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Nature our best friend

Trees - Nature’s Gift to Man.

Of all the living beings inhabiting this earth, trees are out best friends. Mother Nature,in
her infinite wisdom, has gifted them to man to live in harmony with him and to be of greatservice
to him.
Besides fruits, trees provide important raw materials for our industries. Industries
provide employment to people. The wood for furniture, housing, railway carriages and ships
come from trees. Wood is also used for fuel and for making charcoal which is used as fuel.
From trees we get wood - pulp to make paper and artificial yarns (like nylon). Trees also give
us products such as spices, rubber, turpentine, eucalyptus oil and gum. We also get honey and
many valuable things for medicine from forests.
We get so many things from forests that forests are rightly known as ‘ green gold’
Trees provide shade to tired travellers and animals and shelter to innumerable birds and
insects. Trees keep the environment clean. They absorb harmful carbon dioxide from the air
and fill the atmosphere with precious life - sustaining oxygen. In this way they reduce air
pollution. Therefore, trees are called the lungs of nature. Forests retain humidity and attract
rains. There will be no rain if there are no trees. It is for this reason that trees are known as
rain catchers.
In fact, all our basic necessities like, air, water, food, clothing and shelter come
directly or indirectly from trees. We thus, owe our very existence to trees.
If there were no trees, there would be no rain and land would turn into an arid
desert.Mankind would perish for want of food, drinking water, fresh air and sufficient humidity.
Sowe should ever remain grateful to trees
A plant
cannot tell the difference between man-made nutrients made from fossil fuel or those released
from organic matter in the soil by microbes. Synthetic fertilizer, though, only provides nutrients
and does nothing to increase water-holding capacity, reduce runoff, improve soil structure or
any of the other benefits of using an organic soil amendment.

Organic compost is the dark brown, crumbly material that remains after microbes have
decomposed yard waste, cow manure, food waste or other organic material. It directly and
indirectly provides a wide range of essential nutrients, sugars and other complex biochemicals
that are a rich source of complete nutrition for plants. In a word, it is fertility, the way Mother
Nature provides.
Soil is composed of minerals and decomposed organic matter. In landscaped beds, mulch
breaks down, and the soil becomes more fertile over time. Take away the organic matter and
you have a sterile growing medium poorly suited to growing anything requiring fertile soil. In
much of Florida, we have sand that will best support plants adapted to low availability of water
and nutrients. It is this ability to thrive in Florida's sandy soil and climate that makes drought-
tolerant native plants a particularly good choice to consider for those unable to improve soil

fertility with organic matter.

Where we get in trouble is when we attempt to grow in sterile soil plants that require high
fertility conditions to thrive. An example would be St. Augustine grass. We succeed only by the
frequent addition of water and inorganic fertilizer. The long-term consequences of this
approach can be seen in the depletion of water supplies and the progressive deterioration of
water quality due to fertilizer runoff and accumulation in water bodies.

Fertility enhancement is only one benefit of building up organic matter. Soil organics also store
excess nutrients, accelerate breakdown of both thatch and pesticide residues, improve soil
structure and reduce incidence and severity of soil-borne lawn grass diseases. Those are a lot
of essential functions provided by such a humble material. The lack of a significant level of soil
organics costs a lot in the form of higher water bills, stormwater management, frequent
fertilization and use of chemicals to control insect pests and disease. And some of these
benefits may be unattainable in any other way at any reasonable cost.

If compost is such a miracle material in the landscape, why do so many go without its
benefits? It may be that a backyard compost bin is prohibited by deed restriction in your
community, and even if it weren't, would it be capable of (producing) the volume required for
even a small lawn? To apply just half an inch of compost as a top-dressing to an existing lawn
would require a whole cubic yard to cover just 650 square feet. And with a cubic yard of
compost weighing half a ton, do we have the time, energy and stamina to apply it in 95-degree
temperatures and near 100 percent humidity?

Consider this: If someone could deliver quality compost to your home and apply it at a half-
inch thickness all over your lawn for roughly $50 per 1,000 square feet, would you be a willing
customer? I invite you to take a moment to respond by taking a short online compost use
survey at Just click on the orange-colored link at the top-center of the
A Florida-friendly landscape uses less water, fertilizer and pesticides. You can get there by
changing your high-fertility landscape plants to those adapted to grow in sand and that
naturally require lower inputs. Or you can naturally improve the soil to enable less frequent
watering, fertilizing and pest control
 Nature is a celebration of the mysterious magnificence of


Man was afraid of the natural forces like rain, storms, floods etc. in the ancient times and
worshiped them in order to please them so they do not cause destruction. 

They also linked them with different aspects of life like festivals and celebrations. The
celebration of nature at the same time made them eco- friendly.

Now-a-days, nature is being destroyed and the trees are being cut in large numbers
because of the growing population which leads to the destruction of forests for providing
enough land surface for the housing of the growing population. 

Even the water bodies are being polluted due to the deposition of garbage from various
factories. In the rural areas people wash clothes on the banks of the rivers and rinse

them into the river which makes the river dirty.

Due to the rapid destruction of forests for paper, wood, rubber and many other
necessities to fulfill our needs, the wild life is decreasing day by day.
The animals are also being killed for their skin, leather, wool etc. The different species of
animals are becoming extinct at the rate of ten species per year. 

Animals like tiger, whale and vulture are on the verge of being extinct.

Various organisations like Green Peace have been set up to keep a check on the
destruction of the forests and the natural environment. 

Green Peace is an organisation dedicated to bringing to a halt the ongoing destruction of

the natural environment. 

Some of the projects it has undertaken worldwide are saving rainwater for have sting,
building wells, preventing global warming, opposing exotic pollution and banning nuclear

I would like to conclude by recommending you

all to preserve nature by trying to avoid the wastage of paper, as it would lead to cutting
of trees which would result in the destruction of forests. 

Mother nature has provided us with oceans, rivers and forests which make our earth
favourable for living, making it unique among the nine planets of the solar system. We
should therefore, try our best to preserve nature.

we should try to preserve our nature

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