Code Check - Electrical

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CopE & CHECK’ ELECTRICAL ee ae) An Illustrated Guide to Wiring a Safe House PUT HUNDREDS OF CODE FACTS AT YOUR FINGERTIPS WITH CODE CHECK ELECTRICAL @ Accurate and W Helps avoid W Easy and fast up to date costly mistakes to use REDWOOD KARDON, DOUGLAS HANSEN, AND MICHAEL CASEY ILLUSTRATED BY PADDY MORRISSEY Peet et ae ome aac eee eae Glossary » Ohm’s Law corer nd CP eee Or Tauren ald Ground Faults & Arcing Faults eee ad See aL een ett eer ee aot eee TT Cotte eee Meee ests Duet Se ae eth eae ccc Conductor Ampacity or eee eect eR tet Te 1) Coe ae Eee sar ieee NTs uted fer Dee ated Percale ee Cee iE rr) ry i] yi bY | pry pid TO ast ome weet oe eects Cope CHEck' Electrical Fourth Edition BY REDWOOD KARDON, DOUGLAS HANSEN, ‘AND MICHAEL CASEY Iustrations and Layout: Pedy Morssey (© 2005 by The Taunton Press, ne \sona3: 9784.56158-738.4 18020: 1.56156-7389 Model Codes & Organizations ‘Canasian Standards Assocation;¢s,ml International Association of Eecrical Inspectors: Nw. org Inceratonal Residential Code: rwicesate.o National Electreal Code, published bythe NFPA National Eletcal Manufcturers Association; www ners or National Fre Protection Associaton: wun ore Nationally Recognized Testing Laboratory, such as UL or CSA Underwiters Laboratory wal. cam A i= Key & Examples Code references ae followed by two bracketed numbers, ox|123.4) (128.4, Code numbers on ef instal brackets, ox [123.4], refer wo 2002 NEC ‘Code numbers on ig in braces, ex: (128.4), reer to 2008 NEC: ‘Ta refers to Code Chock Eloi tate 1. ‘Freer to Code Chock Elactal fue 3. sample (tom pago 12: [Terminal bar for £GCs rea tobe provided... .F38,32 408.20) (408.40) Panels require a tecminal bar forthe equipment gounding conductors. This refer ‘ence is fount in 408.20 ofthe 2002 NEC and 408.40 ofthe 2008 NEC ana ie ‘ao shown in ewes 31 and 22. [mane] = Typealy requred by manvtacturer’s instalation intuctions (ener = Energy conservation measures based onthe Model Energy Codes. ‘option and enforcement vais grea, so check wth your lac rsdn. ‘a Xfter a code nurber refers to an exception inthe code. [XC = When placed 2 end of text ne sas an ecenton in following Ee, (R= Won place at ens of text ine sale an alternate folowing ine, [nya] = not aacrossoa bythe 2002 NEC. Inyo} = not adcrossa bythe 2005 NEC. (0) = Pronbted ty the 2002 NEC. (odes ending in puters separated by commas refer to mune code sections, ‘ex: [210,842,512] = 2002 sections 210.8(A)2) and 210.5;Aexception 2. ‘colored code citation followed bya superscript number indates a change n the codo. Ex (250.50 afer to a codo change nthe 2005 edton ited #1 Inthe Code Chango Summary founé onthe inside back cover Example of code change ftom page 12: ‘CoCr Ds reasy acessibe [&max help GR Zin) . (240.248) (240.2422 The explanation on te inside back cover i thatthe 2002 code lined the helt of only breakers used as switches, and in 2005 applies to al beakers, Example using "EXC" (frm page 11) [1 ise must be rated as service eapmt EXC 1225.36) 225.36) Garages or outbulangs snap snitch or Sway OK -(225.36X) (225,36) The basic rule requies the disconnecting means tobe rated a Service equp ‘ment with the exception of outbulluings, which have ony seu that ean be controled by snap switch. Example using “OR” (rom page 25): (7 Sep 208 ckt fr bathroom receps ony OR (a10.1c3] 10.1203) Dedicated 204 ck to each batxoom (a10.41¢3x) (210.1103) ‘circu dedicated to the bathroom reveptales is required or each batioom can have ts own deaieated cuit that supoies all the equipment in that bathroom. Abbreviations A= amps ox—a 154 breaker) pnerator rehgertor Ac = atemoting carer, arcandtionng, anored ‘rouncng electrode system Fequres, rogues, raqueng, equremort eabe aX ‘roundtoulexctinterupter rie meta conaut ational horieontal,hezontly a renmetatic conc HC) Befaut oct iterster horsepower short oreut ‘thority having utsdton our, Pours Service enone cable arena Hert requerey,e., 60 eyes per sepaate pple) second). srgotamiy avoirg Amencin witegauge Irtomedite ett conduit Spectators). spect, species butigs) ine, eho Stondaa td ame for AC cae reads, iuaing cuore core and ut 1000 rr mi uns (onder) temperate cuts) nockuts 9, 10 Underrone focer cate fenauctos) rab & tbe Uundorgroun sores enone cable oppor vot amperes = 3.000 x vos ams vy ‘ect unt ligning& appione (paneer) trav ‘ies covert pounds) vets) amet Ieskogeeurtent detection an nteragton vet ons ‘éstwasher Tqucegt Reni reta cont, eo vats ‘ssconets) Soar wh = equipment grunargconduetor Squat Mexbleronmatale conduit whut ‘sectcal sted and labled, Ison and eng fetreal metalic tubing ‘etrcal ronnetalte tubing, aka “Smart tore" leeston rranuactrer gig tures (pow called urinals) futioad amps (motor nameplate cures. rating) ‘sey Fic = tubioad curent FMC = able metal conduit, oka “Goon shotorotae R= foot eet £0 = grounding eer constr recoptads oats) enipment mewn tna 0 forth tinea, te near ‘ctalcad sate ‘minarets etn urls) nonmetal sheathed cable (Romex®) ‘recut protection device (beaker or et manufacturer's Instructions "ai nonmetal conduit HMC) FOMPTTAAAMAMMAMAMAMAAMAMDADHOADD, pp. 384 Fig. The Electrical System eet ete ome ac Glossary * Ohm's Law Glossary of Electrical Terms | Acccessite: Not permanently concealed or enclosed by bling constuction AFC, Braneh/Feeder Type: fo AFC! mectng tho standard fe intoruptng pace anos 754 of curent ae avalable atthe devon. AFC, Combination Type: An AFC! meting the standart fr interutng both series nd paral! arcs and equi <75A asiablecurent ofecitate operation ‘Atornating Cunt: Curent that ows in ene dreeton and then in th other in regular cycles; refered to as equa or Hert Apparent Power: Avalsbe power rom a transformer moasured in VA Appliance: Equipment suchas an aicontioner that uses electrical power Branch Creu: The crit conductors between te final OCPO breaker or fuse) ‘and he ute or utes supplies. ‘Branch Cireut, General Purpose: A branch scl hat supplies a numberof out lets or lgitng and appliances. ‘Branch Clreult Individual: & branch cast suoeying ony one pce of equipment Branch Cit, Multivie (Residential): A brench cial consisting of two Not ‘conductor wth 2 240V potential between them and grounded conductor hay ing 2 120 aterence beeen tana each hot conductr.(F24:38) ‘Branch cirult, Small Appliance: branch ecu suophing portable [ean be ‘unplugged and moved wana too) hcusshaléktonen appliances, Control: device to start and stop oto, Devices: Equjmert at caries but dows not use elect; examples are recep Tacks, switches, ae ceut boakers, Equipment Grounding Conductor: A non-curentcarrying conductor that proves fan aernotve path for equipment faut. (FAA) Feeder: Conductors supphing paneboars other than Serie panes ‘Gooseneck: § curve ato op ofa service entrance cable designed o prevent water fom entering the open end ofthe cabo, ‘Grounded Conductor. curon-caryng conductor hats connected to rth anc that maybe neutral (F8) ‘round Fault: Curent returning to the wansformer on an uninendes pat, such ‘98 equipment enelosure oF grout! wire. Hertz: ® measure ofthe troquoncy of altersating current: n North Ameria the ‘standard ie 6042. Sit: Visible and within SOR. gating & Appliance Pane: An seca! panel in which =20% of he oeuts are rated S208 and ate supplied with neutals Load: Tho olectrcal domana in wats ot horsepower ofa piace of electics suipment Laminar: Th trm now used to describe lghing tures. ‘pen Conductors: nsvdual conducters not conaines within 8 raceway ot cable sheathing PPanelboarde: Te “yuts" ofan electcal pane: the assembly of busts, terminal bar, etc designed tobe placed in a “cabinet.” What is corimonl called an ‘lcticl panel is, by NEC tems, a paneoard mourtod in a cabinet Power: Powers a product of volts and amps and ean be expressed as other ‘wats (true poner) or VA apparent power. (F3) ‘Serve: Te condoctors and equipment rowing a connection tote uty, Service Drop: The overhead conductors supple ty the uly Service Entrance Conductors: The conductors on the customer's prams ‘comey power tothe service eougment ‘Service Equlpment: The equipment at which te poner conductors enrng the ‘ullieg can be switched off to alscomect he premises wing fom he wy ower source. Service Latera: Undoground service entrance contre ‘Service Point: Te point where the service dop and service entrance meet the Tandoft between the uty andthe custome ‘Snap Switch: A pica wall sith, Icusing Bway and Away ewtches. rer: A coneete encased grounding electrode, named afte the developer of he ‘sjslom, Herbert ter Unit Sitch: A sith thats an intel part of an appliance hat HHHOHOHHAHHMAHAHAHOAOHHBROHRHAHAHAHAHRARAAAA Taw =ahp hp = 33,0008.1b./min.. Resistance = Pipe and valve 6 Restriction on flow rate = Ohms ate Now Is often used to describe electri. nthe water analogy, waters tne medium to transter fore, In an eictical ore, the mesium isthe “free™ electrons of a conductive metal ike copper or aluminum. Water transmits fore through the warn ine: in an eect circu. te force is trans mitled over the elecrons ofa conduct. F2, me use wales to urna waterwheel. The weight of the water in the tower exerts pressure on the cutiow fine. As the water fows out and under the paddles ofthe wateretee, most of the water's knet- Ic energy (objects in mation has been converted int rotational fore torque) atthe ‘ade of cur ilustratve contraption. Pressure is sa tobe cropped across the load To maintain pressure atthe source, new energy must be aced—somebody has to scaop up the war, lid the tower and Kogp the water level constant. Ina eee tical system, the utlty that must maintain this pressure, known as vosage. Glossary + Ohm's Law OSI III SUES SUC CCUG UCU UU ‘The force exerted on the axle io F2 depends on thee things: The pressure (ots) In the pip the gallons por minute of water Row (amps), and the restive effect ofthe pipe and vatve camer (ohms). There Is = simple forma to expross tis ‘etationship of pressure, Tow at, and esstance, The forms called Ohm's ‘ster te Garman scientist Goorge Simon Ohm who fst described reas: 1 = /R,H Amps = Volts/Ohms = electromatie force = V = voitage {= tensity = A= curent (measured in amperes) R= rosistanoe in Ons We can use the energy ofthe scineing ne to do work (convert ener). The jb in this example i to Ii 38,0000. 1. nmin. One hesthy dat horse can do it 0 weil call this motor a thorsepower motor (ih = 33,000". Jin), Power isthe Fate in which work is done. More power means more energy is being tansered From one frm to another. The rte at which elect Is converted o another form ‘of energy (heat ight motor) is measured in watts. The power forma is he most ‘common used formula for electrical wok, Kis essential to understanding is apo ‘aon. Mat formula is expressed as flows: (power in watt) =| (amp) x (ols) Tis formula is also useful o tly companies. They can move large smounts of power though small lovcurrent wires by distroutng at igh vokage, then Towering the voltage wth transformers near the point ef use by the customer Fig. 3 © Ohm's Law & Power Formula Solving or amps: Soving for wats: ‘cover amps & Cover watts & ‘ivi watt by muti ome by one vor Ge ‘Solving or amos: Solving or vot: Cover & aide Cover & Eby mutiny Uy riamin Frnkin’s wily dangerous ite epenment oxoved that fering nes cleccty and could be oi charged over a conductor and into the 240d, en's Kring YO and cour Drovded the lining en alterative path to he ground 2 century and a half later Franklin's s- z covery was ape to the newt emerging Spare flectrcal inasteture. Transformers Fig: 4° Ben's Big Idea erm especialy wlrerabe to the enor mousy high vltages flighting and were grounded to help protect the ‘The transformer in your neighborhood is @ poner pulsing (60H2) moanetc fl ‘he ngrvotage uty estbuton wires ante energy tthe relatively Inwvotage (240¥)wios ceanacing to our homes. Ths 240V secondary col has a center tap ‘conductor that is wounded, and the vokoge Between i ad either ofthe “Ive” ungrounded conductors is 120 tis important to remember that this itetionaly ‘Wounded conductor the “neutral is desired to carry cent al the time. is 2 "We" wire Fig. 5 Powe Transformer Center of transformer is grounded. ‘Connection “= ‘to earth HOT” ungrounded conductors (Once this grounded conductor comes to the building, we connect it again tothe arth and to any metal enclosures up to and including those that conta ou ei ‘cal disconnects and overcurrent protection PHKCHSAAAEVSEMSGTOPAFEMERTAARANRAAaAAaese | Grounding Electrode System 2002-2005 [CiMata water pipe if 240M In contact w/sol|-. ..F [250.52Ai] (250.5241) {Bond around water mets ters. tc (250.52k1) (250.52As) Water pine camot he only electrode (250.5302) (250.5202) ou rods min Yin da a La. {250.52.85) (250.5245) [Rods min Stn contact w/ soi [250.525] (250.5245) Drive rods vertical fly below grade EXC FBS [250.536] (250,536), If bedtock encountered, ot maybe buried hole 268 doop ot driven a 45* angle {280.896) (250.596), [Dif water pipe & rod are onl electrodes, od max resistance _25onms OR install 2nd rod min BH rm Ist & bond two rode together 428056) (25056) Ur electrode = 208 #4 rebar ear ttm of footing OR 20M AAWG Cu ire near bottom of footing... [250.5243] (250.5243) 1 fer must be used if present during constuction. (250.50) (250.50 5 ier notre in esting bid concrete would hhae to be disturbed to gan eccess {yal (250.50x% 1 Ordinary tienes OK for bonding Uer sections. (250.52A3] (250.5243) [2.Uter must nave 2n min concrete encasement (250.5243) (250.52A3) [Metal well casings uniess onde to metal pice (250.5247) (250.5247 (C Metal frame I bonded to other elecwedes o 20" n contact w/ earth or encased in coneete neath 250.5242) (250.52028 [2 Underavound gos pine not OK a8 electrode... (250.5261) (250.5281) coerce! | mmeenseaeier | eSeaie ze pas r aise per Wal [anc ae eae zi 1a | | >350-600kemit 500-900komit : yo ‘The primary neton othe Grounding lctode Sytem (GE) to cischarze ‘the enormous voltages of fetning ‘sk aay oe be propery ands Irnabars. Once the ngretaee fecal eneayoropagats throug the sol is comerted i hea nd ‘magnetic energy. Te vote dap is ‘ramete. Dung the mcrossoards of ‘n ectieal 6he, votage steps te {found as snort ae 3. con proguce ae ‘much a 100,000 of peri. Fig. 6 Grounding Electrode ‘System re Pisiz c vuoueTLeuuuuUuuUUUY Grounding Electrode Conductor (GEC) 2002 2008, 1 GEC must connect to newal ator before service {250.26k1} (250.24AA} 1 Ske per service cond size sos +- 78 (250.65] (260.68) ANG Cu largest sie GEC needed ering at ros [250.668] (250.658) 11 AAWG Cu largest size GEC needed if ending at Uer (250.668) (250.668) [1 BANG mst be protected by rcenay of armor... (250.688} (250.648) C.EANG OK unpretected if not subject to damage & following bi cortour FT (250.648) (250.648), [Bond each end of meta! raceway enclosing GEC FB [250.64E) (250.646) {No splices between service & GES [230.840] (280.640) 1 GEC can connect to ary prt of GES 2s0.6ar# — (250.64F) [connections to metal water poe thats part of GES must be ‘iin rst SM of water pie inside bldg... ..FB(250.52K1] (250:52A1) Fig. 7 Bare GEC Fig. 8 GEC in Metal ex Raceway GEC Connections Buried clamps must be LL for dec buna... .F6(260.70) 250.70) (cu water tubing slams LAL for Cu tubing .-..F8 [250.70] (250.70), ‘S Vter Clamps LéL for ebar & encasement... F6 [250-70] (250.70), ‘Note: Rebar cane brought trough the top of foundation in a protected ce: ‘on, such as the garage, to provide an accessible location forte Ur cla [A Staptype clamps sutate oly or phone systems. (250.70) (250.70) CiMax t conductor per clamp unis sted for more... 250.70] (250.70), [Gomections must be accessible EXC + {250.68) (250.684) ‘ured or encased connections 6 [250.70] (250.70) Cee aces Bonding Bonang ensues lees contin i preven dtferences of votage eto etvaen conte conponerts On te ne sie ahead o the mat Geant prouos 2 path back tne tantomer fr fats on see contr anda ote potent ater astm. sch os tepones orcanl On te oad ie fer ne main ovecren prtecton, proves {pn taco the tensor to ee lute and pote agains hoc Bonding Methods 2002-2005 Use ited materials or exothermic weang -42508) (250.8) {ino sneet mot serews to cand for Ws = (250.8) (250.8) ‘Datean noncenducte coatings tram contact surfaces (250.12) (250.42) Line-Side Bonding (Bond al serve ena & conduits & GEC encosures [250.924] (250.928) (1 Treadedfitings OX for bonding service conduit . (280.8082) (250.9282) [1 Meyers hub OF for bonding service concut 0 (250.9282) (280,982) (Si leet alone not sufcient onlin side of service 10 250928) (250.928) Jumpers req around concent KOS ‘on tne side of service F9OR Grunig leuts OX fro remarng conoentves F10 (250.9284) (250.0284) 1 Serie newt can bor ine sie east (250.1424) (250.1424) Se tnesioe boning jumpers par TA. (250.102¢) (280.3020 Fig. 9 + Fittings with Concentric Rings Grounding, wedge | | | | Fig. 40 + Fittings with Clean Holo | crag nt cy Intersystem Bonding 20022005 ‘Min GANG Cu bond te CAT or phone electrodes FA (800.400 4800 1000), 1 Bond ining rotection system to GEC... .F2 [250.106] (250.108) Provide access for intersyatem bonding & GECS (on ot of service egpmt Fis 250.4) (250.948 ’ rode min on. Protea 1 SF Fig. 11 + Intersystem Electrode Bonding 2005 FFL2|250-103A8) (250.1048) {250.1048} (250.1048), Load Side Bonding Bond all meal ing. hot eld & gas 1 Size water pe bonding per TA 1 Siz gas pie bonding per T2 (Bond metal wel casings to EGC of pnp motor (250.4048) (280.112) (250.1048), (250.432), 99900029 9F4040000990900000000099089 Try 7 VUVVvVvveEdUVUUVvVVVIVV LEC EECULLUUUUUULY Equipment Grounding Conductors (ECGs) Equipment Grounding Conductors (EGC) 2002 2008, Sie gp grouning cond pe T2 (250.122) (280.122) EGCS ean ne bare, covered, o insulate (250.119) (250.119) [EGC insulation green or green w/ yelow stipes. (250.119) 250.219) (CEB >68WG OK to sinp bare or use green tape for entice ‘exposed longi inside panels oF Boxes (250.419A) (250.1194) EAMG, IMG, or EMT OK as EGC (250.118) 250.118) FMC & LFMC OK as EGC Tor non moter eeults In combne@ lengths to 6 if proper fitings (see p. 24) (250.118) (50.118) [Remove pant rom contact surtaces of cond fangs & ensure good contact (2806) (250.96) (CEGCS must be run w/ other cond of creat EXC... (200.38) (900.38) Replacing nongrounding recs (see p. 29)... (250.1300) (250.1300) ear 15 4 12 2 2 30 2 10 8 8 6 ® 4 Fig. 12 * Bonding the Piping System Bonding of piping systoms Is required by ‘cove Many jursiictons prefer to have hot ‘old, and gas piping systems bonded togetn- rat the water heater. Furthermore, some equi iat bonding jumper ‘sited the the GEC be sin fom the water heater tothe GEC ov service. me = ae ‘An Equipment ‘DEATH £ ma i alee | a 2 Unie the grounded conductors, EGC are not designed to cary curent Under normal operation. They are part of a safety backup system that fe designed to protect Ie and property trom accidental equipo fais In F43, the motor has a deadly potential to ground (the earth The curent is oting to retum to is source ot the transformer: A persan contacting @ grounded ‘surfeco—e.g., plumbing, earth, ete.—could provide a paalel return path mero Fig. 14 UFE e Clearing e reat i sig eee eae : jumper Equipment Grounding Conductor In FAA, an EGC has been added tothe motor, and i serves to cary the fou current and tua the breaker, Even if the faut was ineutTvent (0 tp the breaker, the EGC would provide electrical equipotent! that would hep protect ‘anyone touching the mator. Pesto, ee Fig. 15 ~ DANGER Fatty of Using Earth asthe i Equipment 1 i ones eos 3 an In FS. an attempt as boon matie to use the earth as an EGC, trical, the earth might be a good enough conductor to cary the amount of eurent necessary To shock of oletrocute@ porson, Outi ls not 2 good enough con dluctor to ip the breaker. The earth can never be relied on to clear faut, CU rea aoa it ted euro oe 2 Cena ns Ground-Fault Circuit Interrupters (GFCIs) Groundout crcut interrupters (GFCts) detect the escape of electreal curent outside the intended Circuit. An example 1s the current returning (0 the transformer trough a porsen, as reeset in FA6. GEC save Tivos by limiting the vation ofthe feu Fig. 17 + Three GFCis Fig. 16 To Ground ‘or Not to Ground How does. @ GFC! work its ‘mage?’ in Fis, ‘equal currents ‘ate flowing to and trom the load. When any lectcal eurent fows, it generates ‘amagpetc field. The magnetic es generated by the flow of electrons in these two conductors are of eppesitepolarty (north and south, leaving ad returning). The forces are equal and opposite, and their magnet feds cancel each othe. ‘The cut passes throug a col of wire insde the GFCI, and the GFC! accounts forthe elecvons on each conductor. As long as the curents ae balanced, te FCI allows curont on the eu ciroult breaker Fig. 18 + GFCI No Fault uring a ground faut, suct as the flow of current through @ person, the ‘teut becomes unbalanced (F19). A magnete eld Is generated on the coll ‘around the cicut wires. Soisstate cicultry comected 10 tho sensing cil ‘cthates a tp mechanism, and the circus interrupted. Fault to chassis 7 anes a1 oe es cane oe ares Se eee ees eee ee aneeee oy TES posal ee Fig. 20 2, Neutral to Ground Fault Induced A FCI receptacle can provide protection fr other receptacies downstream {on the exeuit. GFC protection can be provided by GFCI breakers (F7) or GFC! receptactes. PROOMMMUMMSMMOMORE MEME ERAHRAAAAAA09 | oS JJd ISSII Id vdVveo Required GFCI Protection Locations (DAI veces serving then counters AN batwoom racers x 2002 2005 -FS1 (210.896) (210.846) -{210.8A1,61) (220.8A%, B1) Al residential et receps EXC... +++ (240.849) 240.843) Delcing pt receps w/o ready access (210.889) (210.843,0) [2 Receps sen of foundry, uly on wekbar sinks... [240.847] 210.87)? Commercial ext areas accessible to publc.......... {n/a} (210.8848 Commercial kitchen receps (a areas W/ permarent foodereparaton facies} {210.8899 (210.882%80 E Commercat£20V recaps on rotons 210.882] (210.883) (0 Outdoor 120¥ reese for servicing HVAC ocpmt frva}_ (210.885) Dal garage & unfished basement receps XC. [210842.5] (210.842.5) Recops that are not really accessible OR... [210.842 5X4] (210.842,5X1} ‘Shglereeps for apps not easly moved (sump, teezer, clothes washer) or dupes recep for 2 such aps (210.882, 5%2) (210,842.52) (2 25y, 154,204, & 30A reps for temporary power (527.6A) (580.68) i Retops in boatrouses (200.848) (210.848) Pool, Spa, & Hydromassage Tub GFCI Requirements Receps within 20f of pools & outdoor hot tubs unless cord wouk! have ta pass though window or door 680.2215, {680.22A5.5) Recaps er pool pup motors ary stance rn pootes0 22" 82 (680.2045) {D Reoeps proving 808 o hot tub cower 680.4343} (980.433) 1 Recep 25f & <10R of indoor hat tubs [680.432] (680.4342) Peo over motor & contator (es0.27e2) (680.2782) 1 Hydromassege (whisp00} tubs {680.74} (600.73) 1 Underwater pool igs >15¥ 83 {060.2343} (080.2343), Lahr murs 20% hore ures ~5R vert ram water[680.2266) (680.2264) 1 Bising atures OK A vert tem water (680.2264) (680.2283) 1 GFC protect a recens ton tom inside wal of spa 680.4342} (680.4342) 1 GFOprotet al cults that supply spa oq EXC Usted package soa w/integal GF OR ‘Combination pel & spa or hot 1b = f6a046) (680.44) WL 943th stars of safety for GFCIs—was revised in 2003, reeuirng GF to have grester resistance to corrsion, surge curents, end high voltages. The revised standard also requres@ reverse lineload test tha prevents te receptacles from resetting i they are miswired. The contacts on these newer GFOls ensure broperreseting an prevent some miswinng that cou occur from manipulation oF| the cons onthe oer Gs, hn adaton, al manulecture'sinstaon instruc tions for Gs are now standardized for conssteney. These instruction require specie methods for checking GFC! operation after instalation to ensure that Uevces are propery mired. As a result these proven Me savers have Become more reais than ever Ground Faults & Ar Dre oe dd ee CuGUGGUEUE Fig. 24 + Adding GFCI In Old Houses 1 instaling 2 QFCI breaker fs not an option, ‘this might be an acceptable alternative tothe AHL. Backer Box extension crc} plate. \ receptacle 4 i A GFO! wit operate propery without an equipment ground. Te receptacle Should be labeted “no equipment ground” and any downstream protected receptacles should also have that label as wel as a label stating that they ‘3 GPCI protected. Labels are not required for bropery grounded GFCI protected receptacies. Arc-Fault Circuit Interrupters (AFCIs) Arf cut erupt (AF) ae tered o grow fre grotecton ty ening the cet tn arcing fa i detected Tough oy ok sto GF ‘shor. they do Pot provgeproechon against shock harris a he same Sort as does» GF Flexible ‘tubi Steel ‘switch box 2002-2005, LARC protect all 5A & 208 cit w/ any outlet (ece0, lum, oF smoke detector) n bedrooms “e120 © (—} AFC must be “combination type" after Janary 1.2008 [n/a] (210.1264 1 Reeep device type OK if trom panel & wing between Danel & device MIC oe racoway inva) (ax0.a20m8 Fig. 22 Are Fault Service Drops ‘he uty conipany does not necessarily flow the rules inthe NEC. Check wit your loca jurisdiction and uty to find out what ros apply. Clearances above Ground 2002 1 ea accessible ony 1o pedestrans—iOn vert Fa [230.2481], General above ground-—A2" vert «F23 (230.2482) Above civenay—128 23 (230.2482), Ave roadway—t8t i 23 (230.2464), Ay rect fem poo! water 22) (eso.sa8 Trees may nt support overhead conductors... {230.1088 Clearances above Root 1D fina? slope—min 8 23 (230.248) 444712 slope or geater—min ft EXC (230 24042) Bin OK over eaves If mast Saft ho to edger (230.248X3} ‘Clearances from Openings Below ort sides of openable wndow-~3R £23 [230.94] Above decks & beeonies—t0n out t 3A hora F23 [230.98] 2005 (za02a84) (230.2482) (230.2282) (290.2484) (680.8437 (23020) (230.244) (230.2402) (230.2403) (230.98) (230,98) he EC doesnot av 2 requreent fr mum cba gen cons above @ inom Cac Se or has 3 oie Underground Bl gt & cove per 78 12005) CIhrtet USE cable re exaned sn (200501) "aang noone enc 1 bow letra 300.500) (00.5) 100.502) 100.503) Service Entrance Conductors Unite overtead service drop conductors, the service entance conductors ‘are pay of the building. The handof from te uty tothe eustrer = rferted 1ta28 the “service pai,” and usualy itis the spice pont atthe chp loop. For Luncerground sorvce laterals the service paint is speciied by the uty 1 SFD min wire se AAG Cu or 28WG AL identi hie tape) neural 2 bath ends (200.68) {Protect SE calos where subject to damage W/ metal conduit or RNMC-BO or EMT (230.508) [DSeoure SE every 0in & 12in fom terminations. (290.524) (D Raintght service head rq Yor raceways (290.544) [CRaintght service haad or toed gooseneck OX in SE eat z F (220.548) [DInstal ip loop in constctors (230.54F] Service Riser/Latoral CJ Clam RMC within tf service box (944.304) 1 Pubig pipe or ftigs nat period (3108) Min size mast por ut (ypicaly 2-20 RM) {ut 5 Brace riser to uti or local specs (230.28) Ne unsupported counings above rot {cal (On service conductors may be supported by mest . {230.28}, Service lateral bred trope depth 4 (300.54) (Check w/ uo ote systems in tench sus 2005 40 (7310.1586] (1310.1886) (200.58) (230.504) (230.514) (230.544) (230.548) (230.54F) (342.308) 208) ‘i (230.28) (cay (230.28) (300.58) ‘ati $9299 0909009F00099009900000099099 .w ¥ TT wey voveod WY ve Ikea vuuuvuruvuuuuuuY Wi LAA ¥ wwe YIVIe “ vow ¥ Common Utility Complaints What toons is 2 lst of cammon infactions cited by utity comnery Instaition crews. Most utes publish 2 lst of stendards that ae separate ‘hom the NEC but need t be considered when instoing a new electric service, Meter Base(s) * Too dose to gas meter F25 + Hert norte ox ut stdin Ain, max Bsn to carter of mete F24 + Baier post needed to protect mete fom vehicies on driveway + Not eacly accessible o meter readers Exposed Portion of Service Entrance Conductors (Drip Loop) * insuffetent conductor length at servic hoad (ypcal 28inmin) + Clearance insufciet to communication Snes (types 12h min) + Clearance above windows inset (yl 3 fee) + Hoge above standing surtae r00f dec) t00 low + Customer performing own cutover rom oll serie to new ‘+ Point of tachment to far fom sorvee head Fig. 24 + Compliance Conflicts TT «| examate | toca! @ | asin. max » | 28in.-t9i0, © | 300. min, 4 | 220. min ¢ | 171-190, 1 | 75:0, mex | 15% min i ee mona tect ; SSuincrsse static, | Ths common Installation does not ‘Sess elranatereatmw |" anform to NEC but might be ‘acceptable to the AHL, Fig. 25 + Clearances to Gas Service Utility side House side of gas line, of gas line. Do not Bond metal bond metal 2s pipe ‘eas pipe toGES, to GES. system on system on. this side. this side. Meters & Service Panels ‘An overcurrent protecve device (OCPD), such as a fuse or curt breaker, Is specifically designed to protect electrical cireuits against the harerdous effects of cvercurrents. Service equipment encloses the disconnecting means to shut off the power to a building. A meter = not necessarily service equipment 20022005 (Mex 6 dsc to shutoff power panelonard EXC .....(230.73} (230.73) two OCPD for LBA panels 408.16R) (408.368) Provide werking space <-F28 (110.26, 410.26) [lamination rea or inden eae {410.260} (130.280), 1 Oosypants must have ready acess to al OCPOs OXC [240.248] (240.248) "Mutiunt lag OK fr only management to have access to mains (to ctner OCFOs in commorcil est utes) 240:248K)39 (240,246) 1 Max heen of breakers sed as switches) OR Tin. [404.BA] (240.2400 1 neosue must be lneledms sub fo service eqpnt (230.66) {230.68} (DVerylocstion & hookup fos with uti company {uti ‘tit 1 Breakers coract brand per pave abeling 110.38} (110.38) xian 08 AL eoretars PM es Fig. 26 Clearances around Service Equipment 1110.38,110.14)0036,0.18) Cae aad 0 BN ees ade ee Oa oteet cert] oe ey Curt BSUS Lied Temporary Wiring Tamporary power during construction allows wing methods that would not ‘be acceptabe fer a permanent insialation. Service wie clearances must Sl follow ine same rules shewn on pp. 9 and 10 tor a pormanent service. 2002 2005 [D Temporary service cond ciarancos F23)2909,24) (2309.24) ‘identify insulated neural at both ends (200.68) (200.68), DAL cand terminated property [20.44] (4404), ‘Support & brace pole to ut specs - {ui ‘uit Running spies OK in cables (527.46) (590.46) ‘ Lamenotders eq guards (527.4F] (590.48) 5 GFoIprotoct all 125¥, 5-304 receps 4827.64} (890.64) Multimeter Services ‘Services to two-fomiy and mutton dwelings might come to a multimeter ‘Bene! or toa “hot guter" with spices ahead of any overcurrent protection. See 5 for special bonding requirements for such services, ont one service per bg EXC by special permission .(230.2] 42302), [Townhouse fs two BBS if ep by firewall 1100] 1100) [Esch occupant needs access to service ise... (230.72C] (230.720) Boning req at hot guttors 28250924] (250.924) 5) Max se css at service (230.718) (230.724) Serves cond may not pass trough inert ‘of ene bgt another bi, 1230.3) (220.3) Fig. 28 Fe. 27 Bonding Bushing Duplex Service Sere ser at Offset Nipple from Hot Gutter Service hub Hot gutter ‘Service hub (from panel manufacturer) Fig. 29 Run “Kearney” Split Bolt ae Two Buildings ‘When more than one builtins fs supplied by a service, care must be taken 1 avoid objectionable curents on the grounding paths betwoen the bullings. 2002-2005 (D Each bldg or structure rea GES EXC. ¥F20250:32A) (250.328) ‘kag w/ only one branch cktw/ EGC - 1250.32) (250.324) [C Multvre cktconstered one okt for above le Inval (250.328.04 [Deen bd en disc a bel F30(225.31) (225.31) [Dice must be rete as service eapmt EXC = 1225.36) (225.36) Garages or outbulangs soap snitch or 3uay OK. 225.36X) (225.968) (2 EOC (Aire feeder req between bidgs XC... 250.328} (260.3281) ‘Se fed OK Io ater matt path between bags. 250-3263,2) (2503262,2} [Isolate neutral from EGC in feeder & subpanel .. (280.3264) (250.3281) 1 Provide proper cover for bued cable or conduit 74 (900.5) (3005), Fig. 30 * Grounding at Separate Buildings Genet | aa | — in, | [a ee ‘dere [ava a ® ne | 9a fea@apre] san. | an | am | on | on, a a Driveway | asin | ian, | i8n, | 12m, | 406, LRRALEPUCRUHUNHHEHEIKRAAAAHA ARREARS wr Fig. 31. “The neutral a Service Pan Donded to service eee ‘ns 16a common teave the service Pratilerpori panel, they must be pe he bean Isolated trom tral and the bare or ‘cont2t with equip- ‘geen eauipment ‘mont and enclosures, Saaeren stheraten camer ‘bonded together AND ‘could retum on EGCs, Ste rMionie ‘enclosures, and ping. ‘This eannocton is Sttpael oor Lee Seen ‘operation ofthe coe grounding system. Subpanels & Fuse Boxes anls and ter enclosures must be sled and used in eccardance wih silnactons ard spectestons rom th mantactue: Location & Enclosures 2002 2005 Trent wring. dlewane min 30nwie x 36 dep F26 (110.26) 140.264) ‘Wet oc enclosures reqt0 be weathensoot (ot2za) (312.24) [CSuracermcunted wet loc boxes % space tm wall...(3422A) (312.24) [Open KOs must be fie (not taped (430128) (110.428) [DINo OcPDs in clthos closet or bathroom -.....{240.24D.| (240.240.6) [210¢P0s realy accessbe (& max heght GN Tin). .[240.24A) (240.2422 (Max pene setback in noncombustible wal wal) in (312.3] (312.3), ‘CMax panel stack ncombustioie wal ood) On .. {3123} (812.3), (CMax plaster gap at sie offush mount panel in... {eval (812.4}28 OCPDs & Wiring (D Seoue cables entering pana aa(sizsc] (31250) [Dreakes corect brand per pane labeling .........[210.38) (140.38), (Dsolteneutrel fom EGCs & GES HC at serviceF 84,32 [408.20] (408.40) [D Maailetons to split neutral bar PA 31,32 manu) (mara) [D Terminal bar for E2Cs rem tobe provided... FB,82 [408.20] (408.40), [D Pupose of breakers & es ley marked (06.4} 4408.4} 'D Chit idenifcation must te clear, evident. & spect... {nya} (408.4)24 [D Approves handle ties OK for 240V cits 1n/ single pole breakers + -F#2 (240,2082] (240.2082) Re Cire ta Reta eee eT ed VOOGOGOOOUVODOVGOUULEUUUUUUUUULY Fig. 32 ‘Subpanel 1 a downstream sub- anelbosr, te white euital and he ‘equipment grounds must not be bonded together. The neutral MUST “float” on ins lators that prevent ‘contat wth the metal enclosure and ‘any eauiprment ‘OCPDs & Wiring (cont.) 20022005 (Handle tie for mutvre kt to samo devee ...F2|230.48] (210.48), ‘Handle tie for 2 ck a receps on same yoke... (210.70)88 (240.78) Missing twistouts must have fl plates (not tape) (140.428) (44024) [ Anxidant on AL conductors PMI. sto.) (110.44) Each neutral conductor req indidual terminal --- /408.21)28 406.43), Breakers (OCPDs) serve 4 primary functons: -L. Provide a disconnecting means for a cicult 12 Opon circuits (stops current flow) if conductor overloaded 43. Open circuits (stops current flow) If short cireut occurs 4. Open circuits (stops current fow) if ground fault occurs Fig. 33 Improper Cable Bundle Cables must te secured fo the panel with clamps used in accordance with their isting. Some clamps wil accent two small cables: a bundle trough ene ‘lamp is @ common defect. aT Service & Feeder Calculations See ee eee zocz 2005 serene eat cee ee eee ee meee Feelngectaia lt pmrinogpotmyb rman Rails ay aie aa Rei unGtareTaem aimee: camanen so oa Ema ee ie foe ee ee ee ee ‘everything wil be operated at the same time. The procedures below show how 1 Feeders sufficient for toad 215.2A1] (215.241) so en Hpegee eae ence] Gree Stans tor sing a Service EM Feder see 308 ta sutpane (215212) (n/a? moon 2008 crac TT eee mavatoapelord ae .ta aa ae : = 3. Eo sds cern Damaragph sl 20825 | Set apne &aoiy ons (NES 22052.) -ckt at 1,500W per cit {210,5283] (210.5263) 2 small appl. ct. Set 2 4. Min 1 laundry ckt at 1,500W- {220.188} (220.528) Ac. sonal en 2 oe ee ene ease fare a : oe ais) og | Sontd ia ma Aisi items) teed [owen Simo tournglao ana) mamey PSs 3a 80 8. Range loads are calculated at namepiate rating. Ifa “= ‘single range is »8,000W & <12,000M. it still = Spsalel apgtionce Doate, mio ontinon os eianoon ou Seeiten za) ioe allan 7 Seer ee ee eee 7 Fence drome tm Se z penis eee ea Tigcemempomrneisns estonia; pany [Amine es OS a ee ae eae “whichever is greater, in column 3 1220.18] (220.54) oes = bales capores wetiens ee ieee ae = ee ee ee pee grees occas 2 Sic facas atom cng soarcenal a fz Se ene eee cee 8 ares eee ‘the numbers in the first column are typical examples [220.17] {220.53} eo ee a 19. Enter the total of fixed appis in the middle column .. (220.17) (220.53) oe = 20. If there were <4 fixed appis, enter the number Sete 40 SG a = (Samapeecrtcwsinare sore orm. 703s) 03m [goog Reta = SORTOE PS 2m ee et name ani lee eee PRRARAUUURUEBAEHHHSSESARARLA LAS AAAS

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