Crypt Orchid Ism

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B. Medical management
1. If testes remain in abdomen, damage to
the testes (sterility0 is possible because
of increased body temperature.
2. If not descended by age 8 or 9, chorionic
gonadotropin can be given.
3. Orchipexy: surgical procedure to retrieve
and secure testes placement; performed
between ages 1-3 years.
C. Assessment findings: unable to palpate
testes in scrotal sac (when palpating testes
be careful not to elicit CREMASTERIC
REFLEX, which pulls testes higher in the
pelvic cavity).
D. Nursing interventions
1. Advise parents of absence of testes
and provide information about treatment
2. Support parents if surgery is to be
3. Post-op, avoid disturbing the tension
mechanism ( will be place for about 1 week).
4. Avoid contamination of incision.

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