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Assessment Diagnosis Interference Planning interventions evaluation

Generalize anxiety Anxiety is After 3 days of nursing 1. Provide outlets for Goal met as evidence
 Isolate her self related to past traumatic a psychological and phys interventions the patient anxiety such as crying or by the patient:
iological state
 Loss of appetite experiences will: talking.
 Decrease social by cognitive, somatic, em 2. Tell client “It’s all  able to
interaction otional,  Be able to right to cry”. interact with
 Excessive and behavioral compone interact with 3. Encourage in motor others
worrying nts.[2] These components others without activity to reduce without
combine to create
 Increase RR anxiety tension. anxiety
an unpleasant feeling tha
 Increase Pr t is typically associated
 Able to regain 4. Make client be  Able to
 with uneasiness, her nutrition and aware of his behavior regain her
apprehension, fear, appetite and feelings by nutrition and
or worry. Anxiety is a  Will be calm and statements such as “ I appetite
generalized mood conditi stable  Will be calm
on that can often occur
know you feel scare…”
5. Encourage client to and stable
without an identifiable
triggering stimulus. As move from affecting
such, it is distinguished (feeling) to cognitive
from fear, which occurs in mode (thinking).
the presence of an
observed threat.
6. Refocus attention
Additionally, fear is 7. Encourage the client
related to the specific to talk about felings and
behaviors of escape and concerns.
avoidance, whereas 8. Help the client
anxiety is the result of
threats that are perceived
identify thoughts and
to be uncontrollable or feelings that occurred
unavoidable. prior to the onset of

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