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solving derivatives step-by-step


Step-by-Step Derivatives
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Use the right input format to get good

Wrong Right
Use square brackets [] for functions. sin(x), sqrt x, lnx, sqrt[ln x] sin[x], sqrt[x], ln[x], sqrt[ln[x]]
[x+1]^3, e^[x+1], (x+1)^3, e^(x+1),
Use parentheses () for grouping.
x^2/[1+x^3] x^2/(1+x^3)
Use spaces or * for multiplication. xe^-x, xsin[pix], bx^2 x e^-x, x sin[pi x], b x^2

For implicit derivatives, use y[x] for a function of x.

For example, input x^2 + y[x]^2. (If you only enter x^2 + y^2,
y will be treated as a constant with derivative zero.)

To make y a function of x, use y[x].

But don't differentiate y[x] with respect to y.

On this site log[x] is the same as ln[x].

You can enter the logarithm of x to the base 10 as log[10, x],
but it will be converted to a natural logarithm immediately.

Take the derivative of:

with respect to:

and again with respect to:

1 -> 3 04.01.2010 02:14

solving derivatives step-by-step

2 -> 3 04.01.2010 02:14

solving derivatives step-by-step

3 -> 3 04.01.2010 02:14

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