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Definition of Retrograde amnesia

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Retrograde amnesia: Amnesia in which the lack of memory relates to events that occurred before a traumatic e
to antegrade amnesia in which the lack of memory relates to events that occurred after a traumatic event.

Retrograde amnesia is a form of amnesia where someone is unable to recall events that

occurred before the development of the amnesia. The term is used to categorise patterns of
symptoms, rather than to indicate a particular cause or etiology.

retrograde amnesia is caused by trauma that results in brain injury. Critical details of the

physical changes in the brain that cause retrograde amnesia are still unknown.

Anterograde amnesia is a loss of the ability to create new memories after the event that
caused the amnesia, leading to a partial or complete inability to recall the recent past, while long
term memories from before the event remain intact. Anterograde amnesia and retrograde
amnesia, where memories created prior to the event are lost, can occur together in the same
patient. To a large degree, anterograde amnesia remains a mysterious ailment because the
precise mechanism of storing memories is not yet well understood, although it is known which
regions of the brain are involved.

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