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Huawei Technologies

2005.10 8
How to Operate
The Glorious Development of EV-DO Continues

The Glorious
Development of
EV-DO Continues
By Chen Xiuting

In a global wave of 3G network development, the EV-DO industry

has taken advantage of a great chance for commercial applications
and technical developments to build up a complete industry chain,
leading to great business successes. Now, faced with maturing
technologies and aggressive developments in the UMTS, the EV-DO
industry has begun using full-service DORA to provide real-time
multimedia services to continue its exciting development.

37 JULY 2006 ˙ ISSUE 22

Huawei Technologies

services from high-end users, the service rate provided

Wide Global Applications of EV-DO by the CDMA2000 1X network was not able to
recent report put out by the CDMA adequately meet service needs.

A Development Group (CDG) states that

by April 14, 2006, 35 EV-DO networks
had been deployed worldwide, and
another 37 networks are expected to be
deployed within the next year. Among the existing EV-DO
networks, 15 of them were constructed by Huawei. In
With the above scenario set as a background, Verizon
decided to launch EV-DO data services under the brand
name of “BroadbandAccess”. Verizon’s network currently
covers the downtown areas of 180 U.S. cities and 72
airports, and offers a downlink data rate of 400-
700Kbps, which is equivalent to ADSL services. For
terms of applications and deployment, EV-DO the purposes of convenient and simple usage,
networks are not only popular in developed countries, BroadbandAccess support various functions. For
but also becoming popular in developing areas such example, combined VPN meets the high performance
as, Asia Pacific, Middle East, and Africa. The EV-DO requirements of high-end users. In places not covered
terminal market has been maturing, so much so, that by the BroadbandAccess network, the system can be
currently it has more than 60 providers supplying 160 automatically linked or switched to the NationalAccess
models of EV-DO handsets, and over a dozen models network, thereby ensuring continuous data services. In
of EV-DO data cards. terms of service charges, the monthly rental for
At present, there are more than 300 million CDMA BroadbandAccess services is US$80, which is 34%
subscribers worldwide, and the number of EV-DO higher than the charge for NationalAccess brand services.
subscribers is rapidly increasing as well. As shown in In Japan, KDDI has been developing EV-DO
Fig. 1, in a span of three and a half years, since the first services at a quick pace. At the early stage of commercial
deployment of the EV-DO network by SKT, South application, KDDI is providing excellent coverage and
Korea, in June 2002, to the end of 2005, the number winning wide-spread recognition. When Sprint, the
of EV-DO subscribers worldwide has reached 24 second largest CDMA operator in the United States,
million. However, few developments have been announced its plan to deploy EV-DO networks,
occurring in the EV-DV (Evolution-Data Voice) field, EV-DO technology was widely regarded as the trend
which is a competitor of EV-DO. So the question is: in CDMA developments.
Why has EV-DO developed so fast? In fact, EV-DO applications are not matters that
Key Factors in the Fast Table 1 Main data services based on CDMA2000 1X and EV-DO (SKT)

Development of EV-DO
• Favors from CDMA2000 operators
In South Korea, SKT uses the “NATE” brand for
its CDMA2000 1X data services and the “JUNE” for
EV-DO data services. For SKT, EV-DO services mean
real multimedia services. By March of 2005, SKT had
garnered 18.90 million subscribers, including 6.7
million EV-DO subscribers, which represents 35.4%
of all subscribers. Profits from the “JUNE” brand are
20% higher than profits from other brands, and the
ARPU of “JUNE” is over US$50, among which US$15
is generated from data services. Table 1 lists SKT’s main
data services based on CDMA2000 1X and EV-DO.
In the United States, Verizon, the largest CDMA
operator, began application of its EV-DO network in
October 2003. To date it has opened EV-DO services
in more than 60 cities. Before the EV-DO service was
put into operation, Verizon had deployed a nationwide
CDMA2000 1X network and had launched mobile
data services named “National Access”, which
supported services at the rate of 60-80kbps and met
the requirements of ordinary Internet services.
However, with the rapid development of Internet
technology, especially with the increase of mobile office Fig. 1 Quick increase of global EV-DO subscribers (Data Source: CDG)

JULY 2006 ˙ ISSUE 22 38

How to Operate
The Glorious Development of EV-DO Continues

concern only larger industry-leading operators. initially planned to adopt the EV-DV At present, existing EV-DO networks
In many countries in Asia Pacific, Africa, Rel.D version as their commercial version. are all based on the Rel.0 version and are
Middle East, and Europe, lots of operators Unfortunately, since the EV-DV Rel.D actually bearer networks based on data
have constructed, or are about to construct version involved too many complicated services. A couple of the more negative
EV-DO networks. In Czechoslovakia, technologies and equipment venders, many features of this type network is that it usually
Eurotel has recently put an EV-DO network key technologies had to pass through a series has a low uplink data rate and has poor
into operation. In Portugal, INQUAM has of complicated procedures, which included: QoS performance, and hence, is not able
constructed an EV-DO network for emulation, authentication and comparison. to bear real-time multimedia services, or
operation in a very rapid way. So, it was not until April 2004 that the full services. UMTS networks, on the
In a word, operators’ support is essential EV-DV standards were finally launched. other hand, are able to support real-time
for the successes of EV-DO developments. Such a delay offered a great opportunity for multimedia services, including video-
the application of EV-DO technology. phone. They are also able to adopt HSPA
• EV-DO meets terminal users’ Meanwhile, after several disappointing technology, which further improves their
specific requirements developments in 3G networks worldwide, data service transmission ability.
In developing countries in the Middle especially in Europe, around 2002, operators The requirements for diversified and real-
East, Africa and Asia Pacific, infrastructures began to seek the answers to such questions time communications from terminal users
of fixed networks are still quite backward. as: How to develop 3G networks to operate have placed a considerable amount of
In many circumstances, the construction of better? What services should 3G networks pressure on EV-DO networks. As a result,
fixed networks is considered to be not very provide? How can these networks earn profits? many EV-DO operators such as, Verizon,
cost-effective. Hence, many operators are All these questions had troubled UMTS Sprint and KDDI, have began to shift their
searching for an alternative access technology operators for some time. In this period, the attention to EV-DO Rev.A (DORA)
to meet the increasing demands for data operational pressures from UMTS to the technology. DORA, not only improves the
services. Despite the variety of broadband EV-DO are very small, and this formed a good network’s data service bearing ability, but
wireless access technologies on the market, environment for EV-DO’s development. also introduces many advanced technologies
Moreover, during the early stages of EV-DO to ensure the QoS of real-time services. In
many operators seem to prefer EV-DO
development, UMTS standardization other words, DORA helps to develop from
technology. Some of the reasons for this
pure data-packet networks into 3G
would include: giant operators’ support for organizations were very idealistic and released
networks, which are able to bear real-time
EV-DO technology, the large numbers of dozens of protocol modifications almost every
multimedia services. The networks of the
successful cases, a mature industry chain, and quarter, creating many headaches for system
future will be developed into basic telecom
the advantages in coverage. and terminal providers.
networks able to bear full services. As
As a consequence, most UMTS providers
• A great opportunity for further matter of fact, DORA, and its successive
began to develop their own chips, and thus,
developments technologies (e.g. EV-DO Rev.B), have been
were unable to form a complete industry
quite similar to UMTS/HSPA technologies,
The technical advantages, a mature chain. In regard to EV-DO developments,
especially in terms of frequency spectrum
industry chain, and giant operators’ support, however, most of the technologies were
utilization and service ability.
are some of the key inner factors that account developed by Qualcomm, which offers However, the most important element for
for the success of EV-DO. The external factors reference designs for base stations and continued EV-DO development, is not
are of equal importance, although they are terminals, thus allowing providers to launch the technology itself, but how this technology
ignored in most cases. To fully understand EV-DO systems and terminals very quickly. will be used. It is well known for the operators
the reasons for EV-DO successes, we must that users’ understanding of wireless networks
take a closer look at the developments of Non-stop to Continue the depends on the ability to provide services
CDMA and even at the 3G industry. and the service experiences. This therefore
The evolution of CDMA2000 has been
Glorious Development requires EV-DO operators to deploy wireless
permeated with conflicts between EV-DO The above analysis shows that the success networks, to look at things from a global
and EV-DV technologies. Before mid-2003, of EV-DO can be attributed to both inner perspective and to be able to provide real-time
many operators showed a preference for factors and certain events that were taking multimedia services. For these operators,
CDMA2000 1X EV-DV technology, and place in the external environment. One of especially those who have never deployed
mainstream providers abandoned or were the largest challenges facing the industry was EV-DO Rel.0 networks, a major concern is
about to abandon the EV-DO development whether or not EV-DO technology would how to build future-oriented, highly
plan. However, the reverse link in the be able to develop quickly enough, and on a competitive real-time multimedia bearer
EV-DV Rel.C version adopted the same continuous basis, what the future would hold networks. This is a necessary course that
technology as CDMA2000 1X, which for EV-DO when pitted against such EV-DO must take if it is to keep its market
displayed poor service bearing ability, due formidable challengers as broadband wireless advantages, or when it is confronted with
to the restricted nature of the reverse link. access technology (WiMAX) and UMTS/ challenges from new competitors.
As a result, many operators and providers HSPA enhanced technology. Editor: Li Jian

39 JULY 2006 ˙ ISSUE 22

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