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by Kamaren Stamps, Anthony Ortega, & Andrew Talton lll

Kamaren, Anthony, and Andrew have chosen different symbols that

represents each other. Kamaren has chosen money because she likes money
and gets paid every other week . Anthony has chosen light because he can find
his way out of dark problems. Andrew has chosen P.S.P because he likes video
Anthony has chosen light because he can find
his way in dark problems. For instance he can
help himself and others with problems that they
face in life. When there is a problem around him,
he knows how to get out. There are different
techniques that he can use to stay away or not to
cause any problems like don't disrespect
and treat
others how you want to be treated.
Kamaren really likes money
because she has been getting money for
half of her life. That’s why she likes
money so much. Kamaren gets money
from her dad every week for many years,
so she can buy what ever she wants.
Kamaren loves money because she can
buy candy, cloths, shoes,est. Money
represents me because I’m easy to buy and I
can be hurt easy to.
Andrew has chosen the P.S.P because
he likes video games and play then all the time
after he finishes his homework. Andrew likes
to play the P.S.P because you can take it
anywhere on the go. He also like anime so he
can play his favorite video games on the go
when he goes somewhere boring and dull.

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