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Biya's clique of insatiable kleptomaniacs do not know what to do with the fact that
Ambazonia cited Cameroon before the United Nations Human Rights Committee and this
provided the UN with the opportunity they had been looking for to tell the world that, in
international law the entity called the Republic of Cameroon is the former UN trust territory
of French Cameroun. And that Ambazonia is the former UN trust territory of British Southern

The following public acts of the United Nations emphasize its recognition of Ambazonia as a
nation and not a pressure group or faction of a movement:
(a) The UNHRC case ICCPR/1134/2002
(b) The Annan Bakassi Peace Accord
(c) The UN surveyors building pillars along the international boundary
Separating Ambazonia from Cameroon
(d) The UN presenting a map of French Cameroun to Biya during the 50th
anniversary independence celebration as the map of the country known in
international law as Republic of Cameroon

But the agents of Yaounde and some who do not understand one bit of the peculiar nature of
our struggle want our people to regard Ambazonia not as the geographical name of our nation
but as one of the factions within Cameroon seeking to secede from Cameroon the
geographical southern part of Cameroon.

A sign that these internet crickets are singing Yaounde song is that none of them dares to
mention that law 84/01 dissolved the Cameroon. None does any harp on how to exploit the
UN stance of our sovereignty.

Anyone who regards Ambazonia as a mere movement or a faction of British Southern

Cameroons Liberation Movement needs a secondary school geography lesson on the meaning
of the name Ambazonia. He or she would be told that Ambazonia means the zone or
hinterlands of Ambas Bay.

How the hinterlands of a part of West Africa can be regarded as one of the factions fighting to
liberate that land only reflects the low intellect of those internet crickets shrieking liberation,
liberation, liberation.

We now understand that the name Cameroon came from Cameroes, from Rio dos Cameroes –
meaning, River of Prawns. This was a Portuguese explorer’s description of the river Wouri
from which Cameroon later got its name. Ambazonia, thus means the zone or hinterlands of
Ambas Bay, of course found in our own portion of territory.

Ambazonia is thus a nation under international law.

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