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Nigerian Economy in 2010 Q3

Strategic Projection

Global Economic Development & Outlook

- IMF-WEO, July 2010 was reviewed upward to 4.5% by

0.5% from April based on strong growth in economic
activities in April
- The world economy grew at an annualized rate of 5% in
first quarter of the year on the back of robust growth in Asia
(7.5%)- the Asia economy accounts for 26% of the world
- Heightened concerned over the fiscal sustainability of the
Euro area puts downward risk pressure on the projection of
the zone
-The volatility of the financial system consequent on the
shock created by the Euro zone challenges during the
period is yet to affect real activities globally as shown by
the upward trends in the indicators, the expected slowdown
in the Euro Zone would affect the global projection.
-The projected growth of the SSA is sustained at 5% and
Nigeria at 7% for the year 2
Fri. 19 Presentation for: BGL Securities Limited 3

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