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Quiz3-Factoring College Algebra

Seat No. _____________ Score: ________

Factor the given expressions completely. Show your SOLUTIONS neatly in a separate sheet.

1. 25 x2 y2 + 20 xyz2 + 4z4

2. 6x2 – xy - 35y2

3. x4- (4x-5)2

4. 27 x3-y3

5. 2x6- 54

6. 2 x8 y – 2 x5 y4 + 8 x4 y – 8 xy4

7. x - 4y – x 3+ 64y3

8. 5 (a-b)3 - 625

9. 5 x4n – 26 x2n + 5

10. (2x-3y)2 - 16
Quiz3-Factoring College Algebra

Seat No. _____________ Score: ________

Factor the given expressions completely. Show your SOLUTIONS neatly in a separate sheet.

1. 64 x2y4 + 80 xy2m3 +25m6

2. 5 x2 +4x -1

3. 20 x3y – 5xy7

4. 2x6-54

5. x2- 8xy + 16y2 - 36a2 + 12ab - b2

6. 16 b4c4 + 36 b2c2d2 + 81d4

7. 32 x5- y5

8. x2n + 2 xnyn + y2n

9. 6(x+y)2 + 5(x+y)(y+z) -6(y+z)2

10. 2x3 + 4x2 -10x

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