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Palikurang Bayan:

A creative brief for a

sanitation campaign
The Target Audience
Aling Tinay, a food vendor in her mid-40's, sells isaw
and barbecue right outside her jury-rigged home in
an urban poor community. She spends the whole day
selling her wares, gossiping with her kumares who
regularly drop by, and tend to her 3 year-old son from
time to time. On weekends, she regularly attends
church and the meetings of the local women's

Aling Tinay is much too occupied with reaching the

quota for sold isaw and barbecue, and budgeting for
the needs of the family to think about “luxuries” as
sanitation systems.
The Target Impact
Convince open defecation practitioners
in the metro that proper toilet practices are
imperative in their livelihood.
The Insight
The Urban Poor is heavily influenced by the
sense of community of kindred spirits facing the
same social and economic woes in every life-
impacting decision. Integral to the formulation of
their opinion is their collective drive to survive.
The Proposition
Palikurang Bayan: the promotion of
sanitation as the community's basic right, and
therefore responsibility. The campaign seeks to
mobilize the community itself in advocating for,
implementing and operating a public toilet system.
The Brand Character
Palikurang Bayan: Sigurado ang Kalusugan
sa Mamamayang Nagdadamayan!
The Credible Quality
Palikurang Bayan bases on the experiences
of community-based health organizations in
having successful participatory campaigns such as
actions for cheaper medicines, promotion of
herbal medicine, etc.

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