Swirl Painting Enclosures

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Here's my "victim" ! It houses the prototype Cream Pie germanium booster.

Its sound is
amazing, but it's looks were "ordinary", so I thought I should give it a "facelift" !

I sanded down the enclosure using 200 grit sandpaper until it was uniformly shiny. It's also a
good idea to use naptha to clean any residue or dirt off the enclosure, and to help insure that
the paint adheres to it better.

Here are the tools you'll need.... cardboard...toothpicks...scotch tape....water...acrylic

paint....artists paint storage containers with lids....clear acrylic spray paint.

First I lay out two lines of toothpicks and tape them to the cardboard. This will support the
enclosure and help keep it from sticking to the cardboard when painted.

Next I set the clean, shiny enclosure and lid on the toothpicks.

OK,I take the colors of paint that I have chosen and fill the storage containers half full with
paint. Next I add some water until the containers are about 3/4 full. I put the lid back on and
shake vigorously to mix the paint and water.

I usually work "dark to light", pouring the black on first in this case. I just drip some on in
various places till I'm satisfied with it.

Next I drip some of the blue paint on it. It's perfectly fine if the drips run into/over one another.

Lastly I pour the white on. You can see he colors starting to blend, but there is still nice
separation .

Now I grab a toothpick and, using the point, lightly start to swirl the paint around.

You can see how the colors are swirling together. It's really starting to look great !

Swirling takes practice...do a little at a time till you like the result !

I try to "push" some of the paint over the sides of the enclosure. I use lots of paint, so there's
plenty there to get a nice "dripping" effect on the sides !

Once I get a nice amount of color on the sides, I'll take a tootpick and start mixing the paint
here as well. I want to cover the entire enclosure, so I need to be sure I mix the colors well.

Sweet ! They're looking great so far !

In order to help mix the sides and get a nicer effect, I tilt the eclosure while the paint is still wet.

To tilt the enclosue I'll put a toothpick underneath it and lift gently until paint is running off the
top and onto the side. I do this in all four directions. This takes practice, and its better to have

too little dripping than too much. I make sure I wa

Here's what the enclosure is going to look like !

Wow...really cool !

I've repeated the same process on the bottom and it looks great too !

Now I dry the paint under a spotlight. I use a 75 - 100 watt bulb about 8 inches above the
enclosure. After the paint has dried, I let the enclosure "cool off" for a while...then I apply

several coats of the clear acrylic spray !

You may have noticed that the swirl looks "different" than the previous pictures....well, my pet
iguana decided it would be nice and knock the enclosure onto the floor while it was drying ! No
problem...acrylic paint, when wet, cleans off easily


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