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1. What do you prefer to protect your skin during winter/monsoon?

□Cold cream
2. When do you purchase a cold cream?

□Throughout the year
3. Which cold cream would you prefer in terms of quality?

4. Which cold cream would you prefer in terms of price?

5. Which cold cream would you prefer in terms of ease of availability?

6. Which cold cream would you prefer in terms of packaging?

7. Does advertising on any cold cream affect your purchase?

8. If price of all cold cream are same which cold cream would you prefer?

Only for those who prefer ponds cold cream

9. On what does your usage of ponds cold cream depend?

□Ease of availability
□Availability in various sizes
□Influence by advertisement
10.Which size of ponds cold cream do you prefer in summer?

□Above that
11.How often do you purchase ponds cold cream during summer months?

□Once a month
□Twice a month
□Thrice a month
□Do not use at all
12.Which size of ponds cold cream do you prefer in winter?

□Above that
13.How often do you purchase ponds cold cream during winter months?

□Once a month
□Twice a month
□Thrice a month
□More than once a month
□Less than once a month
14.Which age group of people in your family are using ponds cold cream?

15.How many members in your family are using ponds cold cream?

□1 to 2
□3 to 4
□5 to 6
□6 to 10
16.What type of packaging do you prefer for ponds cold cream?

□Box – that is currently available

□Tube – if available in future
17.Will change in above packaging lead to change in your purchase?

18.If the price of ponds cold cream increases then

□Would you continue buying at less frequency?

□Shift to other company’s product
□Or continue buying at same level
19. If you shift to other company’s product than which company would you

20. If the price of ponds cold cream decreases than

□would you buy at higher frequency

□Continue with the same

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