Give God Time

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Excerpt from ‘Meditation Moments’ by Virginia Brand Berg

If you have a problem
today, a great need in your
life, maybe your problem is
that you had done all the
talking, but hadn't done any
listening to God!
"Stop talking and listen for
a while! Listen to God's
Word! Be still and let Him
speak to you.
When you get quiet and
wait on Him, there will
come a prompting from
Him in a still small voice."
Someone has also called it
"A Divine Oughtness," that
is, an impression that you
ought to do a certain thing.
Some people think that effective
praying means to keep on
seeking and keep on knocking, to
keep on talking and talking and
asking God with a multitude of
words, and an insistence in
talking it out with Him!
This kind of prayer doesn’t show
your trust & faith that He’ll
answer, on the contrary, it shows
your unbelief & lack of faith that
He has heard you & the answer
is on its way.
When you pray you don’t
need to keep on asking,
with so much talking and
insistence on expressing
yourself in words, but you
need to keep on believing
and keep on expecting
and waiting! Waiting for
God to answer!
Oh, the answer's there,
God will answer! You
know, prayer in its highest
meaning is not pleading
with God or demanding
things, but it is
communion with God,
throwing your whole being
open heavenward, God-
ward, and waiting for the
divine response.
A little word by Martha Snell-Nicholson:

Sometimes I do not even pray in words.

I take my heart in my two hands,
And hold it up before the Lord.
I'm so glad He understands.

Sometimes I do not even pray in words.

My spirit bows before His feet,
And with His hand upon my head,
We just hold communion, silent, sweet.

Sometimes I do not pray in words,

For I am tired and long for rest.
And my heart finds all it needs,
Just resting on the Savior's gentle breast.
If you have prayed and had no answer yet, no answer's come
and it seems as if when you pray, the Heavens are brass and
He's been deaf to your pleading cries, remember this:
No earnest sincere prayer to the heavenly Father has ever
gone unanswered or been unnoticed. But it is also true that
God has His time for all things in working out His purposes!
God has strange ways of disciplining His intercessors and
prayer warriors, and that takes time.

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