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to 35 30. 35 40 45 50 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE OTTO LINBKNECHT, OF FRANKFORT-ON-THE-MAIN, GERMANY, ASSIGNOR -T0 THE ROUSSLER & HASSLACHER CHEMICAL COMPANY, OF NEW YORK, N. ¥., A CORPORATION OF NEW YORK, PROCESS OF MAKING CALCIUM PEROXID. , No 847,670. Specification of Lotters Patent, Patented March 19, 1007. Avrtinton Sled Syne 8, 1906, Serial Xo, 920.661. Tovalt whom it may concern: ‘The calcium oxid is in a latent state, out of Be it Known that I, Orzo Lrenixnorrr, a | which it can be precipitated in form of the subject of the German Emperor, and a resi- | peroxid by means of hydrogen peroxid, ara fent of Frankfort-on-the-Main, Germany, | in each of the instances staved the elation have invented a certain new ‘and useful | is such as to prevent the precipitation ot Frocess of Making Calcium Peroxid, of whieh | calcium oxid before its rexeton with the ‘the following is a Specification. , hydrogen: peroxid. One way of obtaining calcium peroxid has | "The following examples illustrate some been to treat lime-water with hydrogen per- | ways of carrying out my process: oxid: | This process is of course not a tech |” First. Four hundred and fifty parts of rys- nical one; as lime is but slightly soluble in | tallized calcium chlorid are dissolved im weber water. | Another way of making this peroxid | ‘To this is addod an ammoniacal solaten af semprises the treating of hydrates of sodium | hydrogen peroxid, which is obtained by enters dioxid with hydrate of caleium; but. this | ing one hundred and sixty purts of coding process requires.the preparation of hydrate pefexld nico and water and adding toit one of sodium peroxid, which is very expensive. | hundred aad fifteen parts of ammmonin chine Ihave discovered a new method whereby In order to precipitate all the calcium calcium peroxid is readily and, practically | peroxid, about one hundred and fity cable produced and which is based on the following | centimeters of concontrated ammoniacolateg PEnciples: Solutions of calcium salts—as, | are added. During the entive operation seve ‘or instance, ealeium chlorid—are not, pre- | must be taken that the temperature romans cipitated by ammonia. | Further, calcium | low, which can be easily done by adding we to oxid is dissolved in solutions of ammonium | the liquorfrom time to time, astequired. Tess salts—as, for instaneo, chlorid of ammonia— | preferable to stir during the operstions. Ayes setting free at the same time.ammonia, be- | precipitate is then filtered off, washed, amd cause oxid of calcium isa stronger base than | Ured'in the ars Tn this wer’ fren dnd mana Now if hydrogen peroxid is| parts of pure crystallized ealoium -peroxed added to an ammonineal solution of calcium | hydrate ake obtavned. By drying the orys- fhiotid, calcium-peroxid hydrate is precipi | tals further the caleium-peroxid hydrate con {ated in fine crystals, If molecular propor- | he transformed into calesunn perox Hons are taken, an amount of calcium-per-| Second. Righty parte oF sugar are ae oxid hydrate. (CaO, +8H,0) corresponding | solved in water, eleven. parts of slaked Inve fo the quantity of /hydrogen-peroxid solu- | are added, and the mixture shaken wat the tion used! is obtained. "Of courso the process | lime is dissolved. "To this solution afie: may be changed by giving an ammoniacal | having been filtered, if necessary, a neutral hydrogen-peroxid solution’ to a solution of | ammoniacal or alkaline solution of hydrogen calcium chlorid or by making a solution con- peroxid is added, whereby the calcium-per- taining chlorid of ‘calcium and. hydrogen | oxid hydrate is precipitated, which is then peromid ammoniacal. Further, oxid-of lime | treated as above.” Of course it 1s understocd ton tupl in sugar or glycerin tinder forma- | that itis not necessary in @ eontinions ae oo tion of strong alkaline reacting compounds, | use such large quantities of chlond of one, Af neutral or alkaline solutions of hydrogen | monia or sugar as mentioned i the example, peroxid are treated with'such alkaline solu- | as they can be regained during the process, fons of ealeiumn gempounds, cau Pezoxid | as will be seen from the following equations: is. precipitated in-erystalline form, Tn. all 5 these cases the calcium radical is either | 1 Na,0,+2NH,Cl=H,0,+2NaCl+2NH,. bound on a weak acid, as which alcohols, | 2. 2NT, +10, +CaCl,-+8H,0 = such as glycerin or sugar, have to be con: | 2NHCl+Ca0, +8H,0. sidered, of the reaction of the strong acid 3. 2NHC14Na,0,— on which the calcium is hound is weakened | ° ‘ 'TL.O, + 2NaC1-+2NH,, &e. by another base—as, for instance, ammonia ghtatoe eed —but which eannot precipitate the ealeium, 1 It is the sameway with suger. 55 60 7 15 80 85 90 2 847 670 Tt is obvious that the above-lescribed | process of makings calcium peroxid mean’ of crying out the proces, may. be | conning i retin hy dren ‘peroxid with Varied in many ways without. departing | calcium salts in an ammoniaeal solution, from the spitit of my invention, atid Ido aot In witness whereof L have hereunto signed +5 restrict myself to the means «liselosed imy maine in the presence of two subscribing ‘What Tclaim, and desire to secure by Let | witnesses. ters Patent of the United States, is— | 1._A. process of making calcium peroxid consisting in reacting a solution of hydrogen | Witnesses: peroxid with a solution containing calcium | Toxsit Zmaver, Oxid in a non-precipitated state, | Jmaw Gronp. OTTO LIEBKNECHT.

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