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Student Behavior Contract


This contract between ________________________________, the administration,

faculty, staff and remaining student body of Capital High School is designed to
ensure that I have a pleasant, memorable, and enjoyable experience at the Capital
High School Homecoming Dance.

Statement of Student Responsibility

I agree to conduct myself according to the following behavior guidelines at all times during the

1. I will follow Capital High, Kanawha County School rules and state

2. I understand that if I am suspected of being under the influence of

Intoxicating beverages I will be required to submit to a portable
‘Breathalyzer’ test conducted by the Prevention Resource Officer
and/or other City of Charleston; Kanawha County Sheriff’s
Department; and West Virginia State Police personnel.

3. I understand, fully, that “grinding”, “bumping”, “humping”,

“hunching”, “goosing”, or sexually explicit dancing such as
“freaking”, or “dirty dancing” are all prohibited.

Any variation of dancing that approximates the following is

expressly prohibited:

A student (male or female) bent over at the waist with the pelvis of
another individual (male or female) pressed against their buttocks
while holding (or not holding onto) the bent over student’s waist or
hips is prohibited at all times at functions at Capital High School
where dancing is permitted.

A demonstration of this behavior or any other serious infraction of school policy will result in my
being suspended from the Capital High School Homecoming Dance. Should I be suspended
from the Capital High School Homecoming Dance, the administration will insist that I and my
dance partner leave Capital High School/Kanawha County Schools property immediately.

______________________________ _______________________________
Student’s Signature Parent/Guardian’s Signature

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