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‘’Panducky & Heart’’

BY: Esmeralda
Matamoros& Yesenia
Cervantes& Carolina

Our 3 objects represent dif-

ferent things. There
panda,duck,and a heart. All
objects are very different but at
the same time its the same symbolic object. Were going to explain to you how at the end
we can combine all the objects at have a happy marriage.
Yesinia's symbolic object: Her symbolic object was a beanie baby 2.0 panda bear.
She chose this object because she thought it would be a great idea to have her beanie
baby to represent her. It represents her because; she’s a loving and caring person, it's
color is her favorite color, and the way it cares for it’s cubs is the way she cares for her
friends and family, also for the way it’s very over protective when it comes to their cubs
just like how she’s very over protective when it comes to her friends when she guides
them threw right and wrong, it also shows that she’s a softy when it comes to many dif-
ferent things which can relate to her personality.....,and last but not least because it’s her
favorite animal so that is why she decided to chose her beanie baby panda as her sym-
bolic object.
Esmeralda’s object was a ducky because a ducky is a soft caring animal. She is
too. she gives a lot of love to people when they need it. A ducky is the color yellow
which is a bright color like her personality. Duckiest tend to get very timid around people
just like Esmeralda. she has always had a special connecting with a ducky because she
tend to bond with them a lot. also a mother duck is always with her kids, she tend to be
always with my family so she can relate to that in many ways. She has always liked
ducks so she choose it to be my symbolic object.
Carolina’s symbolic object: Her heart because her heart is red and it’s her favorite
color .She is a very loving and caring person. When people needs love she will give
them love because her symbolic is a heart red. She choose a heart because when you
are in love the first thing that you do is draw hearts all over and it show’s how much she
loves her family. And that is why she choose her red heart to show her love for everyone
After it all the panda the heart and ducky got a happy marriage because they both
shared to the heart. Usually a ducky and panda don’t get along but once they shared to
heart the real love between them went threw.

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