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Title: What is Web 2.

0 Subject/Course): Guest Lecturer

Topic: Overview Grade: College Seniors Designer(s): Kellie Ouzts

Stage 1- Desired Results

Understandings: Students will learn that technology Essential Questions:
integration in the classroom creates digital citizens, is Why do we need to teach and use technology in the
expected by administrators, and is simple using Web classroom?
2.0 applications. What is the difference in Web 1.0 and Web 2.0?
What is Prezi and how do I create my own
What is Voicethread and how can I use it for student

Knowledge Skills
Students will know… -Students will listen and learn how to use Voicethread,
-that Web 1.0 was static while Web 2.0 is an and Prezi.
interactive format that fosters collaboration.
-that Web 2.0 offers massive amounts of free tools
for teachers to use.
-how to use Prezi and the benefits of voicetread.

Stage 2- Assessment Evidence

Performance Tasks: Other Evidence:
-Pre-assessment through questioning Presenter observation and questioning.
Stage 3- Learning Plan
Unit Outline

Hook: Show “Did You Know?” version 3 and ask participants, “What does it all mean?” Lead discussion
towards technology integration in schools.

Purpose and Objectives

These students will be student teaching next semester and need a firm grasp on technology available to them for
use in the classroom.

Structure and Outline

Timing: 1hour 15 minutes

Structure: whole class

Students will: listen to and discuss the use of Web 2.0 tools in the classroom.

Teacher Will: lead the discussion


1. Show “Did you Know?” Version 3 and discuss.

2. Introduce myself with Animoto.
3. Explain lesson plans and how there is a technology requirement even though all the school provides for me
to use in my classroom is an overhead projector and two ancient computers.
4. Share Web 2.0 Video and discuss the difference in Web 1.0 and Web 2.0.
5. Explain Prezi and show examples
6. Explain Voicethread and show examples
7. Provide Glogster links to Webtools4u2use.

Assessment and Monitoring

Oral assessment of students through questioning.

Materials: computer and passwords to all sights.

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