Food pat"t.ideswill IX: found sdddng or clinging to thcw·ct,! fur of these areas, The forefeee androes become encrusted with food pruddcs .an.d. debris. due eo ~he drooled ~aJ.i va and the tub bing of the paws ever the nOiSe and mouth.

In the c·ady stages o;f slobbers the molar eeeeh may be iou!:ld q U] t~ nOl·, sed even in a pptatancc. Their rooes, however rna y be: long and may have' grawn dow.lliwards and upwards intothe

T;1I--W ~. rur(jJ_W~~ ,af!; cl1rii. cm:rnliiti~ i~ rr~1t a~~ >;: ~ ~O.I:ag; rrltc:~" clll: m-:. 0 ~:r ~h cllJ.:ei<1:(!)~Dc: & mliL._ilruin fur S'Jl6~ m Im1'y ~~ t@) ~n the ~U ffrl:rr s~ ,mt:ller al'mTJ1jjti'm1lJ)..

W .im ~rrl& s;~ .m X-'JliIly ~i(m:i:tIa:D:ii~I1ll(!il§ ·rrfuc ~ is; 1II:!l*~ a ~/flW dm.g;n.cmm @'jf 1l;]fu ~r:1riurn u:~ bt 1i!wiirr.mi ;m'l1ll. !mr~ ~lt'm (rill: ~Ii: [Uitd'tu]jloo ess m 1Ilim: clli=;::..

s,y,mf1Mm& d rrn !I] WIIlt''' 1lI m::r s'J1:rlli:fu:ttli rrtaljl' 1I~ W 1 ~ aIfu:r whim me a6tmwl :minrals; !mill' ~w :t ~ lbss 1iJi' \~)Itt. ~ mn:tm ffiIlL}r Uat:Uili" ~ ~ nIZ}l' dec;'~ Bi) as; hw as JOO 00t lfD ~$ .. "It1t>:t i.llffu:~ ~ ;wiUn ~ 1tOl Ell:" SO:l1IewjIDaJ;C:iUl~rnric mrnlJ bonimI:~ 'Very {lim. u wcd-.. dlulII .mmJ.

~l!r.m befCil'~ ~.. .

X-:R~' &1:l'_min-oii'1Ii~m:o-1!iTu It]:JlJn1IT; o[ X-n:rI}I' :rfu;t~ ~lmw :II. hul£,eti ~1Pll1ealia:t_lclt of ~ ~s: s"1lllImrnmdilN.g OK V~llI.nta! simases ott tliLe b.ea"Jl.. 'Ela: rurmnrud sinuses "JJIn us;lIl:llllyr ~~ un ~ fiilledi .. mm ffi trnB..fiib: s.u1OS:t:anCe"T TIre ~1;e1J:Th:.~ ad tndr s,urrounr.:lling: hOlIY iiIi=cr:.IJ.[~w-ill Q ret] sJirow a S:~Jil:R'mtia_n ro n!il.'ife t;lLTh;eTll pI.lIG:: att 1l:fut tmlO.tilJ beD.~C:lill dIe t=m ;iIIi[cll * iawb;)11I:G- \tt tlitcsc points ehe, al1c t~ am:dl ~ lI!.~t lir:O,[ill:,-~tlwl:d. [[!JJ api?eamllC'e. TIIDc 1"o[Io'l:s. CITE thC'm..oJ2IIi teec:E!J wEU be m:!hs.1:'JTIi:rerl rtIlllngated and ~h(J~':e uf cilt'¢ lo,wm DJb:rs, wiLl !b~p:e[[tUXItillJg eo or d'l n:mgb. tht: bones fit die lofll'liU" m'l!Iil:dililk, l~hik tlillase ~I me

.. UPp~[ jaw art: ofte~ olb$~'l.I"ed pCIir~t:rr3ijti:rug; IiJp\Jlf1l.rJis, in~j t1'l:e rmaSclJl sinuses. The bones of tbe bod}rwiU a.ppear very tb[o. f~aglr~ =d somewhat honcy-cembed in C'C'l'iall1. areas. UrI: G:lfOwOS- oJ c1h:.:: mol ars win s:ppca\lCv~ty itrcguhu anJ. deformed, S Rowingpoi!l1 rs or projections protruding into ehe mouth cavity. The incisor teeth. are dongarecl and curved and the Ilp~r portion is ort~ru observed projecting into the mouth. Their roocs are oftcll found, concacring ani! penetrating the roots of the first molar teeth.

Post Mort!l.m Findings-The bodies of chinchillas ehat have died from malocdusieu ceslob bers will be foend co be very thin and emaciated. The] i psare usuall Y5"woUeo and! edematous, On ,exa.m1oilig the mouth, the cuuing surfaces of the" teeth win be: found very irregular and abnoernal In j),ppeara:l1cc. all

~l!lIm!J,vall off D ~ m ~~ ~~ ~:~ a!'lfm w:_l3JIIIllllli~ sf:d_(lS ,@:ff Ilfu: &~ iIl_ ~tt-_;miI!imi"~"'" I!fu:: ~ ~1i5; anJ! ~[" ~~.u;e 'llliftcJl ~ 31 ap mfill ~~~ t:damtDW,Ul' amll ,ill1l';!l sqJ~~r~~ Q~ 1M~Pr_alJl: a¥p..~i!DIe..

[l'0Il~~ 3!]J.:~ a:"'UlliIi;l]rm]~c:Jlt~ llio:tiI~$ @iT m~ l,a~ bmgii'Ig

mE" m(t fumms; alllimg Lex ll£:~j:l1Im;i WJJIIR ~.~ :1!~ tI'Je oollJD: Ql- c'3rlr. mlil'lI:m ~mm" ~lIciJmg al CIil~~ ~Wm.. n clJ, Iro~f~ mr~" ~ ~; arr s;t:n:~mI1ITll ~ £m:: lli:tilm ~

'1l'1m: ~~. 31tr·ttfu:: nlil~tilii o:rr Iifut ~ ~UfD. 1m: l!IJlrrm1 (0) (]l'lmill m sfmp: ;o_i!l ,UC 1lSll:d1}r of .3l d.~p d Q It~ coful![[[. 1: S:~OR iiIf drc Ilro:!iI.C iirn 1lf'Iris; a~ is ~F clIinl aiOil:ifl r.ct" ami] m ilJRf~ :m. ~F .m.u& Iiik= r.I!:e ~~g ,(i)I!l lXm.q"-cIDTIIlh. 'the' d'lli'fl'~ f~~il.tan1 S;«U:C:l1;ure (ilff ~ fu~ ~ mar.y llrc Il'C'mTw Ihoo~ @'Jr &bliic:ret!ed w~:n~ ~5¥Cc@ mmT!?JJl'g1:.- ilJi:J.ltm!W}~ilil!,g'; dlcrm dr.~raats' rJJi the mxdaJr ttc~lJn ~re ~~a .u:rd:. wm (!lfi:t;:'[[' 5?ftl1lW al s.@fft:~ lle:l-cmLiUDlOlil. 1Io:CmMi~ ~ttalI!.. '[iIe j)iJ."\wll:ll1n:re;-;; ~ ,.~1tF mm in S'tIiuc:o.mrc: au fL~F~ i:n:I:lPF~nl!7~ . . ~ he e:a:slll:r ~~:h:l!fd:t or. s a;]'.~~.. ~.!tfm: bcnes im (he j}l~. 'll.1f

:Il'm;I] c~iIlfl[5; a:r.e b d1~ ofi~ lihnw m:I ~ .QUI!alti(lllIl~ b Igj'ng (!lI'[ ~~ti_eSi a.n:& ;Me ~ aID 1IIrtl3l'I1 (JC' :sh~[[,

~ Itt1iRn lmiEreddl:dl jimJ tn~ i~w:; of dIDffi:d inl~ dccroJl '1.< ,£dII sJloh~ are U5fi~1[ly £iimnct !::rem1liirrm: a;OliWltiTI;;riI]ly ~1li s m EJaJ.tJl::wards. ilim&I 0.'0(0;1 ~'llitg:&1l1,. it1Pi~rd5:' (!:fir ern:n.~

Th.e i:1!I:~~r 1:~::Jt!JJ: arne ~i:g'id}i ~r.alIDill1:edl Ita in:!: ~Ullt:;Ilw:Jl om: ffi;([I1EJ dm: 1i1"!b:~ mare ,balI am: ~t:; nCC!lliD],1l:11l1;r~is:Dlr tt~tiIln" 1I'Ft~ roms d ttEr~ "~c:nll ame ~o ~oam:dl w1i1t ~ ~liI"ni - A. t:I;~c: !lli~dl whliD at cll3!l.d.k ooIhw:ecl1~ S"Qft~ ncr.Itooc S\IlWsotJ=ttt: 1S\ ilir~ leil cdly f0llfllill in fin(l;nlin dl:t: Im.-,ve£' l1l1iLdl iaw~~ ~dfug;.&to ~hc: ilIci"n If teeth 00 Irk roers Ii) ff iIr~ .m.m:llars..

The!: r!Il~ of 'me tt:e1l1\1 in dIin:.c:fu.itJm:l:i na n affi:r:aWl wD s,fub:ben; ,:lite' f't!rmilll:!di ~ttaigmt. w~th (he aJ:ve1i) tia:i"S'~ sfli:o;w'lDg ;L. ye![f,owcoloured struc rure that can readily be observed ilnd removed with fon:cps" whereas rhe rcoes of the eeeeh in cItiochiJl<!;$ aifec'ted w:i rh slob bets are discolouced, sefr and necrcri c and rhei r norm .. d ,. firm. structure and co] our is destroyed.

10 the ell i nchillas affected with rna I occlus ion or s I [I M)Cl'S,

IlfIc fu!i!n.- sinuses wiiDll U&-=lJI] C'llJUt:lllirn & s:mn1!;, d~1k r~~ JI:eJt01i:m ::;iulhanarn:(tt:" ne:·lh0aw ~~m=!iJt:-p21ll!:IDgm~hl1nll:lcll:si~bm; cllt.~ ~ va: i: "itI!}~ t:llill" fmEgl[e !t'l:'ld!:tIli:l:m}i-COln W i'm ~~a!:. "II'fu:ol: ide'cc:mil. ~I is;; o!tlm lillllm:Jill ~nri:mtd wiofu ~«diL1;iii.crr.m 1Dli' sl(iIWfucrs; atm m:a:diil:w 1Pa:~ MI!lIll! m!t: alIlla= (D.i IIh llctd m me: fuGDirn" ~ smdlkrtlly~~ dre nnf-e of 1ifr~ allfc:ca mimd_"



"IT~ QNieSi mf·!!fr.:: l~ an :rom~ ~1!IIU'1l i ~an:Ii-:C

'I]l~1'iIr rn:o!lll~li1llrF mriiti~s ~ lWll~Wa1ill nJfu.a:,- IEtil:wy ~..l,rirtle.1i (!J:U tr:&o!: nm1lllI'Jl]" n.-rut.hlllo_·~edl cllnim:rllliiIilla~. IlI~ ·1lnl.lM$ mf the fu-mJrlly ap~L" ~iB:: am:dl aee . ¥" *1lJ.~ "il1JJ-c bomy 531ll'i\ll:lt- 1i~iliJiI:(?.::ar ".~ mtm ~ .~ !!lGl ~ m= 1tmp...'"'Ir m. IDlmy p:Tht~~ p~ Ill11tr ttm: ~ Qf me J.10liilg; b 1!Ii....-s; ••

Aillia~capiir fiili1.J'i~{[)'m c...'""mLlm g ci~Si ~ fu:arli!IJ ~ y:lll1illlill> body o£ Il:ruiIlr::hiLb:s, thatt hin'ile didi bOll sllD:IiWas;~ th.e- d~fumm.n .UT! Il:~ t:lltm.Ir .m.!ika.te c:~ vrue!l=~ o:f ai tmeerw·

']'ril.al1.11tltlt-G'iit~~ rn:mllm:(~~ti)) 0- Sh:flhl:;r~.l1S ~ t.knl®[fIt,QJ trIll. tfuc:: s;tta:g~ wIiL~1Ie d1t~ ~.Q:n.~ @fd:u:: bmrllr UiJJ:! ~. ~ am: s_e~y atfi.::.;;.reu",;·-eny lliLttk. it .1ICl'ythlng-~ ~ be d©mc in m~ W'ay ~ s::-m.t.LSb-€t~~drmreiiinii[!rg rhe a:Ff.e.'C~J .iliIlWm:ElJls;_ lneJ!rltse dn.1iintl1:ntllGus" cl~ structures of t:fu:c !h~ xrn:di tOt~b. have !become S'()J a.._-m:a1ll1v d.c::fc;mJiTer! ai.lil.t-l. in] mm dia:tr ~:fuey att: bcymrnll m~:r=ricm; ~.nd. ~[" .. U :nt a1] p'OSSiibfof-. !tad!. cr:hrin.dJJii Ul31. on die rnmch s-J;I.CIIllidl file ~.iI!:edJ peciodicall1y fo dl:<t Wlinl!"lK\:: ([I!1 any ~1Il.JIf.La:tllQ IDfF ma:lm:cdnsiur:D (!):1f s.lobbers. Jlly s.~ do.j;·m:g" iilIT, irniirnrious; o£ ~n~ C€Hildit[,;uE mgr be 0. bserved aIiLd rneaseres C'a~ ~o crnrrcrt IE <Ll1J pii.f'Vmll iifi1i,; fUl1d:':r~ development. At dae presene time there a:rc i1lS:fm!.me:mns\t, fur the examination of the chim;:h.ilU.a:s,' Iillou.dhs an">:] Ear c:ffi:e con-ccting of abnormalities that may be fOllnd a.f,ect~ng the teeth. .ilI.1]J(~ mouth.

When cxamitlilJlg the mouth, any injuries, abrasions or sore areas rna y be 0 bserved and properat eeneion and trea tmenr a pplicd to them. The mouth may be thoroughl), cleansed a.nd. any foreign bodies or food particles mat rna y have become packed be tween the teeth am! cheeks, or around the: tee; rh and gu rns, or have

~!!:~!J;_F4~ 'WlIC,Q1;IS Immhl;l<li~'~ lifling:,~ ml!" m;Q.o:cTh~ mauidJ r~~~_

iITr . •. t-~'Io.., ,,___tdl 'L. . -:-~~ _~~.:.-..,t1\" ~_M,~ _ t!; I~!r ~ ,il!<ll."-_ ~~ ~ill.lll= ,~'''''''''''''"'"'''''''_r ~ ~u.t m

d'r_el£" is ::ImJY :[mlc~ll Qif ~JJ:~'tr [,~iug Im!® rnrrg, m" ~ ~rn: ~j,ilirri(lDn ~D:.~:rrl\iIl hI!: €:cr~Ernr:mrd!iiaJteLy_

[n~h-a.s~ 'llfui:lI[d'J.illtl':1'i mtI tt:1m IIG ~bw !!flIl1" imfi"(jl'!)_l\iiiilll of: :ir.m:1J,Di:~ [it is rUlilIlIlln'tl;r;fio;[ tfu.:lt SQOIe ;J! ~n~~~ lli;e gJ~V= i:rn mriIr .fmd: ciIla:iiLy t.llIl :fmlIrra:.m:: tEr:: '~ ~ m.e': ~~ i1F(JI"r' Dh fu;; ~~ cm.lllS.1:: ,Fanrll ~ is'lmlM ,I];; r,~. ,llir.lIl.alya:: ~~dl lllWtn}V (!i!v~ ~.fut.~~ ~mdJa,jI"" OIl:; (~:f ~!il._ ]jiIJJrnl~~ ii1hll1:l.<; it Ji!ffiil,~lli[:!Lj.Err~. l:ID!lymc ¢~ fn .. I!J.:~ ~. !i.m:~a.'1r m.~ II!ff~ ~ tma,F ~ rum dtmr. a;c;wffi].

fu a.JdicI"Q1l] ItGII'm.r: ~ 0 . pwnilre ~Im'~ ~ci'wn:.EtIl:~htlr IS alrore:w~:[[&d' as .;I:f{Wfe:m::im! ~ .mdl ~d mp~e_IlNllt:" Vi:[rarni'rn; ~ a.m D;"BJ and, E~ Ml!:" ~ls:@ ~~ ifS:: ,in prr:vmri~ llD.ill ll!l tilk m:anm1!:a!tIDif malD.u:ll.a!ri1ll:[]l g~ sfl"il1!fu~~ iIlOJMl.tlJl1'lt wmpn~cililJl& IltlUyllle ~ wnen: fufid\ih!~ E!lIf" ~I're CQIlOlfQI of i-ll~ci'(lus. anrill m~j~ O@!'Iliti'@ns.ifut!a: ~lILF ~\:.~.@¥ ..

&1itl1laClIimUm m-~ !ir.atlDcms c:mIDC :W~~telJ G1:" sm:C"CS51lir_lj[y I:tt;;r.t~ if 1IJ dm;'CLImck: ,fu; ~qrlt '00 the: ammafi ,iirn O~:l!" TID d'!:; oomliti:on r[] ttl> (rn.liTIy s~. TIn::: ou.triLliionl Qfd!:~ a:rriIm:J;l\;, wiHh!a.w muc.b ro J!() r,'I!I'1itb ios. ~emwm lIiti:dl ma1lrr~TI. fl$f.n.c: lillI!ui:ll:iOlil. or [«ding: J!iIDl oWiro:g: EIll:ii ~1tIJ1ndtill~ iiml~. m..d@~dll.~iDru mr scllJ blx:rn> win. be~ t-es-s· C<M!l.!IIi,iI!iI!J ;;I)E'l:d w:~u llt~(m;;:IJC~ cll53f1pc1F" •

.ft.J:mmary~ I. NOI: !llr l cases of slo Mlumg ~ s C1.1:!secl fiiom. ,;I: mdoccirn;j.on of th~ ~rn_

2, . Malccclcsion or 5Iob~ ill> oft:m u!bsc:(vdi d~r;ltl~ young females when sbsue a year oM. The cotrld.tcirn m~;r ace-Wi during pregnllo\:y. [t more freqw:mly oeturs wlfiile they OI![,e nursiog the.i!r firlilt he [errs. TIl e dr.a:in on rheir sy~te.m~ air; c.his time is severe. Tfic:y have nor fully cornpk ted their growth, :and~ !O addition" have been called upon to produce .and. feed a H t'ter • which Is pr"villgtQQ much forehem. As III resule, the body resuurusbecmutt: drained, pan~culru:'ly of the 'IDner,a] IflHtcr,

[ms:.ns~.m. fuI,-=i!!di~ 1J!1I(!: ~.~:nu;Q~ ~ M'~ ~mg"", b SSJli1it:1rn !'i~ mb;'I= il'.lIllIi. tID:: ~!rdJiD:fu1 iiol; 1illI:m!Il~bx.m :WID 1ft!!: :Jl@:n:rmllif ~lh~" llRr:~ iI:ti:fe .~~ ,~if tJfm; cl1~~ =rrd1.iitfrgm ~ rr~!lfu(t c:~ ~ a>:ill llitSl:tW~1t,.

jl.. '1l1i:f: ~d (['fuli~T.miillt;m; iiilw.w ai mtl'.u:~ illfD =t:.. rITi1ii14lJlllltr. 1lI..~~rr~nl L¥~_li:"ad by" 1li11c: '~Grmg mf ~Ut fl!ll@~ 501lIit:llJ :IlS, wcll~~tDr. rrk.~em:Illi.. 1[ULc::r.~ ll~.IID1i. 1l)l))!l;-a;Ji: ~~ ilIil'm!i~e: ~~ snm 1l13i lImy. 'Ir.Ilt.~ 'ICWillJk atl~l'Mlll® @IllC'~ :iO:Il~ p~(!Irr~RJll"_

'1'_ All!;.waJF:;J ~mrnrWy- ~ tim: iI:tI:<DJmm (j)jf rrfiElmt'lirriillk:s; !l"Jwi.wiirrg a mdlurcr<l.!IC~ rillll ~b ~IE:a/;W I:ttr KJ:lIoo ~~ fun 1I~ IlU[!.!l!.nlID. 5lr~ p"illru,nCi:::;) ~ff ~~ :i!!.!rn as; ~~., .&1111" fi~ S'l.m;5", IIl.a}.V m~ ~.mcll in .~ ~:r; ka~m 'me- ~clin.. ~~_~.£ ~F ~.~ iinl me .Ill!lQil,l,IS) m:.e:JlIll&1;an\: Q.T ~g; of ~1iI.e m.GIlIlW ill 'OJ IiMifu o'J. fims ~~ .~wdl~Cil!l' .~a&=dL Iarr~rii~IISl;mdi liFMilhm c.«c.:lin lIl'illl" ~ ff@JElEI.,J! allim~ s!ill;]];krr[~ enr lcwmlfu,[¥ of ~

j.. l»ib~JJmcimc."fll Q!r ~nm;IhfuCl!',lj; is tmiTIiDJI .OIlIl dln~rnJl[!ITiiI'Du [btl:

Ilwe W!rellI iim~lF-d:1 ([Ill iio:ml'!X![umcl.y- bI wErriil~n1lES'.fug lli:rr~ ij~. F~ tID) ~,.,.,m~ S'~m:ll1 ~t.cid. _ rnrm~ill IDllIll.."ttI'!:lr i.m ~ dJilLdWhl~" ili~~ me off ~pr~~1'~~me fm-diTI:g®.t' iiG.~ri'eNt ~~ nJlrt;t fc"milliiDJg; I;p:[ S'~:tft: fijl_ ~'Ilrl'll. ~5J f1J.11Mmm m:4 me: ~O:r ~f~~" ptlimlalrlw A~ n :m-@l uk ~ mmfll~ ~II!I rrliL't' d.i.~1t am: Th:1It.Q'!Mt!1 @lJillieri ott tnYM'CIl:c:dusio:l!llffiitrs'r(]l~r::;;.

~, 1i'hnc i~; w~.oIb~Diiny rrm1t rrfu~ ~~ mf g;.ru 1lJiI:i.;n'u:.fiHm~ gf~.m.~~Ercjp.;re: ~pr1;l~l!~:irdlIDal!:.-rurf!aill II®~ 1i.~1lt11l~Wi£ ~fi[mrl;r)ll'" l'lJ!IJ ~ Ml.lm:cll. .lrliIl rrk IDxO:= ttIa;1i:Illiw _ m~e ~hl!~ ~lrndt~ ]!Q".(l~:c:i.Wllr ~ (!)"jf ili~ t(!lltlm~ b~ fum :l;. mllm:!ix::'l!' @i rr]aIJt: I!fni'm-C';iPriiIal!;; .fumrmU a£FoiIDDl.dJ winfu IlU'lmC"~i:aDl ali' ~I!IM~IihIffi" ]iral';:l;: s om'!: £roJilIu\!n.£:(t' lfiiL !l~'I!: @t1Il.~ C[Dm.J~n[]"

lE$..a:pM~cl 1!JkM~!rQr.· cr~q.fu;--:Fot~.m. I;) mwiitlI!l. the: fuoJ. .lD!a y boco!:lre: L@.dJg~d, :lI.t me eN'~r<l~I(:e- d oIl!ll' m 1l'.I1te:- es.m.IPII~,.. gus znd causecftoll{c.. PJa!ly cnrn.d:lllh1S\ on!y :n [e:w cl!;;nj'S"> oM mv.c beeu fOlUnd chn keel. on pieces of shavings, eK~Iis"fol~" Sltli'lng all peanuts rha t beenra ken il.'lwche mouth and become lodged. in the esop.h[l,511S,

$J~Wu:rr-Jhlhy cJIDDlIhdi lS Itfullt lU~~~ m;=ttl:aill a ~ .:tll'!i 3(t:ciNc~ Wi1illl :5:l![alb&n1Jy :n(1pir clluln _ wliI.[ ndfuac 00) .m:t!::~1le m

.ii][ ~II: I1~ ~ imJ ~ rrat~ Q~ ~S't billlX:: wEL<rot d'cr:'CiI7C:lill Wl:aIn di:tnllie. W&_~rnl am:_t:mF~ arm:: m>I:d.'.a:IJ,@i hw:ill ~nomI!. Wl~y ri tt t® t~ke ih fd tl!trur: r::;; lltcc:iDlg (jlfi[~ tJi.i!l dNIlJl,,_ m~:r wiIlll be ~[@ !i;w" __ . llt._ W""Jcltin 1Il b- ~ tcIll're rJlnr:r ilI.~ fIilUitrd km:i lau ~ u~ (illi m ttl ~ (iJ:ff cllt~ mmn: flwu..

ll'w£ ll}1ar~ Fimii~~ The flOllCCg,ni My m:i'1i: fur:dl. ·[](rrs:cl i:iIle ~llt.ewilll. ~¥" &~ :I1i:ro:rrJill cidI= ;!!III irk mummc:a: IiX.')) rrfrc ~ p'lliDp (IlIi w.iiuftim ma: Eitsn: ruE Im:c:lID IJlf d'l::~ esmp-lln;vp.

T ~Dmi1:i~ 1I"=.1lIl1".mlD: iliJl c11rege (j;~ .G:l!$ n.~ lkm S'JIi~ tTanliIlIY,. 1'.i:m:: C!:lDOO Dl.(J)Ill Is 'i:"~y ~irl.blilJ; djj.1.~.dl m:rtiill aif~ll." ~fie 1li.m:imd J.ltrus; ~~ n1rlllIl ll~lS'J1! mu:l!tdIJ. ,~m:i'1M!c]M. aM; llIc:am ~ ..

i. '1;inortfllIP, •• ID.ol:Jili!II; illmil.I1llllrur!l'· cdT Cl,h.cli'm"" Ii'hili<of._ l),hl! FUJI! IO"!IIIlIIaI~ 'iiuftm.-e xnu,. No, llZ.QiltDll.O!O'_ 19'11",

:t. ~ . ore, Ro"""u Mla,LC.1TtoxtilIDult olIi ]>,,'.:I.\mib~i~ W.Jl'. S"!LI.m:dcrll Coli,. r--tIJIMllIl'llm.,. LI)"1)1: ..

TItffi ~p;,,-.: ~EtJI1t lion uJf sum :Il. m1l~ m ~~~llr _O.t: iic: ~~ ttJ_IlJl~mi:t iks 1JIlMDI: M a,,11_~~~:iCIMe ailm:ettb cnr dilimm~ .. ~U~F .c:b:m: lr. of (~ !tOn.d:iinmm; li:furun: a:fft::@ ~I!'. M!:~ til! ~ J.r~ W1:J serio;us; a.mJl o:fIral! ~ mill nh J~ ~ nfu:- i1l(;[~ iIDim:-JJk_ We :II fJI( oo.J: ~~ 1iEl:U'.r .cfIi:rn _ ~hlj~te ~ Ilfre m CX?!llL'!!'. Im!mllliron'e; fi .li:cim,g: ii (t'ft.tiif::r m~

~ [5' :a w=-t:.,dJi,'=t:5illc:y-'tiUf 0Jir:trcii:ti:m rurn_~ dl.liindriitfu-lht~s; aL'!O mm 'i,';l"n-mu S'fr(oJddl llrce &dlmrFmm gd lI'@,mN~rF ~f: iis; .1!. ~ wtd.'ce rtaII:F m:fr ~ aimID fJJ:!.®"li ~ufi[s llri:fillg; hE tn· ~ 1IlIiIhmmik. E:Ttlff.F' bm:.~ - il.1IJrim:ill ItIlII ll;q ~ fi:;:rll f:d:i;; mr~ wdlll an im rtnlrJ11l im:tralIc~.1re: mTtm Ijlc~ir-&dk ~ (ill:" gP,1j.T:£ m'eID fa,£;, @,i;" wmk'U:;tt:[(]) . gf ~ we: . :Ire l'1\if1r smml)e

Olll.ll:lnli:}V iTIiI:~ ri1l' er Ir~ :;u fu_oc of h~1kcllSF 1M ;;.;rn o,\!"o:1t~~ In dle f~ !iff t:P.r.~ .a:nittraik" ttrnlhTh: im * [11I1im. mi J~ ~m:1hl1::J;m;; is; ~ttIiY ,tiX,~ - g - .f-l- Ilmt IINllLy m:it:m.~ ~I:. iV 1k tuu:mrl! tKll: itt 1£ IDlr~ We bJlls;Erurt: lifrc ~ QIr WWf iw wEridn I&:::r ate lkOvrg!:WJl. to ili~ a1Ili'rrmair~ ~mtt: is, aJJ15:~ 'lili:e@Oullik.

lreaJ.tim= rh.lI aiir ci1l'n'U" t:@@ lil.w m'u O1l:CiI ~ 1'l!1l ,t?'n:rcell1$ a;r.c: 'illt1tcnt fi::d1.. Foao&; nIita1! ai.lfe i=.-o:tJtim~ WlU1J.:w im ~hc: f(l):XIm 0:£ wlarrns; (!IlL b:ruys; ub.1,c; iLJre WIlP ~.,., ~ Oli' fi:mcm1,:m; f([(!)xU!; trfral: a:t'll." rnuarty" dY&t¥ or c-a;vu~ wiir.fu.miif&w ill Emr~i ~ mllimn o,:iI:ll: fl:!!ll and Ckll!Wt~ diigj:sti~ mliSltI:nt:m.n«5~ ~ @J1l::!i:rin:i.Irg mn; n1l:l!:cdt snlEn m @lnanwtd f(!l:O! - ~ Ciln~~ o:lf [mID! snwFeIIm.lrn£~ dm.:em{i(mlS"lWmI:i usc ,arE (It...a'.m: ,err ~ :tI:it mvw OiIlITmDl'll Kml~.ll) fat ~F:re nu1ili'iitwo~ ~. cPIIiirm:hiilill:al§'.. 1:11-es,e a:~e: 1b.~tJttI::s; t:h;an- XIIC 'aafterll cm:li).uti!tcl1od, and d_tle 'CQn~oid~arimtll s~U be gtWCl' Yh"I]1l .• , beC:lll]JS~ they- mteelead tnr, ~1le:lIcdY' the- Cl1JIS:e: .of, ~r§e:ft'N~ dis £urhanres.

Gcncmlly speaking, chinchiHas are hardy and vigorous ani-

tnals. Ianaeuretheyare COmpk~L;]y hCJ!'b:lvotQlJ!s. Diseasecondidonsadsing i]:lom. illigcsnive; distu:rb1J:nr,cs a,'[c fitstamomtg the Imomalj,es ~hat affect chjnchrllas whea u~sed!. in capdvl ty. The caeCl!lrn,. wh ich h llolilSually ]arge in. propcrdon to the omimal's t.i ze > is the perrion of the: dligesriveua(~ dlat is most freql1I!e:ndy attacked or subjected eo d igeseive diseuebsaces, Studks have rcvcalMthat food mily rcnHdn in it lor as iong as four Or five days. The digestive p:roccss(:s of the food In the caecum is ~5~SbCc!. bY' :11. normal bacteria] fi!O'!:ii. Whet! this nermalbactezial ~or.a of ili.e caecum is inrc'f'kr~d with 0.[ becomes unbalanced, d.igcs:cive distlJrbancc$wiH result,

Diarrhea and lID pacrions, ceadi ricaszha t u5u1l.11 y result frOID crWrS ill the feeding ,a1'e said Woe the ca:ue ofmost of the diseaJse c{):nd~tioos affecdng~h~ dige-litivc t:t:a~t.

kt~tl In4if,;eltilm .or' BIf};#~Ait.:[ite indiigcsdotlJ. or bleat is a d.isten~lQ1!loftbc stomach w.~Jh causedbythe fermentation 3:llJd accmnulation of gas witfum its caviey,

Cnij'e.r-h is sometimes ca used by anatonic condition of the stomach walk The suddiCfl cha:ngi(lgfr-orn. one tyf!C of f«d to another ,. the ovedUllding of the srcmach with kinds of £eed, the feediing of some Eonhls of yeast or the: feeding of Jry feeds tnalt wiU swell and become hlliky when rhey come i[)JOOI1~ taCt ,\\\,1 th the moisture of the smmach, .miliy cause acute 1ndligesdon.

'Certain types of pLams" some species. ()if clover, are prone W Cit me bloalt. GTI;('(;] feeds towhlch the ,hilJJd~ilb.s are notacC;:Il:s;romcd may somerimes lead tlO' hlOli;tt" This is more ap~[1o be sO after the: :mrmaJ.s have been accustomc;:.d. toconcenn:r.a t:otdl or dry Fcods fur a period of time. The sllomacn ]S then small and not a(cus.wmedi. to ~mg sereeched to acccmmodaee bulky, ll]sh green £eedsf,ha~ contain a quamhy of wa:lJer..Fresn gr~e.~ feeds are pilla ta:b.J.e and dleyare usuall y easen with grca~ reHsn. awl ill large quantities. ];I1oating mayno'c occur forthree or four days. Ate".cb. feed.iog time, when more gr,:cll food is g~vcn. dIek stomachs become U)'l'e over loaded .and dlC wlliHs more nret:ched.. The wdght and bulk of the stomacb eeneem becam~cs


tOO great for its normal functioning and djgesdve processes. Digestion of the food mass is rc:ta.rJeJ., The heae of the stomach, krmcntadon and bacrertal action are, under rbcse circumsra .. nces, [avcurable factors for the development of gas within the stomach, As a resule, severe bloating takes place, which, in the majority of cases, wiU prove btaJ to the affc,c[ed animals.

\V i thout any apparent reason, some chi achilles, under the sam.e conditions and circumstances, appear to be more prone to b10altillg chan others, The reason or cause of this has uor, as yer, been expl ained,

The feeding of tid-bits, suchas peanuts, nut mears or raisins should be ,avoidcd 1lS they arc not too dlgescib]e and may lead to the developmeut of acute Indigesti 011_

Bloat Is often associated other disease condieions.

An obsrruc ri 0[1 or blockage 'Of the stomach wh i ch rna y OCCUI' at the point where' ehe stomach empties into the- if.lrr.csr,illc w.iU sometimes be rhe ca usc of hloa r ,

Symprom;-BIo:u will often occur about two hours following the ,eatir1Jg of certain kinds orr:rp~~ of feed, when [:hey are not accustomed to it, The a:iTcc[cd chinchillas will suddenly appear dull and. weak and will be found lying flat Of! their abdomens wjth their limbs SPJ.·awle:d. Ol'L~ sideways from thcir bcdie s , WhC:1I cxamin.ed they win be found unable to stand Or move ::I,OId their bodies win be Iimp. Breathiug will appeal~ Jerky and the affected animals will gasp for breath, On manipulation ehe abdomen will kd full and doughy. or it may fed hard and drum-like when palpated. The condition of the affected chlnchiilaswill usually qullJe rapidly become progressively worse, The breathing becomes q !lick ~nd dis tressed" The eyc:'~ assume ~~ dull appearance.. The ears d.JrQO'P and, the exrremities=-ears, legs, and tail, become cold. A ddbbling of the urine may occur. The body temperature amps rapidly and may be as low as 94·0 to 95_0 degrees Fahrenheie.

Under these conditions, jf relief Is not given in a short period of time, the ....aecttd chinchdla will soon die, Wif.b the: approach of death the animal becomes screrched om, the legsbeoome

diseeaded and cjg~d. ~he hearl will be dlhffil;!'Hl backw.::trns a:nd the animal m."y die in about,,!!]. hour's time .after the fi~s~ a:ppcarance. of the (Qn(li6on .

.Post i\1c.lU"m .F;.'ld;~~J!,s-If an aCUI!c: imll£cHlO:~ or blase has been caused from eating lush greeD. {ecd:s. th.e ~O!Qrroach will be fiUed and d tS trndcd with aso!~, green, g:aseoii5 s of iogl;5 tao The JUOdCrlUfll :~s usually ~Ued wi th gas; MAsses of sJl:l,all, ham re,a~pdJcts a~c fl'!:'gw;!IIdy fo~nil inthe small ieteseines. The ca!.tum is usuall y fi.Ucdlwith ;lI. sofl:., d!{JIlghy ingesta. Theeeber boJy o.~g3ns ll,tC U;SiillHy norm,:iJ irna ppearaaee,

Pm'fmiofi, and TroN#m~jlt-Ca:._re should beeakea when changing from one fe.ed ~o aOQd:u;[" - This is especiell r so ifrbe ell ailS'!: is {Fom a 8omc:wnal: dry or ~om;:Cfl crared feed! (.0 foedsEbu arc lush or bulky, Whcn making ~>I]j:;fu ·challgc~, rush green feeds sncnd.di. be fed 'V'Cry sparj ng~ y a r first. and ~t iseecemmended that ~.~ be rn ixed with d:r;' ba y that hasbeen w.e-U CI]["Cit The ;IDlOllilli of g:recn feed ;11 the mi x:ture may be git"lu.baaHy ill!c['c:J! sed un ti1 it cumpds.c& the gr-.ea~Cir ;l.mOUn~ of the miXt~ln:.

Some euehorieies are of the opi [lion that yeaS[ should 11m: be Jed because it causes fc:rme:ncauQJ!lJ. ru:1J(~ blest.

Feeds sud]. as dry beet ptdp and. paMurn",t.'spec:iaHy,.vhc11l being (~ ptrslsren1ldy ilnd in fa i.t]y brgc a.mollnts. are atti mes suspected of being ~he cause of d~geSCl ve ('ru'b:m~e~ _ Beet pel P.pabiUffi and other s~mi]ar {'Oeds,\w.bel!l fd d:ry~ w.m s.weU up W1d becomebuJky 01] comi]1[g ill cnneacr wi th the moismre andwaeer in rhe stomach- As a result, I~lln.ey may be the ClIll.!Ul<e oiac;l!!!t>e indigestion .. Ifrhese feeds are 'bei og usedthey shouldbe mixedwi eh ] iqw:ds so ~hat rhcycsn swelland reaehrheir 1IlHlxi.rnum. 1J1!l]k before being Ied.

The rrea tmea ~ of 3.(;Ule ~fldi.gest,jol:'l. in maoy cases ha~ DOt been any too successful. Tile affcc.~(l :i.oim.a!.ls ThIav,e usually become too wca k and dI iseressed bdokfn.d.r cofid~ don has been observedl. wirh the :f(;sl!Ilh ~h;li~ an}'iutemprs at ~rt':l.dng rhe condidcm. have usuall y kc!O :fnd~c_

If chinch illas are f>m:II1J Moil. ted or suferillE from :H:u~c: i nduge~~ion they should be handled ca.rdl1liy and an attc.mpt made

~ r I


to f·diJ;V'c the pressure wiehin the stomach if at all possible. Gastric ]ava,gel 0.1' the emptying of the stomach, should he attempted. Tbismay be done by passing 1~ small rubber tube into the sromach to allow the gas to ,t"scllpe and give r,elid to the anima]. The softer, or more emulsified portions of the stomach content and Rujds may be syphoned off while the tube is in the stomach. A hypoderrmc syringe arrached to rheend of the [11 bber tube lImy be of usefuiass [stance when a ttem pti rig to draw or syphon off some of the stomach cornen!: and l1ui,ds.

If rhc content of the stomach is such that some of its COil tent and gas can be sypho.ned or dra:i ned off, immed ia re relief to the: animal will be obtained.

A kw d:ropt; 0'£ !o::w!;ene 01' ruepenrine and spirits ammonia arornar, mixed with a little warm. milk and carefully administered wi.] I sometimes bring relief, Such preparations arc best administcred by the use of a S eornach tu be, if at .aU possible.

'V,arm enemas cOlu:ainiing kerosene, carefully given into the lower bowel, are, in some cases, found bcndidat ~

Stimulating drugs such as arecolene .• cczerene Dr lenein giv~n hypodermically to chinchillas have I1CVC'f' been found '!,'",ery dFocrive,

'V,arnnh or hear, may be of benefi; when applied to the abdomens a~cctcd with bloat. This may he done by u5;illg a child's small hot wa rer bottle fi Bed with warm water and placed ove r or agall1st the abdomen.

H the ehinchilfa survives an attack .of bleat or acute indigest[on, arteutlon should be given rothe proper .feeding' of the animal, Care should. be taken not to allow {he stomach 1:0 become over-loaded. The feed should be fed ill small, regulated amounts and the ration ,gr.aduaUy increased until a, reasonable, normal JlmoWlt of the fo@d is being consumed by the i!mima&,

TJ'mpaniteJ ill Nnrsi1zg FrmtJ,/qJ"- Tympa,nites is: a gastr'o~ in testinal parel ysi~ which occurs very ftcq uelldy in the b.~Ct'a dng ~w nursing female. The disease condition very often UC{:U[s two to three weeks after the animal Ius H teered. A. number of chinchinas have been lost f1"01'I1 rh i s disease condlrion wI:. ik nursing Iieeers.

~ .


Sj.mPIOllJ.I"- The disease ~PPC:fUS s!liddCiflly. For some' 1.][l,ac· ooll:lUablc: reason, the nursing female is observed [lot Ito be :running a bQut and .In!)) yk noticed sitting humped up in the cage_ Om! e:Xami]l;l;tlollche abdom en will. ]X. found distended Or b]oa.ted, pan.kula!'"ly iiJi ehe gastric o:rstom.a:ch Fegion. The animal wiU be arreti te and win :Ildus-.: food. A!l!i:[l[cst~na1 St:l:SlS wm be: ftllllHlJd, and. occasion ally a pa(rll lysis of the hind quarrees.

Th':<1l1nmJ'-The co!]ciido.n usuaUy ftSJ?'LlI:l!JS roInjeceions of calcium gl uconare. The calejum glu.oonace SftOI]]Jbe i]it~ected! imra~mL1sc!':!lariy, together with a hypodermic inJcctiO!li .or 0.5 mL camphoraeed ad lind one to twO' grams of cas ror on pe r crura, is recommended.

UiCet'l.htm of the Stom,.1cb-A condition suspected! ofbdng ulcers of the s romach .us some rimes fOlilild. III most cases. they an: o bserved 00] yon. post mortem examina tion. Often ·they lire asseci ared wi eh other cond it i ODS _ Ulcers i S II condicion in wh~.cfu there ]~ a. dies eruction th:rollgh nt'cw~is of the ]tiling Or stomach mli.(1053., and through the deeper Ia yet'S. of the srom.adl wall. They app:::ar as smaH, qu ice well defined round or ova.~ lli.r~::i~ or depeessioas, with irregular margins, rangi[lg in sjze from that of dl!!: head of)l' common h ouse pin ce mat of a smdl pea. They appear as small • black-col oured areas dot~e4 i (I rhewal] ,.w he:[J (I bserved from the parie tal Or outside surface of the stom;i~h waJt The blsck 01" {! ecrcsednss lie fill in:g th e small round or Ova I. areas .in the SW'ID.;iCh \"J,dI may k scraped or wash ed from tDu: aeeas, This leaves 11 ~mil!l1, m~[Id, somewhat flmm;l·shaped J~prcs~lon {):.r hole, covered with what a:ppea(rs [0 be (mly a very ehinmem .• braneoas-like t!S&lIC at~he boeeom, whcll1l observed from the 11IIncmuJ or inner side of I:h e sromach,

CallNJI'-Ulcefs In the stomach are due to the clestn.u::tion of $1]l[!liH areas of the stomach muoosaor lining. It is often bJ:'ough~ aboue byifl_llammatiorn of the mncosa, or hc:morrhages n:sll!ti1ilg fllompoi~o!lGt!s fmd J:rdtatiog substances, CO:.tfS~> fibrous foods. IDO'IlMy food!s ehet Lrr.itiltc tile stomach; dUrl.ogEhe: CQU:rllC of some diseases, orb:om an inv.a.sion of baceerial o:tgafilMIIs callsi.ll!,g ]oc1iil infections. These eoadieicns produce iliJ]]. exeensive inflamm.ation of the stomach mucosa, oftt:.t.I ]clIdi(lg 1)0 a diseurbance In the cie-

cililatioo., interfering with the uuerleion ;tundllihim,ately leading to an 'ulcerative process.

S,.mpJ'o;mr-UI(crs, ofehe s tom adiL aremore ·often seen occun~ ill!g .to yoollig chif.iJcfiiUas when ilOOut one ycar o]d, Tbe first indicatian .o:f ulcers may be mistaken for a choke. The a:ffected snlmals are fiSua.Uysom.ewhat o.f feed. tbty iLtljem.p~ to C:iI.~ ,a MillJ.rul ammlt of food, such asa eid-bie or some: ilfalfa leaves. tbey may ,appear to be chokjllJig. Tne: cl\t]]1[cbmas a:ppc:u keeato eae, hue afcer ea:~il:lig and swalkv-wiog a small emount .of food. rc:&c.hiog takt:.s place. The: 3I:liim.a]s, l'iilayappear 00 bloat a.ftc! their a bdlom.cns become: somewha t distended. Ulcers of~he stomach arc: often associated with other d diseur banees ,aiJec:dng dle inrei,~wnal erace,

Post M<'l.rt~ll~ Fi1IJ, Thesenmach roa,r eoaeaina qUAO tiq .. o:f daTk~ doudly. .6oiJJl-smd lill,g fluid!, or it maybe empty. Oill opc.ii!liogmcm~m.ach the m~U;05a will ws!.:I:l,Uy be found 1:0 be covered whh.a. thick, brownish, o. blac k coloured substaaee. Whe.n thissllihmmoe is :removed by either carefully scraping or washing' it away, rhe stomach muciO)O!,. in lIh,:;: mO[~ severe cases ,wi U be fouod covered wi tn nll.mcr(Hi.l.~ er ulcers of various :s~zes. These ulcers 0'1': ksloDs are often casily ~ bs.;:.Fl.rcCd whea vkwccll. fro:m.lncpark~aJ ()iE olUll:-5fd.c surface of~h(! ~~omac:h. ~pcdaUy ~o snould tb.c wall be shghd)" sItc~dled or distended with fluid or gas.

T w~t.!JUtlJ- TIlle p'OlISsing of a small rubber eube catheter inmthc seomaeh wm decide as to w.hether or ]'110 ta choke rus. presell e, Treatme:nt In MOSt eases, SiO fir" has never been s,a~j:sfacrory. Koo.lil!ll~Kaopocdll.a,te, Bismillm. Su.bnid::U!e preparaeioas well dilured with ware. .may be giveotV!ffi or ehree rimes a day, Easily C1I,gestod foods should be gi ven ,. s ach as wel 1 cured alfatf1li leaves, dcs$, grllS.~or:s,. powderedmilk, eec,

Cml.l.t.~pa.tio~ar JtlUJlil1l1J O.bJtip~t.ion-Cofis.dpadofi is not anconuaon. It may he a foC'ennoer or ;liIl i nd i catioo oJ a S'e1'~ous, cOEfi:dJrlml d.e:vdopil!ilgandtherefore i~ would no t be wise 110 a1!Qw l[ to go Ilnbeede:C1.

Ca$'H.r-CO[l~dpadollJ is Oflle:il caused by the "adog of toe mll,ldbJ dr:y Of 'Q~oeJ!!Ltrawi feeds, Ra~joll:'l ~bat bek bulk oft;cn




• • ~o collinipation. mmestiul ob;~t[pat']Q!lI or;sdpa~]QIl uf~c!] follews ~][c eating off mouldy :lietds. The- perisealeie acdOfl is s]ow,~ and there is a lad:: of tone in the musClibf wall of the ~ntle.sfi[l!il,cs: in poo.dy bpt :md poorly $00 cb.iocE1linas, espedaJJy in the oleic.!' aniraals, The piiL~8,ag,", thro:ughthe i]'![~¢sdn,esmay be hlocked by teca.l masses, Time .tu.m.en of tile intestines maybe' u aKO\\vcd. lies a result O'f chronic inflammation, stellos~~! abscesses ort:lI.lll1:otlT:'l, within dle wall.

Certain. conditions such as ptcgtn,oo,cy. y .lJ!!J. the later s t".g~l;~ ,exfCmal to ~he bowel. mar Cause ennsei pit rien .alld inteseinal 00 bs~i,padon,

SymptD1lI.r-.Fn mild cases, the: kc~J ~);;Uets are YCEy $JIlaH. dry il:l'n;cl ha:ni,ilIlld ~hey may be: st!tCa1l:-od with Mood fmm. III j odes prvd uced in ~llie Iinrng of the rectum.

In ~C'v' cases, where thcrc bas been V\ery Htde,if ally, .move'IDcbt of ~he bowel for some tim.e. toxills: ar'c prodlw:~ which areabsorbzdandthis produces a l!(lxemia. The c:hinchi]las become d\lU" Ii sdc:s~a!]d a~rd .. 1UUliO move abouc COle pen lmJess urged or ~o.racd~Q cliO' SQ. Tbca!li~cted:ilfllm;llb wi]f ~nol\V dcpt"'$~]WJ:, loss of appedte, Increased c~m.f!Cra~u.e lind tJilljrst, Oftto. 3:ffiJ. ln-eoordinarinn of the billd legs or .a par;l!IYS1S of the hind quaNtrs may develop.

The £eca] pellees arc small], dry, hard, adlJd.usuanybla'ck~n mlQl.u. Il!l many cascst:hcyare retained. TiI1~ wod i,~ion flJfth~ Eeccal pellets and the a_m@uJ!!J.[ passed can. readHy be determ~~ by ex,aminiug t:he cages in wlhkh the animals~rekept. If ehe f¢~al pellets al1e small, hard, dTy and: scanty. aad the oolJid!it~otl. CO]!;~lll'l¢S.mca~1,!!:res sholiM. k ~OIkeaw derer.m.i.f!c, if possi Me~ the cauSe of .h.e ooll!(iir.ioll.

Dl_g[u] examif.llll.clo:[l O'!i~~ the Si"bdiOme.lli. wHl O'fkorev~a.l sensidv~.[De~1S allJd the presence of tile inllpacflec] teed matte'I" jill the inc~sdoe'.

Tn'aJ'mlnt~Mjidl cases of OOQstipati,()D 1IlsilaHy f~Sf'Ofid qui.te iav( to treatment, espc>c:iaHy when '(he Ca.llii~ ~;'l. due to fa:ulty f'eedilllg,. othiCn'll'is~ rc:c~vtry de.p!:iIlds endu1y ufJOfi the Causes,



Co.ii15dp~tj.on may be n:Hccval. by dn.~ use of pUfgl:l.~:i.v~ =d a diet o£greelJ! feeds. Purgatives such as cestor oil: calomel. or miJ k of magr!(;s[a, rna y be used. In the CMOOj c or 1l!lfil'c prolonged cases, afn::r the lnowd has been '!;;mpded with a pU!l':gatiyc:~ sma']l deses of laxatives, such as C'xtrllll;·t of cascara s,agr.l.cia. should ct given for some time :l;ftc:r'Wa\[J~.,w prevcn c a recurrence of the wndidoltl"

In ob:s,tllJi:Uie cases of ool:l;!itipatio.mJ, large qua.midcll Qf w~~m.

S{lapjr wate:r" introduced with 11. ~ofr rubber tube, and. J.n·iga!r,cd well up into the recnun, will s.t:rvc: to sdmuh~'e periseslsis, Iubrtcate and, soften ehe fecal masses, and fad1itate eheir remeval.

Po,r cbinchillas rh at arc weak and l!!!1lab]e: WW] rhsrand the aceion of amore Or los sevcrc pi!lrg:u:iv'C,. aIess d:[,~sti,c trlCatmcillt should beemployed. FOir this PI!IlrPOIlC, an eseellent ~rea:tIllI.t']l~ is the frequent aamloist:rat.icUlJ of suga:r or gi ucose and 'ware •. , The water is mede red sweet coo ehe taste whh~l.].gar or ghloose and fopr or five eyed!ropp:!rs:i~,:d may ~ givchpcr orum !i;ve:ry rhree or fou:rhours, The ad!Jl~:iO[l of or;!l.ngc i I.]icc to the SUg)lf' arrd water sol ution lS, beneficial and wm adso fsci litate ehe wiUJ Il!g~e-.% of thc animals IiO take: the solueion. The ttc:i:trn,C.nt shou]d. be: coatinued ferthree or four days a,ftler the droppings !:rom.theaffec~edl il!n~m,aJs have shown improvement. Tne s, and. water may abo begi ven as an enema. COillsdpated! coed i ~io.ns ha ve beef'! known ro las t three or four weeb.

lnleiFti'141 O,bJ'HNu'ion-[n~e~dnal ohstn.J:m~onis a fairly commOR condition" Ncar]y CllCF.J!' b.r-.ttder is Hk;el y w experienced the .oonditlOrn One: lOr mere of his ::i,rdmaJ:'l, a~ some rime, In mO\'lt of the a:ff~ctecl. chinch Ubi!>, it ll.'i a VeEl' ~t:lrio:u:!> (Qnd!icion.~ ~lild. veL,! Hcde:, if .anytblng can be done in the wily of $3.t1Sfac.ffiry ttt:ltI1liC.!l!C

Ineeseinal obstn:u::tioos are US~;tlU y the resul e oj, or the climax of,. some infectlon or ailmeue that had at some previous time aHb::Itedi[he animal. TIle coodi don is slow aod Ios<idiioWl In l~ dcvd,opmOfit., It is usuaUy not Q~cnicd uuti l there has been 010 iaeerference .in. the normal flllf!lctloniog of the ~nte'&dul rract, due tethe changes char ha"!;',e taken place in it. These changes uld:ln.a~ely reach a stage wfuerethe illness of the tlifc:cted chin-


cbilla becomes noticeable. A~tacb of eonseipaeion which become .mmc Otf ]es5 frr:;ql1C'n~ as time peoceeds, a'Fe oi~tl1 :l:m!, f~d.ic:ltion of anIntestinal obstc!:L!lcdQEiJ..

C-Htu.l't'i-Tflc: lumen of the intestiee gtadlHtUy becomes const:r:1cl!od. uatil it baHy beeomes blocked, Many of the: OOllJ.i~jODS ehae were memioned as. be~~.g a cause for conseipariou ju,e aho a cause for intcS dnal obsm.u:tiolls. Cheoa ie illflamlll.a don, eicaerictal WIlSt:.lGtlQJlJ$ ,tli.l.mQurs am:l. abscesses in. the wall of the gUt ma.y result in a elm; illig off of the iotestinait!'act . Fibrous ad~ hesieas is also a coru:mO]ll cause, bflamrnarory reactions and necrotie areas ace usuHy (ound associated wltht:nevaf~ous growths and! cOl:lJi eiens whichtefld to i I]i'tensify and hasten the fieveri~y of~he co~di tien, At rhe she of thesevarious growehs and i !lflanlm~wry Kacdol;!s, duo 1 umen of ehein ~s.t! Ill; becomes more and more ootlst.i.c~(;t! u[ld~thc pass.age tbrough the intcsti[!)e bcco'mc:s so small ehar the: ~rngc;s~a c:al:!pass dltough only wi eh diffi!cu]~y. The iDtcd~r>C:iilLI: of the passa.gecf tbe ingesta throlJigh the: i lU'eStLmlJ tfllitCC beeemes more: and more p.rQ'.f!.OUlliJl\,::(1 uartl ::I. POlo e ~s.r,eacfued where it is rnl.aMe to pillS:!> dlffiugh ,and an intesti nal b1od:::age develops. This is especially so if dle. mgesea ~s som.ewhll~ dry and. firm"

Intestinal cbsreuctions Inay occur at any place I:dofllg the intes rinal tract, but fhcy mO~t (;am;roQ.[ll y U ke place att.h.e entrance: to the cae<:;um •. (;11" where the pylorus ofthe stomach passes ~lUO the dI.liiI:Oocnllm. The icc".l ma~~ Or i~ges~abecorn.cs blocked. in ruts passage: ~h~ ifiI:C~d!] ,,1 canal ante:rior'lo the obseracdOD, where it isr~tainocl an:d. becomes d~compo&tld_ Toxins are p~oduced.. w.hklITt. arc a bsotbcd. c::il1s:lng a [ox-em ia,

Symlu.o:tn.s-Io chinchi Ua~affe:ctJcd. Wl th lnrestiaal obstruedons. it will be noeiced that they :lite losi nS' wei gh t and becom~ng thia, Th.cir owners arc often of th.;; orin~o.n th<!~ the 0111 imals are ai''Cctcd with slebbers, OI!:)~hcy appt;:ar to nave dHijcul~y III e· The.t:ppetitle becomes dull, :lJnd.,at dl1!](;s ,. o.!JJy a very ]itde food may be earea. TIH;a.Wectcci a.nima]swill sit huraped up l!lt:heir cages and! will 'be ~lllcl:lI:!lt tQ,rnoll'!;,. M.<Ilny ,,bilJJchilla:s aliected with an i!1~est]m:l!.~ obs'l:nu:;;tl(:Jn may sliiI:dd!coiy :sUiifera colicky spdl. and. wi]! .a pparc:ntl y be in pain. After the pi! in h~s sub-




~fdcd somewhat, they ""'111 appear dull <lind exhausted .. Theyare often observed lying .00 eheir abdomens, with their forefeet DOC ill from as jf to prop up the ,front part oftheir bodies. The head! and ears are drooped, When the animals are' dismrbed 01" picked up they seem to become more active. Theil" eyes brighten and their can assome a more rKU"maJ appearance. 00 examination the abdomen ma\y appeal[' distended, and, 0[1 manipulation, a hard fecal mass can often be pat pa ted in ] c. The stomach ma y a.ppea. to beenlar ged. and distended. The fecalpellets are scanty, small, dark and hard. Finallyehe fecal pclle,ts 'Nil[ not be passed from

the body. .

A fluoroscopic Or X-ray examination of chinchillas affected with an intestinal obserucrion usually shows the stomach, intestines and the caecum. to contain large areas of gas, often causing ehcm to be gready distended.

Theaffected chinch mas may Ii ve for several days, during which time they will show a. dun pain, and they ma,y take: a little food and water. The condition gradually becomes worse uneil ehey become weak and show :.I, tendency to Iie an their sides. Evcfll:uaUy the ap'p:;t:itc is ]OSt and they wilJ alppeiJr to be suffering frosnan Iatermitteat 0[' oominual slight pain. They will a.p~ pear cold and. will huddle close to a hot wacer bottle 01' jar filled wieh bot water. Their temperature will drop to 94.0 degrees Pahrenlrei t a few hours before death, Thcy will evenruall y become very dull and weak until they are unable I!O sit up,

Some IlUY Iive for some thne before succumbing to obstructions. Chinchillas so affected will usually live: from one to seven days .afcer the' Ih'st indications or symptoms of the final a rrac k ar-c shown ..

.Flu!}T1},I/:op.ic Or X~ra.J EXti1flin~t;cmi:-A fluoroscopic or X-ray examination will show the abdomen gttllld y d ~ stended. The intestinal coils will appear large, round and distended. Large areas or pockets of gas win be observed in the inteatines. In a number of the animals very Iittle ingesta will be observed. in the mresrinal tract. The ingesta usually appears Inmasses, through whleh the areas Or pockets of gas" of va:rlO'I!l:S sizes, are di~5pc:rsoi:d,

The predoarinating features observed on flUO'foscopic 01'



;, t

X ~f.lIJi' ,cll::am~ll.i1t:iol1arc: dlC d tsu:u deed abdiO'll!~n aud the uuraercus dear 3!fC",:U j of v arieus sizes, ~hperscJ tmnl1_g,h the ~QHs of the u]l()en:llil:!:" T;h,e ca«~m ma}f appear eola!11I'~ and di S~t', nUwng It large pan of the a cavjty.

PU.i.t Mortem F iml,;!'!:g.r:- AntC'fiQ1': w the blockage, ~he coils of theinresriuesand the caeeu.1l11a:ppcal:l: brgc" disIJendlcd aDd fiUed! wld1. gas. Ou exsminaeion ehe loeerien and! the cause of ~he Mock.:ligc is, U$ually fO!lillid. The inresrina] ~'II'aU5iilpp"aT $tKIJ~h~. rh in and pa\per~J i ke _ It j s commou t@' find but very Htde ]IiI_gt:su iFil the: irnestines. The ingeSt:l i~, !astian), dry ,fir-m. 01' han1. The obs ~ntctecl;j[rcalna y :J!p]Xar necrotic, In(la~.n.e-d and thc blood 'V~;SJelSl mrngCSll'CcI_ Peri~onids is !.l:5I.]:IUy fOlllld .1fft'C'(lng dIt' p!:'I'uo:lleum.

'fhe i!illie~tine poseerior (1Q the blod::age is very small and COIOO]j k. wi~h ehe i~ieo slmcst d.omL The recaal poritiofl of the: inreseinal rEact .may hne iI, bead-Ii b: a,ppcara[lCC due to the presence: of a few sma U, dry, liard fc::ca~ pd]ct~,

l'redl1$;d rrea Um; n~, i n [be {orIn of pu:r, yes, .arn.J. hLXa~ivC!il. is not elfoct~vc. ljm the earfiee sta!ges of dlJe co:tl.dwdon due}' may rend ro give some: relicf by softening ~he solid messes so d!IJat they willpassthrough rbe pmdml of the incesrine that is bec:omirng censrrjcted.

As t~c corrdirioeprogresses, ,(inc:! C(:ms~]r;l;do!l. Ilcoolnpaillied by blear and pain. boOOmtslil1orc p!'oDQllnced. i~ becomes more dii1cn~t to give relief Wh~itl i!l! tlhis cO!HlIi~km pl!1rg:advesand b,X,Ul vcs s;boLmhl be a vo~ded. .1.S thc:ir~c [Ion is too severe on rhe alr,ea.d}f irrrun'!tl;d! inresrine arid tbcy wm ol1~y add f!lnher pain and dislktc:s:s"

1" olidiev,e the inipact km and bloat that occurs, ~hc: mosc silflsfamOlytreaUneot is the adm]ltistrauon of gl.ucO\Sc: or S&igar to \\'il,il;t:f. Tile SO]l1dOI;l sboll.M be qujte S,W'ect. Oiialligt' .i.uce: .rn.lIy lie aJdc:d to Ithe i>ug.arand W,;Ilter SO]UflOCII. Fremtbree [of'Ol:Il[' c:ycdmpFfs fun mar Dc giv,<;,n, every three or ~OUlt' hnurs Ilndl rel i.d is ohta.ined. The warcr ~'I.' HI serve the purfiOS'e ()If pr,everntting lhe: tl~~1!1eS olf~he body [['(1m beoomill,g dehjdrared, and also soften the hard, dry fCical maslles that h:3:ve(ormed in. ~he ~nf!es •


tinal tmc.t, The glnease or sugar will provide food forrhcaffcctcd chinc1'ailla.

As the fCot:aJ masses become softieoedl to apoi:tiIt where they C:III!] pas-s 1:1-1 rough the constricted portion .of ebe inu::s.ttoil trace, I:lite obst i padomLw~ H berel~eved.

In dlQ&C caseswhere ehfnchillas <In; SUSpI!,u:d. ofha;",jng all] intcs[ ob~dpaLtion resulring from an iaees t i md s met !lI.[\C, an c]{plor;llwrylaparo~(Hn.ymaybe' perEorm.edl jf the ~:I'lim:lJs have nal: iJecome teo (jON: ic, ill'l ordeeto determ.i ne more exacdy rhc natuec' lind t:l{t(;Qt of~he condision. In some chinchillas ililfc:ctc<l w~th lin ~ntC!ld~",l obstipaticm. due to a su"kt!.l!!."f: of the Intestinal t![i~uldng from adhcsi OilS or tl:ImQllfS, sl.:!iiglcal inte'rven tian may ~ n:::son:cd. to in order W bn:::aT.:: d01,\\f1m the lldhc&imrns or n:ffi(]!vc: da.c: t:urnOllflS, that ma,' be ,,;lllsing "fie: stfh::nuC"s,

In ClIISC8 where: I:umours U.l" gmwl:hs are!g .1. uf the inres tine !~fut::tffc::ctcd Of In.jural. poreiou roa y be removed :l.nd dIe imesri ne aga,lo. joined by ellErY illg OUt an all.1.stimosls.

A fliiOtoSOOp'ie or X -rsy exaunnst ion is ()if vsJ\lie in diagnosing i neeseinal 0 b:s,w'u:t]oos,.

il:ot"enill:tl obstip:tt.jons, caused by ineesnnal SUiC'EiLUeS or 0. bs mU:;ltjoIlS. are usuall y fam] unl~ess somethlns COin be done eo ~.rcc uvely remove the coadi ti 0;[1 .

Ahdwtti~kJl AJll~.l'ionJ-Adhc~lons in the abdomina,lca,v~ty ,::i.·rc some ~i mes found. They aee:; flbr!)uS hand.s or parches j Qlmj!]\g' ~a,g~'the:. pordons of thcintt~drl(::s. They m,ay caU$ Wrl.s,'rns in the i~~(;s~i:l1e 0'" ,a.!l~e porth:ms of ir ro .ai:! he [Cm ~hc :iOdoml!JI3,~ \'Io":lJI["

CaQ~- Adhesions aile usuaUyme result of some .kO:r.iJ.c ~QIld idol] i[l which ffbdnollS e:xud;ncs l'll'Ctc secreted illJ~hc ,abdominal ca vi ty, which laler S;I!ve rise tio :Id]u:~iolJ!s ::i.ffcc~ifigtbe .ab[ orgaas.

The adhesions and f~bmus bands j mc:dere wi eh the normal fUl1cL'ioll ing ofm.!! "bdolml i nal organs and .1ffeccme gellll::'raJ heahh lind we]fa:re-

S,.m;ptgr1J.!'- The diagL!o~is of abdQm~ll ~ I. ,ldheslOJMIS b.ased on the history of thelUJecEcJ <I111rmd- Tile owner will of tell menno n ,the (an l hat f~ ch i nch i n a had, ~~~omeruc VlOU5 time.

a sickness Of lnjury from, which i ~ had i mproved bu~ did not :tvp;artlo be qui!:!;: norm ill I aften'l"aoo.s. The ~icknes~ h,;idi caused .be ,a.n.lmal 00 be ,quite dull and! olf f~c:J. for :II, f(:w J3:y~., the animal. dlln ::tflJdi.pcd'tjJ,P5 aifecl:!cd wi til a mi~d form. of d.j.:l,frh~1lJ j the: oondidofi grmd:uOlUy becoming worse.

011. examining chiacbillas ll!ftlred withabdomineladhesicns, dte animals win be found to be verythin aile] light j 11 wdght:. They appear dull. and (he a bdomen is somewhat d i steaded, UsuaH}" there is ill slight. somewhat ehrenie, dia.l'l'heil!_ The fecal Fdk~s ate s"u!o/" small, q ui ee ham. and coated w ~ eh muccas, ill spi re of the dhrrhea,

ElM. MorJr:ml'i:nd'ings- The C!l!r>CaS5 is thlll in condItion, Ad~!C~lOJ!1S of v3]'Iable~x~l;;nr may be t[)llm:lllrf'c(~:ing the abdOIt'lI[i,a] Ci'lFgll!0;S" Sman fibrous ba1'!ld~, 0[" ~[r.mds., are fQLm.IlJd!. bi fidh~go:r adfu~fi[l.g various ponioDs of the body otrga!ls to one ,another. Aponlru:J. ofthecaecem .m.ay be: found "dh' rhe pariC:~3J surface of the s romach. POEt:lOfiS oft:he: intestine may be a4bclred to the Ii ver, surface of the stomach or Itbd.omin:l~l walt Poreions of tile til reseinal 'LlOUS may be adhered OEie eo the other by small, fine, snx;mg flbroll~ bacnds_ Strong £bro'lls beads may be f()u~d =CI rdi~g and ~~\ia;n£1JI.iaJtillgthe :in~esd~e.

hnuntestinai obserueeioa is USI:l:lH y fOlJl[ld to have (,lU]se:C1 deaeh d!l!1oe toa complete or almos t complete scenes is in the lining of the intest~ne,

TmatmeI1J'-if it is ~uspected that abd.omlllii.ill adhesieas ere :iIIff~n~ng the eh i [IchUUa • an C"lq>Jonuory iap~j'momy i s indieaeed, If the ardm.d i~ in a: reasonably good. eendaien 1 e w ill usually wi !lJ.stand.~he operattoo qui re well, If adhesions or fl:brolJ!s bands arc fo und they should be carefully broken down ,SOW[U the d'ciLtcd org;m:s can :reassumetnci!: normal pas] clon And iWl(:dcm.

If ;JI!dhesio.ns are fOUEi.d C31l11irn_g ,a ~r.enosis of dlJ( intcsti.D~, and they CII;W[lOC he ~ll!CCC;ssJ1IlUy I'\CrnoVe:dJ or ~:U:(lkcn down, the: aiEfeclieU portion of the inrestine s hou]d berernoved > akmg with the masc:nu-"uy supporting ir. The endsof the ]nte~dnc {(elm wllien ehe pertion has bt('fi n;m().vcd should be brought to.~~~her and :m !U'I aseimosis perfol[lned! .


Ofttimes adh.esions arc 50 extensive that s!!lrgicaJ intervention tS ncradvisable, er is or III 0 avail. Therefore ycry Iittle caD be done forthose chinchillas so a.ffec ted.

Diarrhea-Diarrhea is. arerm used. to d.esignatc the freqJuent'ge of mOJrc or less fluid feces. Thecorrdition may Yii!:ry grearly fBPm a. slight increase inthe dail yevscsa tions II) repea ~cd evacua dons of Luge quantities of liquid feces. DiMrhea; is often associated with a aumbcr of disease coedieions. Diarrhea is a. sympoo.l1l. not <I. disease.

Cal".!JfS- Tbc essential condieion in d.i:M'l' hea is an. aboorll!! increase oJ fluid in me: feces. Thecauses, therefore, wil] be found. to be those which. occasion a rapid evacuscicn of the mCl;sdna 1 cement, or a. reduceion in the a bsorpriou from the oowdsj or an o .... er-supply of fluid in the bowels, either from the ingestion of large quam:itics of water or a([j, over-abundant secretion from dlJcrn:ucol]smcmihran.C--tDlcr.e are a nu:mbc-E of causes for diarih(:3.. Olle:j;a fcw~ or sever-al chinchillas ona ranch may be affcctcd;3.~ one time, milch depending upon ehecause of the: conditfon.

Diarrhea ma y be caused from dri IlIking large quantities of water, or the drinking of old. stale or d]li~Y water. Ware:r thsc contains a~ga.e will cause diaerhea. Coarse, fibrous conrajn roo much cellulose such as cabbage, kale and lettuce, wil] sometimes produce diaer mea, because o.f their itri udng action on the mucous IDem brane or lining oE the intestines.

Diarrhea may cause a grad loss of weight. However j the chitl:cltUbs may remain active and have good appetiees, The droppings. become soft when 011 coarse feedsvsnd when me: mnfma~s are talre.n. off ehe coarse feed the di arrhea subsides,

Some types of feed. such as 1'<1 blll!ID,some of the bUD IlIIX rures and other refined or can ccn rrared {eros, when fed In brg~ quan· cities, or when mey a;r;c otvcd y feell ml1ly lifidergo feemenrari ve changes iuehe intestinal ~r-,1)CC. or, from their decompesirloe, toxk- su bsesncesare produced wbich ind~e diarrhea,

Coarse: feeds. excessive a:mOU!}nS of f'ecds, especial! y fj;e~h green feeds may set 111 p a di arehea a.~ a .r~sI1It of- deraFLgeme[lt of the uoma-ch digestion and ~pC,Q.nd!ary bacte.rial fe.r.m.cnt:lltloo.

l I il

r I


.1 t

The fceding of ha:r, grain mixes or pellees that ,u:e stale and mould y will also cause diarrhea ..

PlU'gatl ves, when administered in large doses w m. produce diarrhea by acting On the muscles of the boweland the nervous mechanism, stimulating peristalsis and causing the content to. paSll qUldd}" through the bowel Wore absoepeiou can take place , Foods ehae have become decomposed from bacrerial actien will greael yi ncrcase tbc amount of fluids in the bowel by exciting secretion from the glands in the mucosa. Shock, fright and exci tement rna y be causes _"he-a may resul t from diseases 'of other orga,ns. In disease conditions of the stomach, undig,e~tcd food. rna y pass inl:o the intestfnes, resulting ill. an irrira tion which rna y ind ucc a diarrhea. Various lutes rinal infccdo[ls are associated with ._., more or less inrease diarrhea. Infections such as lnetritis; not assccia .t ed with the intestinal tract, maybe the cause: of diarrhea resukiag (l"Om the diminat.iOI] of roxie substances from the mucous membrane: or lining of the intestine. The normal contents of the bowel contain numerous varieties of oJrgllrnisms, 'which, under abnormal conditions, flla.y multiply sufficienely, 01" increase in virulence or disease proJuciog q.t1alities as eo become pathogenic and thus cause diarrhea.

S:.1mptoms- The clinieal symprorns of diatrhca will depend Ia,rgd,. l.!iI.pO'IJJ. the pare .of the intestine a.ffectt:d~ and the nature of the came of the diarr hea, When due: to faulty feed log. or errors ill feeding, and the u ppcr pan of the intestine is involved, diarrhea DHL}r occur even if the posrerior portion of rheintestiaal trace remains norma l. In cases where both the s rna]! and th·e Iarge bowels are aff'ected., the d.isch~g,e will be moee wa.~ty and ~1l1i. gliea ter q uanti ries. The f\i:"Ccs or d ischarges will be thin and watery and! often of .3. ydlowish to brown colour. Whell the large bowel. 0'1" the ]owcr part of che Intestine: is affected, there are frequeac arremprs to defecate) and usnaUy 001,. a small aJDOI!lD~ of f«csalld blnodmi.xedl with quail ti ties Qif mucol.!il.S wiU he passed,

Chinchillas severely affected with diarrhea become dull, listless and somewhae sleepy ill appeanil1Ce. and may evince,. which at times becomes severe. The affected animals are

relll!l;:~::Ulit to move, and sell: bum:;hd upi!'l ~he~r cages. Their ears. f~t a,rnd u.iI beecsne cold. Extreme wo:ako::ss .m.ay ap~;u' and the affected als rna y lie on eheirsides, There mily be frequeot auempts eo dcfbCa te; their hind q!J.:;!rtrtS .m.ay b:oome soi ledand often stained Wf ehblood. At rus~th'c' tell1p=r:litllin; may be dC:lf,1.tedi to IOLO to [02"0 degrees fahrmbetl:. bter be,oroi!!JJg subnormal.

The severity of the symptoms >llllJd the course of the dI.i$ell~e dlc-pend!s,ve-ry much upon ehe causes responsible fer p.wducing the dh.nhea" The his wry of ehecase is of great assiseanee .in C"SU,bUllbd ng t1:1 e Cause responsible fo:rme d i,;;!f .. hea, A. thorough ex am~natio.ITIJ. of the animal and!fcC(;'S ~nouTd bemade, ill: order to Jisting!J.lsh diill.nhea from specific cHSe5:!lCll of tb,;sdm;s.

If~he d iaE'£hea!sll llowed to continue, the ~rrh:a:tion may be severe C"[!ol!!gn to cause prolapse of the rec mm..

(:;on~tl pa rion frt>quc:nd y fol lows dI iarrhea and impacdQQ~ m::l y result.

Twaf.rMI1·r----Carerul consideration should be given .aLb(; food and waeer charare being fed ro the animals, AnYlliecessary cceeectieas in rhe (,«ding of the ani mals :should. be made. If the oofl'ccdo[l ofthe dfc:~ docs act c;hccktbcdi acnhuj.m.edrcillaJ ttCatmclU ma y beachnillistered.

The .folJowing trea~m::mt has been recemmeaded and fount!.

Sllltlsfa:.cwJ'Y for diarrheal CQodi tions, MaS~C[lgHr s Mixl:ur,e Par-cgO!rk

G trasulfas (Upjohn "s)aa.,.

Giverwiee da.i]y £Or three da flO. If the diard'llca condIT!il.e~~ the treum.ent may berepeated in twO da,.~.

KaCl'p¢ctate uti Crem.athalladine (Sh;l!:fP and Dobm) arc r«om.mcfidc:d for treadng diaee heal con::l.i tioasIn 'hindI] Uas.

SuJfathaHdtn.c,suUaguanld! ine and ;~I.dfal'nethazine powder m.ay be d:u:'fonghtly mixed. \'1·jdl whc-.a. germ m:eal ani ,giveg.

Bad uO!.C:iu, given (){raHy. has been FOlB.[JJdi e!lfec tive :i 0 IC.D!l~mng' d~alrThe;al "o~.di~kms.. lliL does anta ppc~j! m be rox'k w1lk!:! g~velli in apF'~opl'bte asthere is nOlMaslU:ihlc: absorpeiou of tbe



~ I



drug f.£Qtn the inresnnal tract. BadtracilI is recommended for adminisrering to ch inchillas :tifft-ned wi eh diarrhea. {rom unknown causes, from over feeding" from sudden chaogcs of foodi, or other feedl disturbances,

Terramycin, streptomycin and neomycin have: been found dfectivc in comb;L~ing diarrheal conditions especially when bacterial infections are associa ted with the condition. If treatmcnr wi thrhese preparations is continued for too ]onga rime, bacteria tha t are beneficial and necessary co the digestion of (cedis in the chinchilla's digestive tract may be destroyed along with the pilthogenic or disease-producing bacteria and; as a resulr, coasti pa don sad j mpac [lODS IlU Y follow.

The dJ;3ttIlC~lOJ:] of 'the normal bacterlal flora\ le:l.dstoa dlg:esdv'C: stasis and complete loss of appetite, with. grayish stools and resulting death, unless re-inoculaeion is practised.

To re-Inoculate the: intestinal trace and restore the normal bacterial flora, a few fresh d rappings rna y be taken from me recrum of a normal clunchilla and macerated in saline solution. This solucion may then be administered by glvi[lgtvvo d.oses da.ny for three or fOIl!." days.

To prevent dchydrarion in Severe Cases of,ea .. normal saline sohnionshould be administered S.ubCt1taneous]y or Intraperieoneally.

Epidunic Enmi:#.---{)f the various disease conditions that affect chinchillas, enteritis seems to be the one that breeders mostly fear. When d.iscllssIlJIg various disease: problems with them i'~ seems that enreeiris is foremost; in their minds. It appoeArs to be a vcry serious disease problem and causes a large num ber of deatbs among these animals ..

'Entctitb is an inflamnratory condition of the intestines.

It is a rather loose and indefinite term and does OO~ refcl: to any s:pocifi,c disease. The 'term enteritis is often used to' io,dkat,e a symptom Of' condirionassociaeed with m.any diseases alibct:ing the Inteatins] tract and producing an imflamrnarcry c(JIl!lCHtlon of 'that organ ..

Ahbo,ugh enteritis may OLear rut any time of ehe yeiU,.the


lilttel' pArt of Jul yand ~he mOf'lth of Augns~ seems rIO be the .period dW']fig' which cJJJer:ic conditions- arc more of tell fouoJ II] 011 rario.

At this time of the year, Of' a J iule later, c.crl:a; i f:ltypcs ·of bacreri a rna y be fouod CalJ$lng enteric cendi [10m, Inthese cases. an acure inrescina] inflammaticn may be asscciaeed with the co~ditio:!]+

A constal'l[ irritation ito the 10 testin that ms y he caused. by metal poiSOlling~ and C():I:rs.e feeds is also a Cause of enrerrns.

From time 1:0' time, an entcrlris h as been associ iltcd w] til othe;r disease conditions. It musr beremembered that all enreritis IS Ul~ua]l y One oftbe sympromseha 'I: is maDi k~ ted in some diseases Or eondieioesrh at .may affect these anim als • but is Dot ;1. di scsse in ltsdf. However, ehe p~ncc of ~nteritis I whether in association w.l~h. ,:I, disease orflO,[. Ilsl!!I.aHy ioJ iClItes that there is so.f.I'l.t'thin:g that may be ser]()UslY!;!,Twng with the a[lirnaJ.and no time should be: lost giving icproper rreatmcnr.

~JtBPtQJJtJ-A1ife>Cted chinchillas develop a severe diarrhea, in \iloTh.lCh bloed-seained feces: may be presen e. The aoimdslJic:gkct d:l.e~r food, wtH appear duU and I is rlcss and. wi n soon die from. the elfecrs o.f the condition. Th ~r:;c .is inten se pa un wh~d1 is illdies !tdl by the dragging of their a bdomens on the: bottom of the cage. ,:au:l as ]f ill! psin. ]if ehey Iive fora few clap, ~hdr bodies become dehydraeedsnd ehia, and thj rs c is often ill cvidenee. The' fur wi]! soon lose its lustres fl d die an i mal win a'!lSum.e a.rseher hagg3.l"d appca:r;lf!ICC _mood is passed w i rh the fecal droppings; ehe bowel becomes gangn::nolls. Tbetempera ture becomes ' ileva~:ed- The intestines become paralyzed and the~r m!liJCOsa or Iiu l!Jig e-rodcdL Tbc f":' of the irnestines ceases. The situation may take six to eight weeks to develop.

A shoet rime after the ro.lfldiclOll appear!> ill one chinchill a, several QEhco; O'f!l the ranch develop i dcnrical ~<}"mplloro.s, indicadIlg that .:he co.nJidon is cOllta.giou~,

POJI MOf1:m FiIiJilJg,s-A post mortem examjaation shows .:i 8c;""C:llClnllJ.ilm:m.a~o:ry woo. idon arme i[l reseinal tract as being dIe .mosts~glJiificant observable fearaee. The intestinal walls alppearmetdlied or dis:n:.nded. Thein ~:cstill a I CO[liLC;!i t is bubbly

ilncl ,1Fl~COUS, of[l. soft er wati;r}' (Qn~.isr.~I.'I'y i!!.nd rna y bep;!,]e yellow or gmy ~n colour, DU[ mase often ie is or .<l red ofl)eddlish~h.lack coloarvbecause of du: ~C:illQrrhagi.og ~hOl~ has taken p~ac!:: ([[-om the ~Bcesdfiai wa,U ~.n.w' the lumen of the gIll!:. Parts of .he ,i nresrine may show evidence 0.[ adhering o~ ro aneeher, G~n~ gll"eoolJJs per] reni cis lin d aute-i !'I~oxk:JI don has of~1l1 devdoped!.

Tretilt11l1t1lt--Ctln: must be tlhk1:.n. w prevent this dlSC<I.f;CC cendidQl'l from spreading. The ca.g:es. llf::st-bOxes,sllnd bath, dishes. and [hie feeJs that OI.r"C being Eed. should be kept fmm. becQrn&!i!g COEl.[IIJ'1li[l3tied W!I:Th1 the feces from infected chinc:hmas. l"h.i.s is d iffieul e eo do, but lin a Ht'lnptsho~l.j be m ad!\\'; to koc:p dICSc: tl!!l~liI.g5 as dean as pos!libll::.

At the t'ilr'M ]nd i cari On or the J i sease ,the 5i ck ;I[1U mah sh(lltldl imme.diate1y be p~3!C'cdillipens byrhemselves. If;at aU po$5~bk, i~ wouJd. be w:is~liO nil. ve someone who does not C(lm(; in COntaCt with the una(fe;clltd chiaehi 11 iSW :feed. andcare for those: chac areill and! in ~s.olatiolli, lfl order to pttvcnttbe cllil'Iyi1!iLg of the disease ~I both d'lle u01n{«ted ;Io(l. ~rnfcctc:d ao]rnah. muse be Glrcd £0.[ by one person, ~:!IDa~ person should :always 'Ciliiie :first for {Ilt·~ ui!il~i!ii.fec:~edcb inchiU::l.ll, m lessearhe .tiAlliger of carryilllg' duo iMt'CtlOB. Isobldoml :J.ndsilll!l catiolJia.e' key words in the control of the ~nfe4:;d(m.

The pe[lS in which the infeeted chinchiUas are kiept . .may be ~ptayed witha~l]itablc: dislnfectll[~t., such as Deeeol or Receal, usililiga, tm pe:r cent solueiea. The q!.l a rtc:'I'S should als a 'be spraycd, wi"b. 0-0"1'", or so;mc ather SU1tlllMe spraY,!io keep down the mes as milch I],S po~!O~h~e. Flies may be carr~e:rs of the orgaDiisms c:a.lllsiog ehe dis~a:sc:.

For this type of ll1~ectio!Jj 10 which enreri tis is 3. major symp"" m.n:l"the t:Ka~me[! t u~w dtpends much 0111 the se ... eri ty and nature off the inflectton. One of thc:m~:'lt siids.f:amory trelml.en.s is ehe on,![l of Tenall!!Ycln OnCe 01" twice dlli.Uy,

Su.Jfa.!iuoddi:u:e" s!i1lf~met bazine a~d! suJbtripd~i !lIC. ~.!lI <I1ppto·' priate dose.s.~rtSOime,!:j me'S ~ed for,"omhadog ,c!li~ef1id~. SCl\!;;P~omydo penicillin have at times been of someva~1Ile' iO.rf:C!ll~f.l.genn;ri ds.

Gd\IP!':O-EnUnlijT--G:J,si-ro.ell~rltis is :UI inflamm:u:ol:Y eoa-

d.idoo. of the stomach and Imesnnes, It Is iUI acute C'Q~etic :acnd sepl:~cc:mk disease C3UiSiUilg SU.dd!M. ,death~ wid~ O,1i'J ~ Y few .syllIlp~(;Im:s, D:U,nllestc:J. and a hjgb mon:alliY if not trt:ated. I't can. he in:(IOCtlOIliS or nOIl~inliectiOUs, acaee or chronic.

C.::l'IISi'.f-l "i!a,ctt'.r.laJ liilfe:mio.ns

Bacterial infection in w hi ch haCl! organ isms such as the Salmomc:U :;L,rypl1imIllCIlJ!m, and PieudoMQtJJas aen,gino!Sa are foood. is :!I. CauSe of lofectlo'l!lS gast[\O~rnLtcr~tis. SO!lmond,la '~y. pl1imucJum 15 ofrm dlcscrib::d. as bdng pa,t'hogcrlic for roden ts, C'spc:cia;l1y mice P~gsl iilll1d ,ahofor ~l!n~;;p'> P]g:Sj m,,,w., and some species of birds" In gl!l.illca pigs ,~nd mlU rh is bacterial o.rganism. causes all acll(Je septicemia and toxemla, which is charactc:riz:e<l by very small, whl~e necrotic areasor {loci formtn.@: on the liveraed spleen, alJld damage co the bone marrow. whidl ,ails!:!!,,, (ha:rac~\'::ri ~~kl,o'vtringin tbe l!J.umbe:!: of wh i~e od I s in the blood! efthese afF~mc:d! a,[Iima]s.

P's(udomo[la~ aCfug;(!OSa is ~ bactcrLa] 0[·g1l.11 i sm th.1I.t is very ( inn;;ltu["c,livillg £,rc]]~.r1l.Uy as a s:i!pmflhy·t(: snd mll~y QCCasjO!l,aHy as ;lI, pa:r.asitc. It ius kc'.nl isolated (rom rna,llI)" bodies of W3:[;tT. panic ubrJ y where polh:nion from anim a l p:mducts has occ urred, It hasbeen (oUlld in necrotic eneeri tis of swine, tral.M111.11tlC pericardi cis, of cattle" llnd lI, lo.rm ofseours in calves, ]]lwhich it appoears jill almoscpure culrure ill the \["atery Si)OOiS.

2, Iafeeeious g:asrro-eru:c:ritis can 'be of Prceozosn origin, Giardia is ,a prom.w3fi parasieic orga[lis,.rn, which ,u: times has been cla tmed to cause ,;1>"ell tertI: us. 1'hey wi U be d i~cussed more fuU)" under parasitic diseases.

3· Foods which coDtaill excessive amounts of ~glLlffi(. l!ol1gh fibre , mouldy food" exCC'SSi vesmnu [I~S of fOGd and foods ((m rai niug chemica I irrltJUl'tS ,. predis poses to gas mi tI;S arid. c~teri t~ s. The dow passage of ehe food! oringcsl;a through the g,utro-ill~estind canal, ADd. thetcmpOl"ary stasis (If the ]:I!!lgcsra ~n the J a:ige c;!ccum" aUows !il!L!ll ciem rime for theca usniw: organ~sJ:1ll.S liO .invade ~~e mucosa or lining oftbe gastre-imestiaal tract, af[e~ such itritams dc-sc:dbed above have injured the epithelium.

Defieieucies of vi ram j [IS A ilntl 11, which i i1J pan are ;espousl Me Cor ~he h~alth of [hie mucous membranes liniUlJg the gastw'-i[lfcnu~





nal caual and other pam of the body ~ win also predispose [;0 secondary bacrerial iofectious.

4, Schofield and Scolhrd (1)" discussed a'tt], ouebreak of acute gas~o"ell £'CEhis, In which, in tbdr opinion. thecause pointed eo a f:ee.ding deficiency, probsblyrhar ofascorbic acid, rather dD.WJ. being dueto any specific baceeri a1 or ganisms. They also suggested. ehat it was highly probable that a Jack of geecn feeds over a long period of time may have had sorn,cthing to do with ~hr;l com:lihion of the gastfo-inlic~tL[!I,al tract> pr{i:dispos,log i~ to the g:a,stm-in testina] condinlotr.

[Ill: our work at the Ontario Ve teri nary College, we ha ve been of:Jl similae op.~nicm> relative to nu¢:ritionbdng a major factor :un some ga:stW-i:nterk conditions we have encounrered f:ltb.::'[ than an infective or bacterial agency.,

5, Unsanitary condi tions can, and on-en do, lead! to gas (:['10- eneertns _ TI1C w:atering and fp;:-.dtog utensi ls, and the cages, 11l{:'S[-OOli:~~ and other equjpmentIn U;E~ on theral[lch should be kept dean. The watering and feeding u~en;sJh should be used by [be samechiuch ~ lla 1i;[ all times, Before aaotherchinchidla is allowe d. to usc them they should be properly washed and dlsh:!feceed, The Cll\ge:5, nest-boxes and quarters i.!J: which the: cbinchillas are kept shuuldbe thowughly dc-and and frcquc:t!i.tly d.!.S]Fl:fc:W::d. to keep down disease lind in:fecti on,

Th.c feed should be kept in a place tha t is mouse: and lalt rmof>bi:cau~ these animals arc carrkt-s, of djsease and wiU CO!I]ta,minarl:,e the food.

6. Rea t snd cold are factors to be considered. as ~ cause of gastro~]n~eSt~nM condi clans. The quarv:rs should be kept at a ~emper.:nure 01 fony to forty-live degrees Fahrenheit- Many breeders keep their animals in a cem:pemcure that is much roo warm. ]ij chetempersture is low, the chinehillas are healthier :J!.nd:~hc:y wi U h a vebettee fUl·. They are hard ier and rnoee resistant to d isease, The quarters s.h.ol.dd be consreucted so that the rancher ,:1;1:1 regulsee the humid i.ty and sheuld "ho be f1'.ce from d r1l(~,gDm. The type of quarters that arc usedvaries cons idcr.;lb]y ,bl.].t there arecerrai n zeq u]r.::mcntr; that arc necessary if the hrecdie'.[ hopes, to make a success.



Sfrmptom-s-lome most acute Form of the disease no symp"'Qm.s m_ay be evidenced, Th~ ch im:hmas m.a y be active and [Io(rm.aH y and ][1 twel ve to sixteen hours afterward~ several g,[ them.rn.ay be fouod. dead in their nest-boxes.

~!1! the ]CSS :li.Cl1fC Cl'ISCS. there is a bde of app;:; tire and a. dj ~Fr.he;1i m.ay develop twcluy~fou:rto ferry-eight houes before eheir death. There is .1t d.lsUI:lJCt rise ill the r.empcFa~ufe> whh a subseq 11J;!) e f\l]~. ad it rna y besu bnormaltell.mioally .

OCCaSlQlla]l y sn acufe C:lSC: mal.)' become chron:tc,in whrch there: is iii eesserlen of diiaLEr hea, and impactUQn of the colon may occur. In these cases small pus rules win be found (IOJ the coloa, The cbillichmas so affeceed w.m show sympwms commcnly [ouod to cheon ic diseases of an c.n eerie nature.

P,06t M.omm: Fi~ding!-Thc:: mUG()I1S membrane is m;uaUy affcctl:d.mrotlghom Its entire length, although some portiens IDa y be more serio Ii.lSly dect:ed d'l:l[lJ others. A g.c: aerali zed infh,mmatocy .eood!iI:LOIll, with. hemorrhage a;flId. necrosis are the mose obviotlSk:sio:mts. The imcstine usually conta:~ns al great deal of gas. The COntent of d:lC: bowel is rh i 11 and!. watery and a foedd odour is also[lo,do~d"

illIl!tIilll;fiuscc:pdonof the colon .;11:1>11 p!;o]apse of the tt'Ct!llm are eh "!faa~istic fif.ltHll!gs. This result,'; in stnngulad.QD and moist gaifi.grcoe o:f these or gll[ls.

The ]het is found. enla"rgcd. and. con tains necrotic tissue, l'bespk:eo is enlarged, some dmesas much as fiv.e er sh:

I;im,c:s irs normal size, Necroric foci are foad ]]']J it.

liquid: rna y btfouIil·d inthe aMomi~al andmoracic cavities. T.he blood ma y he darker .and will not clet as readily as th.e blood] chinchillss, whtcn. is sy.mptom:adc olom ~Ute septicemic disease.

P"~l;Itil!'tl~[n cases of oacted al iJllf'Ccu.olls, .causclng ~h.e gastrO-,:;ol.crids. cultures uf the organisms, killed by beat or chem.icab ,. maY!::lJJhallJct resistance of health y animals if an eaebreak ]s Imm:im::nt. Awate:l:' supply thst is treated in some maD.ncr to prttlude pollution, and t:h~ PfQ[cmioll of the feed $Upp]y fl'om mice and other roden rs ~ would be a sensibleprecsa don. C]cao iee(i]ng uceesi Is ,. clean c;!l.ges and nest.- boxes and ibeptollilpt

: I

rcrnOVill of feces aad ot-het: exerernenr, :Ina unused food Me ,a I so indica. ted! .

D.Isc:a.$cd ehineh W as should be l$oAa~d imm.ediatdy when sickness .i s observed, The hand Hng aad fttding of ~nc :!l~,k and! wellanima ls must be such that, ill t1!["jng {orand haod.Ung ehem, the djsease: w:i n n (It be 'I::r,;iIlS,1D i~tcd (Jef carried from the diseased. to I:~e well :mlrn:uds on. rhe hal]ds amI. do~ning . Dead! chificbmas must be disposed of in a manner that will nm l copard.b:c:; the nC:J!.hfu of the remainder of the herd.

T're~t'm~#t-.An all togenous bacterin ,rrt:]nreJ from cultures obeaiaed frotm dieadchiochiUas in an epizaoric, m.aybe useful A oo:nsdpati:oa m:a y becxperieneed aftcr ehe injectiog of bscrerins, partjcularly foHowillig the first .lllj ~ctio:rt. The second and ~hird 11] rections of the bac~c:rh::! cause raildee eescricns.

Three t['ljecdons of dIe;: bacterin. 11\[ seven to ten Clays imenr.aJ, l.s[oOooml'llt.ndeil."

Strcpmmydt.l, terramycin, one or II, combiuaeion of sulfonam~dts m.ight pwv.e benefici al ~fi some eurbeeeks of gaseroeO'teritlS"

V(Jlu:tl.ltM or Twislini,QJ 1m :&~'&'l-VolV'u]~s .is a tWISting OF knottiog of tne bowel Yllsin.B an ]:liil:~-Still al oi:JstmujOI]J. Part) al t';\,lSt;S. of ~hc bowel ehae arc believed to have ultim.ately (;au~ed the .deaJth of the ~ff«ted .ebit.i!{biUa .• are someeimes found in post mortem cxarn.inadO[lS of these animals.

C""I'IJ1tlI-l'WjSt~Dg or the bowd may OCCur fo]Jowrng faJh or "oughha~dJing duri[1g fight:>. orfollowing madng, wellell excitemer:l~ has ~.!lI intense. or when giving birth to ehe young and thc:re ha:5:i:«:.!lI censiderable pain and rroJHng Q·r handJJng of the ~imaj. Twi~ rs of the Inteseiae m.a¥>c also been suspected of havi]1.g o(ic!Ilr.·edi .ror.lowing dIe :wUing and pia yj og in the d use bath. or Fo]lowingao anaek of acute iod ig.;:s~i 0(1 or brQ'!~'

The S UUCl:u:re ofrhe in~esti1'ilcs and rhe large caecum is such as to mak.etbem.plOIlC ~Q volvul uS Clir rwis r, T wists of the bo"vd :tT'e frcq~ndy found in the duodenum j usc pa.~t ~he s,wmach ,. or jlllSt allr.erior~o Qr fHJ1l te'lloir to the caecu:m.

Volvulus or tW'iSfS have been obllcl"'II'ed. ]]'1 youn.g chiachlll a~

~hilt were stiU lJJursing. -


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