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_____Is MLA formatting used? – 25 points

_____ Header with last name and page number in Times Roman font? (-5)
_____Class information on the left hand side, with proper spacing (-5)
_____ Engaging , “attention-grabbing” title (-5)
_____Proper font, line spacing, spacing between paragraphs? (-5)
_____Proper titling of music pieces (-5)

_____Did you do a spell/grammar check – 5 points

_____Is it 500 – 750 words? –7 points

_____less than 500 (-3)
_____more than 750 (-3)

_____A “journalistic style” opening paragraph – 25 points

_____One sentence of your general impression of the concert

_____Addressing most liked piece, least liked piece – 18 points

_____most liked and why
_____least liked and why

_____Concluding paragraph – 5 points

_____Describe the Music – 15 points

Use of the following “forbidden” words will result in (-1) points
good, bad, nice, interesting, poor, right, wrong, terrible, superior, excellent, perfect, best,
ugly unbelievable, awful, beautiful, astonishing

DO NOT INCLUDE information on parking, the cookies at intermission, how clean the
bathrooms were.

information about how the musicians played; the hall, especially if you could hear clearly or not.

Be descriptive! Use your “Describe the Music” to help you with descriptive words.

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