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tat) spotted sehen (Channa putt ging cats eteropnestes oss and wang eats Cas trode). _ Kirala Kelle A Paradise of Wetland Birds Imadaon wo theabove, may species ofbutars, ‘als decorate the biological wealth of Kala Kell, Itis your duty to conserve Kirala Kelle, Theat tok tlle ‘nth exsanstonof tours, ts necesory tht ates the “The Kirala Kelle Eco-tourism area has much {iter st of sod waste rmaogeet attained tw offer to tourists witht beautiful wetland ‘tought bnoetersivey darbuted very pees Pecsayt STAIN Bat MEST TOT Soeteereycr ani es mongerentsces re |) ) others etd mrid! af colourful tot taten shouldbe a verur testo Kakele. plants as well s rare plants. Aquiet boat trip ‘through the nimerous canals of Kirala Kelle sonata ton second, Sar Saienearc aueN Cae iat Sets detcoy em cgclonsidoreatcoranyoast | | Measuretrovefor these who want t enjoy Sythe srs" Therefore, seven steven || Mate and to gather knowledge on fauna and hough permits arent requtedto eter he Kl flora, as well as culture, history and agrcutural Ilsa rote aren nde recente aan fone shuld bere nnd dung on exc Proper manperent of Kae ee impo for conserving the biopca, hycopeal and coop ‘Spread othe seroundngcommonies connie ‘re Rin thi dy ter ral ale so fers nest For more information: auretcrem ste yeichwllarobeipthe communsesto | _StankaToursm Development Authority, Common. Tustisyoireegonstinyieraetharou | NEDSRaa ‘owrsing ad valuable wetand ile ales weltalen Colombo 3. ‘areot Tel 2437061; 2437059/60, i {Kral Keil offers several opportunities for ecotourism: ar ae rere) | Srotarspesoston tims what or ssa gov i comodo nding hones stapes ssn rove : 5 Sn arrher ancl servrs aaa eres i WriLanka Reet I remangsof ae S coutsoecowrntotneis| || $4 Lanka Tourtam Development Authority ‘tan scsi or Mars ssn and Mara [lures voads and San ran anata town, scarred of marslads, ration canals and mangrove haba Hore anders canbe loundin the eareat bury thewetiond ial Food andaxpandne move hanged rneccnsy ot ‘he forest. alta stand aan ideal haba fr ‘elland ioe ands considered one of the mast (also consraton aess nthe Matra Bete. Beng Sloe a Matar town tra potest for nature based ‘reseceof foals ofthe Waco at ar ee ‘nbjeced taunt ty se water ding the Peston riod (ron wo 30,00 yeas belo theres), ‘There are35000inhbiats vgn about 2600 ha ef land beloging to 11 rome Wladhar dso, rund Fila kee Aout 16000 of them vein the mei Many pest we the wet fr abingcate, rowing then se hampered ysis Habitats in Krala Kelle note erase upof zee ferent yes of wetanee “‘macland, mangrove areas, pod ad ond ration canal at wal asmumeras home pte 2. Manhlond ‘nelarges ren iemarsand| The donna species found n ‘hemanhandare| ‘lu wsmaoee| pubescens) Manel (mphaeo noua, umudu(Nympholes ne, ‘ype planus, Nala Pogson |Wonqvenematyene). Ham pen (Tyo onus) and oropan eoecors duc) Atnoug Han an ean be ‘ed for hanrat, te commute of usa le donot Seatere dbstedkasSonserotcaselos| an be found ot edpe athe irgnion cna ela [MBcus ‘lace, Ve Kars (Cerhera manga), Dsdangs [Dotehondone athe) and Krak (caste S.trigation cana Seavey svacive agai plate fundin he Timon can These etude Nokon ember tatymphoe pubescens Manel (Njmphoce roca Kumuls (Wmghoies na}, Pople cle Nowe ‘hese fr supplemening the Ieame bordering ecole 'SMdukeya Pondons odorata. Biodiversity Flore (Pons) Ina record condudedrapdpretimnary survey 83 plant spedesbengng «0 familes were corded Kila ele, Ane stato Sori ti os ae andar tree rea oe. People we manyot hese pnts fod ouwees Fre! Xi Somers ‘onan sede Fou Mmproco pubescens) ad anil that card sre ree {veronica nd Raa heey (Wed ‘inn Reeds, Homa pn Typha ongutifl) an ‘er eed speces ae sa very common andare edna Faun (enimat) macaque (Macaca sno). They feed vegetation and cn Wetind handed three bed ele of wich 42 are wend birds age foes of Let whisting ducks (Dendy joan sa earn sight ‘ner ommon rd the Alan Opel rats {sctansPurpeswamphen [ory parr) Forsteneron Ade purpureo) Pesan can3 (topestanes chars and Pond hero Areal ‘royal alent ony provides the feeding rand Terman trd space but sa peas nesting haba formanybrdspeces suc as hers commeras eft, coats weavers snd nia, An fx migratory wetland bd canals be observed dng the marty enon from ea Septem toate March every yea. Fresher ee fr an important a ofthe weld dared foo rte comerunses Srl al hing iver conmente spplenant hosedincone About ‘he ent spece, Tapa Chechroms osembes) 2 on (Oeccomis lees arte mos abundant. (ther commercial Important eh are the rel (Channa

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