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Film Habits Questionnaire

1. Can you recall the last time you went to the cinema?
a. Yes? lllllll
b. No? lll

2. If yes, was it within the last month?

a. Yes? ll
b. No? llllllll

3. What was the film?

-Toy Story 3 x4
-Not sure x3
-Expendables x2
- Shrek 3
-Karate Kid

4. Did it have the option of 3D?

a. Yes? llllll
b. No? llll

5. Have you ever illegally downloaded or watched a film?

a. Yes? lllllllll
b. No? l

6. Have you ever done it more than once?

a. Yes? lllllll
b. No? lll

7. Do you buy the DVD after watching a film at the cinema?

a. Yes? lllll
b. Sometimes? lllll
c. No?

8. Do trailers make you want to watch the film?

a. Yes? llllllllll
b. No?

9. Would you rather watch a British or American film?

a. American? lllllllll
b. British? l
10. Do you think the difference in price for 3D is too much?
a. Yes? lll
b. No? lllllll

11. Do you want to watch a film because of the actors?

a. Yes? lllllll
b. No? lll

12. Have you ever viewed the same film more than once at the cinema?
a. Yes? llllll
b. No? llll

13. Would you rather watch a film at the cinema or on the internet?
a. Cinema? lllllllll
b. Internet? l

14. Do you think the idea of 3D TV is good or bad?

a. Good? llll
b. Bad? llllll

15. Have you ever been to an IMAX cinema?

a. Yes? llll
b. No? llllll


From evaluating our questionnaire results, we have concluded that the majority of peers that we
asked seem to go to the cinema quite frequently, most of them being able to recall when the last
time they went was and the title of the film that they saw.

Surprisingly, the number of peers who have illegally downloaded or watched a film is nine to one,
most of them repeating the act more than once although when asked ‘would you rather watch a film
at the cinema or on the internet?’ , the majority then answered that they would rather view a film at
the cinema.

The idea of 3D seems to be making a mixed response among our fellow peers, almost having the
same results when asked ‘Do you think the idea of 3D TV is good or bad?’ although the majority
were not aware if a film they went to see had a 3D option, this could possibly be due to the fact that
most people believe that the price for 3D is too much.

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