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eX-Sense™ / eX-Sense Pro ™

- User Manual -

1. Introduction
2. How does it work?
3. Installation and Registration
4. Selecting source, Changing the mode and recording conversations
5. The Risk Mode
5.1 General description
5.2 The Calibration Phase theory
5.3 Operation - Step By Step
5.4 The Basic Display
5.5 The Advanced Display (PRO Version Only)
5.6 The Issues Editor and Issues display (PRO Version Only)
5.7 The Notes Pad
5.8 The Final report
6. The Love mode
6.1 General Description - what is love?
6.2 Operation - Step By Step
6.3 Changing the actor
6.4 The final report
6.5 Important notes!
7. Reports, the Database, and recorded files
8. The "Emotion Player™" (PRO Version Only)
9. Tips and tricks
10. General (Yet Important) Note!

2002 © all rights reserved to Nemesysco Ltd.

1. Introduction
"eX-Sense™" is one of Nemesysco's products, designed to meet the needs of the ordinary
businessman who needs a quick, simple and reliable truth verification tool in many of his day
to day business (as well as other) scenarios.

What does "eX-Sense" stands for?

"eX-sense" is for EXTRA-SENSE, something we all want to use when big money or
important decisions are at stake.

What Exactly is eX-Sense?

eX-Sense is a vocal-emotion analyzer, using Nemesysco's “Sense” emotion detection
algorithm for voice analysis, capable of providing crucial information for your decision
making process.

Is eX-Sense a Lie-Detector?
Actually yes, but it can do much more then that. It can tell you how your subject feels, and by
that giving you a competitive edge to negotiate a better deal, hire better personnel, choose a
more reliable supplier, and even just let you know if the person talking to you is simply not
being honest.

Can I completely relay on the "eX-Sense" findings?

eX-Sense is an excellent tool as a decision support tool, and in combination with your own
judgment and common sense will be a great advantage for you, but as any other automated
system, it is not 100% reliable, so never reach a decision based solely on your interpretations
of "eX-Sense " analysis. Use "eX-Sense" to mark to your self what needs to be clarified by
other means. You will find eX-Sense to be accurate in the vast majority of it's warnings, but it
still may fail from time to time due to unexpected circumstances, such as sudden background
noises during the test, bad phone connection, impaired hardware and user errors.

What kinds of feelings does "eX-Sense" detect?

"eX-Sense" can detect, dependent on it's operation mode (see below), various feelings and
states of mind. In General, Nemesysco's voice analysis technology applied in eX-Sense can
detect your subject's level of excitement (positive and negative), his level of Mental/Logical
(Cognitive) conflict, his level of stress, mental effort, willing to say, concentration,
anticipation and even deep emotional states like love and lust.

Do I Need to be a professional to use "eX-Sense"???

No. By the time you finish to read this manual, and after few test conversations, you are ready
to go…

2. How does it work?

In order to understand how eX-Sense works, it is important to understand few basic elements first:
- What is a lie? Normally, we differentiate between 5 basic types of lies: Defensive lies (Told
to protect the subject from harm), Offensive lies (Told in order to gain extra profit), "White
Lies" which are told to ovoid hurting someone else's feelings, "Embarrassment Lies" told by
one to avoid getting embarrassed, and Jokes. For the purpose of "eX-sense" usage we will
define a lie as anything that is told with the INTENT to DECEIVE, or to make someone else
believe in something that is not true. Jokes, however, are not considered as lies since the teller
never intended you to believe in them. (in the jokes category, therefore, we will include also
tell-tales such as "Yesterday, a spaceship came down and took to Mars…").

- The Human Speaking Mechanism: When someone speaks, air is pushed up from the lungs,
threw the vocal cords that vibrates in a specific frequency, to the mouth and then by moving
the tongue, the lips and coordinating the nose and jaw structure, the speech flow is created.
Since this is a very complicated task, the brain is also taking a big part of the action,
orchestrating the whole process and making sure that at the end you sound as your brain
intended too.
- Emotional Stress, Cognitive Stress and General Stress: After almost 6 years of researches
and lectures, we found that the best way to explain the differences is by sharing with you this
story: Imagine getting a phone from your spouse telling you that you won the first prize in the
lottery… What you would feel is "Emotional Stress", usually a positive one. Then, Your
spouse ask you "What do you think we should do with the money???" - since you are not
really sure, what you would then feel is "Cognitive Stress". Then, Your spouse ask… "Do we
need to pay Income tax on our winnings?" - That's where General Stress will appear.

- Since our brain is taking such a big part in the complicated task of speaking, our speech flow
will be affected by anything else that will happen in our brain, such as an additional thought,
uncertainty, internal conflicts and lies, rush of excitement and so on. Each of these states of
mind is reflected in it's own way. Many times, we don't care if the person we speak with will
know we are excited or confused, so we don't try to control our voice and we can feel if
someone else is excited, stressed or confused. However, in the business world, we often try to
disguise our true feelings and therefore we try to moderate our tone of voice. In these
scenarios, "eX-sense" will be able to sense exactly what your subject is trying to hide, due to
its capability to hear very low amplitudes that no human ear can pick up (and therefore can not

- "eX-Sense" will calculate your subject's feelings into mathematical values, and will display it's
results in plain text messages such as "Truth", "Excitement", "Confusion", "Stress",
"Inaccuracy", "FALSE STATEMENT" and more…

3. Installation and Registration

The installation process is as standard as it gets. Just put in your CD, and if the installation process
doesn't start automatically in few seconds, just double-click the CD icon from "My Computer"
window. Follow the on screen installation process until the installation is successfully completed.
Once "eX-Sense" is installed, run it from your "Start" button menu.
You will now be presented with "eX-sense" end-user-License-agreement (EULA). You must sign
it digitally by clicking the "I Accept" button to continue.
Then, the registration screen appears. You must be registered to use "eX-sense", so fill in your full
name, the CD number you received in the package (starting with 2 letters) and call your local
support agent. You will need to provide the red "Locker" code, and receive from our support
person your "Key Code" (Key codes are unique per computer and CD license and can be provided
only by Nemesysco's registered support agent). Fill in the number you received, and the
registration is over. Start eX-Sense again to start working!

If you have a protection hardware plug, please follow this simple procedure:
1. From your "eX-Sense" installation CD, open the folder named "HASP".
2. Run the file "HDD32.EXE" to install the Plug Device Driver.
3. Follow the on screen instructions, and complete the installation.
- Important! Please do the procedure above before attempting to register eX-Sense.
If the procedure was completed successfully and the plug is installed, the "key code" section will
read "*PLUG" and will become unchangeable, and you will not need to call for the key-code.
Please remember to keep the plug connected to the computer at all times during your work with
eX-Sense. Fill in the rest of the details as explained above.

Installing the Phone-Connector.

The phone connector (provided inside eX-Sense pack) is designed to hook your phone with your
computer sound card (by that letting you analyze your phone calls). Simply pull out the curly wire
plug from your Phone's HANDSET (leaving the second side still connected to the Phone's receiver
base) and plug it into the "female" socket of the phone-connector. Then, plug the "Male" phone
connector plug into the handset socket. Finally, plug in the stereo socket of the Phone connector to
your Computer's "LINE-IN" Socket (usually colored blue). We are now ready to work!
4. Selecting source, Changing the mode and recording

eX-Sense can work either with Microphone (in a face-to-face conversation- not supplied in the eX-
Sense Pack), or for analyzing phone-conversations. By default, eX-Sense is ready in "Phone"
mode. To set the mode for Microphone usage, just click
"Set Source" button. To set it again for "Phone" mode,
click "Set Source" again.
To Toggle between "Risk Mode" (the truth verification/
Lie detection mode) and "Love Mode" (The love detection
mode) click the "Set Mode" Button.
If you want your conversation recorded (PRO Version
Only), click the button now displaying "Recording Mode-
Off". The button will change to read "Recording mode-
ON!". To quit the recording mode, just click the button

5. The Risk Mode

5.1 General description
"eX-Sense Risk Mode" is designed to provide you as a manager a quick extra verification tool
needed in many of your day-to-day business life. Once
you understand the "eX-Sense SPIRIT" you will find it
can be a great aid when negotiating better prices,
interviewing new employees, speaking with your own
salesmen about their efforts and findings, knowing
exactly how your workers feel about what they are doing
and their working environment, and so on. By now you
probably have about 10 other ideas how a tool like "ex-
Sense" can fit and assist you.
EX-Sense Risk mode usage is as simple as it gets, just
push the "Start Test" button and the system does the rest
automatically. The system's results are displayed in plain Text messages and in different sets
of graphic tools (bars, graphs and numbers).
EX-Sense risk mode has additional more advanced features, such as the notes editor (in which
you can type notes about the conversation as they appear on the screen), and the "Issues List"
(a method of comparing between different issues in the same conversation).
The testing process begins with a short "Calibration" period, allowing the system to calculate
the subject's emotion profile at ease, and when no emotions are expected.

5.2 The Calibration Phase. Theory and implications

Not all men were created equal. As politically incorrect as it sounds, that's the plain truth.
Some of us tend to get excited easily, some of us are always confused, and some are normally
stressed. On top of our general behavior, we also "suffer" from incidental change of mind, or
more "emotional" or "Stressed" days then other. All those elements will have great impact on
the way eX-Sense is calculating its final decision, so before the system can provide it's
analysis, it must first understand how your subject is feeling and thinking when there is no risk
or emotion expected. We call this process "The Calibration Phase". In this phase, the system
picks up the first 5-6 samples of voice by your subject, to build a 3-dimensional base-line for
each vocal parameter. The calibration process will also take into account soft and constant
background noises, so the system will learn how to ignore them.
The calibration process is critical for the test to succeed, and if you suspect that the calibration
process was not performed properly, due to sudden noises on the line or you suspect
something that might cause extra-emotions was said during the calibration process, you must
end the test and restart it to perform the calibration again.
The Calibration must be done on your subject's voice, and not on anyone else's, and must be
performed at the right before the beginning of the test, so it will detect your subject's then
current state of mind. If your subject received another phone call, or left the room for a while,
it is advised to recalibrate.

5.3 Operation - Step By Step

To work with eX-Sense risk mode, please do the followings:

1. Start eX-Sense if not started already.
2. Make sure the "Mode Indicator" shows "Risk mode", and the "Source Indicator"
is showing the proper source (i.e. Telephone or Microphone). Use the "set
Source" and "Set Mode" buttons if needed.
3. Call your subject. (it can also work with in-coming calls)
4. The moment you hear your subject's voice, click the "Start test" button. The
system will automatically start it's calibration process.
5. If the law in your country allows it, it is better to avoid telling your subject he is
being tested, as it might add unnecessary stress to the process, but please do tell
your subject about the test if the law requires you to do that.
6. Keep your conversation casual until the calibration process is over, allow your
subject to speak freely and don't interfere in his words. (In phone mode, the
system automatically mutes when you start to speak and samples will not be
registered). If you are using the Microphone Mode, make sure you speak softly
so the microphone pointing at your subject will pick up only his voice and not
yours. (In MIC mode, you can mute yourself manually by clicking once on the
wave window. To stop the muting, click the wave window again)
7. Whenever a new sample is registered, the "Wave Window" will change to show
the sampled voice, and the analysis window will show the current analysis (once
the calibration process is over).
8. When you see an analysis that doesn't make sense to you, it is time to probe
deeper. However, you will see that after a very short practice (2-3 phone calls
with people you know very well) most of the massages will make perfect
sense… ("I was there at 3 o'clock"- and "inaccuracy" message, "I can't believe
it!" - and "stress" or "Excitement" message, etc..)
9. The "High S.O.S" (PRO Version Only) light will lit whenever your subject says
something he doesn't want to say. If the issue is relevant to you, start asking
more questions…
10. The "General Stress" (PRO Version Only) light will lit whenever the "Stress
baseline"(!) is above a pre-set border, indicating that your subject is "Generally"
stressed, and not only because of your last question…

Once the conversation is over, click the "End-Test" button to view the summarizing report.
Click the button again to "Reset" the system and to be ready for the next test.

5.4 The Basic Display

This display provides you with easy to understand way by visualizing all your subject's basic
emotions (lie, excitement, confusion and stress) on the same display.
The basic display is showing 4 bars of emotions, calculated against the calibration baseline.
A full bar is valued as 300% (3 times higher than the baseline - extremely high value) then
calibration value, and an empty bar is valued as 0 (extremely low value). The normal value of
the bars should be 1/3 filled (100% - match with calibration value).
The bars will start to act once the calibration process is over.
5.5 The Advanced Display (PRO Version Only)
More experienced users can use the advanced display to view the emotional graphs of the
whole conversation, observe and compare segments of the conversation, and learn more about
the basic emotional parameters activities and levels (those parameters are the "Core Engine"
parameters and are usually used by psychologists and researches. (If these parameters interest
you, please contact our main office by e-mail, and we will be happy to assist further)
The Advance display also includes the "Deep Analysis" window, offering additional 3 layers
of analysis of sub-conscious activity. (Nemesysco will provide detailed explanation about this
feature upon request)

5.6 The Issues Editor and Issues display (PRO Version Only)
Use the "Issues Editor" to plan structured conversations for various purposes, such as pre-
employment, complicated inquiry, negotiation and so on. "Issues Lists" can be saved and
edited, and then used at a later time. If you choose to use an "Issue List" in a certain
conversation, create it or load it before you start the test by clicking the "Issue List" file name
from the list.
During the test phase, just click the proper issue when your subject is talking.
When the test is ended, the issues will be graded according to their "Problematic" Findings
appearance, and will be presented in the final report.

5.7 The Notes Pad

Use the notes pad to write comments for your self as the conversation progresses.
Ask a question, look at the analysis window, reach your decision and write your comments
The comments can be saved as an external file, printed or saved together with the complete
test file.

5.8 The Final report

The final report is a statistical analysis of the whole conversation, and includes your subject
general "mood" at the conversation beginning and ending.
If an "issues List" was used, the report will include in descending order the problematic issues
detected by the system.
Reports can be saved in the system database (see below) and can be printed for further use.
6. The Love mode
6.1 General Description - what is love?
The ultimate question… we are not going to struggle with it here, but we are interested in the
effect such intensive emotion has on our voice. Remember the "butterflies" in the stomach?

When we speak with someone we really care about, we are

getting very excited just to speak with him/her. Our body is
doing it's at most to look good. Our pupils get bigger, our
lips get redder, we get more concentrated and… our voice
is getting higher (due to the excitement).
"EX-Sense Love Mode" is measuring your subject's level
of deep and constant excitement and "Concentration" level
to try and detect if serious feelings are involved in this
conversation. Since this is not a "Truth Test", you don't
need to ask any direct questions. Just talk about normal stuff, not to exciting, and not
intimidating. The love detection algorithm (designed for the last 3 years) is looking for
constant feelings that are not dependent on the issue of the conversation.
Moreover, normally exciting issues or incidents might impair the results, for example, when
speaking with someone just won a big prize, you will probably find him to be in love with the
whole world… Since this is the case, we must advise you to proceed with your findings with
caution. Try asking him/her out for coffee or a movie?

This test must be performed in secrecy and over the phone. If the law in your country prevents
such tests, you cannot use this testing mode.

6.2 Operation - Step By Step

To work with eX-Sense Love mode, please do the followings:
1. Start eX-Sense if not started already.
2. Make sure the "Mode Indicator" shows "Love mode", and the "Source Indicator"
is showing the Telephone mode. Use the "set Source" and "Set Mode" buttons if
3. Call your subject, and select the proper male/female "actor" from the screen. (the
actor has no effect on the testing procedure itself)
4. The moment you hear your subject's voice, click the "Start test" button. In "Love
Mode" there is no calibration process and the system will start the test
5. Keep your conversation casual. Talk about anything you like, but avoid
embarrassing issues and questions.
6. Whenever a new sample is registered, the "Wave Window" will change to show
the sampled voice, just as in risk mode, but the analysis window will show the
"Love Level" the system had calculated to this point. Remember, the system is
looking for CONSTANT feelings, and those take time, so the system starts with
"Love Level: none" and hopefully it will go up…
7. The system can show up to 5 "Heart" lights. If intensive emotions are detected,
the system will show it at once…

* The "High S.O.S" light and The "General Stress" light are not in use in this mode.

Once the conversation is over, click the "End-Test" button to view the summarizing report.
Click the button again to "Reset" the system and to be ready for the next test.
6.3 Changing the actor

You can choose between a "Male Actor" and a "Female Actor" by

clicking the little image of the desired actor.
The actor's selection has no affect on the test itself.

6.4 The final report

The final report will summarize the findings of the whole test, including the highest level of
love detected. The report can be saved and printed.

6.5 Important notes!

• Before calling your wife or husband, just think for a moment… (They see you everyday,
how excited can they be to speak with you right now?)
• If you notice your subject is highly excited about anything else (prizes, job promotion,
etc…) it may not be a good day to run the test on him/her.
• Sometimes, the system might mistake Lust for Love. Be aware.

7. Reports, the Database, and recorded files

• The reports generated by the system can be logged in the internal database for any further
usage. The database itself can hold up to 100 tests with all their details, including graphs,
notes and issues lists (Graphs and issue lists in the PRO Version Only).
• The tests saved in the report can have "Tags" for easier manipulation and recovery.
• You can have "Tags" per subject, per case, per month or in any way you feel comfortable
organizing your information.
• To save a report, click the "Save Report" button and the "Save Screen" will appear. Type
in your subject's name, add your comments if you so desire, and select a "Tag" from the
list. If you want to start a new "tag" folder, just type the new name into the tag text box.
Click the Internal "Save Test" button. The message "Test File Saved" will scroll on the
bottom message displayer.
• If you used the "Recording Mode" to record the conversation, the system will display a
normal windows™ "Save File" box. Browse to your desired saving destination and
provide the system with a filename. The recorded file will be added to the database under
the tag "RECORDED FILES". To replay it in ex-sense, just double-click it and the
emotion player will be opened.

8. The "Emotion Player™" (PRO Version Only)

The emotion player is a new concept in our line of products. It lets you play a conversation
displaying on-line the excitement, confusion and stress levels in bars. The emotion player doesn't
show any messages and does not perform the calibration process. Just look at the bars, play the
conversation, and feel what your subject feels.
9. Tips and tricks
This one is up to you! Found anything interesting to do with eX-Sense? Care to share it with the
rest of us? We will be happy to post it on our web-site (with your name or incognito as you wish).
Visit to teach and learn tips and tricks! With your help, we can all benefit.

10. General (Yet Important) Note!

We said it before, but it's important to say it again.
As all automated systems are, eX-Sense is not 100% accurate all the time.
Use your common sense together with your eX-Sense to ensure best results!
If something bothers you during a test, check it again! If you keep on getting bothering analysis on
the same issue, we suggest you take extra-measures to make sure this is really the case.
DON'T reach a drastic decision based only on the system’s results, use the results to warn you on
issues yet to be explored, and to assert your primary suspicions.

If you have any question, problem, conflicts - contact us!

We are always happy to assist our customers. Really. You can use your "eX-Sense" to check it up…

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