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The Keith Progressive Life Theorem

By: James Felton Keith

Theorem (1)


1. Abstract

I’ve extended on the idea that the unknown and accessible are attain through a set of applied
opportunities to formulate a comprehensive and concise method of effort; by quantifying education and
entrepreneurial style endeavor to yield progressive returns.

2. Denomination

(∆Iedu): Change in Informal Education [All unorganized information and experiences attained]

(∆Fedu): Change in Formal Education [All organized information and experiences attained]

( ∑e2): Summation of Entrepreneurial Endeavor [All progenies endeavor]

<∞: Less than Infinite [not finite]

α: Returns: progress

3. Framework

One’s Informal and formal education are crucial to development and interaction in a given society. As
historical data and observations among all socio-cultural and economic groups have shown mis-
education sometimes yields a relative disadvantage. Theorem (1) quantifies education at an absolute
value |(∆Iedu)( ∆Fedu)| yielding a constant positive value. While an entrepreneur is commonly known as
one with possession of a company [, 2009] entrepreneurial endeavor defines bringing the
same kind of initiative to any problem in search of solutions. Theorem (1) quantifies the aforementioned
as: ( ∑e2) to yield a sum of entrepreneurial endeavor’s exponential growth. While most entrepreneurial
aren’t considered serial entrepreneurs their solutions stem form and cater to other solution-sets. Finally
the girth of the equation is summed as less than (<) infinite (∞); furthermore, yielding a dynamic return
or result | James Felton Keith

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