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Ed Koch Endorses Craig Johnson For State Senate

Former New York City Mayor Ed Koch gave his personal endorsement to Craig M. Johnson, (D-Nassau),
in his bid for a second full term in the State Senate.

"It is my pleasure to be here today to announce my steadfast support for Senator Craig Johnson,”
Koch said. “Just a few months ago, I traveled to Albany to testify in front of Senator Johnson’s Senate
Committee on Investigations & Government Operations in support of legislation calling for non-partisan
independent redistricting, an issue of the utmost importance in the coming legislative session. I am
pleased to say today, that for the first time in history this sort of legislation has cleared a committee.
This is a testament to Senator Johnson’s leadership and commitment to reform. I know Craig will work
tirelessly to restore the peoples’ faith in Albany, and I urge everyone to join me today in supporting
Senator Craig Johnson for re-election."

Craig Johnson is the chairman of the Senate Investigations & Government Operations Committee.

This legislation would set up a non-partisan independent redistricting commission that wouls be
responsible for drawing legislative and congressional lines. This power is currently held by legislative
leaders and has in the past been used to solidify their power, draw non-competitive districts for favored
colleagues and punish dissidents and minority conference members.

Establishing this commission is a key part of Mayor Koch's New York Uprising Reform Albany platform.

“I am honored to accept the endorsement of Mayor Ed Koch,” Senator Johnson said. “Mayor Koch and I
believe that voters should pick their representatives, not the other way around. Together, I am confident
that we can shutter the smoke filled room where district lines are usually drawn and take a giant leap
toward reforming our state government.”

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