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Anjana Bindlish

Goal Setting involves establishing specific, measurable and
time-targeted objectives.
Goals must be “SMART”
 S- Specific :- Well defined target – Needs to help provide
direction, purpose..
 M- Measurable:- If you can not measure it, you can not
achieve it. Measure in absolute terms (Kg, hrs, nos. …..)
 A- Actionable :- Goal should be actionable – Develop a
 R- Realistic:- need to be challenging & stretching but not
unrealistic that they are unachievable – Also relevant.
 T- Time bound :- Starting date and finishing date should be
fixed by you.

Achieving More With Focus

 Goal setting techniques are used by top-level

athletes, successful business-people and achievers
in all fields. 

It's important to strike an

appropriate balance between a
challenging goal and a realistic
Set your goals

 First set your lifetime goal

 Then set your 5 year goal
 Then 1year goal
 Then 6 months goal
 Then 1 month
 And further into smaller goals
Areas of your life to set goals

Education Financial


Attitude Pleasure Public Service

Achieving Goals..
 When you have achieved a goal, take the time to enjoy the satisfaction of
having done so.

 Absorb the implications of the goal achievement, and observe the progress you
have made towards other goals
Achieving Goals..

 If the goal was a significant one, reward

yourself appropriately. 
 All of this helps you build the self-confidence

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