Lose Fat: Eat Smaller Dinners

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Lose Fat

1. 1

Eat Smaller Dinners. Cut down on the size of your dinner and try to "eat clean". That is, eat at
least 50% fruit and vegetables, then a fist-size portion of unrefined, complex carbs (potatoes,
sweet potatoes, etc), and some low fat protein about the size of your palm. If you're hungry, snack
on fruits or other healthy, low calorie snacks. Large dinners tend to hurt a fat loss process because
most people aren't very active after dinner. This is the basis for advice along the lines of "don't eat
anything within a certain number of hours before going to bed". The claim that your entire dinner
is stored as fat isn't entirely true. The process is more complicated than that, but the fact you don't
move after dinner is enough to hurt your cause. You can offset this by eating a larger lunch or
snacking healthily before dinner. Fresh fruits or vegetables are excellent choices for curbing
appetite not to mention other health benefits. A handful of nuts might do the same. Drink a large
glass of water before sitting at the table.

2. 2

Eat More Fiber. Most people don't get enough fiber. The recommended amount is actually not
that much if you eat a healthy diet. "Fiber foods" include whole grains, fruits and vegetables, and
nuts and seeds. Other options are fiber supplements.

3. 3

Eat Breakfast. Many people skip breakfast because they don't have time for it. Keep this in
mind: You don't have time to skip breakfast, it's simply too valuable to skip. The fact that
skipping breakfast messes up your concentration and other mental functions is beyond the scope
of this article. The harm of skipping breakfast from a weight loss perspective is it makes you eat a
huge lunch since your body hasn't had anything in the past 12 (or more) hours. When you eat a
huge lunch you get that after meal drowsiness so now you're both unproductive and inactive.
Cereals don't take much time to prepare and consume, and most of them are very healthy
nowadays. If you are extremely pressed for time, consider grabbing a box of breakfast bars or a
smoothie and throwing one in your bag when you leave for work or school. Some breakfast bars
out there are also excellent sources of fiber. Your breakfast should be the biggest meal of the day,
lunch the second, and dinner the smallest.

4. 4

Lift Weights. The more muscle your body has, the more calories your body burns, even at rest.
However recent research has shown this effect is not as great as previously thought. Resistance
training is still very important to limit the amount of muscle mass lost whilst reducing your
calorie intake. Many people are afraid of getting huge due to weight lifting but the fact is you
won't! Many huge body-builders out there have been body-building for years to get huge. Since
you want your abs to show, you should be eating fewer calories than you burn, and your body
can't build a large amount of muscle without excess calories, so you shouldn't have to worry
about this potential problem at all. If you just do cardiovascular exercises (running, playing
basketball, football, etc.) without lifting weights then you will lose the muscle mass, you will also
feel weak and it will take longer to lose that fat. So, to get rid of that fat quickly lift weights
combined with cardiovascular exercises. Running, biking, swimming, stair climbing, jumping
rope, tennis, volleyball, dancing, squash or any other activity that gets you moving and keeps you
moving is a great way to burn fat. However, a cardiovascular workout should be performed for at
least 20 to 30 minutes to burn fat. Prior to this your body will simply run on its stored energy,
which results in minimal fat loss. Cardiovascular training should always be done after your
weight lifting workout. While lifting weights, you use the sugar glucose in your blood. Thus by
performing cardiovascular exercises after weight training your body will have less free energy to
use and will be forced to dissolve the (carbohydrate energy) fat storage from for its energy use.
Some think the best way to shed fat fast is to do cardiovascular exercises right when you wake
up. The theory is that your body will search for energy to use, and when it finds nothing in your
blood, it will go directly to your fat reserves for energy. Others say that the first thing you should
do in the morning is eat, to get your metabolism going earlier.

5. 5

Keep Metabolism Steady. Eating one small meal every three hours that you are awake will not
speed up your metabolism, rather, it will keep it going. Your metabolism goes and slows with
your food intake and eating something small every three hours will keep that metabolism burning
calories and will help you lose weight. Every meal should include lean protein, so that your body
won't need to break down your muscles for fuel, which would shrink your abs as well as slow
down your metabolism.

6. 6

Drink More Water Every Day. Many places suggest 8 cups (2L) of water a day. It also depends
on your weight (1L/20kg would be good, more if it's hot or you're ill). It sounds like an absurd
amount of water, but actually, you can drink tea without sugar to make up some of the quota. In
fact tea, especially green tea, will rev up your "metabolism" actually causing a temporary increase
in calories burned. For fat loss purposes, it is important to remind yourself that thirst is a much
weaker stimulus than hunger. If you consistently feel hungry after meals, don't immediately think
that you need to eat more. You may simply be thirsty! Needless to say there are many benefits of
water. The human body is anywhere from 71% to 78% water depending on body size.

7. 7

Avoid "white" foods (white rice, pasta,white bread, white flour, refined sugar) - these foods
cause insulin spikes and trigger increased storage of dietary fat storage and slow down
burning of body fat. Also avoid high sodium foods as "salt" will enable you to hold more water.
Replacing pasta with whole wheat pasta, white rice with brown rice, and white bread with whole
wheat bread are good substitutes.

 Eat small meals about six times per day rather than three large meals. Make your meals a combination
of good carbs, protein and good fats. The small, frequent meals can raise your metabolism and help you
build lean muscle mass.

 Step 2

Take in lean protein, such as tuna; scrambled or boiled egg whites; and baked, broiled or boiled chicken.
Don't use sauces or high-fat condiments.

 Step 3

Limit your fat intake, but don't cut it out of your diet completely. Eat good fats in moderation, such as
olive oil and salmon.

 Step 4

Eat some carbohydrates, but make sure they are good carbs, such as brown rice, sweet potatoes, fruits and

 Step 5

Stay away from breads, pastas and high-sugar foods. Satisfy your sweet cravings by eating fruits.

 Step 6

Drink lots of water, about half a gallon per day will ensure you won't get dehydrated. Dehydration will
cause you to retain fluid.

 Step 7

Combine this diet along with exercises, such as crunches, hanging leg raises and leg lifts, and you'll be on
your way to having the chiseled abs you want without the expense of those pricey machines.

Eat six times a day.

Old diet systems ensure that you stay hungry by forcing you to eat a daily calorie count that's lower than
Jessica Simpson's SAT scores. I don't want you hungry -- I want you full. When you're full, you won't be
as tempted (or likely) to steamroll your way through pizza boxes.

And the way you'll get full is by eating six times a day, choosing from the nutritional heroes you'll meet
below. By eating every few hours, you'll keep your metabolism revved and ensure overall stomach
satisfaction. The great thing about the Abs Diet powerfoods is that, because they're high in nutrients,
protein, healthy fats, and fiber, they make it almost impossible to overeat. Proper nutrition will leave you
feeling satiated all day long.

How to do it: Eat three standard meals and three smaller snacks. For example:

            8 a.m.             BREAKFAST

            11 a.m.           SNACK

            1 p.m.             LUNCH

            4 p.m.             SNACK

            6 p.m.             DINNER

            9 p.m.             SNACK


Indulge in specific foods -- the Abs Diet Power 12.


Most diets treat you as if you're the kid and they're the parent: No this, no that, no fruit, no bread, no
meat, no potatoes, no sugar, no, no, no, no. And you end up hearing "no" more often than the science-club
president 3 weeks before the prom. Yes, it's true that there are foods and substances so toxic that you
should stiff-arm them like Reggie Bush shaking off a tackle. But there's an enormous world of wonderful
foods out there just waiting for you. And it's not all veggies and tofu; the preferred foods are as diverse in
taste as in nutritional power. How convenient that they line up next to the letters in ABS DIET POWER:

A           Almonds (and other nuts)

B           Beans (and other legumes)

S            Spinach (and other green vegetables)

D          Dairy

I            Instant oatmeal

E           Eggs

T           Turkey (and other lean meats)

P           Peanut butter

O          Olive oil

W         Whole grains (breads and cereals)

E           Extra-protein powder (whey)

R           Raspberries (and other berries)

Adopt the Abs Diet Power 12. Eat the Abs Diet Power 12. Enjoy the Abs Diet Power 12. But, most of all,
live longer and better with the Abs Diet Power 12.

How to do it: Make sure that every meal includes at least two foods from the powerfoods list, but try to
put together meals in which every food is a powerfood. The more you use the foods, the better your
results. The recipes we include here will help.


No dessert for you!


Have dessert every day!

In fact, I insist. Let's face it: There's a basic human need for sweets. In our scavenger days, our tastebuds
encouraged us to seek out berries and other fruits, so we'd get all the vitamins and minerals we needed.
Today, we still crave sweets, and to completely eliminate them goes against human nature and guarantees
only one thing -- dietary failure.

So how can you fulfill your cravings for sweets but not blow a week's worth of calories on a chain-
restaurant cake that's the size of an ottoman? With a powerful and sweet Abs Diet smoothie, combining as
many of the powerfoods as you can -- raspberries, oatmeal, peanut butter, whey powder, and milk, for
instance. (Go to MensHealth.com/absdiet/ for recipes.) In each drink, you can have the taste of chocolate
(whey powder comes in lots of flavors) and berries -- without the guilt that typically comes from desserts.
Smoothies also take up stomach space and help you avoid the blood-sugar highs and lows associated with
desserts filled with simple sugars.

How to do it: Use smoothies as snacks or replacement meals.

Food items

1. Beans (and other legumes)

2. Whole grains and cereals
3. Vegetables(spinach, lemon, cucumber, potato, onion, etc)
4. Brown wheat
5. Brown bread
6. Noodles
7. Mix dal
8. Suji
9. grams
10. oat
11. egg
12. chicken
13. biscuit
14. banana
15. rajma
16. brown rice

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