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Definition, Investigation and Analysis

1.1 Definition nature of the problem

The organization “A-Z-Z buy sell cars ltd” it’s an organization in

Cyprus which sells cars to their customers. The owner brings cars
from U.K. which he orders to the supplier from the country and sent
him the car by ship. Then when the car/cars arrive at Cyprus he takes
them and pay the port for the costs. The car/cars are going back at
the company where they are waiting for the customers to buy them. If
they need any repairs or any changes they are going to the service
employers. After all these procedures the car is ready for purchase
by its customer.
The owner of the company searches in the internet at certain cars
which are new and he would like to have them he write down on a paper
the name of the car and calls his supplier at U.K. and he attends to
find the cars for the owner. After he finds the cars the owner asked
him to find he calls him and says the prices which the owner writes on
the papers which he had written the car’s name and if the price is ok
for him he says to the supplier to buy them and sent the cars at
Cyprus by ship. When the days are past and the cars are finally at
Cyprus the owner takes them from the port and pays the costs by
checks. Then the cars will go to the company for the customers,
except if there is any need of service so the car will be sent to the
service employ and come back. The owner writes the service cost for
the car at the certain page and finds a price t sell it. Then the cars
are parked to a place at the company waiting for their customer.
When the interested customer comes to buy a car the owner writes
the final sell price at the car’s page so that he has all the car’s details
together into one page only.
The problem of the company is that the system is manual and
everywhere there are papers from customers, cars etc. So the use of
the system is very slow like that.

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