Knowledge Is Power

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Knowledge is power, but is there something called bad knowledge or good knowledge?

which should be
hidden from the world??

No according to me there is nothing called good knowledge or bad knowledge, Knowledge is well…
KNOWLEDGE, At first I thought it depends on the person who is using the knowledge, but it contradicted
my age old belief according to me there is no good person or bad person, As soon as we know someone
we judge him as a good person or a bad person but even the worst person in the world who may have
murdered hundreds together must have a small good part in him…. Just as he deserves punishment for
doing wrong he also must be rewarded for what good he has then it is not a person… So what is it that
we can label as bad...?

Then it came to me it must be “motive”

Each person has motives… he may have it for right reason or wrong reasons...

People may say pornography is wrong… people may say nuclear technology must be controlled…

But pornography if used for right reason can save life’s how?? Well... for “sex education” it is knowledge
if used in right way with right motive it will save millions of lives by preventing STD diseases all over the

Similarly nuclear technology, its still knowledge if it is available at right time with right person with right
motive it may save billions of life… how?

Imagine a asteroid which is about to hit earth…. If we were not having nuclear technology we can
destroy it before it reaches earth... There by saving lives

Knowledge is power… but as the saying goes in spider man “with great power comes greater

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